Transcendent David Chapter 322: Test

“This year’s situation is not right. In the past few years, a small number of freshmen lost some face. This year, I want to see us all lying on the ground!” Mike looked at President Canning. Then whispered to a few people around him.

Twice the gravity for the six of them, there is no pressure at all, Mike still has room to chat with a few of them.

“Is there any special one among this year’s freshmen?” Myers nodded and asked.

Myers’ words made the rest of the people very much agree. At the same time, as the top six in the assessment of five thousand freshmen, if there are any special freshmen, it is very likely to appear among them.

Mike, Miles and others all turned their eyes to David, and the only unfamiliar person here is David.

“We only know the details of David among us, David, please introduce yourself!” Mike said with a smile.

To be honest, although there are a lot of high school graduates in the entire Alidia Star Territory, the super strong ones are also cultivated by some powerful forces or strong people in the Star Territory, and they know each other more or less. .

But the extra David who came out of the top six in this assessment made the rest of the freshmen a little surprised. David appeared out of thin air.

They have some speculations about David’s identity, but none of them associate David with the David whose title is’Invincible’.

“I came from Rock Star and was born into a family of ordinary civil servants. Later I met my teacher. With the help of the teacher, I came to Lunka Star.” David introduced himself briefly.

I’m talking about the sky. At this moment, the gravity has reached three times. Some of the new students are pressed on the ground, but these are potential geniuses. Many new students who can’t withstand three times the gravity, even if their teeth are bitten. Bleeding, but also forcibly supporting not lying on the ground to avoid gravity.

“David, David from Rock Star, wouldn’t you be the David with the top college entrance examination culture?” Louise interjected in surprise.

For ordinary Jiashi major freshmen, cultural performance is not particularly important, as long as they reach a certain passing line, it is enough. The main thing is to show their potential in the interview assessment.

Don’t look at the five thousand freshmen, many of them are not even the first classmates, but this is not to say that there are only so many candidates in the entire Alidia star field in the potential assessment, but because many become first class candidates. Candidates who are qualified in the assessment show far less potential than those who have not become qualified candidates.

“My God, David, your cultural performance is so good?” Mike said in surprise.

Among the freshmen of the Jiashi major, few have excellent cultural achievements. This is mainly because they want to get the Jiashi major, so in the junior high school and high school stage, a lot of time must be spent on the practice of the Jiashi professional project.

This also makes Jiashi majors culturally different from those of cultural majors, and both sides will look down on each other in the school meeting.

“Haha, David, you really give us a professional face!” Miles laughed.

“It seems that I underestimated you, and I was able to laugh out during the test!” President Canning looked at Miles, gave David a special look, and said in a deep voice.

Myers stopped immediately. He was a little annoyed and laughed out at this moment, and directly offended the student council president Canning. It seems that his days at school will be sad.

President Canning waved his hand and saw five groups of unknown objects thrown in from outside the five doors.

“It’s a hive!” David couldn’t help but whispered when he saw the objects falling on the ground.

At this time, all the freshmen in the entire venue saw it, and the freshmen near the hive quickly dodge.

It’s just that this is a triple-gravity environment, and there is a big difference between static and moving to withstand body gravity.

Once they moved, many freshmen could no longer support three times the force of gravity and fell heavily to the ground.

At this time, many small black bees flew out of the hive, flying towards all the new students.

“This is an iron bee. It can survive in a high-gravity environment. Don’t worry, it will not cause fatal damage. As long as the attacker is lying on the ground, it will not attack again!” President Canning Shen Sheng introduced.

“Is it so cruel?” Mike said, hurriedly operating the identity bracelet, and moved one of his suitcases to his side.

He opened the suitcase, took out a flat bottle, quickly opened it and rubbed a little liquid on his face.

“Mike, give me some insect repellent too. I didn’t expect you to prepare so well!” Myers exclaimed with bright eyes.

Myers’ words made the two girls look over. They are not unfamiliar with the iron bee. Don’t listen to President Canning’s words that the iron bee is not fatal. The injury of the iron bee can be more uncomfortable than being directly fatal.

The poison of the iron thread bee tail spur is a special poison that can amplify the pain of the poisoned person. In addition, the poison in the tail spur is also accompanied by severe pain. People feel the pain deep into the soul, which is not something ordinary people can bear.

The two girls are more interested in the fact that once their faces are stung by iron wire bees, they will leave marks for a few days even after treatment.

For girls, this is absolutely unacceptable.

Among the freshmen present, Mike is not the only one who has a way to deal with the iron bee, but a dozen of the freshmen have used different methods of repelling insects, making the iron bee unable to attack them for a while.

But more freshmen fell on the ground and screamed loudly after being attacked by the iron bee.

President Canning looked at the performance of these freshmen and couldn’t help but shook his head. Every year, freshmen are welcomed in a different way. As long as they don’t kill people or make insults, the school defaults.

In this way, all freshmen can forget their previous pride and become a student who is pragmatic in learning.

Especially this time, President Canning took the initiative to take the test task, just for David.

Not for anything else, just for David’s particularly hateful title, “Invincible”, which is a declaration of war for the students of the highest academic degree in the Alidia Star Territory. .

Each student who can enter the Jiashi major of Alidia First Academy can be ranked as the first genius of the same age in a large and medium-sized city.

In addition, they have the best resources and the best teachers to teach them, so they don’t think they will be weaker than the so-called ‘Invincible’.

So this test is to measure David’s strength, and all the other freshmen are incidental.

Two wire bees flew near David’s six. At this time, Mike, Miles, Evelyn and Louise all used insect repellent water. Only David and Fitch had not come and used it. .

