Transcendent David Chapter 442: Back

The’Supernatural Army Spike’ pierced into the back of Heath’s supernatural head, and the’supernatural armor’ that was still covering his body ceased to be covered, and just stopped in a half-armored state.

In this assassination, David used almost all his abilities.

Hess is extraordinary and powerful, and there is no time to show it. Even in the process of assassination, Hess is extraordinary and his soul has not stabilized.

This is also the reason why, as an extraordinary, he didn’t even put on the’extraordinary armor’ in time when he was attacked.

David’s “spiritual piercing” is a direct attack on the soul, and the “high-frequency sound wave” is vertigo. The combination of the two gives David enough time.

In addition, Hess was superbly wounded, and in his own camp, he thought that there was no problem with safety, so he relaxed his vigilance and allowed David to succeed.

Of course, the most important reason for this is the horror of the “Extraordinary Army Spike”. As long as the skin is broken, a fist-sized rock will form under the skin.

Fist-sized rocks are extremely harmful to the human body. When they appear on the limbs, they are severed. When they appear on the chest and back, they are severe or even fatal.

David’s last blow was to pierce Heath’s extraordinary head. It was not considered as the damage of the’Extraordinary Army Spike’ piercing the back of the head. It was just that the fist-sized rock appeared in Heath’s extraordinary head and would instantly Take Heath’s extraordinary life.

Shadow Servant escaped from David’s control and flew over to absorb Heath’s extraordinary soul into his body.

David felt that Heath’s extraordinary soul was absorbed by the Shadow Servant, and the Shadow Servant passed a sense of comfort, which was a long sigh of relief.

He took a great risk in assassinating Hess Transcendent this time, facing Hes Transcendent directly. David can’t guarantee that he can escape, not to mention Hes Transcendent has a ‘quasi-transcendent weapon’.

Although the carpet was punctured, David didn’t want to enlarge the hole. Hess was supernatural and dead. This camp was his trophy. He didn’t want to damage his belongings.

The Shadow Servant found the controller of the camp. The security system on it was very weak. David only took a minute to fix it. The owner of the camp became David.

Then David got out of the ground outside the camp, the energy shield did not stop him, he walked into the camp.

David entered the inner layer, and he saw Hess, who fell on the ground without aura, the ‘transcendental armor’ that was envied by the rest of the transcendents, he was only half-worn at the moment.

Even if Hess was extraordinary, his eyes were not closed. He did not expect that he would be assassinated.

Know that it is almost impossible to assassinate a powerful and extraordinary person. The extraordinary response is so fast that he can react accordingly even if he is in danger.

Just like Hess is extraordinary himself, he has practiced’shield mastery’, and his’shield mastery’ has reached the level of proficiency, which can guarantee that when danger comes, he can instantly take out the third-grade shield from the space brace , And then make the most reasonable defense.

But David’s assassination was different. He was almost assassinated in close proximity with Hess. The reduction in the distance between the two greatly weakened Hess’ extraordinary reaction speed. Coupled with the application of multiple abilities, this resulted in This effect.

Hess was so extraordinary and frustrated, because he couldn’t display any of his abilities.

The additional effects of the “quasi-transcendent weapon” he has been hiding, his life-saving methods, etc., were not available.

David took off the “transcendental armor” from Hess Transcendent casually, and then discovered that Hess Transcendent had a space wristband on each of his left and right arms. This was also the first time David saw Transcendent possess two Space bracers.

Take off the two space wristbands and put them around his waist. At this moment, he doesn’t have time to take stock of his gains. He needs to clean up here quickly.

Then David removed the camp tent again, and the tent that was removed was collected by the Shadow Servant into a space wristband, and a space wristband was completely filled.

After doing all this, David lifted up into the air carrying Hess’ extraordinary corpse.

Because there are too many peepers outside the base recently, the students in the college are all in the base, which also makes the students in the base very boring.

Today the college base had something to do. Nearly a thousand staff and crew members who had been escorted from the Hess were escorted to the plaza, where they were investigated and questioned by the Student Union.

