Transcendent David Chapter 281: Annihilation

The terrifying shock wave only left these armors dumbfounded for a few seconds, and soon they turned on the function of exoskeleton armor to deal with the sound wave, immune to the attack of the sound wave.

In just a few seconds, only six of the twenty-four fighters can stand, barely able to maintain the combat power of a group of fighters.

David carried the sniper rifle of Godolphin’s Wrath into the card slot behind him, and rushed forward with a third-grade heavy axe in his hand.

“Retreat, retreat!” The still standing armor yelled frantically.

Some armored soldiers wanted to drag their fallen companions away, and some armored soldiers didn’t care about anything, so they turned around and ran away.

David didn’t care about the escaped armored men. He came to a group of fallen armored men. The Shadow Servant was greedily absorbing souls.

The penetrating attack of the sniper rifle caused very serious injuries to the fallen soldiers, but there were only a few of them who were truly deadly.

The third-grade heavy axe in David’s hand was swung continuously, harvesting the lives of these soldiers without any hesitation.

The whole process took only two or three seconds, and then chased in the direction of the escaped soldier.

“Flee in the direction of B14 and lead David in this direction. When the soldier of B14 saw David, he immediately fled to the position of B16!” Deputy Chief Gore heard the report of the escaped soldier in the channel. Immediately ordered loudly.

He didn’t know that all his commands were clearly heard by David.

At this moment, Deputy Chief Gore was thinking about reducing the unnecessary casualties of ordinary armored soldiers. Since David did not kill the escaped armored soldiers in the first time, why not use these armored soldiers to guide David’s pursuit direction.

Of course, the main reason for this is that David’s combat power is too strong. David even carried a sniper rifle, and he could take 24 soldiers with just one sniper rifle in a short time. Kill most of them.

Although these armored men are ordinary armored men and their combat effectiveness is very poor, they are still twenty-four armored men in the end, and they are also a good combat effectiveness stacked together.

Deputy Captain Gore believed that the rest of the ordinary soldiers would also be sent to death when they encountered David. It would be better to move and minimize deaths.

David listened to the command of the deputy commander of Gore, and heard the replies of the teams. He did not change his direction. He was still chasing and killing the escaped armored soldiers.

It was like being caught up in the scheme of Deputy Chief Gore. Although David later killed more than 30 ordinary soldiers, he was the entrance to the cultivation area.

“Report to the deputy head, David was not found!” a group of soldiers in the cultivation area reported.

Their task is to discover David and draw David into the inner circle again.

But they didn’t find David, and Deputy Chief Gore just reminded David that he had entered the cultivation area.

“Why not, David is in the cultivation area, he passed by your side, damn, does he have a stealth device?” Deputy Chief Gore looked at the light curtain in front of him and shouted.

His suspicion is not unreasonable, because he saw that the spot of light representing David passed by the side of that group of soldiers, and this group of soldiers did not respond.

“Probably, this can also explain why the soldiers of the Raiden Mercenary Group were slaughtered by him alone!” Deputy Commander Haman nodded and agreed.

“Whether he has a stealth device or not, he can’t escape today!” Deputy Chief Gore said with a sneer.

The stealth device is a special device of the military, and there is almost no outflow. It is said that every stealth device has strict management regulations, and many organizations have no way to obtain it.

But stealth devices are not invincible. As long as you turn on a high-power scanning device, you can find the target in stealth.

“All armorers, maximize the scan on the exoskeleton armor, remove all objects obstructing the line of sight in the cultivation area, always pay attention to whether there is an abnormal situation, one team and two teams block the entrance of the cultivation area!” Ge The deputy head of Er ordered again.

At this time, nearly 500 soldiers had gathered in the cultivation area. Except for the 48 soldiers who blocked the entrance of the cultivation area, these nearly 500 soldiers were surrounded by visors inside the cultivation area. The light spot on behalf of David.

The light spot is very flexible, constantly escaping among the armored soldiers, so that these armored soldiers can’t even see his shadow.

So these soldiers, including the two deputy heads and five weapons masters who were coming towards the cultivation area, thought that David was stuck in the cultivation area.

