Transcendent David Chapter 332: Action

There are some restrictions on the map of the college base. It is not that there are no detailed maps more than two hundred kilometers away. It is just for the safety of most students. The college base does not open this part of the map to ordinary students.

According to the regulations of the college, freshmen like David, after arriving at the ruler, at least need to go through a period of adaptation under the leadership of the instructor.

This time varies from several months to several years, and the corresponding authority is given according to the evaluation given by the instructor.

David does not have this convenience, so he can only increase the map area by scanning the exoskeleton armor a little bit.

Leaving the safe area for one kilometer, David was flying twenty meters in the air. Below him was a deep pothole.

I didn’t see the Zerg in the eye, and even the scanning device on the exoskeleton armor did not find the Zerg, but his spirit always told him that it was not peaceful below.

So David sent the Shadow Servant, and the invisible Shadow Servant flew to the ground, and the Zerg was not directly seen inside the pit.

David manipulated the Shadow Servant to continue down. When he entered about three meters below the ground, the Shadow Servant found a tunnel dug in the ground, in which ‘Shaking Wing Flying Ants’ were densely arranged.

David recognized that ‘Shaking Wing Flying Ants’ was the knowledge in the textbook he saw in the college this time. The ‘Shaking Wing Flying Ants’ were not strong, they were only first class zerg.

But the’shock-wing flying ants’ are one of the few zergs that can fly. The’shock-wing flying ants’ are a kind of gregarious zerg, which covers the disadvantage of insufficient combat power with an extremely large number, plus the ability to fly briefly. Makes it more difficult to deal with than most first-level Zerg.

The ‘Shaking Wing Flying Ant’ is extremely sensitive to sound and will attack immediately as long as there is vibration on the ground.

David marked on the map, and of course he also knew that, given the characteristics of the Zerg, this place is probably only a temporary nest.

He is not prepared to clear this place. This is not what he is good at. He is not sure to deal with the attacks of more than 3,000’shockwing flying ants’ at the same time.

Flying quietly over the pit, David flew farther.

In the next ten kilometers, he also found some patterns. In almost every hole left by space weapon attacks, there are more or less many zergs.

On the flat ground, there are few Zergs.

David did not travel with experienced students, otherwise they would tell David about this experience at this time.

The potholes on the ground, because the attack of space weapons will leave some energy residue, which is a rare food for any Zerg.

Compared to other places where energy is barren, the residual energy in the pothole is of great benefit to the Zerg.

Therefore, all students who work normally understand the truth. Don’t get close to the pothole easily, because there may be a fatal danger.

Just as David was summing up his experience, he instinctively increased the jetting energy of the short wing behind him, causing his body to suddenly accelerate.

Then a huge beam of energy rose from the ground, passed through the phantom of his body, and shot into the sky.

“Damn it, it’s ‘Burst Thrower’!” David’s body responded to the danger earlier than his brain, and he also saw the type of Zerg using this attack.

Without staying in the sky, his figure descended quickly and landed on the ground.

The ‘Blasting Jet Worm’ is a second-level zerg that all warriors are unwilling to encounter. It is the natural enemy of flying levitating vehicles. It is difficult to avoid the sudden attack of the ‘Blasting Jet Worm’ when flying at low altitude.

The body of the ‘bursting jet worm’ can compress energy to form an extremely powerful compressed energy, which is excited in the form of an energy beam when encountering an enemy.

The most disgusting thing about the ‘Burnt Jet Worm’ is not its attack method, but once it is killed, the compressed energy in its body will get out of control and detonate its body.

Under normal circumstances, after encountering the “Blasting Throwing Worm”, after a hard fight, the soldier got nothing, and even got injured due to the self-detonation of the “Blasting Throwing Worm”, so almost no soldier was willing to provoke it. ‘Burst Jet Worm’.

Of course, the “Blast Thrower” also has a natural enemy, that is, the sniper armor.

As soon as David landed, he rushed to a well-observed sniper position and ran on the ground. The ground was separated from sand and rocks. A’giant inlay worm’ seemed to be startled by David’s footsteps and wanted to attack. David.

However, as soon as the ‘Giant Embedded Worm’ exposed half of its body to the ground, David swept its head with a second-grade heavy axe, and David’s footsteps did not stop.

