Transcendent David Chapter 522: Charge

“Change the sniper position!” David ordered Lieutenant Mawson beside him.

After David finished speaking, he changed his sniper position to the sniper position next to him. Lieutenant Mawson and the six soldiers helped to transfer the ammunition.

“David, are you okay?” Augustine Chaohuan saw the energy beam coming from a distance below, and he asked concerned in the channel.

“It’s okay, there are more than a thousand’burstthrowers’ gathered at a distance of 8,000 meters. Their threat is not small!” David replied in a deep voice.

“David, I will deal with the situation there!” Babington’s extraordinary voice came from the channel.

In the base headquarters, Babington superbly issued a series of orders.

Two hundred small warships from the rear flew toward the fourth frontline base defense line.

The Gauss cannons above the 30 defensive walls of the fourth frontline base defense line were all fired, and one Gauss shell flew out, all of which were second-grade Gauss shells.

The first thing that the worms rushing into the range of five kilometers is the attack of these second-grade Gauss shells. Whether it is a first-level or a second-grade zerg, as long as it is hit by a Gauss shell, it will immediately be a huge Through the wound.

Even with the powerful vitality of the Zerg, these Zergs that were hit by Gauss’s artillery did not die on the spot and lost their combat effectiveness.

In the worm tide, losing combat power is extremely terrifying. As long as a zerg is hit by a Gauss cannon, when the zerg falls to the ground and struggling, the zerg charging at the rear will be mercilessly from its body After stepping on, the injured body will have no life after experiencing this stepping.

David locked a ‘Phantom Millipede’, and this ‘Phantom Millipede’ moved very quickly in the worm tide. Under the cover of the worm tide, it was quickly approaching the line of defense.

The Shadow Servant in the sky saw a Gauss cannonball shooting in the direction of the “Phantom Millipede”. The target of this Gauss Cannonball was not the “Phantom Millipede”.

The Gauss cannon is actually blocking a distance of 3,000 to 5,000 meters. This area is attacked indiscriminately by all the Gauss cannons.

In the face of worms, the Gauss cannon does not need to be aimed at all, just keep firing.

The Gauss cannonball shoots towards the’Phantom Millipede’, and the’Phantom Millipede’ instinctively evades. Although this Gauss cannonball is only a second grade, it can still cause some damage to the third grade after being fired by the Gauss cannon. The damage is not fatal enough, but the third-level zerg will still be avoided.

Just as the ‘Phantom Millipede’ dodges, David’s ‘Growler Sniper Rifle’ is fired.

Although the perception of the’Phantom Millipede’ is fully activated, there are too many disturbances on this battlefield that affect its judgment.

The number of Gauss shells alone made the ‘Phantom Millipede’ unable to fully perceive it, not to mention that David’s sniping was silent and hard to detect.

The’Phantom Millipede’ in the air can no longer dodge after perceiving the super-large-caliber third-grade sniper bullet with a close range of only 100 meters. In fact, it only came and discovered, even if it was not in the air. It is also difficult to make big dodge moves.

Of course, if it is not in the air, the agile three-level Zerg such as the ‘Phantom Millipede’ may also make some slight dodges to reduce the injuries of being sniped.

But a ‘Master of Sniper’ of David’s level will certainly not leave the ‘Phantom Millipede’ opportunity.

The super-large-caliber third-grade sniper bullet was shot from the right eye of the “Phantom Millipede”, shot through the right eye, penetrated the bones and entered the brain. This injury was fatal.

“Damn!” Just after David’s sniper was over, he immediately felt the danger again.

Shadow Attendant once again found a group of ‘Burst Throwers’ at a distance of eight kilometers in the air, gathering energy again, and was about to attack him.

This is because the Zerg is eyeing David. David was so good before the war started that the Zerg hated him as a ‘sniper master’.

Among the Zerg, the Zerg who has a talent for remote observation, once David sniped, he immediately locked his position.

David once again put down the multiple armor pieces in front of him. Without waiting this time, he immediately changed to another sniper position.

Although the energy beam did not hit David again, such an attack did affect David’s sniper effect. Every time David changed his sniper position, he missed the chance to kill the third-level Zerg.

Once the third-level zerg gets too close, then the opportunity to snipe is lost, and all the pressure is borne by the knights and soldiers.

