Transcendent David Chapter 606: Strength

Latest URL: David left before the reception was over because he saw the fat Dreiser look over to him frequently, as if he wanted to come over and talk to him.

Before David hadn’t clarified the relationship between Arthur and Fat Dreiser, he would not deal with Fat Dreiser anymore, it would be too easy to show his feet.

He drove the hover vehicle, heading home on Huayuan Road in Baisheng District.

This distance is a bit far, and you need to cross three districts. Between each district is an area full of trees.

Because the sky was still very bright when he came, and he set off early, first went to the direction of the presidential palace, which seemed to disrupt some people’s plans, but he didn’t run into trouble.

When returning now, David felt the tracking as soon as he left the reception.

To be honest, he doesn’t worry about his safety at all. Now when he doesn’t wear armor, it’s easier to face the extraordinary than before when he wears armor.

Mainly you need to be careful not to reveal your identity. Arthur’s identity is not a soldier, let alone an extraordinary soldier.

So if you run into trouble, you must be 100% eloquent.

There is a forest ahead, and the suspended vehicle needs to pass through a road in the forest.

Because Origin Star has strict regulations, the suspended vehicle can only fly close to the ground, so David can only pass through the woods.

The hovering vehicle was driving on the forest road, and the trees overhead almost completely covered the road.

If it was the first day of impersonating Arthur, David would probably consider whether to turn to avoid trouble.

But now he can’t wait for someone to trouble him because he needs a lot of soul energy.

It’s very difficult to want soul energy in Origin Star, and only use the opportunity of someone to trouble him to kill the opponent.

People like this who dare to do things outside the cities of Origin Star will eliminate hidden dangers in advance, avoid some surveillance, and do so only after making sufficient preparations.

David’s perception was not wrong. Not long after entering the woods, two armored men wearing exoskeleton armor appeared in front of him, blocking the road ahead.

Behind him, a suspended vehicle also got off two soldiers, and four soldiers completely sealed David’s road.

David was a little stunned, and he realized that he was wrong.

Although Chaofan wants his Level 4 equipment, Chaofan doesn’t need to catch him personally. For ordinary people like him who don’t have the slightest combat power, he has sent several soldiers to look at him.

David frowned. Instead of getting off the levitating car, he took out the “Extraordinary Army Spike” and used the “Poison” ability to bless the “Extraordinary Army Spike” with a grade 4 poison.

Then he handed the ‘Extraordinary Army Spear’ to the Shadow Servant and put it into the space ring, a trace of mind entered the Shadow Servant, and the Shadow Servant passed through the floating car.

How fast Shadow Servant is moving, it is difficult for David to say clearly. Shadow Servant’s range of motion is 100 meters around his body.

Since the bald and brawny **** dissipated, the speed of the Shadow Servant did not decrease but increased. It used to be the same as instant movement when returning. Now it can fly in any direction as long as it is within a distance of 100 meters. .

David did not intend to take action by himself, so that even if he is being investigated, he can put the matter off.

He checked the time and contacted Director Bolivar with his identity bracelet.

“Director, I have a project of my own that I want to study, but I don’t know if it can be carried out?” David asked aloud.

Just as David asked a question, a trace of his mind controlled the Shadow Servant, and the Shadow Servant appeared behind an armored soldier, and a silently “extraordinary army thorn” appeared out of thin air, and then stabbed the armored soldier. .

With the real power of Shadow Servant, it is very difficult to use a third-grade army to pierce the second-grade exoskeleton armor of the opener with a hundred kilograms.

But this is not an ordinary third-grade army thorn, but an ‘extraordinary army thorn’, an ‘extraordinary army thorn’ with spatial capabilities.

While the Shadow Servant stabs out with the “Extraordinary Army Spike”, the “Extraordinary Army Spike” disappears when it stabs forward, and then appears behind the soldier.

At this time, the ‘Extraordinary Army Spike’ had its tip under the armorer’s skin. The Shadow Servant used the special space ability of the ‘Extraordinary Army Spike’ to break through the armor’s defense.

Although this kind of damage is not much, it can only make the armor pierce a little skin, but the “Extraordinary Army Spike” has used the “Poison” ability to bless the fourth-level poison.

The soldier’s eyes were confused. Before he fell down, the Shadow Servant had already appeared behind the soldier beside him. It was another’extraordinary army thorn’. The same attack method, although simple, is the most effective. .

The two soldiers on the opposite side could see clearly, with horror on their faces, they turned around and wanted to escape.

But as soon as the two soldiers stepped out, the soldier on the left paused. The’extraordinary army thorn’ had penetrated his skin, and then the’extraordinary army thorn’ disappeared again, but when it appeared, it pierced the right side. The skin of a soldier.

The Shadow Servant collected the four corpses into the space ring, and then appeared beside David again.

At this time, David was still talking to Director Bolivar.

“It cannot exceed five million credit points. If you think about Layard’s results, you will be given three months to complete the research tasks!” Director Bolivar replied in a deep voice.

This is how Director Bolivar looked at Vice Dean Balfour’s face, so that he could be so tolerant.

Know that if the general team leader has his own project that needs to be studied, it needs to be reported first, and then the team leader will conduct a feasibility analysis.

This process normally takes several months, and it is common for some reports to be delayed for a year or a half.

Director Bolivar thought that the person behind David was Deputy Dean Balfour, who was a popular candidate for Dean.

“Of course, I won’t make a joke about my future!” David quickly promised.

This credit point can be taken out by David himself, but it is not a matter of credit point.

Without the approval of Director Bolivar, it would be a violation of discipline for David to use the equipment of the institute to conduct private research, even if it yielded results.

In addition to the use of private credit research, the ownership of the final results, etc. are all major troubles.