Many students are watching the excitement. Few outsiders come to the college base. This time nearly a thousand ordinary people came here at once, letting the idle students find a little fun.

After a staff member was briefly questioned, he was taken aside, and the college prepared to arrange for these staff members to be sent back to the peaceful area when they returned from the transport spacecraft.

Of course, this is how the academy will handle it. It is placed in a general organization. Such captives will not be considered for their safety even if they are released.

Release these ordinary people in the ruler, that is tantamount to putting them to death.

It’s not that there are ordinary people on the ruler. Those ordinary people are impossible to appear in the wild. Ordinary people are in the wild, let alone the first class Zerg, even a larva is enough to kill them.

Twenty crew members and the captain are also being interrogated, but their treatment is much worse, because their extraordinary relationship with Heath is much closer than those of the staff, so they were also interrogated more carefully.

And Hess is not found for a day, and these crew members will not be free.

The fact that these staff and crew members are put on trial in the square is because there are too many people and they are managed together well, and on the other hand, most of these staff and crew are ordinary people. There is no danger of being gathered together.

“You will regret it, Lord Hess will definitely take revenge for us, and you will all die!” The captain seemed to have great confidence in Hess extraordinary, and he looked at the students interrogating him extremely arrogantly.

The captain knows the extraordinary character of Hess. Hess has suffered a loss this time, and he will definitely find it back. It will be extremely troublesome for any organization to be harassed by someone close to the top.

The captain’s words also brightened the eyes of the nearby crew members and staff who were interrogated. Their courage seemed to have returned to their bodies. They all sat upright, preparing to use a tough way to deal with the interrogation to show that they are Hess. The pride of extraordinary subordinates.

The students who cross-examined in the Student Union also frowned. They also checked Heath’s extraordinary information. This kind of existence is something that students need to look up to. The students’ confidence is also weakened for a while.

At this moment, a figure quickly approached in the sky, but the students here weren’t surprised. The only people who could fly to the college base without issuing an alarm were the college’s own people.

“Master David!” The sharp-eyed students had already cheered.

When David saw the lively square, he was also a little surprised. This square is outside the gate of the base, which is usually not so lively.

He landed on the square carrying Heath’s extraordinary body, smiled and nodded to the students, preparing to pass through the crowd and enter the college base.

“Master Hess!” The captain, who was still arrogant, screamed in disbelief when he saw the body in David’s hands.

This scream with a broken sound pierced the entire square, and all the students and prisoners here looked at the corpse held by David.

Especially the captured workers and crew members. They are too familiar with Heath’s extraordinaryness. In their eyes, the man who looks like a mountain in their eyes, is now in David’s hand.

Some crew members began to cry bitterly, and the captain wanted to step forward and was slapped to the ground by the student council member who was in charge of interrogating him.

The students also understood what was going on. They surrounded them excitedly, but they couldn’t block David’s way. They could only make a path while watching and let David walk into the base.

When David walked into the conference room, Principal Lake Chaofan and the other three other people were hosting Jonah Chaofan. Jonah Chaofan originally owed the favor of Alidia First Academy. This time I heard Principal Lake’s extraordinary request for help, he immediately came through the portal without hesitation, so Jonah’s extraordinary is also the first to come.

“David…” Kenny superbly saw David coming in and was about to say hello, but stared at the corpse in David’s hand halfway through. How could this corpse Kenny Superb never know him? Just think about the faint pain in his body now, and you know who it is!

It’s just that Kenny didn’t expect to be extraordinary. He just asked David to go out and find Hess’s extraordinary position, but David came back directly carrying Hess’s extraordinary body.

“Did you kill Hess extraordinary?” Principal Lake looked at David with a look of surprise, then looked at the body in David’s hands and asked.

For Hess to be extraordinary, he planned to take some favors to ask his friends to take action, but he did not expect that David had helped him solve the trouble.

“When I found Hess extraordinary, he was being treated, so I attacked him and I was lucky!” David threw Hess extraordinary body on the ground and said.