Arrive to the sniper position, take off the customized super-caliber sniper rifle behind and fix it on the ground. David is also ready in a sniper prone position.

The Shadow Servant flies forty meters above his head now, replacing his eyes.

The ground trembles in the distance, and the five-meter-high figure of the ‘burstthrower’ is particularly eye-catching, especially the position of its abdomen, which is shining with blue light from time to time, where its energy is compressed.

After the ‘bursting jetworm’ forced the target in the sky to the ground, it immediately chased and killed them excitedly.

For a powerful second-level zerg, replenishing energy is an eternal need. The krypton crystal in the armor of the armor is a fatal temptation to it, not to mention the body of the armor is even more for the zerg. Da make up.

The terrain here is a bit complicated. David’s location cannot directly observe the ‘Blasting Thrower’. You can only check the situation of the ‘Blasting Thrower’ through Shadow Servant.

The distance of ‘Burst Thrower’ from David is about two kilometers. The huge body of ‘Burst Thrower’ does not affect its speed, and the distance of two kilometers is rapidly shortening.

David turned on the sound isolation device at will, and the custom-made super-caliber sniper rifle was also in a firing state at any time.

The ‘burstthrower’ appeared from the scope, first on the head. David did not rush to kill, but continued to wait.

Subsequently, the body and abdomen of ‘Blasting Jet Worm’ were all exposed under the sight. At this time, the distance between ‘Burst Throwing Worm’ and David was only one kilometer.

The body of the customized super large-caliber sniper rifle shook suddenly, and a second-grade sniper shell was shot out from the barrel.

This second-grade sniper projectile flew over a distance of kilometers at an extremely fast speed, almost instantaneously. The sniper projectile flew into the abdomen of the’Blasting Jet Worm’, accurately hitting the energy in the abdomen of the’Blasting Jet Worm’ Transmission tube.

The hard shell of ‘Burst Jet Worm’ can’t stop the sniper of the custom-made super-caliber sniper rifle at all. When it feels severe abdominal pain, it also loses its ability to call the energy of abdominal compression.

At this moment, the only thing it can do is to desperately control the outflow of abdominal energy and prevent the energy of abdominal compression from detonating.

Although the’Blasting Jet Worm’ will automatically detonate the compression energy when it is dead, it does not mean that it will actively detonate the compression energy when it is not dead. On the contrary, it is now fully controlling the compression energy. .

David did not continue to attack. He was waiting. At this moment, the “Burst Jet” did not rush in his direction, but stopped in place and controlled the compression energy of his abdomen.

A lot of compressed energy gushes from the abdomen through the wound, and the air is filled with a strange smell of barbecue, which is the result of the compressed energy burning through the wound.

With the powerful recovery ability of the ‘Blasting Jet Worm’ second-level zerg, this penetrating wound should heal on its own in a short time, but due to the leakage of compression energy, the wound cannot be recovered at all.

The faint blue light on the abdomen of ‘Blasting Jet Worm’ is getting weaker and weaker, showing that its compressed energy is running low.

There was a hint of triumph in David’s eyes. This attack was a lively study of his knowledge.

According to the normal sniper warrior’s method of dealing with ‘Blasting Jet Worm’, David should snipe the abdomen of ‘Blasting Jet Worm’ to explode the compressed energy in its abdomen.

It’s just that you won’t be able to get the corpse of the “Blasting Thrower”, which is unacceptable for David, who has just spent two hundred points and is trying to accumulate points.

So he chose a more difficult sniper method. At a distance of one kilometer, it is easy to attack the moving ‘Burst Thrower’, and most sniper soldiers can do it.

But attacking an energy transmission tube in the abdomen of the moving ‘Burst Jet Worm’ from a distance of one kilometer is not what most sniper fighters can do.

This requires familiarity with the body structure of ‘Blasting Jet Worm’, a sniper rifle that can penetrate the ‘Blast Jet Worm’ with one shot, and a strong sniper ability.

The “Burst Thrower” that has lost its compressed energy uttered a howl in David’s direction, as if provoking, but also as expressing its anger.

