Transcendent David Chapter 500: Rebuild

Because he has not yet entered the sniper range, and David, the legendary ‘sniper master’ is on the sidelines, the ten sniper soldiers in this sniper position are all secretly watching David’s sniping process.

It just surprised them that David’s sniping interval was too short, and the sniping every 0.5 seconds made these sniper armor extremely ashamed.

Know that David uses a large-caliber sniper rifle. The recoil of this type of gun is so great that none of these sniper armor can bear it. Without the spiritual guidance skills possessed by the “Master Sniper”, it cannot be eliminated. Such a great recoil.

But it was such a large-caliber sniper rifle, but it was shot by David.

The strongest one of these sniper armors also takes about three seconds between each attack. This is still the most ideal state. Coupled with finding the target, re-aiming and locking, even a ten-second sniper is also very fast. Up.

After understanding the gap between them, some sniper fighters were frustrated, and some sniper fighters set a goal in their hearts. It turns out that sniper fighters can be so powerful.

David didn’t know the idea of ​​sniping the armored soldiers next to him. His sniping was covered by the Gauss cannon and did not attract the attention of the Zerg.

The Zerg is being organized, and a large number of Zergs are gathering.

“Warning, fifty’poisonous powder moths’ are found approaching!” The scanning device inside the defensive wall issued an alarm.

This is also the benefit of the defensive wall. The defensive wall not only provides firepower support for the army, but also has multi-directional support.

The scanning device can find some special zergs. If you don’t be careful, like the ‘poisonous powder moth’, the poisonous powder will make a large number of soldiers lose their combat effectiveness.

“Change all breathing to internal circulation!” Captain McCaulay ordered.

The exoskeleton armor is changed to internal circulation, which can isolate the poisonous powder of the ‘poisonous powder moth’. This is the combat experience.

There are many soldiers who are not accustomed to internal circulation. Although the breathing environment generated by the internal circulation is a simulated real environment, it is not a real environment. Prolonged breathing will have some influence on combat effectiveness. Although these effects are small, they can fight life and death. In the middle of the world, any impact can be fatal.

David spotted the ‘poisonous meal moth’ group earlier than the scanning device. The ‘poisonous meal moth’ came from the Zerg-occupied area.

The Shadow Servant in the sky found them. When the scanning device reminded him, David’s “Growler Sniper Rifle” had fired a super large-caliber second-grade sniper bullet.

The flying speed of the ‘poisonous powder moth’ swarm is not slow, but it hasn’t completely reached the gathering area three kilometers away. The ‘poisonous powder moth’ swarm was all killed by David.

As the’poisonous powder moths’ were all killed, the Zerg seemed to feel that such a gathering had made the long-range attacks on the human side effective, so after a sharp cry, all the gathered Zergs turned towards defense The wall charged.

This seems to have disrupted the Zerg’s plan, making the worms charging up very loose.

Be aware that many Zergs from the Zerg-occupied area are still on the way. The first batch of Zergs that hit the defensive wall is less than 50,000.

With the defensive wall, the Gauss Cannon and David’s long-range large-caliber sniper carried out a preliminary cleanup of the zergs of the 50,000 swarms whose strength exceeds the second level. Then, when the swarms continue to approach, 100 sniper armors The soldiers played their role and began to kill important targets.

It’s just that among these sniper guns, there is a special sound.

David now replaced it with a ‘howler sniper rifle’, sniping at a speed of 0.1 seconds per shot, outputting wildly.

Nearly ten seconds when David just changed his sniper sniper rifle, the ten sniper soldiers who were with him in the sniper position had forgotten their sniping, and they all watched David sniping blankly.

David used the ‘Growler Sniper Rifle’ for ‘Master Sniper’ before. That kind of super-caliber sniper rifle has not been able to make the most intuitive comparison with their own snipers.

But at the moment, the “Roarer Sniper Rifle” used by David is not much different from the sniper rifle they use, although the “Roarer Sniper Rifle” is better in some minor performance.

After the comparison, the real gap between them and David was revealed.

The combined sniper ability of their ten sniper armors is not as good as that of David alone. Perhaps that’s wrong, because even the ten sniper armored men add up to David’s sniper ability.

