Transcendent David Chapter 419: Aware

The ‘Razer Modified Ship’ was approved to be docked in the hangar at the Academy Base, and some facilities at the Academy Base could also be opened to crew members.

This is basically the decision made by the academy in view of David’s face, and David has arranged his own men.

For the next few days, David went out to hunt and kill the Zerg on the “Razer Modified Ship” every day. Although the third-level Zerg could not be found, but with the “Razer Modified Ship”, the probability of discovering the second-level Zerg Also increased.

His points are increasing at a rate of nearly a thousand points every day, which makes him closer and closer to his goal of 50,000 points.

The increase in points is just one of David’s achievements in the past few days. Perhaps it was the reason why he solved the troubles that lingered in his heart, or because of the continuous use of level three fortified meat, he finally became the ultimate strength The pinnacle-level champion.

In terms of strength, he has reached the limit of his body. Before he possesses extraordinary power, he cannot improve a little bit.

When he reached this state, David really understood what Galen and Fox were saying to him. The pinnacle was only the basis for promotion to the extraordinary, and he was far from truly qualified for promotion.

At least he couldn’t feel the kind of fullness mentioned by the two transcendents when they taught him, the feeling of power almost forming flowing energy in the body.

David’s strength and physique improved very quickly. Next, he needs to polish his body for a long time, so that his strength and physique can be thoroughly integrated.

If the body is a container, then the strength and physique raised too fast are like rocks stuffed into this container.

Although the container of the body is full, there is still a big gap from the actual filling.

The subsequent practice is to sharpen these stones, make the stones grow from large to small, and make the gaps between the stones smaller and smaller, until the stones turn into fine sand, so that there is no gap in the container. .

So even if David has reached the pinnacle of armor, his’spiritual gold body art’ cannot be stopped, especially the resources, at least the second-level enhanced meat is indispensable.

The better the resources, the more time can be shortened.

Don’t look at reaching the peak stage, but as long as you don’t pay attention and resources don’t keep up, so many years of cultivation may regress.

A period of time after reaching the peak of the armor is when the armor consumes the most resources.

In the past, lack of resources only slowed down progress. The lack of resources of pinnacle fighters will directly affect future development, which is the key to the qualifications for promotion.

Many peak fighters just stop at the peak fighter stage because they have not made good use of this period of time and cannot try to be promoted to the extraordinary.

Of course, the peak armor stage is also the stage of accumulating resources. Because the strength has reached the strongest stage of the armor, the weapon in hand and the exoskeleton armor can be fully utilized. The peak armor is in the armor. The top of the ranks.

The pinnacle fighter needs to use the strength of the pinnacle to prepare for the subsequent promotion resources. You can often see the pinnacle fighter madly completing tasks outside. This is their goal.

Whether it is the ‘superior potion’, various treasures that increase the chance of being promoted, and the large amount of resources needed to pass the ‘transformation period’, these are all the pinnacle warriors have to fight for.

David doesn’t need to be like this. There are also seven bottles of his “supernatural potion”, and a part of various treasures that increase the chance of promotion to supernatural are also prepared. The resources can also be exchanged through college points at any time because of his own strength. .

Just when David became a subversive champion and was quite happy in his heart, another good news came.

On this day, David had just returned from hunting the Zerg from outside. He had just dragged three second-level Zerg corpses from the ‘Thunder Snake Modified Ship’, and he received a message that interstellar contacted him.

“Hope, you send these three second-level zerg corpses to David!” David then called Captain Hope and ordered.

Although Captain Hope has only been to the academy base for a few days and has to go out with David during the day, Captain Hope still knows many people on the academy base.

This is Captain Hope’s ability, otherwise the spacecraft will reach a strange place without strong communication skills, where can we find supplies quickly.

“Yes, my lord!” Captain Hope is also very happy to take over the task, and he can reflect his value again.

Every time Captain Hope handles the transaction, David can get more benefits than usual, but David doesn’t care about small interests, so David doesn’t pay attention to Captain Hope’s This ability, Captain Hope hopes to let David know his importance through multiple transactions.

David walked into the academy’s dedicated interstellar communication room. There are several separate compartments to facilitate conversations with people on other planets or even star fields.

“Master David, the task you entrusted has been completed!” Barrister Macaulay’s voice came from the communication.

Barrister Macaulay’s voice is filled with excitement and satisfaction. Although he is now the barrister of the Alidia star domain, he is extremely famous in the Cador star domain at this time.

This is just the beginning. When his successful lawsuit spreads, he will become a well-known federal barrister.

After he arranged all the work of the Alto Fund, he reported the results to David.

“Barrister Macaulay, trouble you, can slow down the recovery time of the Alto Fund, how is the current situation of the Alto Fund, is it a major loss of vitality?” David hasn’t been concerned about the Cardor star field recently. Regarding the situation of the Alto Fund, he handed the matter to Barrister Macaulay, trusting him.

As long as Barrister Macaulay can do some damage at the critical time when the Alto Fund recovers, then according to David’s idea, the Alto Fund will fall out of the super-large business sequence just around the corner.

“Master David, don’t worry, the situation of the Alto Fund is very good, and the vitality has long recovered!” Barrister Macaulay replied triumphantly.

It’s just that this answer filled David’s mind with questions, and he wondered if Barrister Macaulay had reversed the task.

“The situation with the Alto Fund is very good? Did I hear it wrong? Or did you understand it wrong?” David asked repeatedly.

“Master David, in accordance with your commission, I recovered 70% of the Alto Fund’s shares, and I conducted an investigation on the Alto Fund, and temporarily hired a president to manage the Alto Fund!” Barrister Macaulay also discovered that there seemed to be a deviation in their understanding of the matter, so he quickly explained.

