Transcendent David Chapter 264: Get out

David was carrying a bundle of second-grade weapons, and after leaving Yakha Bank, he contacted his floating car.

After the case was over, his temporary permission was cancelled. At this time, he has no right to fly in the air wearing exoskeleton armor.

The levitating car came quickly, and it only took a while to reach him.

He threw the weapon into the car and got into the driving seat.

The command to return to the villa was set, and he couldn’t wait to see what the item was.

The Shadow Servant flew to his side, and he put part of his mind into the Shadow Servant body, and felt the inside of the space ring through the Shadow Servant body.

Inside the space ring, in addition to the items previously stored, there is also a piece of crystal suspended. This crystal is red, and inside the crystal is a heart.

Even in the space ring, even if he observes the heart inside the red crystal through the Shadow Servant, David has a feeling like looking at a terrifying creature.

This is a kind of oppression on the life level, just like a sheep meets a tiger, David is the sheep in front of this heart.

David is now thankful that he didn’t take it out of the space ring to watch. Once such a terrifying thing is taken out, there will definitely be an abnormal phenomenon, and it is very likely to be discovered.

David thought of the box that was carried by the captain. There is something special about that box, otherwise it would be impossible to hide the breath of the heart.

I will pay attention to the red crystal and the heart inside. He will not take it out of the space ring without knowing its function.

Then David put his hand on Shadow Servant and absorbed the soul energy he got today into his body.

After absorbing the soul many times, now he can estimate the degree of spiritual increase by the soul energy without checking the attribute panel.

Although there are eleven elite souls this time, the feeling of absorbing the souls is very weak, and it feels like this little soul energy is insignificant.

Checked the attribute panel, and sure enough, the spirit of 6.01 has not changed. Of course, the absence of change does not really mean that there is no increase, but the increase is not enough to fill 0.01.

David shook his head. As his spirit got stronger, his growth slowed down.

The captain of the armorer carrying the box opened the window of the Yaka Bank with the second-grade heavy axe in his hand. The window was made of good materials, but it could not stop the second-grade heavy axe.

The retreat route he chose was the second one in the plan. Originally, this one was just a backup, but he insisted on choosing this second one.

The captain of the armor is afraid of the terrifying armor. He deeply knows that the terrifying armor is still a sniper armor. Choosing the first evacuation route is very likely to be sniped.

So he chose the second route. As soon as he exited the Yaka Bank, he didn’t hesitate to hit the ground with a heavy axe in his hand, and a hidden sewer entrance was broken.

He opened the internal circulation system of the exoskeleton armor and jumped into the sewer.

There was no light in the sewer, it was full of filth, and the height was only half a person. After he entered, he almost crawled forward.

But he doesn’t care, as long as he can escape, he is willing to do so.

Six elite fighters from Akha Bank who followed and found the damaged window, jumped out of the window and saw the sewer entrance.

Just as the soldiers were about to enter, there was a violent explosion, followed by the sound of surging water, and then in front of the six soldiers, the sewer entrance spewed out foul-smelling sewage.

The whole area was like a black rain, and even the first soldier who just wanted to enter the sewer was retreated by the impact.

“Quickly check the municipal map to find the direction of the sewers!” The leader of the Jiashi team of Yaka Bank commanded loudly.

At this moment, he also understood the method used by the soldier carrying the box, and he couldn’t help sighing that the other party’s plan was precise.

The sewer in Chia City is fully sealed, using pressure to make sewage flow in the sewer.

It seems that the pressure on this section of the sewer was released before that, so the soldier could break the sealed sewer entrance and enter it.

After entering the sewer, after traveling some distance, a small bomb was detonated in the sewer.

With the protection of exoskeleton armor, this explosion cannot harm the armor.

But the soldier can follow the shock wave of the explosion, pushed forward by the sewage, and escape at a faster speed.

On the other hand, the explosion also turned the exposed sewer entrance into a catharsis for the explosion, hindering the chasing soldiers.

At the same time, the explosion will also damage the wall of that section of the sewer pipe, at least it will be very troublesome for the chasing soldiers to pass.

“Go this way!” The leader of the elite team of Yaka Bank received the map from his men and rushed out first.

Under the ground, the captain and the box behind him happened to block most of the sewers. The explosion made him part of the sewage and quickly slid forward.

The Captain Armor stretched out the pulleys with both hands and feet at the same time. He stretched out his hands and legs to press his limbs on the wall of the tube to reduce body friction.

Especially the pulleys on his feet are self-contained, and even after the propulsion caused by the explosion slows down, they still allow him to move quickly.

Captain Armor knew that he probably succeeded in getting out, but he didn’t feel happy at all. The brothers who had been with him for decades were gone.

In his contact channel, there is no more signal. After the soldier in the exoskeleton armor loses his life, the exoskeleton armor will automatically shut down.

So this also means that only one of the two elite teams is alive. This is why the other party does not seem to want to hunt him down.

Thinking of the black exoskeleton armor, the ghost-like figure, and the long sword that will take life away every time it flashes, Captain Armor doesn’t know how to describe his feelings.

“This is absolutely impossible to be an unknown person!” He said to himself silently in his heart.

After returning, he started a relationship and found out this long sword master. Although he was not capable of revenge, the organization did.

