Transcendent David Chapter 563: Fleet

“Gilmer mineral cargo spacecraft, I will handle it here. Please leave this airspace quickly!” David ordered the heavy transport spacecraft through the channel in a deep voice.

   “Let’s leave now!” It is already very happy that the heavy transport spacecraft can leave safely. They don’t know or don’t want to know what is happening here. The only thing they want is to escape immediately.

   The huge heavy transport spacecraft slowly accelerated and headed away.

  The three frigates wanted to consume the energy shield of the heavy transport spacecraft, and then boarded the spacecraft to carry out looting, otherwise the heavy transport spacecraft would have been destroyed by a few main guns.

   The reason why David let the heavy transport spacecraft leave was that he didn’t want outsiders to see the evil deeds inside the Planetary Defense Forces. This kind of thing can be tried secretly within the military and must not be disclosed to the outside world. This will trigger this airspace. panic.

   waited for the heavy transport spacecraft to disappear, and David let the destroyer approach the main ship of the three frigates.

  He put on the golden exoskeleton armor and carried the ‘deceleration epee’ behind his back. After the destroyer was connected to the main frigate, he walked into the main frigate along the passage.

   David didn’t worry about the soldiers in the **** main ship, as long as there is no powerful transcendence, he is not afraid of close combat at all.

   When he walked into the cockpit wearing golden exoskeleton armor, all the crew members were stunned.

  The army organized and watched the thrilling military parade, and they have seen the powerful figure of the ‘Federal God of War’ in the military parade wearing golden concierge exoskeleton armor.

   There is a golden star on the shoulder of the golden exoskeleton armor, which is the rank of major general.

   Although I don’t know if David is the ‘Federal God of War’, but thinking about a major general who can lock their frigate, it shouldn’t be a fake ‘Federal God of War’.

   “I’m Major General David, the new chief of defense of the planet Bedarea, who is the captain?” David glanced around and asked loudly.

   “I am Major Malcolm, the captain of the Fourth Fleet of the Planetary Defence Force of Bedareya!” Captain Malcolm stood up and saluted David.

   “Major Malcolm, do you know what my first feeling was after seeing you?” David said in a deep voice.

   Captain Malcolm didn’t make a sound, but his eyes kept dodging.

   “I feel disgusting!” David continued, then he looked at the crew around and said loudly, “And you, you make me feel shame!”

   “Commander of Defense, we have not supplied supplies for three months, brothers can’t hold it anymore!” Captain Malcolm said dissatisfied.

  ”There is no supply for three months. This is the reason why you are a thief. If you don’t have any supply, you can request it from the Thongtuo Star Military Department or file a complaint with the Inspectorate. These are the ways you can solve the problem, not Robbery!” David looked at Captain Malcolm coldly and said.

   “Major General David, you are afraid that you have never stayed at the bottom, and you don’t know the situation of the army at the bottom!” Captain Malcolm glanced at David’s rank, and a sneer appeared on his face.

  ”I killed 173 third-level zergs on the battle star, and got the medals of’Silver Star’,’Golden Star’, and’Guo Shi’ by virtue of my military exploits. I really did not live in an army in a peaceful area, you No matter how difficult the conditions here are, it is not as difficult as the battle star, right?” David asked lightly.

   “You are the “Federal God of War”!” At this moment, the first officer on the side could not help but exclaimed.

   I was still skeptical before, as David said his achievements, everyone knew that he could kill one hundred and seventy-three level three Zerg fighters. Only one fighter in the entire Federation could do it. That is the “Federal God of War”.

   “He is not a ‘Federal God of War’, he is just a pretender. Didn’t you see that behind him is a heavy sword, not a heavy axe?” Captain Malcolm shouted with a change of expression.

  At this time, all the crew noticed that David was indeed an epee behind his back, not a heavy axe in the live broadcast.

   “The soldiers surrounded him, we can get out as long as we kill him!” Captain Malcolm shouted.

   Following the call of Captain Malcolm, eighteen soldiers rushed in from outside the cockpit and surrounded David.