Although David was not seen, all the soldiers were no longer in a hurry. The time for them to besiege David will soon come.

There are many soldiers on their side, and they are driving the light spot toward the very edge of the cultivation area. I believe that there will be no room for the light spot to move soon.

At that time, the light spot will have no effect even if it has a stealth device. Even if it is strong, it will be surrounded by more than 400 soldiers, including nearly 120 elite soldiers.

But in fact, David was not in the cultivation area. As early as when he was about to enter the cultivation area, he entered into space through the isolation door on the side.

As for the light spot, it is just the virtual environment David gave to the five electronic countermeasures in the’K4 military electronic countermeasure optical brain’, making the five electronic countermeasures think that they have mastered the Starflyer Part of the permissions.

But in fact all permissions are designed by David, including David’s own location information.

Just when David left the Starflyer through the isolation gate and entered space, he re-virtualized an identity location information in the’K4 military electronic countermeasure optical brain’, and then this identity location information was in contact with those armors. Entangled.

David first turned on the space mode of custom exoskeleton armor, and the short wing behind it became a space flight device and flew toward the edge of the cultivation area.

He also fixed the krypton crystal powder bomb on the outer wall of the cultivation area there. This position was calculated by him through the design drawings of Starflyer.

With the power of the krypton crystal powder bomb, its effective lethality within a distance of three kilometers is completely impossible to damage the rest of the interstellar cabin.

The cultivation area protrudes beyond the Starflyer, at this point on its edge, it happens to completely destroy the cultivation area without causing damage to the rest of the Starflyer.

There were too many soldiers this time, so many David felt inexhaustible to kill, so when he discovered the other party’s intentions, he deliberately used the plan.

After setting up the krypton powder bomb, David flew three kilometers away from the explosion point and stood in space through the map on the visor, waiting for the best time to detonate.

“It’s about to block him, he is right in front!”

“The big shield warrior came forward and smashed the planting frame away. The spear warrior should pay attention to cover!”

“Ordinary armors follow behind the big shield armors, and elite armors are in the final line. Pay attention to the gap on the left, fill it immediately!”

One by one voices sounded on the channel, and David knew the time was approaching just by listening to these voices.

On David’s visor, a virtual light spot representing David himself is standing beside the explosion point and a wall, and outside the ship wall is a krypton crystal powder bomb.

More than four hundred soldiers adopted the densest formation, slowly suppressing David’s living space in the posture of a conqueror.

When the shield soldiers piled up the last row of planting racks, there was no one who appeared in front of them.

“Deputy captain, I didn’t see David!” The elite captain at the scene reported.

“Impossible, David may be invisible, and his signal is right in front of you!” The deputy head of Gore still didn’t know that something went wrong, and he stubbornly believed that David was there.

“The situation seems to be wrong. With David’s cunning, how could it be so easy to get caught?” The deputy commander of Haman discovered some clues and said softly.

At this moment, they came behind the 48 ordinary soldiers at the entrance of the defensive cultivation area, and ten meters in front of them was the cultivation area.

Because David slaughtered too many soldiers, although there was no figure of David in the encirclement, no one dared to come forward and test.

A soldier threw a concussion thunder, and the concussion thunder fell exactly where David represented.

With a sound of ‘boom’, the shock wave of the explosion swept across that place. Although the range was small, it was enough to sweep the entire range of the light spot.

“Deputy Captain, make sure there is no one!” The Elite Captain yelled, and he and all the soldiers looked around vigilantly, in case David would jump out at any time.

However, the elite captain discovered that a dazzling spot of light appeared on the edge bulkhead surrounded by them, and then the bulkhead turned into nothingness, a huge explosive fireball from small to large.

The elite captain’s brain was surrounded by flames before he even understood what was going on.

This is the flame after the explosion of krypton crystal powder. The defense of the exoskeleton armor can’t resist this burning at all. The surface of the exoskeleton armor becomes molten iron, all the devices fail, and then the heat enters from the outside to the inside. Inside the skeletal armor.

