Transcendent David Chapter 382: Shoot down

‘Phantom Millipede’ ignored the three transcendents. After pushing back the three transcendents, the ten-meter-long body was rolled and then shot. With this force, the huge body leaped in one direction. .

“Block it, it’s going to attack David!” Kenny Superb saw the direction the “Phantom Millipede” wanted to go, and couldn’t help shouting.

At the same time, he also aroused extraordinary power, increased his speed greatly, and chased after the “Phantom Millipede”.

Dunbar Superman and Beecher Superman also changed their complexions, instantly increasing their speed and chasing them.

The movement method of the ‘Phantom Millipede’ has changed. It leaps hundreds of meters by using the roll of its body, and the body rolls one after another when it hits the ground.

The movement of the ‘Phantom Millipede’ made it almost impossible to see its body. The three supernatural beings chased after him, but couldn’t catch it for a while.

“David, leave!” Kenny Superman could only remind David.

He also understands that David has only two options at this time. One is to forcibly sniper the Phantom Millipede. With the preparation of the Phantom Millipede, it is difficult to make a fatal blow. .

The second is to escape immediately, borrowing the flying ability of the customized exoskeleton armor, but at the speed of the’Phantom Millipede’, David has a process from take-off to acceleration, afraid that he will be’Phantom Millipede’ before flying high. The worm’s caught up.

Although the ‘Phantom Millipede’ can’t fly very high, the jumping ability has already been shown at this time. There is a chance to escape at David’s speed, and it’s hard to say whether it can escape.

What horrified Kenny was that David did not flee, nor sniped, and there was no movement in that direction.

“Don’t worry, David has changed positions!” Dunbar Supernatural called the scout ship’s vision at this time, and said with a sigh of relief.

After sniping, David discovered that the sniper effect was not good, and he immediately made a decision and left the sniper position.

The ‘Phantom Millipede’ doesn’t know that David has moved. Because David’s breath cannot be captured, the ‘Phantom Millipede’ cannot find David through his breath, but can only find it based on the direction of the ballistic.

At a distance of 3,000 meters, the ‘Phantom Millipede’ came to the front with just a few leaps, and the sniper bullet flew out from behind this big rock.

The ‘Phantom Millipede’ rushed towards the stone, and at the same time, the uninjured forelimbs blocked all the surroundings of the stone to prevent David from escaping.

With a “boom”, the rubble on the ground behind the boulder turned over, but there was only one sound-shielding device. At this time, the sound-shielding device was torn into pieces by a forelimb.

The reason why the ‘Phantom Millipede’ attacks the back of the big stone with all its strength is that it senses the abnormality of the back of the big stone and blocks the sound, but when it approaches, the sound in this area will be missing and it will become the target.

The ‘Phantom Millipede’ feels fooled. Because of the head injury, the anger caused the injury to recur. Its forelimbs stretched out with the strength of the body to smash the big rock in front of it into fragments, dust and rubble flying.

The three transcendents have caught up at this moment. This time, the three transcendents did not relax anymore, and surrounded the “Phantom Millipede” in a triangular shape.

A kilometer away, David, wearing a ‘camouflage cloth’, readjusted his custom-made super large-caliber sniper rifle and calmly locked the ‘Phantom Millipede’ again.

Kenny Superbly felt guilty for his mistake. He leaped up with a third-grade heavy axe, raised his head high, and slashed heavily.

The ‘Phantom Millipede’ is slowly fading away from the effects of hormones. Its combat power is not as good as before. Facing Kenny’s extraordinary attack, it can only use its forelimbs to resist.

Dunbar Superman and Beecher Superman were also activated, and the weapons in their hands attacked the heart of the “Phantom Millipede”.

The ‘Phantom Millipede’’s response remains the same, with the forelimbs blocked separately.

Just as the ‘Phantom Millipede’ used the other forelimb in the front, David, who was a kilometer away, did not hesitate, and the third grade sniper bullet was shot from the sniper rifle.

David is waiting for this opportunity, an opportunity to prevent the Phantom Millipede from using the two front limbs.

David does not believe that all the forelimbs of the Phantom Millipede can instantly protect themselves. It is impossible for every forelimb to react when a sniper bullet flies in front of him, if that is the case. , The attack power of’Phantom Millipede’ is not just the middle and upper reaches of the third-level Zerg.