The two stalkers stared at the two immediately, and the two stalkers separated and flew to David and Fitch respectively.

“Be careful!” Mike reminded. He was about to throw the insect repellent in his hand to David, but he stopped again.

The wire bee flying towards David, before getting close to David, seemed to have encountered something terrible, and turned around frantically and flew away.

David was planning to use his mind to control the iron bee, but he felt the white snake on his wrist twist slightly, and the iron bee was scared away.

Only then did David realize that the white snake is a supernatural creature. Even the smallest superhuman creature has the natural ability to suppress other weak creatures.

“Mike, give me insect repellent water!” Fitch evaded Qianxianfeng’s attack in embarrassment, and shouted at the same time.

Mike threw the flat bottle over. Although Fitch was embarrassed, his speed suddenly increased, again avoiding the attack of the iron bee, and at the same time catching the bottle that Mike threw.

What David looked at was also bright, and the attack of the iron wire bee was not so easy to avoid.

The speed of the iron line peak is very fast, coupled with its small body, which makes it very difficult to dodge its attacks.

However, Fitch evaded successive attacks of the Iron Line Peak, revealing his precise grasp of the body. The final sudden acceleration was an explosion of speed talent.

At this moment, gravity has increased fivefold, and out of the five thousand freshmen, only 50 freshmen are still standing.

Even Mike, Miles, Fitch, and Evelyn all had serious faces and looked at them with all their strength.

David also feels a little strenuous, but his master-level shield control and master-level sniper ability all have the effect of introducing pressure into the ground. At this time, his spirit has formed several spiritual channels in his body. , The pressure of gravity on the body is transmitted to the ground under the feet through these spiritual channels.

But to David’s surprise, the little girl-like Louise has the same look, a very relaxed look.

“Louis, I really envy your physique talent, this little gravity can’t help you at all!” Miles said to Louise enviously.

“Then change, I want your power talent!” Louise glared and said softly.

Seriously, Louise was very dissatisfied with her natural ability and increased her body’s defensive ability. This kind of talent is definitely one of the most pitted natural ability.

Why is it the most pitted talent? This is the armor of the armor.

Warriors all need to wear exoskeleton armor when fighting, even the worst exoskeleton armor, which increases the defense for the warrior is not comparable to the defense increased by physical talent.

No matter how high the defense increased by the physique talent, it will not be able to block the attacks of the grade weapons. If the armor of the armor is broken, it must be injured by the grade weapons.

Don’t look at Louise’s performance at the moment, but the increase in physical talent against combat power is indeed very weak.

Of course, it’s not that Louise’s physique talent is useless. The physique talent and Louise’s weapon mastery have a lot of promoting effects, but women with big shields are too rare.

When David heard the conversation between Louise and Miles, he couldn’t help but glance at the freshmen present.

Only for a while, David confirmed Fitch’s speed talent, Louise’s physique talent, and Miles’ power talent. The rest Evelyn and Mike also have their own talents.

Together with David himself, it is estimated that only in Alidia First Academy will encounter so many talented soldiers.

This is only what David knew. There might be talented fighters among the freshmen, not to mention that there must be talented fighters among the old students.

While thinking, Mike used the identity bracelet again to move the other suitcase to his side, opened it and took out a bottle of potion and drank it.

Almost immediately, the seriousness on Mike’s face disappeared, and he was as relaxed as Louise.

“Mike, what potion, give me a bottle too!” Miles hurriedly called again after seeing the effect of the potion.

“Go, this is a potion to temporarily increase physique, I have nothing to spare!” Mike waved his hand and refused.

“We are the brothers who will team up with you in the future, so you can’t save yourself?” Miles said sadly.



Fitch and Evelyn also nodded again and again, saying that if Mike didn’t administer water, it was really hopeless.

“I’m afraid of you, I will form a team first. I want to be the captain!” Mike reluctantly shook his head, taking out four more bottles of potion from the box.

“Of course, it’s best for Mike to be the captain!” Miles took the potion with a smile on his face, and said directly after drinking it.

Fitch and Evelyn also drank the potion immediately, and at this time they became easier to deal with gravity.

David didn’t understand what they just said. When Mike gave him a bottle of potion, he also picked it up, but he didn’t use it immediately. He was going to wait until he couldn’t support it.

“I forgot that David didn’t know anything about the school, so I’ll explain it!” Miles saw the dazed face on David’s face, so he said.

It turns out why Mike took the initiative to bring the other five people together. This is a tradition in the college. The top six potential freshmen form a team of the strongest.

This top-ranked team will represent the college to participate in competitions outside the college. At the same time, within the college, these six positions will also be challenged by students of the same level.

But in any case, the current top six potential freshmen are members of the first group of strongest players.

“It doesn’t matter who is the captain!” David said with a came to the academy to learn more, including how to promote his mastery to the perfect level, including how to be more confident The promotion is extraordinary, including finding more spiritual secrets and so on.

As for other things, David responded with an indifferent attitude. With his current strength, not to mention the freshmen, it is estimated that among all the students in school, he can beat him.

When the five thousand freshmen arrived at six times the gravity, only six figures remained.

Mike and the others took the potion to improve their physique, and Louise, who has the physique talent, are now sweating profusely under the weight of gravity.

Even President Canning’s complexion is reddish, and he can’t see it well.

David is the most special one. His body is constantly shaking. Although his body trembles from time to time, in fact, among these people, he is the most relaxed.

As long as he can still use the power transmission technique, the gravity on his body will not exert much pressure on his body until the gravity does not exceed the limit that his body can withstand.

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