Transcendent David Chapter 329: Tasks

In order to score points, Carbell was very responsible and took David to find a place to live.

“Operate here, you’d better buy enough days at a time, otherwise one day you forget to pay the points, your room will be taken back, and the contents can’t be taken out!” Carbell pointed to the corridor wall Said on the screen.

This is the first floor of the fortress of the college. Because there is no window, even ventilation is carried out by the circulation system. This kind of room is the cheapest in the entire fortress.

David swept across the screen with his identity bracelet, and the screen showed the remaining empty rooms.

There are as many as 500 rooms in this place alone. At the moment, there are less than a hundred empty rooms. It can be seen that there are many students here.

David chose an empty room randomly and prepaid the points for ten days.

Carbell still followed David as he walked to the selected room.

Use the identity bracelet to open the room. This is a small room of ten square meters. Apart from a bed and a set of tables and chairs, there is no extra space.

David frowned. He has never lived in a room with such a bad environment.

Fortunately, the snow-white sheets on the bed are very clean, and the air circulation simulates the air in the room into a light, fresh and natural atmosphere.

“Carbell, is it safe here?” David questioned looking at the alloy door with no security system, only an identification lock.

“Don’t worry, the Academy’s fortress has an extraordinary guardianship, plus some heavy defensive weapons. The security here will not be a problem, and you’d better not leave the two hundred kilometers of the base in your mission. Danger, you can send out a distress signal at any time, and the nearby students will go to the rescue immediately. Once you get out of this range, you will not be able to use the distress signal.” Carbell would be wrong about David’s meaning and explained to David.

“Thank you, I am very satisfied with your help!” David took a look at the time and didn’t ask any more. He finished his mission with Carbell directly on the identity bracelet.

“Student David, this is my ID bracelet number. As long as you are within 200 kilometers of the base, you can contact me. Ask me if you have any questions. I charge very low!” Carbell looked at the identity With a smile on his wrist, he waved goodbye to David with the message that the mission was over.

Cabell walked out a distance, looked back in David’s direction, with a look of memory on his face.

Before he, like David, was full of hope for this place, thinking that he could rely on his own strength to complete the task in this college fortress and become a powerful soldier.

But the reality is extremely cruel. Many of his team members were injured. Because of his last encounter with the Zerg, he was shocked and never dared to walk out of the college fortress.

The only thing that supports Carbell’s non-return is that he is unwilling to do so, but his points will not be able to persist. This time he gets one point, which will allow him to stay here for one more day.

“I hope you have better luck!” Carbell murmured.

David sat on a chair and looked at the small room. This room made him extremely uncomfortable. There was no bathing, no toilet, and he had to go to the public area to wash his face and brush his teeth.

This made him not want to wait too much, he opened the mission system and checked it.

The real-time missions of the three “Golden Claw Insects” are still hanging on them, which makes David a little interested.

He recalled the information about the’Golden Claw Insects’, the’Golden Claws Insects’ are the second-class zergs. The biggest feature is that the shell on the surface of the body is golden, except for a pair of giant tongs as the main attack method. , Its teeth are also the largest among all the second-level zergs.

The value of the ‘Golden Armor Pliers’ is very high, because if its golden shell is blended into the white alloy, it can make the alloy stronger while also presenting a dazzling golden color.

This makes the shell of the “Golden Claw Insect” extremely popular, far exceeding the value of the shell of the ordinary second-level zerg.

In addition, the teeth of the ‘golden beetle worm’ are very large, which allows it to produce more second-grade materials.

Thinking of this, David didn’t hesitate to take out the second-grade heavy axe and put it behind him. After thinking about it, he assembled the customized super large-caliber sniper rifle, wrapped it in a holster and fixed it behind the exoskeleton armor.

To do this, David came out of the room and walked towards the exit of the college fortress.

The closer you are to the exit, the greater the number of students here. Every student wears exoskeleton armor and holds high-grade weapons. The proportion of second-grade weapons is almost one-fifth.

