Transcendent David Chapter 351: Pile of rocks

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The Extraordinary David Chapter 351 Rock Pile

In the morning, a classroom in Alidia First College had just finished, and the students left the classroom in small groups.

Among these students, the five-person group of three men and two women is very special. The rest of the students try to keep a distance from them. It is not disgust but respect for the strong.

“There is news from the base that David has put up the first level 3 zerg corpse he killed!” Evelyn said in amazement in her voice.

As a genius cultivated in the family, I will share some intelligence with Evelyn every day after I go back home. Evelyn also saw yesterday’s intelligence.

In fact, at the auction last night, she didn’t know that David had auction items beforehand, and did not propose to waive the handling fee for David. These were all done for her at home.

It’s just that after doing this, she will be told about it, and the family is also building relationships for her.

The last thing Evelyn did not expect was that David had made such an achievement just after he went to the base, killing a third-level zerg.

Although it was a third-level Zerg killed with the three transcendents, as long as David was assigned the complete corpse of the ‘Cyclops’, you can see that David was not useless.

Extraordinary does not give away the corpses of the third-level zerg for no reason. Every third-level zerg corpse is very valuable and cannot be priced by credit.

“I also heard about yesterday’s auction, but unfortunately I was in the academy and couldn’t go to participate!” Mike said with envy.

If Mike had some thoughts about whether David would be in the team in the future, and whether he would rob him of his position, now that kind of thought has long been forgotten.

A sniper master like David who already possesses instant combat power, even the Superman wants to carry out missions with David, so what is the team of their academy.

“My father said that the war zone is applying for the Gold Star badge for David, and the military department has rarely rejected applications from the war zone!” Fitch looked around and said softly.

“God, the Venus badge, if David enters the army after graduation, it will be the rank of captain!” Myers exclaimed.

“Speak down, what hasn’t been announced yet, do you want to hurt me?” Fitch stared at Miles.

“I know, I know!” Miles said quickly, covering his mouth.

The others were also very surprised. Everyone knows that military merits are very rare, especially for military merits such as the Venus badge. Few people in the military receive this honor each year, let alone a student like David.

They also know that this matter will not be false. Fitch’s father is not a low position in the army, and many of his family members also serve in the army. He is a military family.

“Fitch, know what David did to get the gold star badge?” Mike asked curiously.

“I don’t know, and my father is not too clear. It’s just that David has heard that David has made outstanding strategic contributions to be nominated for this gold star badge!” Fitch shook his head and said.

“How long will we have to study here before we can meet David?” Louise kicked the ground dissatisfiedly and complained.

She is a large shield warrior and has very little chance of gaining military exploits.

If you go to the base early and act with David, your chances of gaining military exploits and points will greatly increase.

“It’s early, everyone go back and review, try to complete the cultural knowledge assessment in three months, we have no problem with fighting ability!” Mike looked at Louise, then looked at the others, and said in a deep voice.

“Do you think we can catch up with David?” Miles asked softly.

“Probably it!” Even if all the top talents were present, there was no confidence to answer this question.

While they were chatting, David was watching carefully at a position 400 kilometers away from the college base.

Due to the sudden decrease in the number of second-level zergs, David can no longer easily meet the second-level zergs as long as he goes out as before.

Fortunately, he saw a mission briefing in the mission system, which was an open mission.

‘Stoneskin worms’ group appeared in the 405 kilometers southwest of the academy base. This task does not need to be taken. The corpses of the’stoneskin worms’ are directly exchanged for points. One hundred and twenty points for the corpse! ’

This task actually occurred many days ago. At that time, there were many senior group of the academy to complete the task.

After only a few days of fighting, the number of ‘stoneskin worms’ has not decreased, but has increased, from about forty before to more than 80 now.

In recent days, the Jiashi team has handed in nearly 20 corpses of’Stoneskin Worm’ to the Academy, and the Academy has increased the purchase price of’Stoneskin Worm’ from 100 points to 120 integral.

The second-class Zerg who originally used the “Stoneskin Worm” to prevent high-altitude and low-speed, is the second-class Zerg most liked by the students.