Two forelimbs were interrupted by a sniper bullet just now, and now the last one is going to block Kenny’s extraordinary heavy axe.

Without the sound barrier, a loud noise came from David’s location, but the third grade sniper bullet was shot faster than the sound.

This third-grade sniper bullet did not disappoint David. The moment Kenny’s extraordinary third-grade heavy axe contacted the forelimbs of the’Phantom Millipede’, the third-grade sniper bullet was shot in.’ Phantom Millipede’s left eye.

The left eye of’Phantom Millipede’ was shot without any defense at all, and green blood and black eye tissue splashed.

The third-grade sniper bullet did not stop in the left eye of “Phantom Millipede”, and continued inward along the left eye, and entered the brain at the gap of the eye frame of the “Phantom Millipede” skull.

This is not the slight damage the last time. The third-grade sniper bullet rolled in the head of the “Phantom Millipede”, stirring up confusion in the brain.

Then the third grade sniper bullet penetrated the head of the ‘Phantom Millipede’, shot out from the back of the head, and flew away against Dunbar’s extraordinary body.

Dunbar, who was attacking, waited until the third-grade sniper bullet flew away from him, and then he reacted and was shocked into a cold sweat.

Kenny’s extraordinary heavy split was in contact with the forelimbs of the ‘Phantom Millipede’. At first, the forelimbs were still resisting. When he wanted to retract the heavy axe and relaunch the attack, the forelimbs under the heavy axe suddenly softened.

Kenny won’t let go of this opportunity, the third-grade heavy axe pressed down and slashed heavily on the head of the “Phantom Millipede”.

However, he did not attack again because he found that the “Phantom Millipede” had no signs of life.

Becher’s extraordinary spear also pierced the heart of the’Phantom Millipede’, and similarly, he also found that the target he was attacking had died earlier.

“David, the target is dead!” Kenny Superb saw the brain tissue flowing out of the left eye of “Phantom Millipede” and said on the channel.

David retracted the customized super-caliber sniper rifle behind his back, stood up and ran towards the “Phantom Millipede”.

The third-level zerg killed three days ago was a’giant clamp flame insect’. The Shadow Servant absorbed its soul, but only gained an ability that humans can’t use.’Fire Control (talent, not up to the conditions for use) )’.

Because ‘Fire Control (talent, not up to use conditions)’ requires flame energy in the body to be used, at least David has not heard of anyone who has flame energy in his body.

This time the “Phantom Millipede” does not seem to be as good at fire energy as the “Giant Clamping Flame Worm”, but is good at close combat.

David is looking forward to the “Phantom Millipede” can provide him with practical abilities.

“David, come here in such a hurry, are you worried that we are greedy for your gains?” Dunbar said with a smile when he saw David running in a hurry.

“Don’t worry, the harvest this time is not small!” Kenny Superb also continued.

David felt the Shadow Servant **** a soul into his body, and then he laughed.

“You can assign me to rest assured, just help me exchange points!” David said with a smile.

“This time I will give you three thousand points. The third-level material from this’Phantom Millipede’ is three times that of the other three-level Zerg, and we will pay you three times the reward!” Kenny Chaofan Looked at the other two extraordinary, then turned to look at David and said.

David participates in the task of hunting and killing the third-level zerg. You can get 1,000 points for every third-level zerg killed, regardless of David’s contribution.

Of course, all the combat materials consumed by David were provided by the three extraordinary, including the third-grade sniper bullets used by David, and the reloading costs after the warhead was recovered were all paid by the three extraordinary.

Know that all of these require the use of points, especially after the third-grade sniper bullet is used once, the warhead needs to be recalibrated. There are not many forgers who can process the third-grade materials, and the charges are very high.

During this period, apart from following the three extraordinary actions, David could not leave the college base privately. This also greatly reduced his gains. Fortunately, the hunting action supplemented his points, allowing his points to continue to grow rapidly.

Just as Kenny’s extraordinary distribution of the spoils, more than 800 kilometers away from them, a scout ship was working.

“Abnormal fluctuations found underground!” the scanner reported loudly.

“Start the comparison and analysis immediately!” the captain ordered.

“Analyzing!” the analyst responded immediately.

The small reconnaissance ship should be the smallest of all warships. Because the size of the reconnaissance ship itself is small, coupled with the large amount of internal scanning and analysis equipment, it takes up most of the space, so the number of soldiers on the small reconnaissance ship is only Thirty.

