Transcendent David Chapter 491: Resolve

In the headquarters of the Fifth Frontline Base, the two guardians looked at each other, without any hesitation, they rose into the air.

Gordon Superb and Dickenson Superb are staying at the Fifth Front Base Headquarters. They are ready to coexist and die with the Base Headquarters. As long as the three’Big Clamping Flame Worms’ break the energy shield, they will carry The recruits fought desperately with the rest of the combatants in the headquarters.

Before this, they only hoped that the energy shield could support for a while. On the one hand, they could wait for the support of the military, and on the other hand, they could also consume the extraordinary flame energy of the ‘Giant Pliers Flame Worm’.

In fact, before David killed a ‘Giant Pliers Flame Worm’, Gordon’s and Dickinson’s were not much hopeful in their hearts.

The news from the military department is that the rescue of the military department will not come for the time being. Only the headquarters of the fourth frontline base under surveillance will send a ‘sniper master’.

For the “Master of Sniper” named David at the fourth frontline base, the two supernatural beings know a little bit about themselves. Although David has just arrived at the fourth frontline base, his actions have made every soldier All impressed.

Although I have heard a lot of legends about David, I don’t believe that David alone can come to rescue them.

In this situation, the two supernatural beings suddenly saw a’Giant Pliers Flame Worm’ falling to the ground, and the other two’Giant Pliers Flame Worm’ stopped attacking, how could they not understand what happened? .

The two transcendents have only one idea. They can’t let the’Giant Pliers Flame Worm” attack David. David is a “sniper master” and they need to hold the two “Giant Pliers Flame Worm” to exert maximum attack power. .

Just as the two extraordinary soared into the air and flew towards the two ‘Giant Pliers Flame Worm’, the two ‘Giant Pliers Flame Worm’ also discovered David’s location.

This is a kind of instinct. From the position where the “Giant Pliers Flame Worm” was shot on the ground, the other two “Giant Pliers Flame Worm” judged the direction of the sniper. There was no block in that direction. David was lying on the ground like this, and the distance of five kilometers was clearly visible to the sight of the third-level Zerg.

The second super-large caliber grade three sniper bullet was pressed into the bomb bay. David did not snipe the’giant clamp flameworm’ at this time. He has many experience in sniping the grade three zerg. Knowing that when the third-level zerg is prepared, it is impossible to carry out effective sniping.

With the speed of the third-level zerg, it is fully capable of dodge in advance.

So David is also waiting for the opportunity. He saw the two supernatural beings vacated at the headquarters of the fifth frontline base, and waiting for the two superhumans to create opportunities for him.

There is no need to contact at all. It is a rule of the battlefield to create opportunities for ‘sniper master’.

“Block these two ‘Giant Clamping Flame Worms’!” Gorton exclaimed loudly.

Gorton superbly saw the two ‘Giant Pliers Flame Worm’ turning towards the distance, and he knew that the two ‘Giant Pliers Flame Worm’ had discovered David.

Dickenson Superbly held a third-grade warhammer in his hand, his body rotated in the air, and then he threw the third-grade warhammer in his hand, and the third-grade warhammer smashed into a giant tong flame insect’.

There is a soft cord made of unknown material on the handle of the third-grade warhammer. The third-grade warhammer is thrown out. Dickenson’s extraordinary body is like a weightless body, worn by the third-grade warhammer. Speeding up and flew towards the’Giant Clamping Flame Worm’.

It is very dangerous for him to do this. You must know that the extraordinary flames of the ‘Giant Pliers Flame Worm’ also poses a great threat to the ‘Extraordinary Armor’. He gained speed in doing this, but lost his defense.

But in order to stop the ‘Giant Pliers Flame Worm’, Dickenson’s extraordinary ability can only take risks.

Gorton Extraordinary hand is a third-grade spear. He should be better at speed, flying at full strength in the air, only a little slower than Dickenson Extraordinary flying out.

Among the two ‘Giant Clamping Flame Insects’, Dickenson’s extraordinary eye is on the ‘Giant Clamping Flame Insects’ running in front.

The two very intelligent ‘Giant Pliers Flame Insects’ immediately made a division of labor, and the ‘Large Pliers Flame Insects’ who were stared at by Dickenson’s Transcendents turned and faced the two transcendents.

The ‘Giant Pliers Flame Worm’ at the back was under the cover of the ‘Giant Pliers Flame Worm’ in front and continued to rush towards David.

The ‘Giant Pliers Flame Worm’ opened its mouth and sprayed an extraordinary flame toward the two extraordinary.

Seeing that Dickenson’s extraordinary was about to be hit by extraordinary flames, Gorton’s extraordinary third-grade spear twitched on Dickenson’s extraordinary body, causing Dickenson’s extraordinary body to change direction in the air. Just let it pass the extraordinary flame.