The sniper effect of David alone is almost the same as the sniper effect of their sniper team.

Nathaniel was extraordinary and did not expect that the hardest line of defense recovery battle would become extremely easy.

The first batch of 50,000 insect swarms hardly affected the speed of the federation soldiers and the defensive wall. David’s sniping almost killed the second-level zergs, and a hundred sniper soldiers lost their targets. Instead, he began to slay the powerful first-level Zerg.

This greatly reduced the pressure on the Federation soldiers. With the shouts of killing, batches of Zerg fell.

“The third-level Zerg’Phantom Millipede’ appeared!” Nathaniel Superbly saw the appearance of’Phantom Millipede’ in the air, and reminded Bartholomew Superbly beside him.

Nathaniel’s extraordinary meaning is to tell Bartholomew that it’s extraordinary, it should be the time for them to dispatch.

As for the six knights, the two extraordinary never expected the six knights to take the initiative.

“Let’s go, we should also take action!” Bartholomew superbly waved the third-grade warhammer in his hand and said loudly.

It’s just that the two extraordinary figures who were about to rush down stopped before moving, because the seemingly powerful “Phantom Millipede” was hit by a sniper bullet, and its head broke and died.

The two supernatural beings don’t have to think about it, you know this is David’s masterpiece.

It is extremely difficult to kill the third-level zerg on the battlefield.

Because the third-level zerg is very sensitive to danger, as long as the sniper rifle is aimed at the third-level zerg, it will trigger the third-level zerg’s induction.

At the speed of the third-level Zerg, as long as it senses the danger of being sniped, it is almost impossible to snipe the third-level Zerg.

If there were no Gauss cannons on the battlefield, and without the assistance of a hundred sniper armor, David would not be so easy to kill the third-level Zerg “Phantom Millipede”.

The Gauss cannon and a hundred sniper soldiers continuously fired bullets, causing the bullets to fly across the entire battlefield. In this environment, snipers that can hide their own murderousness cannot be found by the ‘Phantom Millipede’.

On the battlefield, the chaotic environment is of great help to David’s sniping. This can be known from the fact that David has repeatedly sniped and killed the third-level Zerg when he assisted the defense of the fourth front line base.

The current situation is just a reprint of the previous battle situation.

“It seems that we don’t need to take action!” The two transcendents looked at each other, Nathaniel Transcendent said with a wry smile.

Nathaniel Extraordinary wanted to keep David at this time, but he also understood that this was a delusion. At this moment, he especially admired Babington’s extraordinaryness, with David having a great influence on local wars. The presence of a powerful’sniper master’ can reduce a lot of pressure on the fourth frontline base defense line.

The defensive wall kept moving forward, and the arrival of the Zerg’s follow-up support swarm did not affect the advancement of the entire army, only a pile of corpses was added in front of the defensive wall.

During this period, two third-level zergs appeared, but they just entered the range of five kilometers away from David, they were killed by David.

In this chaotic war environment, David’s sniper ability has increased too much.

The position of the defense line of the third frontline base was quickly reached. At this point, the defensive wall did not advance any further, and Captain McCaulay ordered the federal soldiers to defend in place.

The Zerg did not continue to attack after the second batch of Swarm had no effect. A large number of Zergs retreated and returned to the former Zerg-occupied area.

In fact, the Zerg also understands that this is a dividing line set by the three parties. Although the Zerg can occupy it, the Divine World and the Interstellar Federation will definitely take it back. After the Zerg found that it could not cause much damage to the recovered army, it also Gave up the attack.

The Zerg did not intend to overwhelm too much combat power in this operation. After all, the full-scale war has not yet been fully launched, and it is currently only a consumption stage.

Captain Macaulay looked at the retreating Zerg with a smile on his face.

Captain Macaulay’s pressure is even greater than that of the two extraordinary. He led a thousand veterans and five thousand recruits to participate in the war. Unexpected situations may occur at any time for five thousand recruits.

Until now, when the recovery mission was over, Captain Macaulay was relieved.

Only one defensive wall is obviously not enough, one defensive wall cannot accommodate six thousand Federation soldiers.

