Transcendent David Chapter 534: Enter

The Shadow Servant was a hundred meters above his head, observing the surrounding environment, while David was wearing a ‘camouflage cloth’ and running fast.

He entered the Zerg occupation area and did not choose to enter from the direction of the fourth frontline base. On the one hand, he did not want to kill the third-level Zerg too much in this area. This time he needed a lot of third-level Zerg blood. .

If you hunt the third-level Zerg in the Zerg-occupied area outside the fourth frontline base, based on his efficiency, it is estimated that it will be difficult to find the third-level Zerg to kill next time you team up with four extraordinary.

On the other hand, if David makes any big moves in the Zerg-occupied area outside the fourth frontline base, he is very worried about whether the fifth-level Zerg ‘Half Spider Queen’ will be suspicious.

Although David also knew that the ‘Queen of Half-length Spider’ would not attach much importance to him, he did not dare to relax.

Shadow Servant’s observation range is very far. David saw a third-level Zerg “Phantom Millipede” eight kilometers away through the eyes of Shadow Servant.

This kind of three-level Zerg acting alone is the best hunting target for David.

Let David’s feet lightly, and walk in the direction of the “Phantom Millipede”.

The ‘Phantom Millipede’ is eating, and looks around from time to time, seemingly alert.

Its food is a small drone. It is estimated that after this small drone was shot down, the energy source in it attracted this ‘phantom millipede’.

The hard drone shell is easily bitten apart under the third-grade teeth of the “Phantom Millipede”, exposing the components inside.

‘Phantom Millipede’ treats the components inside as snacks, and eats bit by bite, and quickly eats the internal energy source. It swallows the energy source directly, closing its eyes seems to be enjoying the energy source The feeling of energy surge.

The food of the Zerg is very mixed, any high-energy substance can be their food, and the ordinary Zerg can use any substance as food.

‘Phantom Millipede’ eats more delicately. Humans or low-level zergs are their normal prey food, and high-energy items like this are tooth-slaying sacrifices.

Just as the “Phantom Millipede” closed its eyes and enjoyed it, a figure suddenly appeared on the ground under it, and that was David.

After David approached the ‘Phantom Millipede’ for 300 meters, he used ‘Sneak Underground’ to enter the ground.

Although he is capable of killing ‘Phantom Millipedes’ face to face, it does not mean that the fighting method is safe.

David’s shortcomings are obvious. The super equipment and various talent abilities allow him to explode the damage of the elementary fourth-level zerg, but his defense is unable to resist even the third-level zerg attack.

So when David is not a last resort, he will not fight face to face with the third-level Zerg.

Of course, if someone is there to help, he can safely use his own advantages to easily kill the third-level Zerg.

But in a single operation like this, underground sneak attacks are the most correct choice.

Use ‘sneak underground’ to come behind the ‘Phantom Millipede’, and then turn on the ‘Spirit Slashing and Heavy Axe Technique’ to connect the spirit line to the body of the ‘Phantom Millipede’.

There is no one around, David can safely use the fifth-grade axe blade.

When the ‘Phantom Millipede’ felt dangerous, a golden axe light swept across, and the head of the ‘Phantom Millipede’ flew up. In the whole process, the ‘Phantom Millipede’ had no chance to fight back.

As soon as the head of the “Phantom Millipede” flew up, David took out the big bucket that had been prepared long ago from the space bag.

He put the vat on the neck of the “Phantom Millipede”, and a large amount of green blood poured into the vat.

This vat was made by David according to the size of the body of the “Assassin Mantis”. It is not possible to fill the vat with the blood of the third-level Zerg.

After bleeding, David decomposed the two fortified meats behind the “Phantom Millipede”, as well as three-level materials such as teeth and claws, and put them away.

Then he used the talent of ‘sneak underground’ to bury the body of the ‘phantom millipede’ underground.

If the corpse of a third-level zerg is thrown here, it may be found wrong by the zerg, but if a third-level zerg disappears, it is difficult to be found by the zerg.

The Shadow Servant lifted off again, and David continued toward the Krypton Mine on the map.

It is a pity for him. If he can own a top-level kryptonite mine of his own, he can use ‘pregnancy’ to cultivate ‘perfect kryptonite’ by himself.

