Transcendent David Chapter 593: Change bones

Latest website: David felt fear. He saw Dean Constable’s eyes through the eyes of Shadow Servant. They were a look that only a madman would have.

In addition to madness, Dean Constable’s eyes were more focused. He operated the mechanical arm to cut David’s arm and began this bone replacement operation.

Dean Constable knew that he didn’t have much time. All the bones in this strange skeleton were separated for only ten hours at most. After ten hours, the separated bones, no matter how far away they are, Will pass through the space and regroup under the skull of the skeleton.

So his operation time is only ten hours, ten hours is more than that, but for this huge operation, it is very little time.

Especially during the entire operation, only Dean Constable was operating.

Due to the need for confidentiality, Dean Constable does not even trust his assistants. This is related to the most important research in his life, and it is also a research that cannot be shared with others.

All those who participated in the research thought that Dean Constable was carrying out a life-prolonging research project. No one knew that Dean Constable was just to rebuild an immortal body for himself.

Break the shackles of human life and become the first immortal interstellar federate in history. This is the goal of Dean Constable, and this goal is infinitely close to success.

He studied this for decades, and consumed enough experimental materials to support a large-scale massacre.

Even Dean Constable used the power given to him by President Louis and sent his assistants to collect experimental materials throughout the Federation.

The operation began. What Dean Constable saw through the light curtain was David’s left arm. The incision part of the left arm was enlarged a lot so that he could clearly see the larger blood vessels and nerves.

The robotic arm is holding the most primitive scalpel and scratched from David’s left arm. Because most of the blood vessels are staggered, the amount of blood flowing out is very small.

The Dean Constable is extremely focused, and he doesn’t need to think about preparing anesthesia for David, because in his opinion, David has become a living dead, without wisdom.

David felt powerless, he could only watch Dean Constable operating on his body, but was powerless.

He has strong combat power and many extraordinary talents. He is the “Master of Heavy Axe”, “Master of Epee”, “Master of Sniper”, and possesses the two “Assassin Mantis” and “Sonic Boom Iron Beetle”. Only four-level Zerg.

According to the truth, David’s self-protection is absolutely not a problem.

However, after he was caught in the 101st District of the Federal Research Institute, he could no longer use his extraordinary talents. His body was severely injured and unable to fight, and even the Shadow Servant could no longer move. He was completely restricted.

To be honest, Dean Constable didn’t expect so much. He didn’t know that David would have so many special abilities. He didn’t expect the presence of Shadow Servant, let alone Shadow Servant’s summoning ring and There are also two big killers like the fourth-level zerg in the space ring.

This restriction in District 101 of the Federal Research Institute is the highest research result of the Federal Research Institute. Because of the extremely demanding materials, only a few places in the research institute will use it.

This restriction is a force field that can suppress all extraordinary energies, making it impossible to converge.

This achievement was originally designed to suppress some extraordinary creatures to facilitate the research on extraordinary creatures, and later this result was applied to some special items that could not be controlled.

Just like this skeleton, it must be placed in this force field, otherwise it is prone to accidents.

For example, in the absence of a force field, some weak-willed people approach the skeleton, and they will be irritable and even have the urge to kill people wildly.

Dean Constable took out David’s left arm bone, then took the skeleton’s left arm bone from the operating table on the side, and skillfully placed it in the incision of David’s left arm.

A magical thing happened. The wound that David had originally cut with a scalpel healed quickly after the skeleton’s left arm bone was inserted.

This healing speed is even faster than the recovery speed of using a third-grade healing potion.

Dean Constable didn’t look strange. He had done this step many times.

Without this rapid healing ability, he would not be able to complete the surgery for bone replacement throughout the body.

David’s soul was hiding in Shadow Servant’s body. He also saw the operation. With Shadow Servant’s keen perception, he sensed the surging vitality.

David knew that the skeleton on the operating table was the protagonist in the story of Dean Constable, the skeleton that suddenly appeared when the three worlds met.

This kind of skeletons ten thousand years ago, even if there is no life, still maintains such a strong vitality, even the wound healing is countless times faster.

In fact, David’s body is not just the incision in his arm healed, other injuries in his body are also constantly healed, this is just an arm bone.

Dean Constable continued the operation, and pieces of bone were moved into David’s body.

When he got to the spine, he directly cut off David’s spine and moved the internal spine tissue to the spine of the skeleton. This method should have caused extremely serious consequences.

But when the spine is replaced piece by piece, the internal spine tissue is immediately affected by the life force like the ocean, and it is quickly connected together without any damage.

Eight hours have passed since the operation. Dean Constable is very satisfied with today’s operation. He has performed some extraordinary performances. The next step is the replacement of the skull, which is also the most critical step in the entire operation.

This time Dean Constable did not use traditional surgical methods or even federal medical methods. He took out two ‘magic charms’, which were a set of replacement charms.

The replacement amulet was originally used to repair some special puppet parts. Some parts that cannot be taken out can be replaced forcibly by replacing the amulet.

Because of the preciousness of the’magic amulet’, Dean Constable used to break open the skull of the experimental material to replace it with surgery.

But such operations will more or less damage the most sophisticated human brain, and even the vitality of the skeleton cannot be repaired.

In the past operations, Dean Constable always had the idea of ​​accumulating experience, so he didn’t care about the brain damage of the experimental materials.

But David on the operating table is different. Dean Constable regards David’s body as his future body. How could he damage the brain of this body.

