Transcendent David Chapter 575: Family

Latest website: In General Longfellow’s office, General Longfellow is sitting on the sofa, listening to his daughter, Mrs. Meredith, reporting recent gains.

After Admiral Lowes was poisoned and died, with the help of Mrs. Meredith, Admiral Longfellow’s power grew rapidly, which made his influence in the army almost reach the top three of the thirteen deputy commanders. .

If it weren’t for General Longfellow’s age, he would have the qualifications to compete for the next Grand Marshal.

However, it was precisely because of the age of General Longfellow that the power in his hands increased, but it did not trigger excessive actions by the remaining deputy commanders.

Of course, some small actions are inevitable, but they are not worth mentioning when compared with the benefits of Admiral Longfellow.

“Father, I’m trying my best to do everything you confessed. When can I do what I asked you to do?” After Mrs. Meredith reported on the gains during this period, she stared at Lang. Admiral Ferro asked.

With the death of Admiral Lowes, there is more hatred in Mrs. Meredith’s heart.

“I have already done what you told me, but I failed once, and I am preparing for the next action. Don’t worry about losing my hand again!” Admiral Longfellow heard Mrs. Meredith’s question, his face Shang couldn’t help feeling embarrassed, he said quickly.

“Father, with your power, it is not easy to solve David, I hope you can pay attention to this matter!” Mrs. Meredith said in a more serious tone.

At this moment, General Longfellow sent a message from his identity bracelet. He opened the message casually, and his expression changed slightly after reading it.

“One of the lieutenants in the Tongtuo Star Territory was hijacked!” Admiral Longfellow said in a deep voice.

“This is the Tongtuo Star Domain where David is?” Mrs. Meredith asked with a tight look.

“Yes!” Admiral Longfellow nodded and turned back. He read the detailed information again.

“David did it?” Mrs. Meredith asked again.

Mrs. Meredith’s revenge is very strong. As long as she hears news about David, she has an urgent need to know.

“No, it was an extraordinary person sent by me, but this is too weird. I remember that Lieutenant General Beaumont was also hijacked, right?” Admiral Longfellow asked after thinking about it.

“Yes, we suspected that David did it at the time, but there was no evidence. All the evidence proves that David was not there, but Roth and I both thought he did it!” Mrs. Meredith replied.

“The same technique, although it was the extraordinary hand, there must be some connection that we don’t know about. In my opinion, it is very likely that David did it. I heard that this extraordinary has fallen into In the hands of David, he was tortured and tortured, probably…” Admiral Longfellow stopped here.

He didn’t want to say that he suspected that the extraordinary spirit could be controlled, that would be terrible.

But Admiral Longfellow was indeed very suspicious of this, because David’s relationship with God’s great world was too close.

“Will the Lieutenant Admiral’s hijacking affect the next action against David?” Mrs. Meredith asked very concerned.

“No, I have done everything I need to do. I will explain to the military headquarters of the Tongtuo Star Territory again. Then you will wait for the good news!” Admiral Longfellow said affirmatively.

At this time, Admiral Longfellow was no longer trying to kill David in order to win over the connections left by Admiral Lowes, but to kill David for his own safety.

Admiral Longfellow now thinks of a series of things that happened next to David recently, and he can’t help but feel surprised.

Admiral Loth arranged for Lieutenant General Beaumont to take action against David, then Lieutenant General Beaumont disappeared, most likely dead, and then Lieutenant General Momin was poisoned to death.

He himself sent ten superhumans to the Tongtuo Star Territory, ten superhumans and nine were killed, one rebel, and Lieutenant General Kenneth who participated in this matter disappeared.

Admiral Longfellow didn’t think much about evidence when he was considering things. As a leader in the military, he knew that a lot of evidence was only for outsiders.

The judgement of the affairs of a big man in the army like him only needs to consider who is the beneficiary of the outcome of the matter, then the greatest possibility is this person.

“I heard that David still has a father, let’s solve it together!” Mrs. Meredith added indifferently.