David returned the custom-made super-caliber sniper rifle back to his back. With a wave of his hand, the Shadow Servant took out the third-grade heavy axe from the space ring and appeared in his hand.

David exerted his strength on his feet and rushed towards the Burst Jet Worm.

Although it has lost its compression energy, the “Blastthrower” is still a second-level zerg, possessing strong melee combat capabilities.

So when he saw David rushing over, the “Burst Jet Worm” became excited. It wanted to use the most cruel way to torture the enemy who damaged its long-range attack.

In the face of the second-level Zerg, David will not have the idea of ​​hiding his strength at all. The talents of’speed’ and’power shock’ are fully utilized. The short wings behind the customized exoskeleton armor also eject energy at the same time, making David The speed of the straight sprint is greatly increased.

At a distance of one kilometer, David only tapped the ground almost every 100 meters, and the rest of the time, his whole body was charged on the ground.

The ‘Burst Thrower’ also stopped howling, and it also felt the enemy’s difference. This speed was extremely fast even among the Zerg.

The forelimbs of the ‘Blasting Jet Worm’ are ready to attack, and the whole body is in a state of triggering, waiting for David’s arrival.

Five hundred meters, four hundred meters, and three hundred meters, David can clearly see the ugly face of the ‘burstthrower’ and the eyes that ignore life.

In the last one hundred meters, the ‘burstthrower’ swung its forelimbs, and the shining blue ray cut through the air and hit David’s body.

At the last moment of David’s body, there was a weird turn. For ordinary people, such a turn would make the body unbearable and the bones would break. But David took the initiative to make this action and did extremely Easy.

What ‘Jiu Physique’ gives David is not an increase in agility, but more of the expansion of the body’s movement space.

According to the knowledge of the armored warriors inherited from the ancestors of the ‘Blasting Jet Worm’, it can be sure that its one-shot armor cannot be avoided at all, but in fact it has failed.

The third-grade heavy axe swept across the neck of the’Blastthrower’ with a green light, and cut two-thirds of it without any effort. This is because David wanted to preserve the integrity of the corpse, so he didn’t burst the ‘ The jetworm’s head was cut off.

The ‘bursting jetworm’ was cut open on its neck, and the faint blue light on its abdomen flashed a few times, and finally it dissipated feebly.

The remaining compressed energy is not enough to detonate the body of this powerful second-level zerg.

Shadow Attendant stepped forward and swallowed the soul of the ‘Burst Thrower’. David also threw a third-grade heavy axe to Shadid Attendant, and he was taken back into the space ring by the Shadow Attendant as if he had disappeared in the air.

David grabbed the corpse of the’Burst Thrower’. The five-meter-high corpse weighed more than 1,000 kilograms in his hand. Fortunately, the customized exoskeleton armor allowed David’s power to reach about 28,000 kilograms. The corpse of the’Blastthrower’ was nothing in his hands.

The short wings behind him ejected energy, and he rose into the air, returning with the corpse of the “Blasting Jet Worm”.

At the moment of entering the safe area, David felt that the scanning energy had increased the scanning for him. It was estimated that he had confirmed that there was no sign of life from the “Burst Thrower” before stopping the scanning.

At that moment, David clearly sensed the locking of several heavy defense weapons.

It can be seen that the college base still pays great attention to the safety of students. The security defense system here is more stringent than the city of Rock Star before David.

“Look at which senior came back with the trophy!” When the students on the ground saw David flying with the corpse of the Burst Thrower, they couldn’t help expressing envy. sound.

No student would think that this is a freshman. The second-year students are still fighting in a safe area!

There are even more students who know ‘Burst Throwing’, and the horror in their eyes reveals their thoughts.

When did the ‘Burst Thrower’ become a target that can be hunted and brought back intact.

Although no student knew David’s identity, the black exoskeleton armor with short wings and flying was remembered by the students.

David entered the academy base and immediately walked towards the trading area.

“Classmates, sell this’Burst Thrower’ to me, I will give you a high price!” Some merchants have seen the body of the’Burst Thrower’ held by David, and they hurriedly stepped forward to get this rare The corpse of the’Burst Thrower’.

David ignored these merchants. Since he had an agreement with David and agreed to a 10% discount, he would follow the agreement with David.

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