Transcendent David Chapter 451: Daily

Lieutenant David and Mawson followed Captain Macaulay, and the six soldiers of Lieutenant Harcourt also followed David. Although David’s combat power does not require their protection, it is theirs. Responsibility.

“This is the training area, and the largest space in the entire defensive wall. The morning training has just ended, otherwise it will allow you to see the training scene of the brothers!” Captain Macaulay brought David and his party to A relatively large space, he introduced.

It is said that it is the largest space, but in fact it is only ten meters wide and fifty meters long. You must know that the defensive wall is only thirty meters wide. Coupled with the protection of multi-layer defensive armor, it can have ten A meter-wide space is already very difficult.

“Is the space here tight?” David looked at the training area and asked slightly surprised.

“Of course the space is tight. The dormitories here are all twelve people, very crowded, and part of the space is given to the energy system, scanning system and fire control system. There is very little space for living. We are a camp There are five hundred soldiers, two hundred gunners, and three hundred other officers. One thousand brothers live in such a large space!” Captain McCaulay said helplessly.

When David heard the formation of the battle star, he calculated it in his mind.

The defensive wall here alone contains a full thousand soldiers. The length of the defensive wall is only one thousand meters. Without all kinds of facilities, it is really a place for these thousand soldiers to live. small.

Know that the Gauss cannons on the defensive wall alone require a lot of space to accommodate the supporting system.

In addition, David also knows the number of fighters on the fourth frontline base. There are 15 defensive walls, and each defensive wall has 1,000 soldiers, that is, 15,000 soldiers.

Among them, the Jiashi alone has reached 7,500, which is a big number.

This is just a small defensive base. According to the area of ​​the battle star, such a defensive base is only a tiny bit of the huge defense system.

Then David visited the energy zone, the scanning zone and the fire control zone, which were all on the first floor of the defensive wall. Under the leadership of Captain Macaulay, he came to the second floor.

The second floor is a rest area for soldiers. There are dormitories and canteens. Everything you see here is very small.

“Uuuuuuuuuuuuu!” Just as David was visiting, suddenly an alarm sounded from inside the defensive wall.

“Combat siren, Major David, you come with me!” After hearing the sound of the siren, Captain Macaulay no longer had the same politeness as before, but directly greeted him.

Captain Macaulay dashed towards the training area, followed by David and his team.

It was only thirty seconds, and the training room was full of armors. Among these armors, more than 70% were spear armors. Their spears were the same as the three spear armors directly under David. The same as the spear in the hands of the soldier.

“Major David, you and the sniper team, go to the sniper position to prepare, and the rest of the soldiers will go out with me to prepare for battle!” Captain McAuley did not give up command because of David’s high rank, he shouted orders Tao.

This is his battalion. He is responsible for the lives of all soldiers.

David has no objection. In front of Captain Macaulay’s men, David is just a recruit. He hasn’t shown his own worth. It is not a good choice to refute Captain Macaulay.

Except for Lieutenant Mawson, who was David’s adjutant, his weapon was just a long sword, and was not arranged among the combatants, but followed behind David.

The armor team of Lieutenant Harcourt belongs to the battle with all the armor.

“Major, please come with me!” said a sniper soldier with the rank of ensign to David.

Don’t look at this defensive wall with only 500 soldiers, but there are 10 sniper soldiers in it. This ratio surprised David a little.

Be aware that in other places, sniper armor is an extremely rare profession.

Probably because this is the center of the war, a large number of sniper soldiers will be invested here.

“Second Lieutenant, what is your name?” David asked as he followed the ensign.

“My name is Gerard, are you the’Master Sniper’?” Lieutenant Gerard asked as he ran and looked back at the’Growler Sniper Gun’ behind David.

For the sniper armor, this new “Growler Sniper Rifle” is not equipped with the “Master Sniper”, but it is the best sniper rifle in the hearts of all sniper armor.

The ‘Growler Sniper Rifle’ is claimed to be used only by the ‘Master Sniper’, and is also known as the most powerful sniper rifle. Lieutenant Gerard even dreams of owning one.