  ”You said your record on Battle Stars. I doubt it. If you directly docked the destroyer and came here unsuspecting, either you are extremely confident, or you are arrogant, are you? The child of any big man in the army, but no matter who you are, you will die for our safety!” Captain Malcolm breathed a sigh of relief when he saw David being surrounded.

  ”According to the military regulations, the direct commander has the right to kill on the spot. I have recorded the video as evidence. You can catch it now with your hands!” David glanced at the soldiers beside him Said.

   These are all soldiers in the army, if they can put down their weapons, David won’t embarrass them.

   They were sent to a military court when they were guilty, instead of being slaughtered by him.

   “Kill him!” Captain Malcolm was afraid that these soldiers would be frightened by David, and quickly ordered loudly.

   Just when the eighteen soldiers raised their weapons, David moved.

   The’deceleration epee’ behind him appeared in his hand, and the lavender light peculiar to the fourth grade was beating in his hand. Because it was his first shot after becoming a grandmaster-level epee space cutting, he did not Well controlled.

   The ‘epee space cutting’ practiced frantically recently was activated at the same time as the ‘slow epee’ was swung, and the light purple light swept across the armor.

  Whether it’s a grade warhammer, a grade shield, or other heavy weapons, they can’t stop the grade four’slowing epee’, not to mention the grandmaster grade’epee space cutting’. effect.

   ‘Eepee Space Cutting’ allows David to draw his sword faster, as if there is no air resistance, and most of these soldiers are first-class weapons.

   The huge difference in weapons and the difference in combat power made this battle end from the beginning.

   The strongest fighters here are only the mid-level. The real masters have long been transferred to the battle stars to participate in the battle, and all that can be left are those with poor combat power.

   The lavender light circled, and the cockpit was quiet.

   There was only the sound of blood spurting from the body, and all the eighteen soldiers were cut into two by a rapid sword.

   A ‘Eepee Master’ who is a pinnacle-level armor holding a fourth-level ‘quasi-extraordinary epee’, fighting against a group of inferior fighters. This is not a fair battle.

   All the eighteen soldiers paid the price, and they couldn’t even complete their bodies.

   “Federal God of War!” Someone yelled softly.

   Immediately all the crew understood that the ‘Federal God of War’ was in front of them, and none of them had the slightest idea of ​​resisting.

   Captain Malcolm was also pale, his previous efforts turned into a joke in the face of David’s repressive strength.

  ”Eighteen soldiers in the army died because of your order, Major Malcolm, your crime has increased again. Do you want to take a weapon from the ground, I will give you a glorious death! “David looked at Captain Malcolm and said in a deep voice.

   “I surrender!” Captain Malcolm lost his last strength, and he said in a weak voice.

   David glanced contemptuously at Captain Malcolm, then looked at the rest of the crew. Every crew member he watched bowed their heads and dared not look directly at him.

   “You come with me!” David pointed to the chief lieutenant and ordered.

  The first officer didn’t understand what David asked him to do, and he didn’t dare to refuse. The impact of the eighteen bodies here is too terrifying.

   David took the chief officer back to the cockpit of the destroyer, because there were no extra seats, the chief officer could only stand.

   “Tell me about the situation of the defense forces on the planet Bedareya!” David said in a deep voice.

   “General, what do you want to know about?” The first officer was relieved when he heard David’s question. He could answer this question.

   “Everything you know, say as much as you remember!” David continued.

   “Yes, General!” the chief mate answered, and he continued: “There are currently four fleet formations in the Bedareya Planetary Defense Force, and each fleet is composed of five warships. Except for our fourth fleet formation, the rest The three fleet formations have just been rotated over the past ten days!”

   “Hey, you said that three of the four fleet formations have just been rotated. Did they rotate frequently before?” David immediately discovered the problem and asked.

   “No one before, who would be willing to come to Bedarea to suffer!” The first officer said here that he suddenly realized that the opposite David was just here, and quickly changed his words and said: “Usually, when you come to serve on Bedarea, It’s difficult to move again, until retirement!

