Transcendent David Chapter 355: Ambush

Although each “Stoneskin Worm” can only be exchanged for 100 points, David’s gains in the next two days are still very large, and he can get about 600 to 800 points every day.

This morning, David put on custom exoskeleton armor and flew away from the base after finishing his training as usual.

What he didn’t know was that Canning sneaked out of the base wearing a normal exoskeleton armor without notifying anyone an hour before his departure.

The reason Canning did this is mainly because Kenny Superb announced that he needed to retreat. Although he did not need to retreat, Kenny Superb did not force him to retreat, but as long as Kenny Superb announced, he Can no longer appear in front of students.

At the pile of rocks, when Canning arrived, five soldiers were already waiting there.

The weapons of the five armored men are all of the second grade, and the exoskeleton armor has been covered up, and the marked parts are covered.

“Canning, only this time. If you tell me my identity afterwards, then even if something goes wrong, I can make you and the forces behind you pay the price!” Said the voice.

“Of course, except I know your identities this time, I didn’t tell you each other’s identities, so I used numbers instead of names. Afterwards, there is nothing to do!” Canning nodded and said.

In order to invite these few soldiers, Canning can be said to have the previous favors, he will have illegal transactions with him, and he will be able to use means to force the powerful soldiers to invite, and afterwards, only these five It’s a big trouble how to confess.

But Canning didn’t want to take care of things afterwards, he was full of minds to let David die.

Of course he didn’t know how powerful David was. He could be called an invincible soldier. Of course, David was extremely powerful, even if he didn’t count the ability of a master sniper, David’s The strength is also higher than the strongest student.

Therefore, among the few invited by Canning, except for one of them is a student of Alidia First College, the rest are students from two adjacent colleges.

This student of Alidia First College is very powerful, and is within the top five among seniors.

If Canning had not helped this student a lot, but had helped the student’s home career, so that the student’s home career had to rely on the forces behind him, and he would not be able to invite this student to act.

David’s reputation in the academy is too strong. As long as knowledgeable students understand that they can’t offend David, such a genius is not progressing at all. It is enough to rely on the ability of the master sniper. Among the strong.

Among the five students who came, only this one knew the most about David’s strength.

Four students from two nearby colleges are friends that Canning has made in the past few years. He and the four students have had many acts of assaulting the students of their respective colleges. He was firmly tied to the four students.

Of course, these four students are not together. They do not know each other. They have only acted with Canning alone before. Before, there was no soldier worthy of Canning invite a group of soldiers.

This time, either under the coercion of Canning or driven by benefits, all four students came here. They are all strong in their respective colleges, and they are all ranked very high, otherwise Canning would not follow Cooperated.

Because of this, the four students did not want to reveal their identity in front of others, so they had the request to meet.

“I’m number one, you’re number two, you’re number three, you’re number four, you’re number five, you’re number six!” Canning said, pointing at several soldiers.

The five soldiers glanced at each other, and they didn’t deliberately say much to each other. They knew in their hearts that if they met a classmate from their college, if they said more, their identity would be directly exposed at this moment.

“One, I checked the David you are going to deal with. That is the master sniper. To be honest, if there is no feasible plan, I would rather be expelled than take part in the action!” It was the armored warrior who was holding a second-grade heavy axe, and said in a deep voice.

“Don’t worry. Although I don’t have the position of president of the student union, I still have a lot of eyeliners in the school. David has been hunting’stoneskin worms’ in this pile of rocks these days, using military breath isolation equipment. , We can wait for David among the rocks, and when David approaches us, with the six of us joining hands, David will definitely die!” Canning said coldly.

Canning’s confidence is very high, because among the six soldiers present, there are three weapons masters alone. Although they are all junior weapons masters, this is enough to show how terrifying the strength of these soldiers.

Academy with many talents, each of the students who can rank in the top of the academy is super talented, and the six top talents all have their own talents.

This kind of exaggerated group of soldiers can only be convened by a star-level academy like the three academies.

David is also said to be a master of heavy axe. In a one-to-six situation, he lost the ability of a master sniper at close range. Couldn’t the six top geniuses defeat David alone!

“As long as he’s close, he will die!” Soldier No. 3 nodded and said.

No.4, No.5 and No.6 also nodded in agreement. This is their confidence in their own strength.

Number two is also a student of Alidia First College. He is still a little worried. The main reason is that other colleges can’t appreciate David’s reputation among students, but the matter has reached this point, and he has no retreat.

As for the assassination of their classmates, none of the six students present had any worries about this. The reason why they were able to come here was who did not have the blood of their classmates.

Resources need to be grabbed, and the college is also competitive. Some competitors with weak backgrounds die in the wild beyond the academy’s control.

Each college has a death quota, as long as it does not exceed a certain percentage, it will not be taken seriously.

Fighting with the Zerg, especially the students who highlight safe areas, death is not a strange thing.

Six soldiers walked into the rubble, and they soon discovered the situation here.

“This is the place where David normally enters. This area has been cleared by David, and it is also his only way. We will set it up here!” Canning had already planned to enter the rock He said soon after.

Four small instruments are placed in four directions. These four small instruments can completely shield their breath, including the energy signal of the exoskeleton armor, etc.

If you want to find them, unless you have a large scanning device, or see them directly.

After the arrangement, the six soldiers used the boulder to hide their bodies, waiting for David to appear.

Just after the six soldiers walked into the pile of rocks, two figures wearing extraordinary green armor appeared outside the pile of rocks, and they glanced at each other.

“I didn’t expect Batu Energy to attach so much importance to Canning, Esmond, you came here in person!” Archie Superb looked at Esmond Superb and said.