So he took out the precious ‘replacement amulet’. If it’s not that the ‘replacement amulet’ is too precious and the quantity is too scarce, he wants to use the ‘replacement amulet’ for the entire operation.

It’s a pity that the’replacement amulet’ he got is too few. A few of them were used in previous experiments, and the last two in his hand were the last two that he kept for this operation.

Dean Constable put a’replacement amulet’ on the skull of the skeleton left on the operating table, and he made an incision in David’s scalp and placed another’replacement amulet’ ‘Attached to David’s skull.

Dean Constable used the spirit to inspire two’replacement amulets’. In a white light, a skull appeared on the operating table, but the skull of the original skeleton was replaced into David’s head .

The surgery to replace the bones was over, but Dean Constable did not relax. After that, the most important thing was.

None of the previous operations can pass the next test, which is why Dean Constable believes that a strong spirit is needed to survive.

Dean Constable used his robotic arm to inject three potions into David. All three potions are mental potions. The value of each one can buy a fleet of 100 large warships, and It’s still the kind that has no market.

Most of the funding of the Federal Research Institute is spent on this. Without the support of these three medicines, most of the previous experimental materials cannot be supported for ten seconds.

So far, the longest lasting is an extraordinary experiment material, supporting a hundred seconds, and that extraordinary is also a master of weapons, which is why Dean Constable has made it clear that he needs a spiritual super One of the reasons for the strong experimental material.

When the three medicines were injected, Dean Constable watched David’s reaction.

A golden light appeared on David’s body, and the light enveloped his body. David’s soul hiding in Shadow Servant felt an intruder among the soul he had left in his body.

This is a humanoid life with two wings on the back and wearing a golden armor. The reason why it is said to be a humanoid life is because no human being has a pair of white wings, and the rest of this kind of life Humans are no different.

Especially the face of human life, it is a suffocating beauty.

David was handsome, but he couldn’t compare with this kind of life. That is the difference between stone and diamond.

The beauty of human life is more like a handicraft that shouldn’t exist in this world, like a conjugation of all beautiful imaginations in the world.

“Finally found a nice body, but this soul seems a bit weird!” The humanoid life muttered a weird language.

It was only spoken in David’s soul, and the meaning was spread directly to David through the soul.

David can be regarded as a language expert. Whether it is the language of the Interstellar Federation or the language of the gods, he is very proficient, but he can be sure that this is not the language of the two worlds.

Because this pronunciation has a special charm, which is completely different from the civilizations of the two worlds.

David was also surprised when he heard this sentence from the humanoid life. He moved most of the soul fortress into the Shadow Servant body, which would be discovered by the humanoid life.

Just when he was worried, the humanoid life stepped out, and with the help of the connection between David’s stay in his own super small soul fortress and the soul fortress in Shadow Servant, he appeared directly outside of David’s true soul fortress.

“Funny little guy, you actually have a avatar of a deity. Could it be that a deity has fallen and been picked up by you?” The eyes of humanoid life saw the presence of Shadow Servant through the crystal defense outside the soul fortress, and could not help carrying it. Asked in surprise.

David was about to answer, when a figure appeared in front of a humanoid life.

It was a strong bald man in a black robe, and the **** robe couldn’t block the explosive muscles of his body.

“An incarnation of a god!” The humanoid said in a deep voice, and then he said as if he had discovered something: “Not the incarnation of a god, you are actually the main body of the god!”

“Aren’t you also a god’s body? You are so weak, but you don’t seem to be a **** who belongs to the great world. Where are you from?” the bald man asked in a deep voice.

The bald-headed man’s voice was like thunder, which made the soul space a little shaken.

“With each other, you are not much better than me!” The humanoid life glanced at the bald, brawny man and said lightly.

After saying this, the bald-headed man and the humanoid were silent for a while.

They looked at each other with a dangerous breath in their eyes.

One thing is very clear in their hearts, and that is that only one of them can continue to exist. Peace is impossible when they are so weak.

The brawny bald man is a failed god. He was defeated in the long battle of the gods, leaving only a trace of remnant soul lingering.

The ignorant predecessor of David made a mistake in the sacrifice process and mistakenly connected the sacrifice object to the bald-headed man, the **** who was about to dissipate.

For the last hope, the bald man combined himself with the Shadow Servant, signed a contract with David, and restored himself by looking for a large number of souls for him.

It can be said that David is his only hope, which is why when David is in danger of life, the Shadow Servant will be the self-savior. This is what the bald man did.

It’s just that every time I interfere with reality, it will consume a lot of accumulation of the bald man.

But the brawny bald man is still very satisfied with Following David, he absorbed a lot of soul energy through Shadow Servant.

And he only needs to take out one thousandth of the soul energy to David, and leave the rest for himself to restore his strength.

Of course, the one-thousandth soul energy that the bald man gave David is not ordinary soul energy. It is the soul energy that can be directly absorbed after being filtered by the Shadow Servant. This does not violate the contract signed by David.

The bald man will not violate the contract signed with David, because the contract is only useful for non-gods. Once he regains his strength, he is the true god, and the contract will naturally lose its effect.

At that time, he can receive David’s body and make it into his own divine body. Because of the connection of the Shadow Servant contract, David’s body will fit him infinitely, equivalent to his original body.

Originally, if David hadn’t had any accidents, with the help of Shadow Servant, he could have been growing rapidly.

With David’s ability to cause trouble, more and more souls will provide the bald man with the soul energy needed for recovery.

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