Transcendent David Chapter 540: Leave

The four transcendents can’t describe their shock at this time. If David took a heavy axe and smashed two’giant clamp flame insects’ to death, he would not have such a shock.


   David is the ‘Master of the Heavy Axe’. If the ‘Giant Pliers Flame Worm’ makes a mistake, it is possible for David to seize the opportunity to kill him with one blow.


   But the situation before him was that David completely relied on the ability of the ‘Master Sniper’ to snipe two ‘Giant Pliers Flame Worm’.


   This one-on-two situation is still a one-on-two situation of ‘Master Sniper’, which completely subverts their perception.


   “I’m sorry, I’m trying a new method of warfare, I will fight without waiting for you to come!” David said quickly apologetically when he saw the four extraordinary people coming over.


   In group battles, certain rules should be followed. David’s behavior of disrupting the rules is indeed wrong.


   “It’s a pity, this horse cannot be mass-produced!” Babington Superbly doesn’t have time to bother about David’s first shot now, he looked straight at the horse and said.


   Sniper on the move. This sniper method liberates the combat mode of the sniper armor from the fixed posture. This is also a problem that has been trying to solve but cannot be solved.


   David is also very helpless, but he knows that the horse has energy that can only be generated by a knight. This kind of energy can only be generated by the blood of the gods. If the Federation can really imitate it, the first one should be similar. Fighters like knights, not horses.


  The bloodline of the gods is a mystery to the federation, and the federation has tried its best to obtain the secrets of the bloodlines from the big world of the gods.


   In the next hunt, David did not show up as before. He was more of a real sniper armor, but in the four extraordinary battles, as long as he sniped, it must be 100% Hit the key.


  After a week of hunting, five people killed the third-level zergs hundreds of kilometers away from the fourth frontline base.


   Finally, when Benton Superb saw a fourth-level Zerg in the picture from the drone, the five people fled back to the defense line in a hurry, and ended their hunting operations for many days.


   Twenty-five third-level zergs were harvested from this hunt. The four extraordinary were very happy, and David was also extremely satisfied.


   For the next two weeks, David stayed at the base headquarters, spending every day in cultivation.


The day before    left, David rode a war horse to the castle of Baron Du Bois. He now has no position in the fourth front base, and he will leave the battle star tomorrow.


   “Master David, you are here!” The butler opened the door for David, and then a knight stepped forward and took the horse.


   “Is Uncle Du Bois here?” David asked the steward who led the way.


   “Master and Master Miller are here!” The butler replied with a smile.


  When I walked to the entrance of the hall, I saw Knight Miller practicing the epee in the square at the entrance, and Baron Du Bois was standing aside and pointing with a stick.


  When he saw David, Baron Du Bois pointed to the place beside him and did not speak.


   David likes the feeling of treating him as a family member. He smiled and came to Baron Du Bois’s side, quietly watching the Miller Knight practice.


   Miller Knight saw that David just wanted to speak, and Baron Du Bois gave him a stick to let him back what he wanted to say. He could only continue to practice.


  When the Miller Knights finished practicing, Baron Du Bois threw the stick aside.


   “Why is David coming here today?” Baron Du Bois asked with a smile.


  ”I’m here to say goodbye to you. Tomorrow I will leave Battle Star to go to military academy. This time I will be away for at least one year. I don’t know if I will be assigned back to Battle Star after graduation one year later! “David said to Baron Du Bois.


   “Study is a good thing, there are a lot of resources here in Battle Star, I believe you will come back in the future!” Baron Du Bois didn’t feel that the separation was imminent, he said with a smile.


   “David, after you leave, I will have no friends on Battle Star!” The Miller Knight said helplessly.


   It’s not that there are no people on the battle star who are similar to the Miller Knight’s age, but the identity of the Miller Knight is here. It is difficult for ordinary people to get along with him on an equal footing. Le knight is a lot better, and it is even more difficult to be friends.