David knows that it is very difficult to do this in the Federation at least. If you use ‘gestnerite’ to affect the krypton mine, it will definitely be seen by the staff in the krypton mine.

Even if these staff are working for him, there is a great possibility that he will speak out about the abnormality, and his “pregnancy spar” may not be guaranteed by then.

Furthermore, I don’t know how long it takes to cultivate ‘perfect grade kryptonite’ with ‘pregnant spar’. It’s better to go to these nine krypton mines to **** it.

The word ‘snatch’ may be wrong. David’s method should be said to be stealing. With his natural ability, it should not be difficult to steal ‘Perfect Kryptonite’.

After a day’s time, David came to the first target, a krypton mine 500 kilometers away from the defense line.

From a distance, he saw a large number of caves on the ground. These caves are familiar to him. They are the nests of the “Ghost Face Spider”.

The nests of these “ghost-faced spiders” surround the valley in the middle. These “ghost-faced spiders” are covered with spider silk around the nest. Anyone who steps on the silk will alarm the “ghost-face spiders”.

There are as many as 10,000 ‘ghost face spiders’ here. Once alarmed, even extraordinary ones will be very troublesome, not to mention that there is a fourth-level zerg mentioned on the Federation map.

David frowned. He didn’t like these ‘ghost face spiders’ that bore holes in the ground. He felt that these ‘ghost face spiders’ had invaded his area.

He used to go wherever he went, as long as he entered the ground, he could act at will, but the scene ahead was complicated. He could only hope that the “ghost face spider” would not deepen the nest ten meters underground.

A group of ‘iron-winged bats’ flew in the sky in the distance, and David immediately lowered his body, allowing the ‘camouflage cloth’ to perfectly hide his figure.

The group of ‘iron-winged bats’ flew over the nest of the ‘ghost-faced spider’, and some of the ‘iron-winged bats’ even landed on the ground to rest.

Just as David thought that these two zergs would fight, who knew the “ghost face spider” was as if no “iron-winged bat insect” was found.

This is absolutely abnormal.’Iron-winged bats’ are extremely exclusive zergs. They will expel other zergs in the territory, and’ghost face spiders’ will not tolerate other zergs standing on their spider silks. .

There is only one possibility. The ‘ghost face spider’ and the ‘iron-winged bat insect’ are a community. Combined with the krypton mine here, it is not difficult to guess that they are all guardians of the krypton mine.

Neither the sky nor the ground could enter quietly. David turned on the’underground sneak’, and then he sank into the ground and went underground.

The Shadow Servant was not above the ground this time, but was exploring the environment ahead for David from the ground.

The’ghost face spider”s nest has a maze-like hole in the ground in front. These’ghost face spider’ nests are all connected, not as simple as on the ground. Underground is a huge project. .

During the investigation of Shadow Servant, the walls of these ‘ghost face spiders’’ nests were covered with spider silk. As long as they touch the walls of these underground nests, they will be spotted by the ‘ghost face spiders’.

Be aware that the walking method of the ‘ghost face spider’ relies on special feet, which is completely different from ordinary contact.

Based on Shadow Attendant’s exploration ahead, David drew a simple underground map on the visor.

He carefully avoided the burrows of the ‘ghost-faced spider’. In these burrows, there are ‘ghost-faced spiders’.

The cave of the “Ghost Face Spider” is very deep, more than ten meters, which makes David have to sneak outside the complicated underground maze.

This complicated environment prevented David from passing quickly. He could only sneak for one minute, then rest and wait for five minutes.

This section of about three kilometers, David spent a full hour.

When he found that there was no complicated underground maze ahead, David knew that he had passed the nest area of ​​the ‘ghost face spider’.

The Shadow Servant then left the ground and returned to the surface.

Sure enough, there are no more holes in the ground in front of him. David saw a large number of ‘burstthrowers’, among them there are many elite-level ‘burstthrowers’.

It is conceivable that once you want to approach here from the air, you will first be attacked by the ‘iron-winged bats’, and then the ‘bursting jet worms’ will concentrate their energy to attack the sky targets.

With so many ‘Burst Throwers’ concentrated attack power, even the extraordinary cannot withstand it.

