Transcendent David Chapter 444: The situation

David is holding a third-grade epee in his hand and is practicing in one style. There is an additional “Knight’s Cross Slash (99% perfect combat skill)” in his attribute panel, but every time he practiced Will bring some insights.

‘Knight’s Cross Slash’ is a set of combat skills completely different from the skills of the Interstellar Federation, and this difference lies in a different concept.

The Interstellar Federation focuses on the mastery of weapons, so no matter which technique is used, various methods are used to improve the mastery of weapons.

But’Knight’s Cross Slash’ is a set of fighting skills. It does not require the user to have a strong’epee master’ ability, but solidifies the use of the epee into the’Knight’s Cross Slash’. , Make it into the body’s instinct through constant practice.

When fighting the enemy, the “Knight’s Cross Slash” will instinctively call the most appropriate response method in the “Knight’s Cross Slash” according to the different situations of the battle.

Of course, for David, who has practiced many weapons to the master level, and even the “heavy axe mastery” has reached the master level, when looking at the fighting skills of two different concepts, there is a feeling of reaching the same goal.

This “Knight’s Cross Slash” combat skill allows David to exert the maximum effect of the three-level epee “Sharp Epee”.

In fact, when David saw the’Knight’s Cross Slash’ combat skill that reached 99% of the Consummation level, he was very fortunate, because in the process of assassinating Hess, he only had to give Hess a little extra. Chances are, it will be him who will fall, not Hess.

Unfortunately, this “Knight’s Cross Slash” only reached the master level, and its effect is still not enough to compare with the “Grand Axe Master”.

David called in the Shadow Servant, put away the third-grade epee, and then walked aside and used the steam bath to clean his body.

This is the training room on the Hess. There are currently only twelve crew members. They are still transferred from the Razer Modified Ship. The Razer Modified Ship is parked on the Hess aircraft. In the library.

Now David no longer lives in the dormitory, but moved to the Hayes. The conditions here are better and safer, without being disturbed by others.

Captain Hope has been very busy lately. He needs to master all the functions of the Hayes, and also needs to recruit some crew members. With their twelve crew members, he can drive this warship, but he wants to make the large warship fully operational. , You need more staff.

However, Captain Hope was obviously very happy to do this. The Hayes was much larger than the previous ‘Razer Modified Ship’, and the comparison of the combat power between the two was much different.

Any captain yearns for a better spacecraft, not to mention that the original spacecraft has not been abandoned, just parked there and can visit at any time.

But no matter how busy he is, as long as David is there, Captain Hope will wait outside the door, waiting to serve David.

When David walked out of the training room, Captain Hope was standing at the door.

“My lord, Kenny has sent a message, please go to his office!” Captain Hope reported to David.

David cannot be interrupted during training, so some information about contacting David will be automatically transferred to Captain Hope, and Captain Hope will handle it. If Captain Hope cannot handle it, it will be reported to David.

“Understood, how about the recruitment?” David nodded to show that he knew, and asked again.

“Fortunately, the original staff of the Hayes, after investigation by the academy, I chose some credible staff to stay. These people are all experienced, and the Hayes will soon be able to operate normally. !” Captain Hope replied with a smile.

“Thanks for your hard work!” David affirmed Captain Hope’s job.

Getting off the Hayes, David immediately came to Kenny’s extraordinary office.

As soon as I entered the office, I saw that all the three extraordinary from the college base were there, and the Brennan Intelligence Officer from the college base was also there.

“Hello everyone, what’s the matter?” David greeted with a smile as he walked into the office.

“David, the college decided to send back some of the weaker students!” Kenny Chaofan reluctantly smiled and said in a deep voice.

“Why do you want to do this?” David was really surprised. There had been so many things before, and the college did not decide to send the students back to the peaceful area.

Now I want to send the weaker students back. This must have happened.

“This is an image from the Third Space Fleet. Take a look first!” Kenny waved his extraordinary hand and a light curtain appeared, and he said while operating.