The increase in number has made the student soldiers afraid to hunt down, even if the points increase.

When David saw this task, he was very satisfied. A large number of’stoneskin worms’ appeared. Although there is nothing special about the corpses of’stoneskin worms’, one hundred and twenty points can be earned. Great, the daily harvest will be there.

The Shadow Servant was observing the pile of rocks in front of him in the air. The environment in this area was very chaotic. The average stone was about five meters high and piled up irregularly in an area of ​​tens of kilometers, making this area a The best hiding place for the Zerg.

This is also the reason why there are so many ‘stoneskin worms’ that senior students dare not come to hunt them.

In the pile of rocks, it is impossible to find nearby’Stoneskin Worm’. Once surrounded by’Stoneskin Worm’, with the strength of the student armor, it is not said that it is to kill the’Stoneskin Worm’. , It is troublesome to escape.

After several teams have encountered danger here, the armored team is no longer visible here.

The situation here is that the armor is not easy to clean up, it is not worthy of extraordinary action, and it has not risen to the point where the military can be eliminated. It is estimated that if the number of’stoneskin worms’ continues to increase, there will be The military appeared.

There are indeed many ‘stoneskin worms’ here, and Shadow Servant soon found a ‘stoneskin worm’.

The body surface of the ‘Stoneskin Worm’ is very close to the color of the stone, and almost merges with the stone when it is not moving.

It has no limbs, and it relies on twisting to move. This makes it lack the forelimb spikes of the other second-level zergs, reducing its attack power and also reducing the harvest of killing it.

In addition to selling this second-level zerg to the academy, it is estimated that few shops will be willing to pay 100 points to buy it.

The Shadow Servant is moving in the air, looking at the pile of rocks below from different angles.

At a distance of about 100 meters from this ‘Stoneskin Worm’, I saw another ‘Stone Skin Worm’.

Then Shadow Servant saw a third and fourth one. Since Shadow Servant could not fly farther, he could not see more, but only based on the results of these observations, David could make some judgments.

He marked the location of the four’stoneskin worms’ on the map. Although there are some small gaps, the four’stoneskin worms’ on the map are separated by a distance of about 100 meters. Distributed.

These ‘stoneskin worms’ are not so much acting in a pile of rocks as they are guarding.

There is one ‘stoneskin worm’ every 100 meters. As long as any ‘stoneskin worm’ is found, the distance of one hundred meters is enough for the unsteady ‘stoneskin worms’ to come and support in a short time.

David’s curiosity arose. He didn’t know how the ‘stoneskin worms’ gathered here, what are they guarding?

This time David did not use a custom-made large-caliber sniper rifle. The environment here is not suitable for sniping. When he walked into the pile of rocks, the Shadow Servant also flew back and passed through on his right hand. The third-grade heavy axe appeared in his right hand.

The Shadow Servant flew above his head again and hovered in the air around David, ensuring that David would not be surrounded by the ‘stoneskin worm’ to the greatest extent.

His footsteps fell gently, and his silent sneak skills became more and more proficient.

David took a ‘stoneskin worm’ he had set as a target and kept getting closer.

At a distance of 100 meters from the’stoneskin worm’, David suddenly felt peeped in his heart. It seemed that some creature was looking at him. At the same time, the shadow attendant in the sky saw the one hundred meters ahead. The whole body of the’Stoneskin Worm’ collapsed and made a fighting posture.

“Stoneskin worms are sensitive to creatures within a hundred meters?” David immediately thought of something, but he didn’t believe it, because among the knowledge he learned in the academy,’Stoneskin Worms’ did not have this ability.

But there is a real appearance in front of him, just entering 100 meters, David’s sensitive spirit senses peeping, and then the’Stoneskin Worm’ responds to the enemy. All this shows that the’Stoneskin Worm’ does exist. This ability.

The Shadow Servant even saw this ‘Stoneskin Worm’ opening its mouth to make a sound. How could David let it go as he pleased, and a ‘high frequency sound wave’ was sent out.