David didn’t dare to leave the underground at this time. Don’t look at these ‘bursting jetworms’ without melee combat capability, but as long as one kills one, they will explode immediately. Even a secret assassination will alarm the Zerg here.

The helpless David can only continue to sneak underground, but this time he can pass quickly.

Next, David saw that Taniguchi had six ‘Armor-Breaking Beetles’ and six ‘Giant Pincer Flame Worms’, blocking the passage to the valley.

Under the observation of the Shadow Servant, the rest of the places are full of spider silks. I believe those places will be found even if they want to get closer, let alone pass.

David continued to move inward, he was a little curious, this krypton mine will have so many Zerg guardians, how much the Zerg values ​​the “Perfect Kryptonite”.

He mentally felt the big barrel in the space bag. After a distance of 500 kilometers, he killed as many as seven third-level zergs. The blood of these seven third-level zergs was in this big bucket. in.

The corpse of the “Assassin Mantis” soaked in blood, a strange pattern is on the corpse of the “Assassin Mantis”.

Unfortunately, this is in the space bag. David originally thought that the initial treatment of the corpse of the “Assassin Mantis” could be completed in the space bag, but he was wrong. The patterns and blood in the space items were static and did not Take effect.

Shaking his head, David thought that no matter whether he found ‘Perfect Kryptonite’ here, he would need to find a place to take out the vat and let the body of ‘Assassin’s Mantis’ complete the first step.

David sneaked again. The defenses here are indeed very tight, but these defenses are based on visible enemies. Like David, who sneaked into the ground silently, it would be impossible to find.

David entered the valley easily. The valley was very empty, with only a few mine ants working.

Mining ants are only a first-class zerg, and they have no combat effectiveness, but they are the best miners. They can work tirelessly. Food is just useless scraps of minerals.

This is the first time for David to see the top krypton mine of the battle star. The minerals here are completely different from the krypton mine of the ruler.

On the ground in the valley, there are exposed krypton crystal ore everywhere, and there are many top krypton crystals in these krypton crystal ores.

In such a big valley, how many kryptonite can be produced, David was shocked.

The job of the mine ant is to dig out the krypton crystal ore with sufficient energy and send it to a pile.

A reminder came from Shadow Servant. David quickly put his mind into Shadow Servant. Through Shadow Servant’s eyes, he saw a cave at the end of the valley.

David doesn’t think that the ‘perfect grade kryptonite’ will be produced in the open part of this valley. If it is produced here, the fourth-level zerg will stay here.

I didn’t see the fourth-level zerg in the valley, so of course the fourth-level zerg is in the cave ahead.

David continued to ‘sneak underground’. He felt the countless krypton ore around him. Obviously, the krypton ore here had not been mined too much, otherwise there would not be so many krypton ore in the ground.

And the number of mine ants is not large, only some krypton crystal ore with sufficient energy is exposed on the ground.

According to David’s estimation, the reason why the krypton ore here is not widely mined is probably because of the “perfect grade kryptonite”. According to David’s estimation, the “perfect grade kryptonite” was produced. , It is very likely that these krypton crystal ores need to exist.

Otherwise, due to Zerg’s thirst for energy, no matter how large the krypton mine is, it only takes a short time to dig The growth of the zerg needs energy, which is contained in the ordinary krypton mine. Energy is exactly what most Zerg needs.

David continued on, but he stopped when he was 100 meters away from the entrance of the cave.

Because when he approached a hundred meters or so, his head felt dizzy, and the crystal outside the soul fortress seemed to be constantly shaking like an attack.

This is a mental attack, and such a strong mental attack must have been issued by a very powerful fourth-level zerg.

David didn’t expect a stealing operation he thought was simple, but he was blocked when he reached the door.

He didn’t dare to enter by force. Perhaps his soul fortress could withstand mental attacks, but when he really suffered from mental attacks, he couldn’t keep his breath hidden.

In that case, David would face this terrifying fourth-level zerg who can use his spirit to unconsciously attack hundreds of meters in the surrounding area while still in the cave. This type of fourth-level zerg is very difficult to get close to him in his estimation. These four levels of Zerg are almost innately restrained from such an existence.

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