“I’m not like you. As an extraordinary person, I became a child’s bodyguard. This time I came here just because the company has affairs that need to be dealt with. This happened to happen!” Esmond said in a deep voice.

“As long as the goal I protect is not dangerous, I will not take action. It seems that David will definitely die. Even if these children can’t kill David, you will help them complete it!” Archie shook his head superbly Said.

Archie looks supernaturally out of the picture, but both superhumans understand that if they really need it, they will all take action.

As Archie Superbly owes a favor from the family of No. 3 Soldier, the other side’s forces don’t need Archie to do anything extraordinarily. In the end, it just asks Archie Superb to protect No. 3 Soldier and graduate from college.

Able to pay back the adult’s favor, or only need to pay such a small price, even if he wasted four years of his time, Archie Extraordinary is very willing.

The No. 3 fighter does not go out every day, Archie also has a lot of training time in ordinary times. Even the No. 3 fighter is out, it is difficult for him to have trouble with his own strength.

Archie is extraordinary and very leisurely. Through the relationship between the home of No. 3 Soldier, he can live in the academy base. The senior management of the academy knows about him, and only No. 3 Soldier himself does not know.

“David blocked our way of a big plan. We couldn’t carry out this plan with him!” Esmond Superb didn’t say anything clearly, but just explained his attitude.

Even if Canning didn’t organize this operation, Esmond Extraordinary would personally take care of David.

As long as David is there, the krypton mine project will not fall into the hands of Batu Energy.

Although Batu Energy also knows that David’s relationship in it is not very big, both the First Academy of Elydia and the Slaughter Battle Academy must take David into consideration. It can be said that as long as David is in , Batu Energy Company did not even have a chance to talk.

The preliminary project of the Krypton Mine has been started. For those projects without technical content, Sila Battle Academy can still be carried out, but in the middle and late stages, a professional energy company is required to handle it, and Batu Energy Company will not do anything. There is no time to solve David’s trouble.

As for whether the final project can be in the hands of Batu Energy Company, it depends on Batu Energy Company’s efforts in the federal high-level. At this point, they still have a little confidence. It is precisely because of these that they need Get rid of David immediately.

“It’s about the krypton mine, David is involved in such a large project, and he is also looking for his own death!” Archie also knew about the krypton mine. Hearing what Esmond said, since I immediately understood.

“Let’s go, let’s go in too, solve the trouble sooner and end it sooner!” Esmond Supernatural did not continue to talk, he first entered the pile of rocks, Archie Supernatural followed behind him and entered.

David was flying in the sky. He was a few kilometers away from the pile of rocks, and when he could see the pile of rocks in the sky, he suddenly felt a palpitating heart.

“There is a problem!” He has experienced too many dangers, and he has long understood his sense of danger. This level of heart palpitations tells him that his life is in danger ahead.

He immediately descended from the air to the ground, and then converged his breath and spirit, and draped the ‘camouflage cloth’ on his body.

David did not leave immediately. Although leaving was the best choice, he wanted to know where the danger came from and whether it was against him, otherwise he would still encounter danger after leaving this time.

David turned on the’silent stealth’ technique and reduced the speed to a low speed. At this speed, the’camouflage cloth’ can still exert a certain effect.

The Shadow Servant has already flown into the air. In an open place, the Shadow Servant can see everything four to five kilometers away. If it is an environment like a rock pile, it can also discover hidden dangers 100 meters in advance.

This is also the confidence he dared to check in person, knowing that there is danger ahead.

As he approached the pile of rocks, David carefully blocked his body with the boulder, and Shadow Servant was in front to ensure that he would not be found by the surroundings before he moved forward.

When entering a hundred meters from the rock pile, the Shadow Servant found six soldiers. Although these six soldiers were hidden behind the boulder, because they did not have the ability of David, they needed to take a probe after a while. , Which also made Shadow Servant discover them.

David also saw the instruments that hide the breath and signals. The four instruments were also hidden, but they were discovered by the shadow attendant from the air.

David knew that this was someone who was ambushing him. It is not a secret that he came to the rocks to hunt the’Stoneskin Worm’. A few days ago, because he kept passing the’Stoneskin Worm’ corpse in exchange for points, he also let Some students moved to hunt down.

I just came here but was almost besieged and killed by the ‘Stoneskin Worm’, which dispelled the idea.

The six soldiers must not have come to hunt the’Stoneskin Worm’. There is no’Stoneskin Worm’ in the area that David has cleaned up. To hunt down the’Stoneskin Worm’ you need to go inward. It can only be encountered by advancing more than kilometers.

After discovering these six soldiers, David didn’t move. He didn’t think these six soldiers would pose any danger to him, let alone make him feel palpitations.

This is not David’s arrogance, it is that he has experienced battles with powerful weapons The six soldiers are difficult to threaten unless they are all advanced weapons masters.

The most important thing is the custom exoskeleton armor of the third-level defense on his body. It is not the second-level weapon in the hands of ordinary armor that can cause fatal damage. At most, it hurts him and cannot prevent him from fleeing.

Shadow Servant continued to search around, and David also moved slowly to cooperate with Shadow Servant to search a larger area.

Behind a huge boulder about a hundred meters beside the six soldiers, two figures were found by the Shadow Servant.

“Two transcendents!” David was shocked, the more he dealt with transcendents, the more he understood the horror of transcendents.

Two transcendents appeared here. He wouldn’t think that they were sent by the academy to protect him. He knew all the transcendents from the academy, and it was not a few transcendents from the academy.

At this moment, David’s heart is retiring. This is a pile of rocks. His sniper ability cannot be used. Even if he can sniper, he can only threaten a transcendent at most, and he is not sure that he can really hit him hard One extraordinary, let alone two extraordinary.

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