Then an image appeared on the light curtain. The Third Space Fleet was a huge fleet of defensive battle stars leading to the guardian starry sky. In the picture was the third space fleet that David had seen.

The screen turns to the front of the Third Space Fleet, which is the blocked airspace.

First, a wormhole appeared, and dozens of second-level zergs and a few third-level zergs emerged from the wormhole. If a Zerg of this size appeared on the planet, it would be extremely scary.

But in front of the Third Space Fleet, it was only weak enough to be a threat.

Under a round of main artillery bombardment, these zergs were completely wiped out as soon as they emerged from the wormhole.

David glanced at Kenny Extraordinarily in a strange way. He didn’t understand what was to be seen in such an image. He saw a fourth-level zerg coming out of the wormhole. The three space fleets were killed.

“Let’s watch!” Kenny Superman didn’t explain much.

The Zerg in the first wormhole was killed. When the wormhole disappeared, a second wormhole and a third wormhole appeared.

After that, more and more wormholes appeared, and the number of Zerg appeared significantly increased.

These wormholes are irregularly distributed in front of the Third Space Fleet, so the Third Space Fleet has to separate the firepower and block these wormholes separately.

Another batch of wormholes appeared. In one of the wormholes, a zerg with black armor appeared. As soon as it appeared, it howled in the direction of the Third Space Fleet.

In space, a ripple visible to the naked eye came out from the mouth of the black armored Zerg, rushing towards the Third Space Fleet.

At the same time, many second-level zergs emerged from the wormhole. They crazily blocked the black armored zerg, blocking their attacks with their bodies.

Multiple main artillery attacks, after passing through the second-level Zerg’s death block, even if the remaining power hits the black armor of the black armored Zerg, it can’t cause any damage to this black armored Zerg.

David saw that this black armored Zerg was a fourth-level Zerg, and it was also a fourth-level Zerg with special abilities.

The most terrifying among the zergs is not the zergs with sharp claws and teeth, but those with special abilities, because the zergs with special abilities are more weird and elusive.

However, the power used by this black armor Zerg, David, can be seen, which is very similar to his ‘high frequency sound wave’.

Of course, David’s “High Frequency Sonic Wave” and the sonic attack performed by this fourth-level Zerg are not at the same level. David’s “High Frequency Sonic Wave” can only cause stun effects to the strong at the same level. The higher the strength The worse the effect.

But this black armor fourth-level Zerg has used its sonic ability against a huge fleet. With the resistance of those second-level Zergs, and because a large number of wormholes appeared, the firepower of the third space fleet was dispersed, making black The Armor Level 4 Zerg successfully displayed its sonic ability.

Sonic waves swept through the forefront warships of the Third Space Fleet. These warships that can be placed in the forefront are the most defensive ships. Coupled with energy shields, they can completely block the third-level Zerg attacks. .

But the sonic attack of the black armor fourth-level Zerg is very overbearing. Sonic ignores the energy shield and the solid armor of the battleship, and directly penetrates these into the battleship.

The crew of the battleship all wore protective helmets on their heads, but when the sound waves passed by, they had no effect. All of them had bloodshot eyes and blood spurted from their ears and mouths.

In the body of the crew members, various organs were severely damaged. Two seconds later, all crew members on a battleship died.

Only the remaining battleship remained hovering and became a ghost ship.

One ship, two ships, ten ships, twenty ships, David looked at the warships that were still attacking, and stopped one by one. The screen continued to switch to the interior of these warships, and a crew member fell down. I did not get up again.

Some wormholes appeared again, from which the ‘Titan Black Beetle’ appeared, and six at once.

In front of these ‘Titan Black Beetles’ were also a group of second and third tier zergs who resisted the attack. Soon the ‘Titan Black Beetles’ entered the forefront formation of the Third Space Fleet.