Now seeing the “Growler Sniper Gun” behind David, he can’t believe his eyes.

Although the battalion commander Captain McCaulay mentioned David’s name before, he didn’t introduce it in detail. The soldiers didn’t know that David was the “Master of Sniper” David.

That’s why Lieutenant Gerard asked questions.

“Yes, get to know, I am David Kerr!” David introduced himself with a smile.

“God, it’s Master David!” Lieutenant Gerard exclaimed, not only he was surprised, but his nine sniper men were as surprised as he was.

The sniper soldier in the army knows the deeds of every’sniper master’, especially David, a’sniper master’ who does not belong to the military, and is only a freshman, David made other A record that the’Master Sniper’ could not achieve.

The sniper is located in the middle of the 20-meter-high defensive wall. If it goes up, it will be affected by the Gauss cannon, and it will be blocked by ground soldiers below it, which will affect the sniper.

Of course, this is only for ordinary sniper fighters. David doesn’t matter, but a better sniper position allows him to shoot more bullets.

Lieutenant Gerard gave up the best sniper position to David. This sniper position in the middle of the defensive wall has always been exclusive to Lieutenant Gerard himself.

Lieutenant Gerard himself chose a sniper position only five meters away from David. This position is close to David, which is more conducive for him to observe David’s snipers.

The sniper position opens a window on the defensive wall, through which you can see the outside situation.

At this time, you can see dense swarms of insects appearing in the distance, and David’s super spirit instantly judged that the number of insects was about 100,000.

One hundred thousand zergs, this scale is definitely a catastrophic wave of worms on Rock Star and its ruler.

“Major, this is just a daily Zerg attack. It used to be once a week. Recently, it has been changed to once a day. It doesn’t matter. The Zerg can’t break through our defenses!” Lieutenant Gerard was afraid that David would be worried. Wei said.

When David heard that this was just a daily zerg attack, he couldn’t help but feel shocked.

In front of the fifteen defensive walls stood armored soldiers. They stood in front of the large shield armored soldiers, and the spear armored soldiers stood behind as the first line of defense.

David couldn’t help but look at the black war fortress in the distance, and found that there was no abnormality there, as if no Zerg came by.

David shook his head and did not go to see the war fortress anymore. Instead, he took out two sets of sniper bullets, one was the second-grade sniper bullet and the other was the third-grade sniper bullet.

He just observed that most of the zergs are first-level zergs, but the number of second-level zergs is at least more than a thousand, and he also saw three third-level zergs.

The second-level zergs are all ‘hard beetles’, and the third-level zerg David saw three ‘Cyclops’.

“It’s a pity!” David whispered to himself.

The single eye of ‘Cyclops’ is a good thing, but here is the army, even if he kills the ‘Cyclops’, its spoils will not be allowed to him.

Unless David does not need the power of any other soldiers to kill the Cyclops by himself, but this is impossible in defense.

If there were no soldiers in front of him, David’s sniper would never be so reassuring.

Even if the three ‘Cyclope Beetles’ have not been killed at this time, David has long regarded the three ‘Cyclope Beetles’ as dead.

This is his current mentality change. After possessing the long-range attack ability of the’Master Sniper’ and the melee ability of the’Grand Axe Master’, he has no shortcomings at all. The sense of fear dropped to a very low level.

This mentality allows David to be more able to exert his combat power. This may be the mentality of the strong.

Before waiting for the sniper armor to take action, the Gauss cannons on the fifteen defensive walls began to attack first.

The sound of huge cannons one after another, sounded continuously.

David can see that every attack of the Gauss Cannon can take away the lives of one or more Zergs. There are too many Zergs. The gunner of the Gauss Cannon can easily hit the Zergs by aiming at a distance.

David judged the distance between the second-level zerg and the third-level zerg, and found that the third-level zerg “Cyclops” all followed the last of the insects.