Dickinson turned back extraordinary, and with this power, he swung a circle with a third-grade warhammer connected by a soft cord and smashed it at the ‘Giant Pliers Flame Worm’.

The ‘Giant Pliers Flame Worm’ approached Dickenson’s extraordinary forward, and it just avoided the smashing of the third-grade warhammer, and at the same time wanted to spray extraordinary flames again.

At this time, Gorton’s extraordinary attack came, and the third-rank spear quickly pierced out, causing the ‘Giant Clamping Flame Worm’ to evade quickly.

Dickinson Transcendence also retracted the third-grade warhammer, and cooperated with Gorton Transcendence, so that the ‘Giant Pliers Flame Worm’ could not emit extraordinary flames for a while.

But the two supernatural beings were unable to cause damage to the “Giant Pliers Flame Worm” in a short period of time. This “Giant Pliers Flame Worm” is obviously using a swimming method, waiting for another “Giant Pliers Flame Worm” After killing the sniper armor, come and help it.

The two transcendents were anxious, but they couldn’t help it.

“Master David, I’m sorry, but we were not able to stop that ‘Giant Pliers Flame Worm’!” Gordon Chaofan apologized through the public channel.

At this time, David ignored Gordon’s extraordinary words. He was using the scope to lock the ‘Giant Pliers Flame Worm’. Of course, he was not targeting the ‘Giant Pliers Flame Worm’ that came to attack him.

This’Giant Pliers Flame Worm’ is very alert to his sniping, and it is impossible to pose a threat at all. On the contrary, the’Giant Pliers Flame Worm’ who is fighting with two extraordinary wanderings is locked in by David because of his concentrated fighting. .

Only three seconds later, David mastered the fighting law of the “Giant Pliers Flame Worm” and analyzed the possible trajectory of the “Giant Pliers Flame Worm”.

Just when he judged that the “Giant Pliers Flame Worm” had an 80% probability of making the next action, the “Growler Sniper Rifle” was fired.

The super-large-caliber third-grade sniper bullet passed from five kilometers away, passing by the ‘Giant Pliers Flame Worm’ that rushed towards David, and then continued to fly forward.

The’Giant Pliers Flame Worm’ who was fighting with the two transcendents just opened his mouth and wanted to try to spray the transcendent flame again, but this time he hadn’t waited for Gorton to stop it with a third-grade spear, a super large caliber. The third-grade sniper bullet was shot into its mouth first, and the inside of its neck was turned into fragments.

Gorton’s extraordinary third-grade spear stabbed the’Giant Pliers Flame Worm.’ Originally, the’Giant Pliers Flame Worm’ could be avoided, but after being sniped, the spine at the neck was severed and it was lost. Action ability.

“Master David!” Gordon Superb and Dickenson Superb saw the wound on the neck of their opponent’s “Giant Pliers” and exclaimed Qi Qi.

In their view, this is David’s priority sniping and killing this ‘Giant Pliers Flame Worm’ regardless of his own safety, then David himself will be torn apart by another ‘Giant Pliers Flame Worm’.

The two transcendents wanted to chase the last ‘Giant Pliers Flame Insect’, but seeing the figure of the ‘Large Pliers Flame Insect’ going away, they felt a deep weakness.

They don’t believe that David can fight a third-level zerg in close combat. Although it is said that David can hunt a third-level zerg, hunting is completely different from fighting face-to-face.

Hunting can be prepared in advance, and various conveniences can be used to gain an advantage first, but face-to-face fighting is nothing to be false.

However, the two transcendents didn’t stop there, they rose into the air, chasing after the ‘Giant Pliers Flame Worm’ with all their strength, even if it was futile, they had to do their best.

After David sniped the ‘Giant Pliers Flame Worm’ who was fighting with the two extraordinary, he set his sights on the ‘Giant Pliers Flame Worm’ who rushed towards him.

He stood up, retracted the ‘Growler Sniper Rifle’ behind his back, replaced it with a third-grade shield in his left hand and a ‘sharp heavy axe’ in his right.

The figure of the’Giant Pliers Flame Worm” is getting closer, and David can see the cruelty in the eyes of the’Giant Pliers Flame Worm.’

David’s strength is too confusing, and the exposed strength of the pinnacle warrior made the ‘Big Claw Flame Worm’ not feel David’s threat.

So when approaching a certain distance to David, the’Giant Pliers Flame Worm’ surprisingly did not use extraordinary flames. It wanted to torture and kill David. For burning David to death with extraordinary flames, it wanted to use his own hands. Only by tearing it up can the hatred of killing his companion be solved.

David is a little wondering why the ‘Giant Pliers Flame Worm’ does not use extraordinary flames, he is ready to use the ‘sneak underground’ talent.