A large number of large transport spacecraft flew in, and put down the heavy mobile armored defense engineering vehicles, forming new defensive walls.

There were soldiers from other types of work who followed the large transport spacecraft. These soldiers were responsible for controlling the defensive wall and maintaining the operation of the defensive wall.

In only two hours, 15 defensive walls were rebuilt on the ruins of the third frontline base defense line. The Gauss cannon group ensured that a small number of Zergs could not pose any threat to the defensive wall.

The defense system combined with fifteen defensive walls makes it more difficult for the insect swarm to attack.

“The defensive fortress of God’s Great World has also been destroyed!” David stood beside the two extraordinary, looked at the defensive fortress that was also destroyed by the Zerg and shook his head not far away.

“Their reconstruction work is slower than that of the Federation, but the reconstruction will be completed by tomorrow night at the latest!” Nathaniel said with an extraordinary smile.

The Divine World and the Star Federation are alliances. The reason why six knights came this time was to rebuild the defensive castle.

“Master David, we need to say goodbye to you. Our task is to stay here!” The leading knight came over on a horse and said to David.

“I wish you all the best here!” David said with a smile.

The six knights bowed and saluted David, and then walked towards the ruins of the defensive castle.

David watched the six knights come to the ruins and set up six tents on the spot. It seemed that they would stay there before the defensive fortress was built.

“General Nathaniel, I am going back to the base!” David saw that the third frontline base defense line was set up, and he said goodbye to Nathaniel’s extraordinary.

“Lieutenant Colonel David, thank you for your help. If it weren’t for you, our loss would be huge. I will personally report your achievements to the military!” Nathaniel thanked the extraordinary and solemnly. .

David flew into the air and flew in the direction of the third frontline base headquarters. Now the third frontline base defense line has recovered, and this area has become the rear of the war.

Although there is a certain degree of danger because of being close to the defense line, the degree of danger has been reduced a lot. From time to time, the spacecraft carrying supplies can be seen in the sky.

Babington sits extraordinary in his office, watching the latest report.

After seeing the news that the defense line of the third frontline base had been recovered, he quickly opened the details of the report. He saw David’s record and couldn’t help laughing out loud.

David’s task of assisting in the recovery of the third frontline base was applied by Babington Superb for David. When Babington Superb heard that the military did not agree to immediately issue the’National Soldier’ badge to David, he thought of helping David increased his merits to force the military to change its mind.

Babington Extraordinary has long guessed that David will perform in this mission, but he did not expect such a dazzling performance.

According to the description of the report, David played a decisive role in the recovery mission.

“I want to see if the military can still be stuck with David’s ‘Guardian’ badge!” Babington said with a hint of pride.

Babington Superbly cannot help David in other places. He can only take care of David as far as he can.

During the chat, Babington superbly discovered that David had a special affection for the “Nationalist” badge, which made him think of the idea of ​​helping David get the “Nationalist” badge earlier.

In his opinion, David’s great work this time was enough to make the military department change its mind.

David doesn’t know the reason for this. He participated in the mission of regaining the base, no matter what merits or not, he wants to participate in Like this mission, he has harvested a lot of Zerg souls. It also greatly improved his sniper ability.

When David returned to the dormitory, he immediately invited the Shadow Servant, put his hand on the Shadow Servant’s shoulder, and a burst of soul energy poured into his body.

This time the soul energy is not as majestic as he imagined. He thinks that the number of first-level Zerg souls at least 50,000 or more, plus some second-level Zerg souls, a few third-level Zerg souls, can be Provide him with a lot of soul energy.

But the soul energy actually transferred into the body is extremely limited. When he asked Shadow Servant to turn on the attribute panel, the value on the attribute panel confirmed this.

David’s spirit increased from 8.01 to 8.03. With so many Zerg souls, he only increased his spirit by 0.2 points. He thought it was difficult to improve his spirit before. He didn’t expect that after reaching 8 points, even the third-level Zerg. He couldn’t improve his spirit much.

Because there are a lot of third-level zergs killed this time, he doesn’t know how much spirit a third-level zerg can raise him, but he can be sure that a third-level zerg can no longer improve him by 0.01 points like before. Spirited up!

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