Just when David just changed a sniper position, he saw two hundred small warships flying in the sky.

“David, help the fleet to clear the flying zerg, the fleet’s goal is’Blasting Thrower’!” Babington’s extraordinary command came from the channel.

“No problem!” David was overjoyed and immediately replied.

The Shadow Servant in the sky shifted the observation range from the ground to the air. The flying zerg among the swarms also discovered the small battleship fleet, and a group of flying zergs flew toward the fleet immediately.

David changed into a super large-caliber second-grade sniper bullet and started a rapid fire.

With a sniper every 0.5 seconds, David will shoot down the slightly stronger second-level flying zerg first. Small battleships also have an autonomous defense system. The dense rapid-fire guns cannot kill the first and second-level flying zergs, but they can be repelled. .

When the small battleship fleet was five kilometers away from the “Blasting Jet Worm”, it launched an attack on the “Blasting Jet Worm”. Hundreds of second-grade Gauss artillery shells shot at the “Blasting Jet Worm”.

The ‘Blasting Thrower’ swarm also shifted its attack target to the more threatening small warship fleet. As the fleet attacked, a large beam of energy shot towards the fleet.

David saw the energy beam through Shadow Servant, but he didn’t even have time to remind him. He could only watch the energy beam hit the first small warship, then penetrated the small warship, and continued to move The second and third warships were destroyed.

One attack by the ‘Blasting Thrower’ swarm caused the loss of three small warships. Of course, the small warship fleet has achieved great results.

The ‘Blasting Thrower’ is not a powerful Zerg, nor does it move fast. At least a hundred ‘Blasting Thrower’ were hit by a second-grade Gauss shell.

Among the ‘bursting throwers’ that were hit, the ‘bursting throwers’ that died on the spot instinctively triggered the bursting energy in the body.

Many of the explosions of ‘Blasting Throwing Worm’ sounded at the same time. Since the ‘Blasting Throwing Worm’ gathered together and concentrated their energy to attack, the distance between them was too close.

The explosion caused by the self-detonation produced a continuous detonation effect. Thousands of ‘bursting jetworms’ hardly had any chance to escape, and all were destroyed in the explosion.

Even the Zergs in the vicinity of the ‘Blasting Thrower’ were affected, and all the Zergs within a few meters of the ‘Blasting Thrower’ were affected by the explosion.

“Mission completed, return!” the commander of the small battleship fleet commanded loudly.

The fleet immediately retreated backwards. It is impossible to turn around at this time. Once it turns, it will expose the fragile rear part to the attack of the flying zerg.

During this period, more than ten small warships were shot down by the Zerg. David’s “Growler Sniper Rifle” fired too slowly and could only help the fleet shoot down a part of the second-level flying Zerg.

When the small battleship fleet retreated to David’s range of 3,000 meters, David immediately changed to the ‘Roarer Sniper Rifle’.

The sniper speed of 0.1 second per time makes the flying zergs chasing the fleet drop continuously in the sky.

The rest of the ‘sniper armor’ can also sniper the flying zerg, and at this time also enter their sniper range.

The fleet of small warships had no losses afterwards, and soon withdrew from the battle.

In order to clear the “Burst Thrower”, the fleet of 200 small warships lost nearly 20 small warships without going deep. This price shocked David.

After seeing this kind of air battle, he understood why there were not many warships over the battle stars before, and they were basically transportation ships.

Using battleships to attack the Zerg has an effect, but the same warships will also produce huge consumption, which is unacceptable to the military.

David changed back to the ‘Growler Sniper Rifle’, and the Shadow Servant in the sky looked for the third-level Zerg again.

After the impact just now, the worm tide has advanced to a range of two kilometers. In this area from two kilometers to five kilometers, Shadow Servant needs to find the third-level zerg from it.

Although Shadow Servant was not good in other aspects, his observation ability was absolutely extremely strong. After just a glance, he found five third-level zergs within the sniper range.

Without the threat of the ‘Blast Jet Worm’ swarm, David has no scruples, and the ‘Growler Sniper Rifle’ fired again.

A ‘Giant Pliers Flame Worm’ that was leaping up was hit in the head and fell to the ground before being trampled on by countless Zerg species.