In the first time, the armored soldier in the exoskeleton armor was killed by the high temperature. This was not over yet. The high temperature rose rapidly, and the armored soldier’s body turned into ashes and melted with molten iron, and then evaporated.

All this happened in a very short time. More than four hundred soldiers disappeared into the world in the explosion of the krypton crystal powder bomb without suffering or torture.

David stood three kilometers away, watching the explosion with a cold eye.

He doesn’t know which party these soldiers sent to kill him, but he knows that he cannot be merciful. He needs to make everyone who is his enemy fear him and fear him.

The two deputy heads, five weapon masters, and forty-eight ordinary soldiers standing at the entrance of the cultivation area were all washed to the ground by the instant aftermath of the explosion.

Interstellar Flyer detected that the area was exposed to space, and immediately closed the isolation door at the entrance of the cultivation area, cutting off the connection with space.

Deputy Commander Gore and Deputy Commander Haman sat on the ground. They were wearing exoskeleton armor and were not injured.

Their eyes still looked at the direction isolated by the isolation door, which was originally the cultivation area.

But now there is nothing there. The violent explosion wiped out the cultivation area and wiped out all the four hundred soldiers under them.

“How dare he do this?” Deputy Chief Gore muttered to himself.

“You arranged a good location!” Deputy Chief Harman couldn’t help saying when he heard Deputy Chief Gore’s words.

“You agree to the plan!” Deputy Chief Gore reacted. He couldn’t carry this pot alone, so he immediately retorted.

Deputy Commander Harman felt a sharp pain in his heart. He felt that working with the Red Fire Mercenary Group and working with Deputy Commander Gore was the stupidest decision he had made in his life.

“Two, we did not fail. I believe that the two armored men facing me should also be masters of weapons!” Da Bud first said to the two deputy commanders, and then turned to the two Red Fire Mercenaries. The invited weapons master said: “I don’t know which two weapons masters are? I am Big Bud, this is my younger brother Bud, and this one next to me is Master Bryce!”

“I am Johns!”

“I am Bethune!”

At this moment, all the masters no longer underestimate David’s ideas. The combat power that David showed from the beginning to the strategy he showed afterwards made them feel deeply in danger.

Faced with such an enemy, their five weapon masters need to work together to solve David in the safest way.

“David, I know you can hear that you played a trick on all of us. Now that there are no useless armors, we are here to fight to the death and end everything!” Grand Bud master opened the public channel of exoskeleton armor , Challenged.

At this moment, Master Great Bard stood up and ignored the Deputy Commander Haman. The most important reason was this failure. It was impossible for the position of Deputy Commander Haman to sit down.

The same goes for the deputy commander of Gore. The loss was so heavy that all the combat power of the two large mercenary groups in the Lunka star area was lost.

Those ordinary warriors are not a big deal, but more than a hundred elite warriors can make the two major mercenary organizations hurt.

In addition, the two deputy commanders blamed each other, and they lost their previous aura at all. This shows that both deputy commanders have lost their command.

“Listen to what you said, you must be no ordinary soldier. Tell me your names and see if you are worthy of my action!” David’s voice appeared on the public channel.

“David, you are very mad, and you deserve the title of’Invincible’. You killed more than five hundred of us with your own power. With such a result, you are The first one, this kind of enemy is worthy of our name!” Grand Bud master glanced at the other four weapons masters and saw them nodding slightly ~ ~ replied loudly.

“My name is Big Bud, I am a master of heavy axe!”

“My name is Budd, Master Heavy Axe!”

“My name is Bryce, Master Heavy Axe!”

“My name is Johns, Master Spear!”

“My name is Bethune, Master Warhammer!”

“Let’s invite Master David of the “Invincible Class” to fight to the death!” The five weapons masters said at the same time.

In fact, their main idea is to motivate David to fight them decisively. Otherwise, in the huge interstellar flyby, slowly spending time with David, it will not hurt David at all.

Even after a long time, waiting for the rescue spacecraft to come, especially the super spacecraft like Starflyer, if they encounter trouble, it is most likely that the military warship will come.

By then, let alone dealing with David, the only thing they can do is to escape as far as possible.

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