   David tapped **** the handle of the chair a few times. He didn’t know if the three fleet formations were transferred by Marshal Andre, or by Marshal Andre’s opponent.

   It seems that working on the planet Bedarea is not as easy as imagined. He needs to be more careful.

   “Tell me, why do you rob?” David asked again.

   When I asked Captain Malcolm before, Captain Malcolm’s answer was not clear. David wanted to know more details.

  ”Three months ago, the defense commander was transferred away. After that, the Benelea planetary defense army no longer had the defense commander, and the military department did not distribute the training resources for the armored soldiers. The soldiers complained a lot, so Captain Malcolm organized several robberies as a training resource for the soldiers, and at the same time issued some credits to the rest of the crew!” the chief officer replied.

  ”What about the other two frigates of the Fourth Fleet?” Only three frigates participated in the robbery this time, so David asked.

   “The captains on the two frigates did not agree with this plan, so they did not participate.” The chief officer replied without concealment.

   David nodded, which shows that the planetary defense forces of Bedareya are not completely rotten.

   “Did the other three fleet formations not participate in the robbery?” David asked.

   “Where they need it, they are a lot higher than us in terms of equipment and supplies. If not, we can hold on for a while, just because we are not convinced, we will come out to rob!” The deputy mentioned that the remaining three fleets were very angry.

   David’s eyes flickered a few times, and he was more suspicious of the three fleets in his heart.

   “Let’s talk about the situation of other forces on the planet Bedareya?” David did not ask about the situation in the army, but asked about other aspects.

   “There are three major minerals on the planet Bedareya, as well as eight small mining companies. Their spacecraft is unarmed, only two or three soldiers escorted them on the spacecraft!” the chief officer replied.

   “You understand clearly!” David heard that this was information for robbery, otherwise he wouldn’t even know the defensive capabilities of the spacecraft.

   In fact, almost all mineral companies will not leave too many soldiers on the cargo spacecraft. The cost of hiring them is too high. In addition, the task of escorting cargo spacecraft is rarely accepted by the soldiers. Whether it is for cost or actual reality, mining companies are not allowed to deploy more combat power on the cargo spacecraft.

   Of course, this is also because this star field is too remote, even the number of aerial thieves is very small, and robberies are rare.

   In addition, the cargo on the cargo spacecraft is so special that it is not easy to get rid of it.

   After understanding the situation of the planet Bedarea in general, David sent the first officer back to the frigate, then used towing beams to pull all three frigates behind the destroyer, and then flew towards the planet Bedarea .

   When this four-ship fleet approached the planet Bedarea, five frigates approached.

   “I am Captain Hausmann of the Third Fleet of the Bedareya Planetary Defense Please show your identity, why do you want to seize my warship?” Captain Hausmann of the Third Fleet I showed my identity through the public channel and asked.

   “This is my identity certificate, I will take over as the chief of defense of the planet Bedarea!” David passed the identity certificate and said.

   “Sorry, sir, I don’t know if you are here!” Captain Hausmann immediately connected the video, and then saluted in the video.

   “Notify the law enforcement team to receive all the crew of these three frigates!” David ordered in a deep voice.

   Captain Hausmann was taken aback, he understood what had happened.

   He also knows some of the military in remote areas that do something extraordinary.

   Especially the Fourth Fleet formation quietly left the planet Bedarea a few days ago. Since there is no defense chief and no one can order Captain Malcolm, the Fourth Fleet formation can only act at will.

   “Yes, sir!” Captain Hausmann replied loudly.

   Captain Hausman’s third fleet is escorting David’s destroyer towards the airport of the defense forces. The airport here is very simple, only able to dock warships, and does not have much defense capabilities.

   It can be seen that the defense forces of the planet Bedareya are indeed not taken seriously.

   Just when David parked the destroyer in the airport, three small white law enforcement spacecraft took over the three frigates, and the law enforcement team took over the rest of the matter. David did not intend to intervene.

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