Transcendent David Chapter 596: Change soul

The latest website: The Battle Angel is extremely unlucky. If he fell from the rift in space ten thousand years ago, it was not the interstellar federation, but the divine world, perhaps it would be completely different.

Because when the Interstellar Federation discovers unknown existence, the first idea is to research. Technology makes them think that they can explain everything in the world.

Although this is the case most of the time, even if the battle angel’s skeleton cannot be studied, it is considered by the Star Federation to be technologically inadequate.

In the past, if the battle angel skeleton fell in the great world of the gods, it might be worshipped as a miracle. This would give the battle angel a chance to regain some strength and even become a **** in the big world of the gods again. .

Unfortunately, the world has no chance to come back, the battle angel turned into a crystal in David’s soul space.

David looked at the two shiny crystals. He couldn’t even move them, let alone know what they did.

Just as he looked at the two shining crystals, there was a sudden flow of heat in his body, which made him startled.

Because the place where the heat is surging is at the spine where the dark red liquid is injected, this heat flow enters his blood vessels and spreads to his whole body.

David is very familiar with his body, and this heat seems to be affecting his body.

As far as he has no sense of danger, this should be a good influence.

“Time should be enough!” Dean Constable ate the meal hastily, then returned to the operating table without waiting, muttering to himself.

He picked up the white stone again, pierced David’s finger, and smeared blood on the white stone.

This time the white stone lit up with a white light. The white light was extremely weak, but it was indeed bright.

“Although it is only a very weak bloodline, the power of the bloodline is still growing. With bones, the power of the bloodline should exceed the power of Arthur’s bloodline. Arthur is a direct descendant of the Luce family!” Kang Dean Stabble flashed an extremely excited look in his eyes, still muttering to himself.

David doesn’t know who Arthur is, but he knows the power of blood, knowing that this is unique to the gods and the great world, and only those who have the power of blood can become knights.

Is the fluid that Dean Constable injected into his spine just now is the power of blood? But I heard that the power of blood cannot be transferred.

“By the way, I want to record everything here. I may have a brief memory confusion by then!” Dean Constable was still muttering to himself.

He moved quickly on the light curtain, as if recording something.

An hour later, Dean Constable finished his business before looking at David.

“From today on I will abandon the past me, and I will become truly immortal!” Dean Constable’s expression was extremely solemn, as if he were in a ceremony.

There is only the last step left in the dream of a lifetime, and the excitement in his heart can be imagined.

After this last step is over, he will say goodbye to the past and become another person.

Dean Constable was lying on another operating table. He and the operating table under David raised two transparent covers at the same time, covering them.

“Perform the soul conversion process!” Dean Constable said in a deep voice with determination flashing in his eyes.

The soul conversion program is a special program, a confidential research result of the Federal Research Institute, but the soul of ordinary people can’t eat this kind of soul conversion at all. This requires an extremely powerful soul to perform.

No matter how strong the spirit is, a person can only perform the soul conversion process once in his life, and then use the soul conversion program more than once to dissipate the soul.

This confidential research has not been made public, and even the Federal Research Institute knows very few people. This is because once this research is known to the public, the consequences will be very dire.

Whether it is legal or ethical, there are great troubles waiting.

In addition, every time the soul conversion program needs a lot of precious resources, it cannot be promoted at all.

Liquid poured into the transparent covers of the two operating tables, enveloping both David and Dean Constable. The composition of these liquids is extremely complex and the value is incredible. Many of the materials are federally researched. The accumulation of countless years in the courtyard survived.

If this research is not a ready-made result for a long time, Dean Constable would not have the conditions to conduct multiple experiments.

The Federal Research Institute is a gathering place for top talents. Before Dean Constable, there were also many talented researchers and many talented research results.

“Goodbye, my body!” Dean Constable said softly when he saw the blue light shining beside him.

The soul conversion process is a one-time process. After the conversion, the body will die and the soul will enter another body.

The perception of Dean Constable was stretched. He felt like he had passed a long passage before he appeared in front of a huge castle.

“Curious soul space, here is the soul space of David before!” Dean Constable looked at the huge castle in front of him curiously and exclaimed.

As a person with a deep research on spirit, Dean Constable is naturally very familiar with soul space, and he has only heard of this defensive soul space.

“As long as I control this place, I can become the master of this soul space and the master of this body!” Dean Constable walked towards the soul fortress.

He has strong confidence. Although this soul fortress has a strong defensive ability, after losing his wisdom, the defense here has become a display.

It’s just that when Dean Constable approached the Soul Fortress, he saw the bed crossbow on the castle’s defensive wall.

Then he saw a figure coming out. It was an armored figure wearing exoskeleton armor.

“David, why are you here?” Dean Constable immediately recognized David and couldn’t help but exclaim.

The basis for Dean Constable to start the soul conversion process is that David’s intelligence has been eliminated. He is here to receive David’s body and not to fight.

He knows how strong David’s soul is. The eight times the spirit of ordinary people is the strongest federal spirit he knows.

Dean Constable himself only has five times the spirit of ordinary people. This was his pride before, but it was nothing in front of David.

“Dean Constable, you arrested me. Tell me how I am here!” David said with a smile while looking at Dean Constable.

Dean Constable cast himself into the trap, which made David very happy. In this soul space, he has the authority beyond imagination.

This Dean Constable is not the remnants of the two gods just now. He can ravage Dean Constable’s soul any way he wants.