The extraordinary corpse of Hess rolled over on the ground, and the corpse lay on the ground, exposing the wound on the back of the head.

There is a big hole in the back of the head. The wound here was not so big, but David didn’t want people to know that he had the’supernatural thorn’, so he dug out the fist-sized rock on the back of Heath’s supernatural head and threw it away. , It formed such a wound.

“Master David, you can kill Hess Supernatural!” Jonah Superman exclaimed.

Kenny Superb, Dunbar Superb, and Beecher Superb, who are familiar with David, all looked at David with strange eyes, as if they had just met David.

“Jonah, you should call David the Grand Master!” Principal Lake said superbly.

“Grandmaster David? It can’t be the’master sniper’!” Jonah was surprised when he heard that, he immediately shook his head and said.

“David mastered the’Spirit Slashing and Heavy Axe Technique’ and became the’Heavy Axe Master’!” Principal Lake Chaofan explained with a smile.

There is a close alliance between Alidia First College and Cadore College. Principal Lake Superb told Jonah Superb about David, one is to show the results of Alidia First Academy. It has the meaning to be manifested in front of Jonah, the principal of Cador Academy.

The second is to show the friendship between the two colleges, and to tell this kind of thing that has never been publicized, it shows the attitude of treating it with sincerity.

“Such a young’Master of Heavy Axe’!” Jonah looked at David up and down seriously, then shook his head and said with a wry smile.

Although Jonah was surprised by the assassination of Hess Superman, he was even more surprised by the fact that Lake Superman had not told him.

The wounded Hess was supernaturally assassinated. There are many possibilities in it. As long as Hess supernatural himself is careless, this will be the result.

But the “Master of Heavy Axe” is different. Let alone a master of weapons, few masters of weapons are as young as David. Every student who is a master of weapons in the academy is a member of the academy. The strongest presence in it.

A weapon master appeared among the students. This kind of thing has never happened in thousands of years. David’s performance broke history.

David was a little embarrassed by the praise of the two principals. He couldn’t say anything, so he could only stand and smile.

“Haha, Kenny, take my bottle of good wine and pour it on top. I should celebrate today. The big trouble of Hess’s extraordinary is solved!” Principal Lake said with an extraordinary smile.

Everyone at the scene understood that he said it was to celebrate the elimination of Heath’s transcendence, but it was actually to celebrate David’s becoming the’Master of the Axe’.

Kenny Extraordinary took the red wine that Lake Extraordinary took out of the Space Wristband and poured a glass for everyone.

Everyone took the red wine in their hands and raised their glasses to David. David also raised their glasses to respond to everyone.

“By the way, David signed up for the’strongest freshman’ competition. I don’t know what kind of result he can achieve?” Principal Lake Superb took a sip of red wine and then said to Jonah Superb with a smile.

Jonah was drinking red wine, and when he heard this, he could not help but spout a sip of red wine.

Fortunately, Kenny, who was on the opposite side, reacted superbly quickly and backed away from the wine.

“Grandmaster David went to sign up for the’strongest…” Jonah Superb didn’t know what to say. He always felt that David’s participation in the’strongest freshman’ competition was unfair, but the words came to the mouth But he couldn’t continue.

Said that David could not participate in the “strongest freshman” competition, but David is indeed a freshman.

But let David participate in the competition of the’strongest freshman’, it is no need to compare. Don’t say that David is now the’Master of Heavy Axe’, even when he was still the’Master of Heavy Axe’, his strength was enough to easily sweep All freshmen.

Not only the freshmen, but even the old students from these top-tier colleges, who can beat David!

Headmaster Lake Chaofan was very proud. He was also shocked when he heard that David was participating in the “Best Freshman” competition. At this moment, Jonah Chaofan also enjoyed his shock at the time.

At this moment, Kenny Super, Dunbar Super and Beecher Super are the first time they know that David is going to participate in the “strongest freshman” competition, all of them have strange looks on their faces.

They really want to see this year’s ‘strongest freshman’ competition. There is a ‘Heavy Axe Master’ among a group of freshmen. What would that kind of competition be like!

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