Transcendent David Chapter 358: Escape

“Kill!” Esmond yelled extraordinaryly. He touched the ground with his left foot, and the ground was turned into powder by the rubble in his point. Under the protection of extraordinary armor, his body was like a green Charged to the king of the’stoneskin worm’ like lightning.

Archie Extraordinary accelerates from the other side at the same time, rushing towards the other side of the’Stoneskin Worm’ king.

The “Stoneskin Worm” king also has no feet and limbs, only a body. This is why the two transcendents still dare to probe even when they know that each other is a third-level zerg.

‘Stoneskin Worm’ is the weakest existence in the second-level zerg. After the king of’Stoneskin Worm’ becomes a king, he will evolve some talents beyond the race.

Looking at the “Stoneskin Worm” king in front of you, the two supernatural beings suspect that they have evolved the defense talent of the “Stoneskin Worm” race.

Because from the appearance of the “Stoneskin Worm” king, no trace of other special talents can be seen.

Under normal circumstances, the special talents possessed by the Zerg will be displayed on their physical appearance.

Esmond’s extraordinary third-grade longsword came in contact with the skin of the “Stoneskin Worm” King, and he couldn’t help feeling happy. This showed that the speed of the “Stoneskin Worm” King had not improved much, but was still affected. The restraint of the’Stoneskin Worm’ race.

This made the king of ‘Stoneskin Worm’ lose the opportunity in the battle.

The third-grade long sword slipped on the skin of the King of Stoneskin Worm, but a wound was still cut.

The wound had just spilled a little green blood, and it healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

David saw this scene through the eyes of the Shadow Servant, and he couldn’t help being surprised by the defensive power and resilience of the “Stoneskin Worm” king.

This is a third-level weapon. Although it is only a light long sword, it is definitely more powerful than David’s own use of a third-level heavy axe.

David has almost never encountered an opponent who can resist with the third-level heavy axe. As long as he hits, he will inevitably split into two.

But Esmond’s extraordinary sword only caused a not deep wound on the body of the King’Stoneskin Worm’, and it healed quickly.

This ‘stoneskin worm’ king is placed in front of David, and if he is allowed to kill him, he cannot kill him.

David is extremely envious of the ability of the “Stoneskin Worm” king. He has the idea of ​​killing the “Stoneskin Worm” king to get his soul and obtain this talent from the soul.

It’s just that when he saw Archie’s extraordinary third-level longsword sweep over the King of “Stoneskin Worm”, the wound healed automatically after the third-level longsword was recovered, and he calmed down.

This ‘stoneskin worm’ king is not something he can deal with, but he can invite the transcendents of the academy to hunt them together in the future.

“Haha, this’stoneskin worm’ king turned out to have only evolved defenses!” Esmond said with an extraordinary laugh.

“Let’s see how much blood it can bleed!” Archie Superbly continued with a smile.

After seeing the amazing defensive power and resilience of the King of Stoneskin Worm, they were not surprised and delighted because it confirmed the evolution direction of Stoneskin Worm.

No matter how strong the defense and resilience of the’Stoneskin Worm’ King is, they can wear it to death.

Especially when the “Stoneskin Worm” king took his own hands, the rest of the “Stoneskin Worm” remained motionless, and it seemed that they would not intervene in the king’s battle.

Although the two extraordinary do not understand the idea of ​​the ‘Stoneskin Worm’ group, they will not give up this opportunity.

The movement speed of Esmond’s Transcendent and Archie’s Transcendent increased, and the third-grade long sword in his hand continuously caused wounds on the body of the king of’Stoneskin Worm’.

The King of’Stoneskin Worm’ wanted to counterattack very much, but every attack hit the empty space, and its speed couldn’t keep up with the two extraordinary speeds.

The evolutionary direction of this ‘Stoneskin Worm’ king is indeed problematic. Although it has advanced the racial talent to an unimaginable level, it cannot have the attack power of the third-level zerg application.

Two third-level swords continuously caused wounds one by one. The King of Stoneskin Worm didn’t care about these wounds on his body. It was only angry that it could not attack the enemy, so it changed its attack method.

The thick tail swept on the ground, and a large number of rocks flew to the two supernatural beings, so that the two superhumans had to slow down their attack and dodge the stone attack.

