Transcendent David Chapter 416: Spaceship

The quality of the warship engine of the military warship is the best, and it is by no means comparable to the spacecraft in front, so Captain Dreyer has strong confidence.

In six days, all the warships of the entire fleet are about to reach their limit and must be separated from the warp speed state.

But the spaceship ahead is still going on, and it doesn’t mean to leave at all.

“Captain, there are signs of overloading of our warship engine, and we can’t risk the lives of the crew!” The captain of a reconnaissance ship ahead pleaded.

“Yes, captain, stop the speed engine now, and overhaul it when you return!” another captain continued.

Captain Dreyer looked at the light curtain in front of him, and his frigate data was also on it. The red flashing red on the speed engine also marked that his speed engine could no longer be maintained.

“The fleet broke away from the speed of war and reported the failure to the headquarters!” Captain Dreyer said in a deep voice.

The fleet of twenty battleships slowed down and broke away from the warp speed, while the cruise ship in front continued to fly at the warp speed.

Captain Dreyer has been in business for more than 20 years, and the first time he failed to perform a mission was to complete this seemingly undifficult task, which made him extremely depressed.

No one thought that there was no one on the cruise ship. The Erto intelligent system managed everything on the cruise ship, including the speed engine.

With a set of programs written by David, the Alto intelligent system can more accurately control the most balanced operation of the speed engine.

David himself is a master of spacecraft driving, spacecraft maintenance, mechanical maintenance, and electronic countermeasures. With this knowledge, he has established a set of driving programs designed for cruise ships, and has the execution of the Erto intelligent system and the speed engine. The operating time of the worm was more than doubled, which made it impossible for the military’s warships to keep up.

In the government building of Rockstar Perlan, the secretary walked into Mayor Bernard’s office with a middle-aged man in formal clothes.

“My name is Kogsall, I come from the Cador star domain. This is my identification. This is a search warrant issued by the Kai’an Star Justice Bureau. Please cooperate!” Commissioner Kogsall looked Said to Mayor Bernard, showing his credentials.

Perrin is a small city, and Mayor Bernard’s power is actually not that great. The Commissioner of Cogsall, who represents Kaian Star, is several levels higher than Mayor Bernard.

“You must get permission from the Rock Star Justice Bureau to handle a case across star domains!” But Mayor Bernard only glanced at the search order and identification certificate coldly, and refused.

“Mayor Bernard, do you know what David did? That is a big case of 50,000 deaths. You have to think carefully about it. You affect the handling of the case, but you will have a big trouble!” Commissioner Cogsall was a little anxious, his words were threatening.

Commissioner Cogsall couldn’t help it. Just now, he received a message from Kaian Star that the military’s tracking failed.

At present, the only hope that David can be convicted is to search David’s house here to find relevant evidence and clues.

Commissioner Cogsall can of course go to the Rock Star Justice Bureau for assistance.

But he needs to consider David’s identity. David’s teacher Galen is extraordinary but the guardian of the government is extraordinary. Such an identity makes the Rock Star government stand on David’s side 100%.

So Commissioner Cogsall chose to go directly to Mayor Bernard. As long as the evidence is available, even if Galen intervenes superbly, everything will be too late.

However, Commissioner Cogsall did not know David’s influence in Perrin, not to mention David’s personal relationship with Mayor Bernard, and it is impossible to help outsiders to deal with the rescue without mentioning the personal relationship with Mayor Bernard. The hero of Perrin City.

The big case of 50,000 deaths referred to by Commissioner Cogsall may touch people in a peaceful area, but this is a war zone.

A single Zerg attack can cause the destruction of a small city, which is the death of hundreds of thousands or even a million people. Mayor Bernard, who has long been accustomed to the death, has dealt with the death of 50,000 people. There was no reaction as Commissioner Cogsall expected.

“Commissioner Cogsall, when you mention Master David in Perrin, please add the title of “Master”. Believe it or not, I just need to tell others now that you want to search David’s house , You can’t enjoy the service at any hotel or restaurant in Perrin, and you can’t even use transportation!” Mayor Bernard said with a sneer.