Admiral Longfellow frowned slightly. He didn’t think there was anything wrong with assassinating a’national soldier’, but he killed David’s father first without being killed, so he would definitely drive David crazy. of.

Even with an identity like Admiral Longfellow, I don’t want to see a ‘sniper master’ who has shown a terrorist sniper ability on the battle star go crazy.

Perhaps David can only have one long-range sniper opportunity against Admiral Longfellow regardless of his own safety, but for a “sniper master” like David, he is protected by his extraordinary attack Before killing, he only needs a sniper bullet to solve him.

“David’s father can’t move first, wait for David to solve his father after his death!” Admiral Longfellow said, shaking his head.

Mrs. Meredith did not speak any more, but her eyes were shining dangerously.

Another half a month has passed, and the planetary defense forces of Bedareya are almost completely shut down. None of the mid- and high-level officers who were taken by the Tung Tau Star Territory military headquarters for investigation have been sent back, and no other officers have been sent over. .

Fortunately, the Star of Bedarea has David, the ‘Federation God of War’, and his reputation alone prevents the nearby aerial thief from coming.

In particular, David killed nine extraordinary people in a row, and his extraordinary deeds spread. It also let the people of the Tongtuo Star Region know how powerful David is.

As always, David got up very early to practice. With the king’s ‘Thunder Crystal’, ‘Earth Vein Tree Leaf’, and sufficient supply of Level 3 fortified meat, he felt that his foundation was getting stronger and stronger.

Although he is still laying the foundation, he is very happy in his heart, because the more this is, the more it shows that his foundation will be more solid.

David knows that the interstellar confederation has a short path to transcendence, and he himself has no ability to severely inflict a training method. He can only continuously strengthen his own foundation, hoping to have a stronger combat power when he becomes transcendence.

So he was not in a hurry, but patiently polished himself, little by little, let his body reach the level of perfection.

At eight o’clock, David finished his morning practice, took a shower and walked out of the room, ready to sit in the office.

When he just stepped out of the room, the ‘Shadow Intelligence System’ on his identity bracelet flashed continuously, and his identity bracelet was also vibrating slightly.

This is the most urgent contact signal of the Kerr Intelligence Organization. He will only be contacted in this way when something major happens.

David returned to the room, closed the door, and then turned on the’Shadow Intelligence System’ in the identity bracelet.

There is a special secure communication channel inside the ‘Shadow Intelligence System’. This encrypted data will never be monitored by others.

“Alva, what happened?” David turned on the contact signal and directly connected to Master Alva’s communication.

“Sir, according to your request, we have been secretly protecting Mr. Hans. Today we found a transport ship marked by the military flying to Perrin. Because the transport ship is of a very special model, we are responsible there. The intelligence agent inquired about the transport ship and found that it was not a transport ship in the theater, so the intelligence agent sent a second-level alert!

A few days ago, a group of military intelligence personnel conducted surveillance not far from Mr. Hans’s house. We thought this was the military’s protection of Mr. Hans, as long as it did not endanger Mr. Hans’s safety. , There is no question, now combined with this transport ship, the intelligence analysis team believes that the level of danger is very high and needs to report to you! “Alva Master Hui reports.

David understands why this intelligence agent issued a second-level alert. The city of Perrin is only a small city. Apart from him and Hans, two ‘national soldiers’, there is nothing that can attract the attention of others.

This kind of transport ship that has the military mark but is not a theater is itself a problem.

Secondary alarm means that there is a certain degree of danger and requires attention.

The Kerr Intelligence Organization has always been secretly protecting the Hans family. If Hans needs to be reminded, some intelligence officers will be exposed.

“Alva, inform my father Hans immediately, and also inform my teacher Galen that he is extraordinary!” David commanded in a deep voice.

“Yes, my lord!” Master Alva responded.

“Report to me as soon as the matter is over!” David finally confessed.

After finishing the call, David stood quietly in the room, his expression was extremely cold, his heart was not as calm as the surface, now he is like a volcano, which will erupt at any time.

If you say who is his biggest inverse scale in the world, then it is Hans.