The’Stoneskin Worm’ was about to sound the alarm, but it was hit by the’high-frequency sound wave’, and the’Stoneskin Worm’ became stiff.

David rushed over at this moment, a distance of 100 meters, with the ‘Ultimate Speed’ and the short wings behind the customized exoskeleton armor turned on, it was a breathing time.

When he appeared in front of the ‘Stoneskin Worm’, the ‘Stone Skin Worm’ just recovered from the influence of the ‘High Frequency Sound Wave’.

The’Stoneskin Worm’ bit towards David. It is very confident in its own defense. Of course, it has no limbs and cannot do it if it wants to defend itself.

It’s just that David is holding a third-grade heavy axe. This is not something that the stone skin of the’Stoneskin Worm’ can defend.

David flashed sideways, the third-grade heavy axe in his hand swung out, and the neck of the’Stoneskin Worm’ was cut open, leaving only a small piece of skin attached to it. This was to ensure the integrity of the corpse. If it is divided into two parts, it will not be easy to take away.

David can also take this into consideration in the battle. You can imagine how easy he is in the battle.

David took out a bottle and poured the liquid in it on the incision in the neck of the “Stoneskin Worm”. Soon the green blood began to solidify and the **** smell faded a lot.

This bottle of medicine is a “blood coagulation medicine” purchased from David, a very cheap but practical medicine that can make blood coagulate quickly and reduce blood pollution to equipment.

The blood of ‘Stoneskin Worm’ is better. The blood of some zergs is corrosive, so the effect of ‘blood clotting agents’ is even greater.

Just finished this, David suddenly frowned, because he saw that the “stoneskin worms” all around had abnormal behaviors and moved towards him.

“Discovered?” He felt strange. Thinking back to the battle just now, he didn’t give the ‘Stoneskin Worm’ a chance to sound the alarm. How could it be discovered.

David even discovered that not only the few ‘stoneskin worms’ that Shadow Servant saw just now, many ‘stoneskin worms’ were moving quickly towards this side deep in the pile of rocks.

When he is surrounded by huge rocks, David would not be here to fight with the ‘Stoneskin Worm’ group. He grabbed the corpse of the ‘Stoneskin Worm’ with a little bit of his feet and people rose into the air.

Just as David flew into the air, many ‘stoneskin worms’ also discovered David.

The recent few’stoneskin worms’ used their tails to roll up the head-sized stones on the ground and throw them towards David in the sky.

David didn’t think that the ‘Stoneskin Worm’ would have this attack method, and he quickly dodged and flew to a higher altitude.

The strength of these stones is terrifying, just listening to the sound of the air being squeezed can make your scalp numb.

Fortunately, David was on the edge of the rock pile. He could escape the attack of the ‘stoneskin worm’ as long as he flew outside the rock pile.

After escaping for a few kilometers, David just descended to the ground. He looked at the pile of rocks in the distance and analyzed why he was found.

“It’s’High Frequency Sound Waves’!” Recalling what happened just now, the only possibility is the problem of’High Frequency Sound Waves’.

At this time, David realized that he was facing a The hearing of a Zerg is completely different from that of a human.

The ‘high-frequency sound waves’ that humans cannot hear are very likely to be yelling for the Zerg.

Thinking about it, David just now made a loud cry among the ‘Stoneskin Worm’ group among the rocks, and he couldn’t help showing a helpless wry smile.

‘High-frequency sonic wave’ does not seem to be used as a regular combat skill. Fortunately, he encountered the’Stoneskin Worm’. The movement speed of the’Stoneskin Worm’ is not fast, so he still has a chance to escape. .

If you are fighting a fast-moving zerg group, a ‘high-frequency sound wave’ will probably attract the entire area of ​​the zerg.

“Really a tasteless ability!” David was very disappointed with the talent of ‘High Frequency Sonic’, he was not good at attacking power, and now even the good feature of covert attacks is gone.

In the future, in the wild in the war zone, it is impossible to use “high-frequency sound waves”. Who knows how far this extreme “high-frequency sound waves” can travel, and it is impossible to use “high-frequency sound waves” every time in the future. Escape once!

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