“Esmond, we can’t drag on like this anymore, we use our full strength!” Archie said with a frown.

“Good!” Esmond nodded superbly.

The bizarre energy surges in the two extraordinary bodies, and the green light of the two third-rank long swords becomes more dazzling, and the long swords are like water flowing on them.

David looked at the anomaly on the third-grade long swords in the two extraordinary hands, and sensed the strange energy flowing on it. This energy made David feel extremely dangerous and inexplicably cordial.

“Transcendental power, this is transcendental power!” David understands what energy it is. The transcendents he encountered before rarely use this energy. Although he has a lot of contact with the transcendent, he rarely sees the transcendent. Power.

Esmond Superbly, after getting away from the flying stones, the third-grade longsword in his hand once again hit the’stoneskin worm’ king. Different from the previous attack, this third-grade longsword Smoothly cut into the skin of the king of’stoneskin worm’.

This sword caused more damage than all previous attacks. The entire third-grade long sword was submerged into the body of the’stoneskin worm’ king, causing its skin, muscles and even internal organs. Hurt.

For the first time, the King of “Stoneskin Worm” uttered a terrifying roar, which quickly rolled over his body, and Esmond hurriedly retracted his sword. Otherwise, he would probably sweep away the third-level sword.

Archie Transcendent is also a sword. This time, due to the tumbling of the “Stoneskin Worm” king, it did not cause a deep wound, but a super long wound.

The king of ‘Stoneskin Worm’ was covered in green and blood, and the recovery process was slower this time.

Its body was tumbling with a lot of rocks flying up, making the two transcendents had to dodge, that is, at this moment, all the’stoneskin worms’ no longer wait and see, but toward the two transcendents and six Soldiers gathered around.

“No, leave first, and kill it later!” Esmond exclaimed in a deep and extraordinary voice.

Actually, if it is an extraordinary person in Esmond, he may use extraordinary power from the beginning, but it is because Archie is extraordinary, he must consider the danger of consuming extraordinary power.

The two transcendents restricted each other, so that they did not do their best in the early stages of the battle. At this moment, it was too late to end the battle quickly.

Al Chaofan was about to agree, but he instinctively felt the danger, without any hesitation, he immediately rushed back.

Compared with Archie’s extraordinary, Esmond’s extraordinary reaction, who also felt the danger, was a bit slower.

This is the difference between living in a war zone all the year round and living in a peaceful zone all the year round. They have the same perception of danger, but their reaction speed is completely different.

Esmond Supernatural was a step slower than Archie Supernatural and backed away, and saw the King of “Stoneskin Worm” open his mouth and spout a puff of gray gas at them.

The source of the danger is this gray gas. The speed of the gray gas is extremely fast, and Esmond’s extraordinary efforts to dodge, only get away half of his body.

Esmond superbly felt his legs lose their feeling from below the thighs, as if his legs were condensed into a solid under the influence of gray gas.

The extraordinary armor did not play a defensive role. If it hadn’t been for the flight function of the extraordinary armor that hadn’t been activated by the extraordinary armor, he would have fallen to the ground right now.

Without any hesitation, Esmond soared into the sky, trying to escape with the fastest speed.

Hundreds of large and small stones flew to Esmond Extraordinary at the same time. In the air, Esmond Extraordinary was a little inflexible because of his legs. His body was hit by many stones. in.

The extraordinary armor enveloped him, even vomiting many mouthfuls of blood, his bones and muscles were injured by these stone attacks.

Fortunately, the extraordinary armor is strong enough. These damages are shock damage, which can cause him to be injured but cannot be fatal. Regardless of his strength, he resisted the injury and rushed out of the scope of the stone rain.

Alki’s extraordinary dodge movement is fast, but it is not without injury. His body dodges, but his left forearm is swept by gray gas, and his left forearm immediately loses consciousness.

Archie’s extraordinary is the same as Esmond’s extraordinary. The first thought was to escape. The ‘Stoneskin Worm’ king’s ability is too abnormal, and staying here is to die.

He activated the flight ability of the extraordinary armor. Before leaving, he flew to the side of the No. 3 armorer, and with the only sword-holding hand that could be used, he separated three fingers and grabbed the No. 3 armorer’s exoskeleton armor. Then skyrocketed.