So he pressed a second-grade sniper bullet into the bomb bay. His “Growler sniper rifle” has an effective range of 5,000 meters, which is farther than the custom super-caliber sniper rifle used before, so he Attacked first before all the sniper soldiers attacked.

Seeing David started the sniper, Lieutenant Gerard immediately used his sight to find the target of David’s sniper.

A’hard beetle rock worm’ was running, and suddenly a blood hole appeared in the middle of its head. The second-grade sniper bullet penetrated into its head and rolled in its brain, completely destroying it. Brain.

The’hard beetle rock worm’ fell to the ground and was stepped through by countless Zerg.

David felt the recoil of the ‘Growler’s sniper rifle’. He was very satisfied with this sniper rifle. At a distance of five kilometers, its accuracy was far beyond the previous sniper rifle used.

His hand grabbed a second-grade sniper bullet box on the side, a second-grade sniper bullet was picked up by him, then he pulled the bolt, the shell of the previous sniper bullet flew out, and he took the new A second-grade sniper bullet is pressed in.

The whole process took exactly one second, and during this process David just dissipated the recoil of the sniper to the defensive wall below him, and re-targeted.

As soon as the second-grade sniper bullet entered, he fired it again.

Lieutenant Gerard felt that his eyes were not enough. He saw the whole process of David changing sniper bullets. To be honest, the process of David changing sniper bullets was not fast, but it was as easy as flowing water.

However, Lieutenant Gerard, who is also a sniper soldier, knew that David’s purpose was to maintain a rhythm. The once-a-second sniper was the maximum firing speed of the Growler Sniper. David’s reload only To ensure this premise, there is no need to accelerate.

What Lieutenant Gerard wants to know is the accuracy of David’s second sniper. You must know that the second sniper is different from the first sniper. At a distance of five kilometers, the target is running fast. in.

The aiming time is less than one second. During this period, the bombs need to be retracted. It can be said that sniping is very difficult.

There was no accident. Another ‘hard beetle rock worm’ that entered five kilometers fell and was shot in the same center of the head, killing him with one blow.

After that, David maintained the speed of one shot per second. After killing twelve’hard beetles’ in a row, his hand was caught in a third-class sniper bullet, followed by a third-class The sniper bullet was held in his hand and pressed into the bomb bay.

At this time, the rest of the sniper armor began to sniper, and their targets were all the second-level Zerg ‘Sturdy Rockworm’.

This is also the meaning of the existence of sniper armor. Don’t look at the number of “hard beetle rock insects” reaching 1,000, it sounds terrible.

But after a batch of Gauss cannons were harvested first, and after several rounds of sniping by 150 sniper soldiers on 15 defensive walls, the number of’hard beetles’ became more than 100 only.

With the sniper armor in the war, the battle became relatively simple.

David found that the layout of the fifteen defensive walls is very particular. After rigorously calculating the positions, the Gauss cannon on the top of the defensive wall and the sniper position in the middle can get the most effective attack vision, and the range is also different from each other. Not big.

The “Cyclops” finally entered a distance of five However, David didn’t immediately snipe it, but moved it closer.

When the distance of four kilometers, David locked a’Cyclops’. Because of the hidden breath and killing intent of the’Master Sniper’, this’Cyclops’ didn’t feel it at all. Danger.

Without hesitation, David fired the’Growler Sniper Rifle’, and with the shock of the gun body, the third grade sniper bullet flew towards the’Cyclops’.

David’s aim this time was not aimed at the center of the head of the ‘Cyclops’, because there was the single eye of the ‘Cyclops’.

Although the single eye of ‘Cyclops’ was retained and would not be assigned to him, he still subconsciously wanted to keep important materials.

The third-grade sniper bullet flew over a distance of four kilometers. When the’Cyclops’ found danger, the third-grade sniper bullet was not far from the huge mouth of the’Cyclops’, now’ The Cyclops’ screams.

The third-grade sniper bullet entered from the mouth of the ‘Cyclops’, first cutting off its respiratory system, then the spine, and the ‘Cyclops’ crashing to the ground.

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