The’Giant Pliers Flame Insect’ is actually very close to the line of defense. It is located at a distance of 2,300 meters from the line of defense. Just give the’Large Pliers Flame Insect’ a few seconds, it can rush to the line of defense with the infestation before.

A group of knights also found this ‘giant tongs flame worm’. They stimulated their energy and prepared to rush out to meet the ‘giant tongs flame worm’ of the third-level zerg.

Just when they were ready to charge at any time, the ‘Large Pliers Flame Worm’ that they had locked was killed.

This ‘Giant Pliers Flame Worm’ died very crippled. Its strongest is its extraordinary flame ability, but it was killed by a long-range snipe without even a single attack during the war.

The cooperation between David and the Shadow Servant is wonderful. After the ‘Giant Pliers Flame Worm’ was sniped and killed, the actions of the other four third-level zergs were all monitored by Shadow Servant.

When a third-level zerg showed its whereabouts in the action and formed a state of being off the ground, David shot it instantly and killed the third-level zerg in the air.

Only when the third-level zerg is off the ground is the best time to sniper, because at this time the dodge action of the third-level zerg is extremely limited, especially in the battlefield environment, the accuracy of sniping is very high.

The eighteen knights stared at the battlefield blankly, and the energy in their bodies could perceive the existence of the third-level zerg.

But within a short period of time, the breath of the third-level zerg disappeared.

They don’t think that this is the third-level zerg hiding their breath, there is only one possibility, that is, the third-level zerg has been killed.

The eighteen knights couldn’t help thinking of the projection before the war, the terrifying ‘sniper master’ with a sniper distance of five kilometers.

“I didn’t expect the sniper armor to have such terrifying combat power!” a knight said in a deep voice.

“Yes, I didn’t expect a’Master Sniper’ here!” another knight continued.

“This’Master of Sniper’ is Lord David, he is the nephew recognized by Baron Du Bois in the Star Federation, and he has a very good relationship with Knight Miller!” The knight stationed here explained.

“It turned out to be this adult!” A knight nodded in response.

They all spoke in the language of the gods, and the soldiers nearby couldn’t understand it.

No one thought that David would be honored as adults by these knights.

The five third-level zergs have been cleaned up. David has not been able to rest yet, and another third-level zerg has entered the sniper range.

The eighteen knights sensed the breath of the third-level zerg in the front battlefield as soon as they entered about four kilometers, and quickly dissipated.

“Master David helped us kill the third-level zerg, then we might as well rush to kill the worms to relieve the pressure on the Federation armor!” the captain of the knights said loudly.

“Follow the captain’s orders!” The rest of the knights had no objection. This time the cooperative defense between the God-owned Great World and the Federation had been told to cooperate fully before coming.

So these knights did not have the negative attitude they used to, and when David solved the third-level zerg for them, they would also repay.

“The group is on the battlefield!” The Cavaliers shouted.

After that, when the insect tide was 500 meters away from the defense line, the eighteen knights lined up, and the horses under them began to trot.

The horse trot for five meters and it became a medium-speed run. After another ten meters, the horse turned into a high-speed run.

Since there is no third-level zerg ahead, all the third-level zergs have been killed by David, the terrifying ‘sniper master’, so the 18 knights felt extremely relaxed.

“Change the lance, charge!” The captain of the knight replaced the lance in his hand, and shouted at the same time.

The lance is but it is especially suitable for use in the charge, especially for weaker enemies with a large number of enemies, the greater the power of the lance.

The speed of the eighteen knights has risen to the limit, and the white light is beating on them, connecting them together.

At the position of 300 meters, eighteen knights collided with the vanguard of the insects.

The battle formation formed by the knights is like a razor, easily surpassing the vanguard of the insect tide.

These first and second zergs do not have any ability to fight back when facing knights whose average strength is almost the third zerg. The claws of the zergs are not only unable to break the knight’s armor, but even the horse armor of the horse is also powerless. .

The huge impact force constantly tossed the Zerg away. When the warhorse with the strength of the second-level Zerg stepped on the Zerg on the ground, the green worm blood flew everywhere.

“Charge, kill!” Excitement appeared on the knights’ faces. Not all knights have the opportunity to come to the battle star. Most of the knights transferred this time are the first time. Coming to Battle Star, I am very excited about this kind of slaughter battle.

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