Commissioner Cogsall looked at Mayor Bernard and couldn’t say a word. He didn’t expect David to have such a big influence.

At this moment, Mayor Bernard’s secretary ran in in surprise, walked quickly to Mayor Bernard, whispered a few words in his ear, Mayor Bernard’s face Immediately there was joy.

“Commissioner Cogsall, if you want to search Master David’s house, then you can ask Master David yourself!” Mayor Bernard said with a smile.

“What? David is back?” Commissioner Cogsall almost jumped to his feet and cried.

He learned from the news from Kai’an that, no matter how fast the spacecraft driven by David was, it would take at least 20 days to return to Rock Star.

Know that the spacecraft is far away from the nearest portal, and after escaping the tracking of the military fleet, it immediately turns to fly towards the nearest portal. The time in between will also take more than ten days, plus passing through the theater defense line , The time required makes it impossible for David to appear here at this time.

“Commissioner Cogsall, I still want to remind you, please call Master David. In addition, Master David is only practicing behind closed doors. I think you have also heard of this. Now Master David has finished his practice. It will come out naturally!” Mayor Bernard corrected.

Commissioner Cogsall didn’t have time to pay attention to Mayor Bernard. He turned around and left. He needed to check the matter as soon as possible, and then report to Kaian Star.

In a restaurant, Commissioner Cogsall saw David who was dining with a few friends.

Commissioner Cogsall had all the information about David, and he recognized David at a glance.

At this time, he has long lost the confidence he had before. At this moment, he doubts whether the judgment of the police and the military is wrong, and David is innocent at all.

Commissioner Cogsall used his identity bracelet to record a video of David having a meal. In the process, David turned his head and glanced at him.

Actually, Commissioner Cogsall’s actions were seen in David’s eyes. Beside Commissioner Cogsall, the Shadow Attendant has been watching him.

Commissioner Cogsall’s observation gaze was hostile, which made him alert as soon as he entered the hotel and looked at David for the first time.

However, because Commissioner Cogsall did not cause him any danger, he did not ask too much.

After Alto Fund lost the cash flow of credit points, all companies were in trouble. Alto Fund had a complete second management system, and the chaos did not last long before being taken over by the second management system.

The second management system reintegrated all subordinate companies. After selling some of the assets of little value and obtaining sufficient credit points, these subordinate companies also stabilized.

Because the second management system acted decisively and swiftly, during the whole process, the rest of the forces did not have the opportunity to divide the Alto Fund.

Alto Fund began to return to normal after a week of chaos.

Although David asked for leave, he has been away from the ruler for a long time this time. In addition, Hans’s body has recovered and Galen’s extraordinary care is provided, which makes him feel relieved.

Of course, the most important thing is that he severely inflicted Alto Fund, the opponent who had always wanted to assassinate him, at least in a short period of time, the opponent can no longer have the energy to threaten him.

As long as the Alto Fund does not have the energy to deal with him in a short time, then the Alto Fund will have no chance again.

This time he returned to the guardian star, David did not take his high-speed spacecraft, which is being locked behind the “Razer Modified Ship” by the towing system.

The ‘Razer Modified Ship’ was piloted by Captain Hope from the Lunka star in the Alidia star field after receiving his order.

It is precisely the reason that used the Gauss cannon on the frigate to kill the king of the ‘Stoneskin Worm’, and returning to the guardian with the ‘Thunder Snake Modified Ship’ can all those who have any thoughts about him have doubts.

With the “Razer Modified Ship”, he can use the ten Gauss Cannons on the “Razer Modified Ship” on the guardian star to hunt and kill the third-level Zerg, and he can accumulate enough points faster .

“My lord!” Captain Hope and the crew stood on either side of the hatch, respectfully welcoming David.

Captain Hope and the crew are full of pride. He used to be the captain of Kaser’s extraordinary and exclusive spacecraft, and he has also crossed the defense line of the theater many times.

For Kaser’s extraordinary reputation on the battle star, naturally he has received enough respect.