David was truly stunned, knowing that he never thought that he could get the shares back from Alto Fund.

Over there is the Kador Star Territory, and on the other side, David is unfamiliar with his life and place. Even the friends of the Kador Star Territory have only a few extraordinary people from the base of the Kador Academy.

It is impossible for David to ask the transcendents of Cador College to come forward for him for the sake of credit. This will have a bad influence on the transcendents, and David does not want to embarrass them.

“Barrister Macaulay, I really admire your professional ability. In that environment, you can win the case!” David sighed sincerely.

“No, Master David, in fact, there are some of your contributions here, and it is still very important!” Barrister Macaulay waved his hand and explained.

Barrister Macaulay at first really thought that he was strong in his own business, and led a team of 500 lawyers to defeat the lawyers of Alto Fund through his own ability.

But in the later understanding, Barrister Macaulay realized that he was tainted by David’s fierce reputation.

“Because of what happened on the Alto satellite, there was no external influence in the process of this lawsuit, and even some forces wanted to show their favor to you through me. During the trial, these forces Only by helping each other can you win the case so easily!” Barrister Macaulay said with a smile.

“Without your steady command and control of Barrister Macaulay, even if it is affected by the Alto satellite, it will be difficult to defeat the Alto Fund!” David complimented.

“Master David, this is the information of Kreb, the new president of Alto Fund. You can take a look first. If anything is unsatisfactory, I will immediately change the president.” Barrister Macaulay transmitted to David. This information introduced.

David nodded, he received the information through the identity bracelet and opened it immediately.

It contains all the experiences of President Kreb, including his grades in school, performance after work, abilities that he is good at, etc., and even his judgment on President Kreb.

These judgments are made by several economic lawyers on President Kreb. There are no subjective guesses, and some are just detailed data.

“This Kreb is good. Let him manage the Alto Fund. If you have any difficulties, just tell me!” David nodded and said.

“There is really a problem here. The Alto Fund is currently in short supply. I have 10 billion credit points. Because the resistance of the Alto Fund is too weak, only 500 million credit points have been spent. I am going to transfer the remaining credit All points are transferred to President Krell, who will use this part of the credit points to resume the operation of the Alto Fund!” Barrister Macaulay asked David.

David heard that the Alto Fund was in trouble with a shortage of funds. Unlike the news he heard before, the Alto Fund is now his own, which is completely different.

He also kept some pocket money by his side, about 4 million credits, and he didn’t spend much credits.

“This is four million credits, plus what you have, let Alto Fund run it!” David knew the importance of credits, so he directly transferred the four million credits to McCaw Attorney Lee, he transferred it to President Krell.

“Enough, President Kreb can make it easier!” After receiving the credit, Barrister Macaulay said with a smile, and then he asked, “Do you need to use this opportunity to dilute the rest? Shareholders’ shares, better hold Alto Fund in their hands?”

The act of injecting capital into the Alto Fund is unrealistic if there is no return.

Capital injection can be repaid in many ways, including borrowing, capital increase, or loan. Attorney Macaulay made his opinion from the status of a lawyer.

“Let’s leave this to President Kreb to decide. Since he is used, he has the right to decide for himself. Tell him about this!” David thinks he has no business ability, he believes in professionals More suitable for decision than him.

“I think President Kreb will be very happy to have such power!” Barrister Macaulay said with a smile.

“As long as President Kreb makes achievements, I won’t be stingy with rewards!” David continued.

“Master David, there is one more thing you need to come forward!” Barrister Macaulay said, changing the subject.

“What’s the matter?” David was a little surprised that there was something else the Alto Fund could intervene.

“The contradiction between the Alto Fund and the Kaldor Academy was done by the former President Bridges. Now even the major shareholders have changed. This contradiction should also be eased. Of course, you don’t need to say too much. , As long as you set up a line among them, let President Kreb talk about the rest!” said Barrister Macaulay.

“It’s okay, I will find a chance to meet Glenn Super!” David thought about it and said.

When the contact was disconnected, David was a little confused. When blackmailing the six Alto Fund shareholders, not only him, but even the six Alto Fund shareholders did not take the so-called share transfer contract seriously. .

Be aware that there are too many associated forces involved in a super enterprise of this size. Unless David can fix all these associated forces and then the government also fixes them, this transfer contract is useless.

But David’s brutal methods make all the relevant forces consider whether it is worthy to be an enemy of David in this matter, plus Barrister Macaulay’s actions are too fast, related While the alliance forces were still arguing, the equity change of the Alto Fund had ended.

The scale of the Alto Fund, David knew in his heart, if it weren’t for the horror of the Alto Fund, how could he be so decisive and directly wipe out its senior management.

For an extraordinary enterprise of the size of Alto Fund, it is difficult to produce any effect if it wants to slowly develop it.

David shook his He couldn’t help thinking that his thoughts were a bit ridiculous. Wealth was really important, but is there any difference between a fortune of 200 billion and a fortune of 5 trillion?

No amount of credit can make him extraordinary, and becoming extraordinary requires his own efforts.

Otherwise, those big consortia don’t have to cast a big net everywhere to fund those geniuses, and they can cultivate their own people to become extraordinary.

Wealth can buy resources, which is very important for the early fighters, but as the strength gradually improves, the role of credit points is also reduced. After becoming extraordinary, the role of credit points also drops to a very low level. Level.

Of course, whether you are a soldier or an extraordinary person, if you want to live a better life, credit is also necessary.

Those extraordinary people who have become extraordinary worships of various forces have become extraordinary worships for a better life, or to reward the forces that cultivated them.

Credit points are long enough for David. A resource that cannot be purchased by a fortune of 200 billion can not be achieved by a resource of 5 trillion.

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