   “As Uncle Du Bois said, I will definitely return to the battle star. Before leaving, I brought you a lot of food!” David took out the space bag and handed it to Miller The knight said.


  Miller Knight’s eyes lit up, he took the space bag, which was released by David, and Miller Knight could see the internal situation.


   Before David came here, he spent a day cooking all the ingredients he brought into dishes, filling the space bag.


   “Brother enough!” Miller Knight said with a smile when he saw so many dishes, no longer what they were before.


  Miller Knight used the spirit to transfer the dishes in the space bag to his own space ring. So many dishes can only be preserved in the space items.


   “The atmosphere on the Zerg side is not right recently. Did you really steal the’Perfect Kryptonite’?” Baron Du Bois suddenly thought of the news he had heard before and quickly asked.


   “I almost never came back!” David nodded.


   “It’s a good time for you to leave the battle star for a year, and it is estimated that the Zerg will probably follow you!” Baron Du Bois said in a deep voice.


   Baron Dubois did not expect that David would really dare to steal the “Perfect Kryptonite”. The map he gave originally wanted David to retreat.


  He has been to a few of these kryptonite mines, knowing how strong the defense is there, and how difficult it is to steal the’Perfect Kryptonite’ from there.


   He thought David would give up his thoughts after seeing the perimeter defense of the Krypton Mine. He didn’t expect David to actually go there, and it seemed that he stole it.


   “I will pay attention, I will leave tomorrow, the Zerg really wants to find me, there is no way!” David smiled and nodded.


   “If there is any trouble, just ask someone to send me a letter. I know you have your own power in the Star Federation. It’s easy to come and send a message!” Baron Du Bois continued.


   The fact that David owns a super-large enterprise is a secret to ordinary people, but to a certain level of people, it is not a secret thing.


   And as David handed over the qualifications to participate in the Gods World Trade Fair to Alto Fund, this almost clarified the relationship between him and Alto Fund.


   Baron Du Bois naturally also knew the news, and this kind of fair transfer qualification needs to be confirmed by him.


   “Thank you Uncle Du Bois!” David said softly, feeling Baron Du Bois caring.


   David stayed in the castle for a day, and did not return to the base headquarters until it got late.


   Approaching ten o’clock in the morning the next day, David wore exoskeleton armor and came out of the headquarters fully equipped.


   The spacecraft that picked him up will arrive outside the headquarters of the Fourth Front Base at ten o’clock on time to pick him up and leave the battle star.


   When David walked out the gate of the base headquarters, he saw soldiers and officers standing neatly outside the headquarters. More than a thousand soldiers waited for him quietly.


  ” Colonel David, on behalf of the Fourth Front Base, I thank you for everything you have done. Your achievements will be the military history of the Fourth Front Base forever, and your name will be inscribed on every soldier of the Fourth Front Base. In his heart!” Babington Superbly wore very formal today. He came to David and said aloud with a military salute.


   Including the other three extraordinary, all more than a thousand soldiers saluted David.


   No one will forget David’s achievements in the fourth front line base. All the soldiers here are beneficiaries. If it weren’t for the defense on the other side, all the soldiers on the defense line would like to come and see him off.


   David stood at attention and returned a military salute. He felt that what he did was what he should do, but the soldiers here gave him such a high honor. He felt that such a farewell ceremony was more impressive than the medals given by the military. He was moved.


   At ten o’clock on time, a spaceship descended. David waved goodbye to the soldiers. He walked up the gangway and waved his hands until he could not see the farewell people.


  Because the battle star can travel to space for a short time every day, the spacecraft immediately increased its engine and flew toward space.


   Through the porthole, David saw the fourth frontline base headquarters getting smaller and smaller. Then he saw the fourth frontline base defense line and saw more areas until he saw the full picture of the battle star.


  The spacecraft that rushed out of the battle star passed through the artificial planetary defense range known as the “Doomsday Defense”. After passing this defense line, David knew that there would be no more danger here.


   There is an area further back from here is an area where wormholes often appear, but there are ten artificial planets here, and no Zerg can approach this area.