I followed David. He thought it would take a long time to regain the same status as before, but he was wrong. This time he came to Rockstar from the Alidia star field and came to the defense line of the war zone. When he knew that this was David’s car, he was taken care of with great attention.

Captain Hope can even feel that this level of importance is even greater than when he followed Cather’s extraordinary.

“Thank you!” David smiled and nodded to Captain Hope and the crew.

Except for Captain Hope, the rest of the crew all started to work on their own, and Captain Hope followed David.

“You are going to follow me to guard the stars this time, have you negotiated with the crew?” David asked as he walked.

Different from the spacecraft used by David before, this spacecraft has a professional crew. Although there are only more than ten people, it is necessary to protect the star with David and suffer.

“My lord, you have given such good benefits. Besides, we were originally living in Battle Stars. Compared with the Guardians, Battle Stars are more difficult. The crew has long been used to it!” Captain Hope is very confident. ‘S reply.

“I will discuss with Alidia First Academy. Usually the spacecraft is parked in the base’s hangar. In addition, I still have some shares in the Sila Combat Academy base, which will be completed soon. It can also be docked. I will find a way for you in terms of food!” David confessed.

“Don’t worry, my lord, I have already made up the supply in Rock Star. At least half a year does not need to consider food. If we don’t pay attention to the taste of food, our spacecraft’s supply will not be a problem for ten years!” Captain Hope reported.

David nodded in satisfaction. Captain Hope has rich experience, and he doesn’t need to worry too much about these things.

When the “Razer Modified Ship” entered the airspace of the Fifth Fleet, an obviously enhanced frigate approached the “Razer Modified Ship” and applied for docking.

In space, the hatches of the two warships were docked via a connecting channel. This time, David and Captain Hope stood at the hatch to welcome guests.

Major General Compton Transcendent did not bring his entourage, he came over alone.

“General Compton, we meet again!” David said with a smile.

“Master David, I was impolite last time. I should have met you personally!” Compton said with an apologetic expression.

The last time David passed the Fifth Fleet, Compton Superb met with David via video. For a Superb, it is already very important to David’s behavior.

But this time is different. Although David did not admit that the destruction of the Alto satellite was related to him, everyone with a discerning eye can see clearly that apart from David’s motivation and ability, other people have no such means.

This is also related to David’s experience. From the first three mercenary groups to Batu Energy Company, it all shows that David has the ability to destroy armed bases.

It’s just that the Alto satellite this time is too surprising. The defense system, coupled with the two extraordinary guardians, was finally succeeded by David, which made Compton more extraordinary. David, that’s why there is a personal visit.

“I was in a hurry, otherwise I should visit you!” David also replied politely.

David and Compton walked side by side to the cabin hall, which required a long passage.

On both sides of the aisle are more than a dozen display cabinets, which contain display items.

While chatting with David at Compton Extraordinary and tasting the exhibits, he stood still.

In a display cabinet, through a transparent partition, you can see a broken piece of ‘transcendent armor’.

This is the first time Compton Extraordinary has seen someone display extraordinary equipment. Although this ‘extraordinary armor’ has been damaged, the materials are still useful and can still be used after some repairs.

Of course, David also knows is easy to repair the ‘Transcendent Armor’, and it also costs credit points. For him, credit points are really nothing.

But there is also a prerequisite for repairing the ‘supernatural armor’, that is, the repairman must be supernatural.

If it is a broken ‘Transcendent Armor’, it’s fine. David now has two broken ‘Transcendent Armor’ and four intact ‘Transcendent Armor’.

This made him lose the idea of ​​repairing the ‘Transcendental Armor’. It’s better to use the broken ‘Transcendental Armor’ as an ornament to fill the showcase here.

David didn’t know how much impact his behavior had on Compton’s extraordinary ability.

Even if Compton is superbly serving in the military, it is not easy to get third-level materials, but you need to do dangerous tasks in exchange for it.

Compton Extraordinarily shook his head and moved on, and immediately he saw the second broken ‘supernatural armor’.

“Master David, this is a waste!” Compton Superman finally did not hold back.

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