He is still thousands of meters away from the two supernatural beings. The two superhuman beings can’t fully see the battlefield here. The possibility of David using the’underground sneak’ exposure is very small.

But the ‘Giant Pliers Flame Worm’ doesn’t use extraordinary flames, and David doesn’t need to use ‘Sneak Underground’.

Just when the ‘Giant Pliers Flame Worm’ was 50 meters away from David and it was estimated that it would only take one step to reach David, David opened his mouth and emitted a ‘high frequency sound wave’.

At the same time,’Extreme Speed’,’Physical Enhancement’,’Power Concussion’,’Power Enhancement’ and’Power Overlap’ are all turned on to activate the’Poisonous’ ability, and draw a’Poisonous Pattern’ in’ The sharp and heavy axe’s axe blade is blessed with a four-level supernatural poison.

Just when the ‘Giant Pliers Flame Worm’ was affected by the sudden ‘high-frequency sound wave’, a sense of vertigo occurred. This sense of vertigo just made the ‘Giant Pliers Flame Worm’ stunned for less than half a second.

But the ‘Giant Pliers Flame Worm’ in the charge rushed to David’s body. David turned on the ‘Spirit Slashing and Heavy Axe Technique’, and a spiritual thread was connected to the body of the ‘Giant Pliers Flame Worm’.

David turned on the ‘sharp’ effect on the ‘sharp heavy axe’, and the ‘sharp heavy axe’ slashed against the ‘giant tongs flameworm’.

At the time when David broke out, the ‘Giant Pliers Flame Worm’ was already awake, and the ‘High Frequency Sound Wave’ could only play an unexpected role for the third-level Zerg.

Even in the face of transcendence, the vertigo produced by such a short ‘high frequency sound’ has very limited effects.

But David is different. He doesn’t have the long-term capital to fight the third-level Zerg. What he has is the strongest blow. One blow does not work. He will either run away or die.

The ‘Giant Pliers Flame Worm’ opened its mouth. It has no matter what it is to kill. At this moment it just wants David to die.

Unfortunately, the ‘Giant Pliers Flame Worm’ made a mistake again. The speed of the ‘sharp and heavy axe’ was beyond its expectations, and its power was also beyond its expectations.

When the ‘sharp heavy axe’ was swung along the spiritual line, the speed suddenly doubled, which made it impossible for the ‘big tongs flameworm’ to escape.

However, the ‘Giant Pliers Flame Worm’ is not too worried. A pinnacle armor is armed with a third-level weapon and cannot cause much damage to it. At most, it breaks some defenses and hurts the flesh.

But when the ‘sharp heavy axe’ hit the ‘Giant Clamping Flame Worm’, the ‘Giant Clamping Flame Worm’ realized how wrong its judgment was.

The’sharp heavy axe’ equivalent to the fourth level of’sharpness’. After the effect of’strength enhancement’ and the increase in strength after the acceleration of the mental line, the power of this blow far exceeds the peak armor Taxi.

The’Sharp Heavy Axe’ swept across the neck of the’Giant Pliers Flame Worm’ and successfully cut half of its neck.

The ‘Giant Pliers Flame Worm’ felt the threat of death and wanted to make the final fight to the death, but it felt that the whole body was weak, and the fourth-level extraordinary poison exerted its effect.

The ‘sharp’ effect lasts for two seconds, which is enough time for David to attack again.

After the first attack, David turned his body sideways, and the sharp heavy axe in his hand that had just swept the neck of the Giant Pliers Flame Worm made an arc in the air, and then swept towards the Giant Pliers Flame Worm again ‘The same position at the neck.

This time the head of the ‘Giant Pliers Flame Worm’ was directly cut off, and a small flame was spit out from the head that fell on the This was also the last insistence of the ‘Giant Pliers Flame Worm’.

The Shadow Servant flew forward and absorbed the soul of the’Giant Clamping Flame Worm’.

David didn’t have time to feel the comfort from the Shadow Servant, a “poisoned pattern” appeared in his hand, and the fourth-level poison from the “Giant Pliers Flame Worm” was recovered.

How terrifying these four levels of poison are, it is really unexplainable to be discovered by others.

When the two superhumans came to the scene of the battle, they saw David waiting for them holding the head of the’Giant Pliers Flame Worm’.

“Master David, this is Gordon, thank you for your rescue!” Gordon’s extraordinary posture was very low.

A warrior who can kill the third-level Zerg head-on cannot be regarded as a warrior at all, so Gordon Superb regards David as an existence of the same strength and respects him more than the superb of the same strength.

To tell the truth, if the two of them were extraordinary just now without David’s long-range sniper killing, they would not be able to solve the “Giant Pliers Flame Worm” in a short time.

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