Transcendent David Chapter 417: Lawyers

Compton’s supernatural chat with David has always been in a very friendly state. David’s exhibits made Compton supernatural treat David as a transcendent existence.

When the ‘Razer Modified Ship’ was about to reach the portal, Compton Superb left.

Compton Extraordinary came here to establish an equal friendship with David on the one hand, and on the other hand, he personally navigated David. Of course, this kind of navigation is only a formality, but it can also show CommScope Dunhuan’s attitude towards David.

The ‘Razer Modified Ship’ passed through the portal, and David came to the Third Space Fleet. Again, the guide was even more enthusiastic this time than last time.

Shortly after David returned to the ruling star, a group of lawyers composed of more than 500 lawyers gathered at Kai’an Star.

These lawyers include many well-known law firms in the two star regions of Alidia and Kadore. Among them, there are more than 50 lawyers alone.

Just hiring these lawyers is a huge credit, not to mention how long the next work will last.

On November 5th, the weather was fine. At ten o’clock in the morning, in front of the new office building of the Alto Fund in Dutu City, a suspended vehicle stopped.

Then walked down from the hovering car, the lawyers in formal lawyer uniforms. Each of these lawyers had a briefcase in their hands. They were divided into six groups and lined up to the new office building of Alto Fund.

The turmoil before the Alto Fund has not completely subsided, and reporters outside the new building of the Alto Fund just happened to see this scene, and reporters immediately started filming.

“Who are you looking for?” The lady at the front desk looked at the formation of more than 500 lawyers, and she was already shocked. At the moment, she just asked with composure and professionalism.

“We are appointed by the entrusted company and need to see the president of Alto Fund!” Barrister Macaulay was the leader of this task, and he said solemnly to the receptionist.

“Please wait a minute, I need to report!” The front desk lady has long known that this kind of thing is beyond her reach. She sent a message to her boss just now. Her task now is to try her best to comfort these lawyers. .

“It is now 10:05. If no one receives us before 10:20, we will stop negotiating with you and go directly to the judicial process!” Barrister Macaulay glanced at the identity bracelet The time, and then said lightly.

A group of lawyers of this size of five hundred lawyers, as long as the people of the Alto Fund are not stupid, of course they will not hang these lawyers here.

In less than two minutes, the assistant president trot over.

Generally, the CEOs of very large companies like Alto Fund are very busy, and they cannot be seen without an appointment.

Not to mention that the recent Alto Fund is in the most troublesome stage, and the new president is more busy.

But the Amherst president, who just took over the Alto Fund, met with the lawyers in the largest conference room in the building. Such a big scene made the Amherst president dare not ignore it.

In the conference room, there are ten lawyers and more than thirty people from various parts of the Alto Fund. This is the reason why President Amherst specifically confessed to call more people to the conference room, otherwise it would not There are so many people.

But even if this is the case, compared with the huge number and aura of 500 lawyers, it is not at a level at all.

So the two sides hadn’t talked, President Amherst felt his own weakness.

“Barrister Macaulay, I wonder if you have so many lawyers, what do you need the Alto Fund to cooperate with?” President Amherst wanted to take the initiative, he first asked aloud.

“President Amherst, I am here this time to represent the six companies of Ironwood Company, Pine Company, Yangmu Company, Birch Company, Oak Company, and Fir Company. The corresponding rights and interests of the shares!” Barrister Macaulay said a string of company names.

President Amherst’s face changed slightly. From the names of these companies, he could tell that these companies are not formal companies, but more like improvised names.

And he is 100% sure that they have never had equity disputes with these six companies.

But President Amherst also understands that since there are 500 lawyers here, it means that there will be no problems with the law, otherwise these lawyers will not come.

“Barrister Macaulay, I need to see relevant information to confirm that the six companies own equity in the Alto Fund!” President Amherst waved to the company lawyers on the side, and then to Macaulay Said the barrister.

“Of course, this is the equity transfer agreement of the six companies. This is the relevant government certification document. This is the notary document of the notary public!” Barrister Macaulay took out the paper document from the briefcase and put it At the table, he pushed over and said.

The five hundred lawyers of them were not hired for nothing. Under the coordination of Barr Macaulay, the fifty barristers showed their abilities, and within a few days, they transferred their shares through various relationships. The agreement has undergone various certifications, making the legality of the equity transfer agreement beyond doubt.

President Amherst took the documents and looked at them one by one.

The more he watched, the more shocked he became, and even his hands trembled involuntarily.

70% of Alto Fund’s equity was actually transferred to these six shell companies.

Looking at the time of the equity transfer, it was not long before the destruction of Alto Satellite, and President Amherst was almost certain that the murderer was the one who entrusted these 500 lawyers.

“You are robbers, and I don’t approve of these six transfer agreements!” President Amherst patted the documents heavily on the desktop, and said in a deep voice.

“President Amherst, it doesn’t matter if you approve or not. These six agreements are protected by law. Today, we are here to inform you that we will take back the equity of the Alto Fund as soon as possible and take back my client’s request. Benefit!” Barrister Macaulay said with a smile.

At this time, ten lawyers from the Alto Fund accepted the documents and began to review them.

Although President Amherst’s attitude has been stated, they as lawyers need to complete their work.

The electronic signature of the original equity owner cannot be displayed on the paper document, but there is not much doubt about this point, and the electronic contract can be viewed, and there is a corresponding serial number on the paper document. , You can check at any time.

“We will keep these documents. Starting this afternoon, we will proceed to perform our duties!” Barrister Macaulay stood up, did not take care of the work of ten lawyers, and said goodbye to President Amherst.