The family of Hans, Bertha, and Little Edie are sitting at the dining table and having breakfast. Hans has recovered a long time ago. He got up early in the morning to practice. Although he is older, he still hopes Able to restore some combat power.

The doorbell rang at this time, and Hans and Bertha were very surprised that anyone would come to visit this morning.

Hans stood up and went to the door to open it, only to see his neighbor Domit, who had moved here just a few months ago.

“Mr. Domit, is there anything wrong?” Hans asked suspiciously.

“Mr. Hans, I am Mr. David’s person, and I am approaching in danger, you bring your family and follow me!” Domit showed Hans a document certified by David.

Hans glanced at the certification documents. David’s certification was authenticated using an identity bracelet, which cannot be forged in Skynet.

“Okay!” Hans believed David. Although he didn’t understand what happened, his experience in the army made him respond immediately.

He turned around and picked up little Edie, then took Bertha and left.

Domit placed a miniature monitor at the door, and then took the Hans family to his residence next door.

At this moment, a transport ship in the sky was lowering towards Hans’s house.

“Why so fast!” Domit was startled and couldn’t help speeding up his movements.

He took the Hans family into the basement, and then opened a secret door in the basement, which was a reinforced underground passage.

It is not easy to dig such an underground passage in Perrin City. This is a war zone, and the underground is part of the city’s security system.

Hans was surprised when he saw a small high-speed spacecraft parked in the passage.

“Mr. Hans, this spacecraft is traveling along the passage. The entrance is on the outskirts of Perrin. You can wait here for a while. If the situation is not right, you can drive the spacecraft away immediately!” Dormit introduced Hans.

The Hans family hid underground next door, but an extraordinary and twelve soldiers walked off the transport ship.

The twelve soldiers were very professional. They quickly surrounded the house. Among them was a professional ‘electronic countermeasure division’. They used military equipment to easily turn off the security system in the room.

Xiang Hans’ house is specially protected by the military. Skynet has always allocated some resources for monitoring, but this time Skynet seems to have no response. After Jiashi shut down the security system, Skynet did not send out alarm.

That Chaofan didn’t take action. He came here only as a guarantee, and he didn’t need to take action on this kind of trivial matter.

“Go in!” The Captain Armor waved and made a tactical gesture.

Twelve soldiers passed through the two front and rear doors of the room. The doors made of this alloy could not block the weapons of the grade, and they were broken open instantly.

The soldiers were very familiar with the internal structure of the room, and immediately launched a search.

But soon they found that there was no one in the house, and the twelve soldiers returned to the hall, and they knew the mission had failed through gestures, and they exited the room.

“My lord, there is no one in the room, the Hans family has left!” Captain Jia reported to Chao Fan.

“Contact the intelligence team immediately, what are they doing for food!” Chaofan said in a deep voice, extremely angry.

The Captain Armor turned around and started contacting the intelligence team, but the intelligence team’s communications could not be reached.

In a house one hundred and fifty meters away from them, three military intelligence agents are lying in a pool of blood at this time, and a military communication device in front of them is still flashing signals, waiting To answer them.

“My intelligence team has lost contact. Should we evacuate immediately?” Captain Jia reported.

Captain Armor knew exactly what the loss of the intelligence team meant, which meant that their every move had already been discovered.

Know that when they were still on the transport ship, they also contacted the intelligence team, but they couldn’t contact them at this time.

It is impossible for the intelligence team to shut down communications. The communications they use are not ordinary communications equipment. They have various anti-interference capabilities. Unless it is military interference equipment, communications cannot be blocked.

“What to evacuate? You let the’electronic countermeasures division’ invade the Skynet here and find out the previous surveillance signals. I don’t believe they can escape from Pelan City in a short time!” Chaofan waved.

This kind of small town is not a threat to Transcendent. No one can stop him if he wants to leave.

The task this time is very simple, but the rewards are extremely generous. If this has not been completed, he will feel shameless to see his employer.

So he rejected the advice of the Captain, and he would not leave without finding Hans.

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