It can be said that the proportion of second-grade weapons alone is that the students here are higher than the elite fighters of that powerful force.

At the same time, David also found that the strength of these students is very different. The strong David met the high-level armor, while the weaker only had the beginner level.

But here is the vitality and vitality that no other organization has. From the movements and language of the students, it can be seen that most students enjoy the atmosphere very much.

“Student David, the first time you leave the base, you have two functions for free use of the communication channel and map for one day. If you need to continue using it after one day, you will need to consume a little point every day. Do you want to open it now?” When Wei stepped out of the fortress gate, the sound of the machine rang from the public channel of the exoskeleton armor.

“Turn it on!” David agreed while complaining that everything here must be scored.

Immediately on David’s visor, a map appeared. This was a map with the Academy fortress as the center and a nearby area of ​​200 kilometers.

David’s location is also displayed on the map, and there are many red dots displayed on the map. When you pay attention to the red dots, you can know what Zerg name represents.

He also found the switching point of the communication channel. As he switched the communication channel to the communication channel, a noisy sound was heard immediately.

“The group is in urgent need of a large shield armor, and it needs to recruit a large shield armor. The minimum requirement is an intermediate armor and a proficient shield master!”

“Receive second-level enhanced meat, credit point trading, private messaging for those interested!”

“Credits to collect large amounts of zerg corpses of any level!”

A lot of information came out from the communication channel, as if arriving at a vegetable market.

Most of this information is for using credits to purchase resources or items that can be exchanged for points.

It can be seen that points are extremely popular here, and every student needs them.

David changed the sound mode of the communication channel to a text mode, which was displayed on the corner of the visor. After a while, he glanced at it to understand the general situation in the communication channel.

David entered the coordinates of the’Golden Armor Pliers’ into the map, and immediately he found the three red dots on the visor that were slightly larger than the ordinary red dots, and noticed that there were exactly three’Golden Armor Pliers. insect’.

The short wings behind David’s customized exoskeleton armor spewed energy, and his body flew towards the sky. He received a series of warnings almost as soon as he reached fifty meters.

When he flew directly on the exoskeleton armor, many envied eyes were cast. Such flying exoskeleton armor is rare.

“Warning, you don’t have permission to fly more than 50 meters into the sky. If multiple warnings are invalid, you will be attacked by the defense system!” The machine’s voice became extremely sharp this time.

David quickly lowered his altitude and flew below fifty meters.

The base of this Alidia First College is set up as a guardian star, and the risk is great.

Especially for the defense within a range of two hundred kilometers, it is almost the ultimate.

As long as any risk that students can’t handle is found, the defense system will attack first, and at the same time a powerful tutor will go to deal with it. If even the tutor can’t handle it, then Chaohua will take over.

You must know that the reason for the establishment of this base at Elidye First Academy is not for war, but to train young soldiers who are specialized in armor.

These young fighters need a growth environment. Too dangerous will make the young fighters die before they grow up, and they cannot be too relaxed. This will make the young fighters stress-free.

So the college has established this two-hundred-kilometer safe zone, and most students will only fight the Zerg within the two-hundred-kilometer relatively safe area.

The strong students can go out of the range of two hundred kilometers to kill more and stronger Zerg.

In the flight, David saw many soldiers’ teams below, and fought against the Zerg in a standard way of cooperation with the six-guard teams.

Although the battle of these soldiers is still a little immature, it can be seen that the foundation of these soldiers is very solid.

David can see from the eyesight of many weapon masters that as long as there is enough time, the strength of these fighters can be compared to elite fighters.

This is the talented talents created by potential and later training. The income of Alidia First Academy is all the geniuses in the star field, and the potential value of every student is very high.

After one or two years of study, these students can at least achieve weapon mastery above the proficient level, and even some top talents can reach the proficient level.

You must know that it takes at least more than ten years to attain the mastery of proficient weapons among ordinary soldiers. This is the gap.