He was not prepared to prepare for the Alto Fund for too long. The reason why he organized a powerful lawyer team of 500 lawyers was to make a thunderous blow.

As a Barrister Macaulay who has a close relationship with David, after being entrusted by David, he started this mission with tens of billions of credits in his hand.

If Alto Fund is still the super large company with huge cash flow, Barrister Macaulay is still very worried about whether it can win.

But now it’s different. The Alto Fund’s funds are tight. Compared with Macaulay Barrister, who holds tens of billions of credits in his hand and has the first preparation, the Alto Fund is in a passive position.

Why President Amherst did not receive relevant news before? With the notarization of these lawyers, the relevant news should have been passed to President Amherst a long time ago, which has the function of credit .

In this case, one aspect of the competition is strength, and the other is credit. The strength of the Alto Fund has just been hit by a huge impact, and the influence is at the lowest stage, but Barrister Macaulay has shown A powerful team of five hundred lawyers has smoothed the huge gap between them to a certain extent.

Together with the sudden attack, it also increased the winning side of Barrister Macaulay.

As for the credit points, I believe that the current credit points in the hands of Alto Fund can’t even come up with a billion.

The most important thing is that once an equity lawsuit is filed, the Alto Fund will not be able to carry out large-scale fund transfers. Even the sale of fixed assets and large loans will have to wait until the lawsuit is over.

Unless some business needs, the rest of the fund transfer will be monitored by the judicial department.

In this case, it can be said that the biggest weakness of the Alto Fund’s confrontation with Barrister Macaulay is the credit point.

Whether it is a lawyer or a lawsuit, a lot of credit points are needed to maintain.

In fact, when David appointed Barrister Macaulay, he did not ask Barrister Macaulay to take back the equity of the Alto Fund, but to delay the restoration of the Alto Fund.

Alto Fund has been in a state of weakness for a long time, and there will be other forces to help David attack the Alto Fund. This is how the previous Batu Energy Company declined.

But when Barrister Macaulay took over, he saw that this case would give him a chance to become the most famous barrister of the Star Federation.

The huge size of the Alto Fund, with total assets of more than five trillion yuan, litigation of this scale is rare even in the Star Federation.

Every barrister who has presided over such litigation will leave a strong mark in the judicial system of the Interstellar Federation. As long as he wins the lawsuit, he can become the premier barrister in the entire Federation.

So Barrister Macaulay is not for David or Emma’s relationship now, he is fighting for himself.

A variety of advantages give Barrister Macaulay great confidence. As for the connection between the transfer of shares and the destruction of the Alto satellite, as long as there is no direct evidence for this kind of thing, even if everyone knows the connection, it will be impossible. Affect the share transfer contract.

Sitting in the empty conference room, President Amherst looked at the ten legal lawyers who remained.

“Are there any loopholes in these documents, and is the transfer contract real?” Although President Amherst knew the answer, he asked aloud.

There are five hundred lawyers, and each of the fifty barristers is more capable than his ten lawyers. How can they leave loopholes that ten legal lawyers can detect?

“President, after our review, the six transfer agreements were indeed transferred by the former President Bridges and five shareholders. The electronic signatures in these agreements cannot be faked unless I wish!” A legal attorney Said with a wry smile.

“You are also an old man of the Alto Fund, what can you say to resist this lawsuit?” President Amherst asked in a deep voice.

Matters related to the law still need to be answered by a lawyer.

“Please barristers, the number cannot be less than ten…” The legal attorney hesitated, then changed his words: “Twenty barristers, and a large number of elite lawyers serving 20 barristers, and I also ask the allies of the Alto Fund to take action and influence the lawsuit together!”

“Go out, let me think about it!” President Amherst heard the counsel’s advice and waved and said in a deep voice.

Ten legal lawyers left the meeting room. President Amherst sat alone in the meeting room. After a while, he opened the identity bracelet and found a name to activate the contact.

“Desmond is extraordinary, hello, I need your help!” President Amherst said respectfully.

“What’s the matter?” Desmond asked in a deep and extraordinary voice.

President Amherst’s heart sank slightly. This Desmond superb is superbly funded by the Alto Fund. Although it did not become an homage to the Alto Fund in the end, it has always been in contact.

Desmond’s extraordinary is the guardian of Kai’an star, and he has a lot of energy in the government.

However, President Amherst said the matter again. The implication was obvious. He wanted to ask Desmond to come forward and use its influence in the government to help the Alto Fund.

“President Amherst, do you know who your opponent is?” Desmond was extremely silent for more than ten seconds. He should be thinking about something, and then asked aloud.

“Yes, the Alto Fund had conflicts with the master of sniper David before. The fund sent Melville to assassinate David and failed, and he himself died on the guardian star!” President Amherst had no idea to hide , Replied directly.

This kind of thing cannot be concealed at Since the destruction of the Alto satellite, related speculations have spread throughout the Cador star field.

Maybe ordinary people don’t know it, but Desmond, who is extraordinary, must be very clear.

“There are more than seven extraordinary deaths under Master David, what kind of reward do you have prepared for such an existence to invite me to come forward?” Desmond’s extraordinary voice was full of sarcasm.

Desmond’s transcendence has the name of self-knowledge, not to mention Melville’s transcendence, such a well-known and powerful transcendence in the Cadore star field. He is weak.

These transcendents all died in David’s hands. How dare he come forward to be an enemy of David.

Especially after experiencing many battles between David and the big forces, people with discerning eyes have seen David’s character, the way he dealt with the enemy was too direct, and the enemy was completely destroyed.

It may be because David was born in a war zone. He didn’t take his life into his eyes. Every revenge was an act of slaughter. It really scared many people in peaceful areas, including many extraordinary people in peaceful areas. .

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