‘Titan Black Beetle’ rushed into the battleship group, constantly hitting warships with its body, and there were also many attacks on the body of the’Titan Black Beetle’, causing the body of the’Titan Black Beetle’ to appear wound.

Just because the ‘Titan Black Beetle’ entered the battleship group, some powerful main guns had scruples when attacking.

At this moment, four super huge ‘aircraft carriers’ appeared behind the Third Space Fleet, and the four super star destroyers, which claim to be capable of destroying everything, were aimed at the ‘Titan Black Beetle’.

Then four terrifying lights of destruction rushed to the’Titan Black Beetle’, six’Titan Black Beetles’ including a large number of second and third rank Zergs, and some warships of the Third Space Fleet disappeared in this blow not see.

Even the fourth-level zerg with black armor that was far away was not spared. Even the wormholes were affected by the shock of terrifying energy, and they dissipated into space one by one.

David looked at the whole process of the war with some speechlessness. This time the war between the Zerg and the space fleet, in the short period of time, the loss was huge.

On the Zerg side, there are seven fourth-level zergs, as well as a large number of second and third-level zergs. On the Star Federation side, more than 100 warships have been destroyed, and there are probably tens of thousands of dead soldiers.

The reason why the last four ‘aircraft carriers’ were able to successfully kill all the Zergs was because the warships in front desperately dragged down the fourth zergs, which gave the ‘aircraft carriers’ time to recharge the super star destroyer.

“David, you have studied history, do you still remember what this Zerg behavior means?” Kenny Superb looked at David and asked.

David recalled the history he had learned. His grades were very good. As long as he wants to remember some knowledge, he can immediately remember it.

It’s just that he recalled related events in history, and the look on his face couldn’t help but look hard.

“Doesn’t the Zerg’s official attack mean that it will be nearly a year away?” David asked incredulously.

According to the picture in the video, the state of the Zerg is the state before the official attack. The Zerg will continue to increase the pressure on the blockade fleet, open the blockade of the Third Space Fleet, and send a part of the Zerg to destroy the remaining planets in the war zone.

There are high-level intelligent commanders among the Zerg. Their plan is to confuse the entire theater and cut off the support of the battle star, even if it can’t be cut off, try to reduce the support of the battle star from the rear.

“From the news from the military, it is very likely that something went wrong on the Zerg side, which requires a large amount of Zerg’s life, so the Zerg’s attack has been advanced!” Kenny Chaofan explained.

According to the research of researchers, the reason why the Zerg will conduct a full-scale attack every few decades is to consume too many Zerg.

As long as the Zerg grows with energy, it can quickly become insects, and it can be maintained forever with a small amount of energy, so the Zerg can increase the number of fighting Zergs in this way.

This accumulation process will become saturated every once in a while, or even go too far. At this time, the Zerg will send out most of the Zerg who cannot get energy supply as the main force in the war.

This kind of war is to get more energy, and more energy can cultivate more Zerg. This is a cyclical process.

“Why don’t the senior students return to the college? This kind of war is too dangerous for them to participate!” David knew what was going to happen and couldn’t help but ask.

Although senior student soldiers also have some role in guarding the But what really plays a role is the extraordinary and defensive weapons, even when danger comes, it can be like the Kador Academy base. Use the shrinking base directly to protect important krypton mines, portals, intelligent systems, etc.

Doing so will cost the college a lot, but it is more cost-effective than losing a large number of elite students.

“The military is discussing it, maybe the war mobilization will start in three days, and these students will enter the army!” Kenny said in a deep voice.

“The war is mobilized!” David was also taken aback by Kenny’s extraordinary words.

‘War General Mobilization’ is an emergency conscription operation of the Star Federation. All qualified personnel must respond to the call of the Federation and enter the army.

Once the “War General Mobilization” is released, like senior students, those who meet certain conditions under the age of 40, and soldiers who have not been in the army for more than 20 years will be forcibly called into the army.

This is a national war, but David didn’t expect it would start so soon.

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