As the distance from the base becomes more and more, the strength of the students is getting stronger and stronger. David has seen many groups of advanced armored soldiers mastered by proficient weapons, and the strength of the armored soldiers exceeds that of David’s previous ones. The elite team encountered.

It is normal for the entire group to use second-grade weapons. This also shows the wealth of these students.

David did not care about the first-level zergs below. Now unless he encounters a first-level zerg with extremely special abilities, the improvement that the soul of the first-level zerg can bring to him is negligible.

The coordinates of the three ‘golden beetles’ were close to the base two hundred kilometers, and it didn’t take long for David to reach the coordinates.

Below, three golden ‘golden beetles’ with a height of four meters and a whole body of gold are fighting with a group of soldiers.

“Barham, Enoch, attack a little bit and smash open the shell of this ‘Golden Armor Insect’!” Cotton commanded loudly from the leader of the armor group.

Balham and Enoch both use second-grade warhammers. To deal with this kind of defensive Zerg, the heavy blow of the second-grade warhammer is easier to break through its defense than other weapons.

Of course, this also requires multiple consecutive attacks to achieve, and the team needs to strengthen cooperation to create more opportunities for them.

“Manuel, your big shield drags the’Golden Claws’ on the left, and Ada is responsible for assisting. Coffin and I drag the’Golden Claws’ on the right!” Captain Cotton continued to order .

David saw that there was already a team of soldiers fighting the “Golden Claw Insects”, and he had no trouble intervening, and he could only land on the ground. At this moment, he was just watching the “Golden Claw Insects” fighting method.

Although I have learned about the “Golden Claw Insect” from the textbook, being able to see the battle of the “Golden Claw Insect” is also an expansion of his knowledge.

Cotton also saw David, but here is within two hundred kilometers, so there is no need to worry about anyone daring to do anything excessive.

Furthermore, David is just a person. From the exposed breath, Cotton can tell that David is a high-ranking fighter, but every fighter in their group is a high-ranking fighter.

Cotton was a little bit distracted, and almost hurt him with a counterattack from the ‘Golden Armor Pliers’, which made him concentrate involuntarily and stopped thinking about David’s presence.

David watched the battle between the armor team and the “Golden Armor Insects” for a while, learned about the fighting methods of the “Golden Armor Insects”, and saw that Cotton’s armor team wanted to kill three “Golden Armor Insects”. The beetle is unlikely to be realized.

The overall strength of the Cotton Armored Squad is very strong, but these three “Golden Armor Insects” are extremely fierce. If there are only two “Golden Armor Insects”, this Armored Squad has great confidence. solve.

But the three ‘golden beetles’ clearly exceeded the limit of the armored group. If they continue to fight, they may even put the armored group in danger.

Cotton is also in a hurry. According to past experience, the three real-time tasks of the “Golden Armor Insects” will be handled by several powerful teams of soldiers. Cotton also made this idea.

But there are always times when things are In the past two days, due to freshmen entering the school, some soldiers returned to the academy, and today they happened to be about 400 kilometers away, and dozens of them appeared. Only’stoneskin worm’.

‘Stoneskin Worm’ is also a second-level zerg, but it has the weakest attack power among the second-level zergs. Although its defense is stronger, its danger is the lowest.

It is precisely because the ‘Stoneskin Worm’ is easier to kill, so as long as the ‘Stoneskin Worm’ appears, many powerful teams will pass by.

The corpse of the “Stoneskin Worm” can be exchanged for 100 points, and that group of “Stoneskin Worm” is a huge point.

Cotton and his team are also preparing to pass, but they set off a bit late, and just saw the real-time task, so they came to complete the real-time task by the way.

The real-time task is very rewarding. If two or three groups of soldiers come over, it can be solved easily. Two hundred points are allocated, plus the corpse of the “Golden Beetle Claw” far exceeds the value of one hundred points. It will be a rewarding task.

“Hold on for a while, I’m contacting the rest of the team!” Cotton did not want to give up, he said loudly.

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