As soon as Archie’s extraordinary lifted into the sky, countless stones were also flying in. Among them, the biggest threat was the attack of the elite’Stoneskin Worm’.

At this moment, Archie Extraordinary made a choice that surprised David. Archie Extraordinary blocked the No. 3 armorer in front of him. These stones that could only cause Archie Extraordinary serious injury, will The exoskeleton armor of the No. 3 soldier was broken, and then his body was smashed.

Archie Superb used the body of Warrior No. 3 to withstand the first round of stone rain, then dropped the broken body of Warrior No. 3 and lifted off.

Although the two transcendents fled, the obvious “stoneskin worm” king did not want to let them go. It chased the two transcendents flying away. Before leaving, a burst of gray gas hit the rest. Of the five soldiers.

The five armored soldiers who were stunned by the two extraordinary escapes just now were enveloped in gray gas without the slightest resistance, and they stood in place like statues.

The King of “Stoneskin Worms” ignored them, and chased them in two extraordinary directions with a group of “Stoneskin Worms”.

David waited for a while, and the Shadow Servant watched the group of ‘Stoneskin Worms’ separated five hundred meters before he emerged from the boulder.

He first came to the side of a few armored soldiers and uncovered one of them.

When he saw the face under the visor, David was shocked, because the face under the visor turned out to be a face carved out of stone.

Of course, David knew that this was not a real stone sculpture, but the effect of the gray gas emitted by the king of the “stoneskin worm”.

David took off all the other armors’ visors again, and finally he saw a familiar face, which he recognized at a glance, which turned into a stone.

Canning has long lost his breath of life now, and his soul has been absorbed by Shadow Servant.

David shook his head. He didn’t expect that the former president would die in the hands of the Zerg, not his hands.

Originally, David had also decided to kill Canning, and was targeted by a master sniper, with little chance of surviving.

David asked the Shadow Servant to put away the six second-grade weapons and looked at the direction. He would not return from the original road. There was the king of the’stoneskin worm’. With his combat power, let alone encounter The king of’Stoneskin Worm’ is a big trouble when encountering elite’Stoneskin Worm’.

He turned his head and looked at the center of the pile of rocks, where the king of ‘Stoneskin Worm’ originally lived.

David always feels that the entire “Stoneskin Worm” reveals a strange feeling. He has never heard that the “Stoneskin Worm” has the ability to perceive creatures within 100 meters through rocks.

I have never heard of elite ‘stoneskin worms’ that can control stones to form stone armor on their bodies, and can also use them as deadly range attacks.

Never heard that the king of ‘stoneskin worm’ can spray gray gas and produce petrification effects on the enemy, even the extraordinary can’t defend.

David feels that it is possible to find the answer in the center of the pile of rocks. This is a perception in his spirit, or the result of an analysis of the event.

Without hesitation, if you don’t take advantage of the ‘stoneskin worm’ king and most of the ‘stoneskin worms’ to chase two extraordinary opportunities, next time David doesn’t know when there will be such a chance.

He quickly walked through the pile of rocks, and as he got closer and closer to the center of the pile of rocks, the close-fitting Xiaobai in his customized exoskeleton armor suddenly moved Xiaobai was hiding his breath. The ability is more powerful than David, because Xiaobai’s body is very weak, and as long as it is suppressed, it is almost similar to the breath of ordinary snakes and insects, and the use of David’s body to cover it will not produce a biological breath.

Because of being close to David, that is, the appearance of the king of the “Stoneskin Worm”, Xiao Bai did not have much fear. David gave it a very strong sense of security.

At this moment, Xiao Bai suddenly moved. This was for David to communicate with it.

David is connected with Xiaobai’s spirit. Xiaobai tells David that there is a special energy in that direction.

In this regard, David is far behind Xiao Bai, and Xiao Bai’s extraordinary direction seems to strengthen this direction.

David felt happy, he calmed Xiao Bai with his spirit, and immediately turned and ran towards Xiao Bai’s direction.

The Shadow Servant looked at the possible danger ahead, which allowed David to run faster. He knew that the ‘Stoneskin Worm’ swarm could return at any time, and his time was running out.

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