“Aren’t you supposed to lose your mind?” Dean Constable finally struggled in disbelief.

“You can’t imagine my ability, can you tell me the story about Arthur?” David asked with a smile.

The Dean Constable’s face turned pale. He thought of the previous operation. In order to prevent himself from experiencing a brief confusion after using the soul conversion program, he recorded all the precautions, and he can see it as long as he wakes up. .

It’s just that now it all seems to be specially prepared for David.

Dean Constable even thought of the immortal body he had worked so hard to prepare for his whole life, but he gave David for nothing.

He was extremely unwilling, and regrets rolled in his heart.

“I’m going to kill you, it’s mine to kill you!” Dean Constable did not answer David’s question, but screamed frantically towards the castle.

David shook his head, waved his hand, and the thirty bed crossbows beside him fired at the same time.

Dean Constable’s body shook suddenly, and thirty holes appeared in his soul body.

This kind of soul metamorphosis weapon can damage even the remnant souls of gods, not to mention ordinary souls like Dean Constable.

The body of Dean Constable spread out and turned into pure soul energy to fall into the earth and be absorbed by the soul space.

On the operating table, David opened his eyes, and he felt the restraint on his body automatically unravel.

He sat up from the operating table. During this time, he had been paying attention to the robotic arms above his head and found that these robotic arms were not moving.

David came to the light curtain. He just discovered that Dean Constable had recorded a lot of things here, but he didn’t see the content because of the angle.

The work that Dean Constable is preparing to do is recorded on the light curtain:

1. Go to the storage room next to pick up the items you need to take away;

2. The 101st District of the Federal Research Institute will self-destruct in one hour, and get on the micro-aircraft to leave here within one hour.

3. Change your face to that of Arthur, and go to No. 155 Huayuan Road, Baisheng District, Origin Star, and live as Arthur.

Attach Arthur’s identity information;

Arthur Luce, male, 22 years old, is a direct line of the Luce family of God’s Great World. He was sent to the Star Federation by his father due to internal disputes in the family and was adopted by Mooney.

Mooney Transcendent died last year. Arthur inherited Mooney’s Transcendent property and worked at the Third Institute of Origin Star.

Now Arthur is on vacation.

Arthur is withdrawn, likes to be alone, has no friends, and Mooney is superbly his only relative.

What Dean Constable recorded was a memorandum, and there was not much detailed information, but these had already taught David a lot.

He looked at the time on the identity bracelet and checked it with the time on the light curtain. In 55 minutes, the Federal Research Institute 101 District will self-destruct, and he needs to leave here within this time.

David first came to the storage room. As soon as he entered the storage room, he saw his space bag and four space bracers, and he also saw a ring.

He picked up the ring, his blood sent faint fluctuations, and then his spirit sensed a huge space, which was 25 square meters in size and 5 meters high.

This ring seems to have some connection with David’s bloodline, which allows him to open it easily.

This is a space ring belonging to the great world of God. With this blood connection, David guessed that this should be Arthur’s item.

David thought of the description of Arthur in the memo. Arthur is extremely withdrawn. If a person has a unique secret since he was a child and is afraid of being known by others, then he will naturally become a dislike to share with others. People who are lonely.

There is nothing in the space ring, only some books. These books are all recorded using a special encryption method. David can’t see what books they are, but he can be sure that these are books of God’s great world.

David put the space ring on his finger, and he looked at other things.

On the side are a few slender bars with many complicated patterns drawn on them. At first glance, they are items belonging to the great world.

There is a light curtain in front of several slender bars, and a set of instructions are played inside.

David did not hesitate. According to the instructions, he took off the clothes first, and attached a few thin strips to his arms, legs, back and waist. These thin strips are special The metal immediately reacted with the blood in his body after being attached to the body.

The slender strips are connected together, centered on the strip that is slightly thicker like a belt at the waist. The slender strips have a connection with David, just like part of David’s body.

David waved his hand, and the slender arm of his arm gave him an additional strength, giving him the feeling of wearing exoskeleton armor.

Where did David know that the original design source of the federal exoskeleton armor was this set of special strength-lifting devices composed of slender bars.

In order to be able to leave himself physically strong, Dean Constable took this special power-enhancing device from the divine world for a long time.

You must know that although Arthur has the power of blood, he is 100% ordinary. Perhaps because of the power of blood, he is slightly stronger than ordinary people in terms of power and speed, but because he has not cultivated since he was a child. Did not become a knight.

Even Arthur is not as good as a soldier. Before coming to the Federation, his father blocked most of his bloodline power in order to prevent him from growing up. This also made Arthur not How much benefit to get the power of blood.

This special power-lifting device is a treasure of the Federal Research, and only Dean Constable has the authority to take it out, and it cannot be taken out for too long, so it must be returned.

However, Dean Constable did not intend to return it at all. He was about to change his status, and he was worried about this!

David is very satisfied. This special power-enhancing device allows him to have the attack power of the armor without armor. Of course, the defense power is not to be discussed, and it is not much higher than that of ordinary people.

David looked aside again. This is an identity bracelet.

He took off his identity bracelet, put it on, and the identity bracelet lit up, and it was verified quickly.

David opened the identity system and saw that this was Arthur Luce’s identity bracelet, which contained all the information of Arthur Luce.

David couldn’t help but think of the change in Dean Constable’s message. He turned on the camera function of the identity bracelet and projected his figure in front of him. He saw an extremely beautiful The figure is exactly the face of the battle angel.

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