“Well, you will submit the report tomorrow, and I will reply immediately!” Director Bolivar said and hung up the identity bracelet.

David’s suspension vehicle only stopped for a short while, and then continued to move forward.

David did not simply report to Director Bolivar. He had a purpose. If someone finds out the time of the disappearance of those people, Director Bolivar can prove that he was talking to him at that time. Did not participate in any other things at all.

As for the research project, David hasn’t thought about it yet.

But he did not promise Bolivar, he was really sure.

This time there was no more trouble. David returned to the villa.

Once he went back to the villa, he didn’t practice for the first time, he just connected the identity bracelet to the light brain.

The good things that Dean Constable left to David are not only material, but also some research results.

Dean Constable had a plan for a long time, so in the next few years, he also made some research results.

It’s just that none of these research results have been released to the public, they are all secretly studied by Dean Constable in private.

The purpose is to use it when pretending to be Arthur, so that Arthur can improve his position in a short time and receive more attention.

This is actually also Dean Constable’s lack of confidence in himself. Although he has the confidence to make his body a super genius, he is still a super genius with the power of the gods’ bones and blood.

But Dean Constable didn’t have much talent in cultivation before, even if he was extremely strong, he couldn’t use it in cultivation, so he became a ‘research master’.

So Dean Constable also has various preparations for the future path, one of which is to study a path.

Watching dozens of research results flashed on the light screen, David couldn’t help but slap Dean Constable’s talent in research.

Even if David has the ability to’research master’, research is not just about ability, imagination and vision are extremely important.

During the days when Constable was the dean, he was able to see many project applications, among which many good projects were rejected because of various reasons.

He selected some very valuable projects for research.

The value of each item of research is unimaginable if it is taken out.

But David doesn’t care about the value of these research results. What he needs is the Flagg Award, and what he needs is a chance to get close to President Louis.

With the ability of the shadow servant today, as long as he can get within 100 meters of President Louis, David is sure to kill President Louis.

“Study on the influence of biomaterial alloys on krypton engine!” David whispered.

When he saw this title, he thought of his first research result, which was also related to biological materials.

It’s just that Dean Constable’s research is more in-depth than his research results, has entered the practical stage, and has a certain effect on the spacecraft.

David opened the content section of the “Research on the Impact of Biomaterial Alloys on Krypton Engines”. This research has the style of Dean Constable, rigorous, detailed, and standardized. From the failed research records, step by step Success, the whole process has detailed data records.

David only needs to conduct experiments step by step according to these data records, and the research results can be produced soon.

Although the effect of this research result on the krypton engine is not obvious, it can also increase the engine power by 2%. This is a qualitative breakthrough in the field of engine materials that is in the bottleneck period.

This research is more about proposing a feasible path and pointing a direction for future researchers.

This kind of programmatic research results will definitely be sensational as long as they are brought out. As long as there have been no extremely significant research results in the past two years, then the Flagg Award will have a high probability of being awarded to him.

Of course, the premise is whether David can complete the project within one month and will report it.

Although the Flagg Award was awarded two months later, the evaluation process started one month earlier.

David thought about it and decided to use this research result to win the Flagg Award.

He made a research project report on the ‘Research on the Influence of Biomaterial Alloys on Krypton Engine’, and he did not wait for the next day before sending it to Director Bolivar.

Director Bolivar also just got home and was about to rest when he received David’s report.

He glanced at the application report sent by David, and thought that David was arrogant. How could David be able to complete such a large project.

Not to mention five million credits, even ten times more is not enough for this project.

We need to know that the research funding invested in engine projects every year is astronomical. Almost all possibilities have been tried to achieve the high efficiency of today’s krypton engine.

However, even though Director Bolivar had some opinions, he still approved David’s application.

David was already practicing at this time, and he did not check Director Bolivar’s reply immediately.

David is not ready to return to the seaside research institute immediately. There are still a few days left in his vacation, and he still spends all of them on cultivation.

Lawson is superbly worshipped by the Federal Intelligence Department. After he learned that Arthur had two pieces of Grade 4 equipment, he used his power to let the Federal Intelligence Department monitor Arthur.

It’s just that Arthur was on a business trip for a while, and even the Federal Intelligence Department couldn’t find out where he went.

This made Lawson the extraordinary to think that Arthur was taken the first step, taking two pieces of Grade 4 equipment and then killing the man.

Awhile ago, Arthur came back, which gave Lawson another chance to be extraordinary.

After waiting for such a long time, Lawson’s extraordinary patience also disappeared. He sent four direct soldiers to capture Arthur for him.

As a result, what Lawson did not expect was that the four soldiers disappeared out of thin air, and the target Arthur returned to the villa as if there was nothing wrong with him.

Using his power, Lawson found out that Arthur was talking with Director Bolivar on the way back. This time was also the time for the four soldiers to capture David in the plan.

“ wants to destroy me!” Lawson Superb did not doubt David, and he never thought that David would be a strong one.

Lawson’s extraordinary is more suspected of extraordinary shots, maybe this extraordinary is Mooney’s extraordinary friend, maybe another competitor, in order to prevent Lawson from being extraordinary, he broke Lawson’s extraordinary plan.

“Can’t wait any longer, you must be one step ahead!” Lawson decided in his supernatural heart.

There are many transcendents who have the same idea as Lawson Transcendent. Every transcendent has its own power. They are using their own methods to try to obtain the fourth-grade equipment in David’s hands through various methods.

It is precisely because of many extraordinary people who are thinking about it at the same time, this has formed a wonderful balance, so that the previous Arthur was not caught.

But because Hayward Superb first broke this balance, although it is not known where Hayward Superb went, Hayward Superb bought the security company that belongs to the security system of David Villa. Many transcendents know.

In order to be able to catch David earlier than others, they all started to move around.

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