   The spaceship is here for the transit Battlestar to put down David. Before getting off the spaceship, David puts the exoskeleton armor away in his hands, and the weapon only wraps an ordinary third-grade heavy axe in a leather case Behind.


   These two items were just for David to pretend, and he put the rest in the space bag.


  The space bag is very convenient, and it also allows David to have space objects that can be clearly shown to people, but whether it can be exposed or not, this space object is really eye-catching.


   Standing in the airport of Battlestar, David opened the identity bracelet, he connected to the Skynet of Battlestar, and inquired about the location of his flagship escort.


   Two soldiers walked past David and quickly saluted him when they saw the “Guo Shi” medal on his chest.


   David responded with a smile. When he left, Babington was extraordinary and told him to wear the “Guo Shi” medal normally. This is a respect for the “Guo Shi” medal and the military.


   Afterwards, on the way David walked, every soldier who saw him stood up and saluted him, and even the civilians paid attention to him.


   This place is close to the battle star, and the importance of the medal is higher than that of other places. David also tirelessly responded.


   Finally, he saw the **** flagship with hull number D1314 at a location in the airport, which was the **** flagship assigned to him.


   David walked to the **** flagship and saw two soldiers standing on the approach bridge. He walked over.


  ” Colonel, entry is forbidden here!” When a soldier saw David, he immediately saluted him.


   “I am David. This warship is assigned to me by the military. This is my authority. If there is no problem, let me go!” David frowned and said.


   David didn’t understand that he was here to receive this flagship escort. How could the two soldiers guarding here not know.


   “I’m sorry, no one is allowed to enter without the captain’s consent!” The soldier refused to view the permission documents presented by David, and said in a deep voice.


   “Then please inform the captain, I want to see him!” David commanded looking at the soldier.


   The soldier obviously wanted to refuse, but David’s aura had a sense of oppression, which made him dare not refuse for a while. He confessed to the soldiers around him and turned to guard the flagship.


   David looked at the direction the soldier was leaving, and his eyes became more confused.


   There is a simpler way for this soldier to notify the captain, as long as he informs it through his identity bracelet.


   But the soldier chose to report verbally, which had to make David think more.


   “Colonel David, D1314 **** flagship Captain Kram to greet you, I am very sorry to keep you waiting!” After David waited for almost ten minutes, a middle-aged soldier in a captain’s uniform left Come over and pay a military salute to David.


   “Captain Kram, I think you should have received a notice, this **** flagship will follow my orders next!” David returned a military salute, without saying anything extra, and said directly.


   “I got the order!” Captain Kram nodded.


   “Then I need to **** the flagship to set sail immediately!” David commanded in a deep voice.


   David does not matter what the problem is with Captain Kram, as long as he can follow the orders.


   “Sorry, the engine of the **** flagship has a problem, and it cannot take off in a short time. Our crew is currently under repair!” Captain Kram said with an apologetic face It’s a bit ugly, and the engine of the **** flagship has a problem. This possibility is extremely low.


   “Take me to see!” David said in a deep voice.


   “Yes, Colonel!” The moment Captain Kram turned his head, his face showed sarcasm.


   But where did he know, his expression was clearly seen by the shadow attendant flying in front.


  Walking into the ship, David found that Captain Kram had a very high control in this warship. He was a colonel, and Captain Kram was just a captain, but every soldier who saw them It only salutes Captain Kram, and then salutes David along the way.


   Even the “Guo Shi” medal did not attract the attention of these crew members. One can imagine the weirdness of this.


   David followed Captain Kram to the engine room, where you can see that the engine has been completely disassembled, and a large number of parts are piled everywhere.


   If David did not have the ability of a ‘spaceship repair master’, he would really be deceived by the sight before him. The engine of the **** flagship was disassembled like this, and it would take at least a week to install it.


   This requires professional debugging to complete, and David did not see professional equipment here.


   That is to say, the engine was deliberately removed by the crew, and some people just wanted to prevent David from using the **** flagship.


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