This all counts the crew and intelligence processing personnel driving the reconnaissance ship.

“The volatility data is missing and analysis is impossible!” The analyst quickly replied.

“Lower altitude, increase scanning power!” The captain considered for a moment, then ordered.

The reconnaissance ship dropped from a kilometer to 500 meters, and then to 200 meters. At this altitude, the scanning device clearly received abnormal fluctuation data.

As the scanners and analysts were working hard, a huge head suddenly emerged from the ground below, and it was the king of the’stoneskin worm’ that the military was looking for.

It just showed its head, and sprayed a puff of gray gas toward the scout ship.

The attack of the king of ‘Stoneskin Worm’ turned gray gas into a gas ball, which flew towards the scout ship.

During the entire process, the reconnaissance ship did not find the gas ball.

“Report, the king of’Stoneskin Worm’ was found!” The scanner reported excitedly.

On the scanning light curtain in front of him, that huge head is the king of the target ‘Stoneskin Worm’ this time.

Before the captain gave the order, a gray gas ball appeared strangely in the cabin of the scout ship.

The gray gas ball exploded, and the space in the ship’s cabin that was not too large in an instant was filled with gray gas.

The body of the intelligence agent is frozen in an excited report state. The analyst is looking down and doing analysis work. When the captain sees the gray gas ball, he is preparing to warn loudly, but he is still slower than the gray gas ball exploding. Take a step.

The crew also maintained the state of operating the reconnaissance ship like a sculpture, but their lives were deprived and their bodies turned into gray rocks.

The reconnaissance ship, which lost the crew and captain, fell to the ground out of control without a commander.

During this process, the “Stoneskin Worm” king suddenly rushed out of the ground. Its goal was to detect the ship’s energy storage and engine engines.

The Zerg can absorb most of the energy, and there is sufficient energy on the scout ship, which is why it has become the target of the “Stoneskin Worm” king.

The king of ‘Stoneskin Worm’ has clearly improved his wisdom since he launched the worm infestation last time. This is the benefit of successfully launching the worm infestation.

Attracting the reconnaissance ship to descend is the trap of the king of the’stoneskin worm’, a powerful and simple trap.

The soldiers on the reconnaissance ship did not regard the “Stoneskin Worm” king as a high-level intelligent Zerg, and did not expect that the “Stoneskin Worm” king would set up traps.

When the’Stoneskin Worm’ King disappeared, he took away all the energy-bearing items on the scout ship, including krypton crystals, light energy weapons, warp engines, etc., which can maintain the’Stoneskin Worm’ group for a period of time Survival.

Due to the military’s search, the king of ‘stoneskin worms’ cannot allow the ‘stoneskin worms’ group to forage for energy by themselves, but the ‘stoneskin worms’ group consumes a lot of energy.

The King of’Stoneskin Worm’ glanced at the crashed reconnaissance ship one last time, and everything related to energy on it was dragged into the ground by the group of’Stoneskin Worms’.

“Reconnaissance Ship No. 16 crashed, and Reconnaissance Ship No. 16 crashed!” On a flagship **** Superb heard the report of his staff.

“Immediately send the No. 15 Reconnaissance Ship and the No. 3 Frigate Team to the No. 16 Reconnaissance Ship to find out the cause!” Frud commanded loudly.

Immediately, several frigates appeared in the air first, and then Reconnaissance Ship No. 15 scanned and analyzed the surrounding situation.

“Report, the wreckage of Reconnaissance Ship No. 16 has been found, and the black box is being recovered. The black box is intact, and the data in the black box is immediately retrieved!” The captain of Reconnaissance Ship No. 15 reported to Frud Superman through the military channel.

It’s just that the investigation ship No. 15 hasn’t found the king of “stoneskin worm” underground, it is walking leisurely through the rock layer.

The rock in front of the “Stoneskin Worm” King is like alive. When the “Stoneskin Worm” King approaches, it will automatically separate and allow the “Stoneskin Worm” King to move forward.

It’s no wonder that the military has been involved in the search for six days, but has not even seen the shadow of the “Stoneskin Worm” king. It is estimated that if it were not for the “Stoneskin Worm” king to actively expose for energy, the No. 16 Reconnaissance Ship Unable to find that abnormal fluctuation.

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