After passing several turns in a row, the bifurcations of these turns were sealed in advance, allowing the captain to move quickly only in a designated route.

After several minutes of ultra-fast movement, the captain could feel that his palms and feet were a little overheated due to the overspeeding of the pulleys.

A little light appeared in the front, so that the Captain’s spirit was refreshed and the exit arrived.

Then he hit an iron net for isolation with the sewage. The iron net was smashed, and his body dashed over and flew out of the sewer.

The small flying shuttle that had been waiting here accurately caught the Captain, and the preheated force launched a full push.

The six elite fighters from the Yaka Bank who followed, saw the small flying shuttle about kilometers apart, and a sense of powerlessness emerged on them.

The small flying shuttle turned into a ray of light, breaking through the air, which was not the speed that a soldier could keep up with.

This kind of small flying shuttle is specially made to hide into the planet. The surface has a coating that resists scanning. Of course, the acceleration like this small flying shuttle can only last for a short period of time.

But that was enough. Soon after the small flying shuttle disappeared, many soldiers came again, but unfortunately they couldn’t trace the soldier.

The next day, David received a briefing from Chief Coulter and knew the outcome of the incident.

At the same time, it also comes with an internal police commendation. In David’s personal information, there is an additional police commendation order.

This commendation order plays a significant role in the complex evaluation of social authority. Although it does not immediately increase David’s E-level authority, as long as a few more commendation orders, you can accumulate less and more. The social authority of the company is raised to a higher level.

David was very happy that the box was not returned to Yaka Bank. As long as the soldier took the box, he later found that there was no red crystal in the box and the heart inside, but who can guarantee that it was not the soldier. The hands and feet moved by oneself, or the hands of others in the process of escaping.

Anyway, David believes that the process of stealing the red crystal and heart will not be doubted, because no one will believe that he has such an incredible ability.

What David didn’t know was that he was famous. The process of his shooting in the hall was clearly captured by several surveillance cameras.

Among them, there are police, inside Yaka Bank, and public surveillance across the bank.

I don’t know which part of the problem went wrong. The video of David killing 11 soldiers appeared in the news.

Director Kurt can’t do it even if he wants to interfere. His rights can’t affect the news media, and he even doubts whether anyone is pushing behind it.

David was also given the nickname “Killing Sword Policeman”. Of course, this video also made the soldiers in the whole Chia City converge.

Fortunately, David was a soldier of the police, and he was not considered a villain by the public, let alone any negative comments.

“Who is the’Sword Kill Police’?”

This is what everyone asked the most after the news appeared.

The police did not respond. In fact, within the police station, there are very few police officers who have the authority to view the police adviser’s information. In addition, since Chief Kurt has issued a password, it will not be spread out.

Of course, Chief Kurt also knows that David’s identity cannot be concealed, and Yakha Bank’s energy is so great that it is not difficult to check the police secret information.

He just hoped that Balfour would never do his own death and do anything without recognizing the consequences.

The soldiers who touched the battle video the most were the soldiers. From the initial sniping to the final sword attack, the fighting process of the ‘killing sword police’ seemed relaxed and comfortable.

If it weren’t for the slain fighters who were all armed with second-grade weapons, and the elite fighters of Aka Bank were not withdrawing in embarrassment, the fighters would think that these slain fighters were novices.

After that, several well-known soldiers announced on Skynet that this ‘sword-killing policeman’ was a long sword master.

This makes the longsword masters almost crazy. There are too few longsword masters. Ordinary warriors have almost never seen the longsword master, and this battle video is the only longsword master’s battle video that has flowed out. .

Many soldiers studied the video frame by frame and saw more problems.

The ‘killing sword police’ has a lot of unexplainable actions during the battle. People who first watched it thought it was a problem caused by the light during the video recording.

However, after some research by soldiers, the results were announced. The ‘sword-killing police’ almost ignored the limits of the human body’s joints, and many evasion methods could not be replicated.

The heated discussion made the reputation of the “Sword Kill Police” even more heated.

In the McIntosh design room, Master McIntosh looked at the figure in the news and couldn’t help laughing.

Is there anything that makes a designer more happy than the exoskeleton armor he designed to be worn by a super powerful armorer. He is even more happy that David has mastered this exoskeleton armor completely. The performance of the exoskeleton armor is maximized.

It was the first time he saw an attack method that ignored joints, which represented the success of his design.

Master Mackintosh opened the identity bracelet and found David sent a message.

David, who is in class, has received this message and he has known what happened outside.

He was very suspicious about the spread of this video, so he replied on the identity bracelet and thanked Master McIntosh, and then connected to the Skydome intelligent system in the villa.

As the Skydome Intelligent System appears longer, its capabilities will be stronger.

David asked the Tianqiang intelligent system to find out the way the video was circulated. Soon the Tianqiang intelligent system found the first source of the fighting video obtained by the news media through the authority of all parts, which was an identity bracelet.

“Balfour!” David muttered while looking at the name of the owner of the identity bracelet.

David was not surprised that Balfour did this kind of thing. He was so embarrassed that Balfour was involved that day. With Balfour’s long standing status, he would retaliate.

Just giving the video to the news media surprised David, not knowing what Balfour was planning to do.

But it doesn’t matter. As long as David knows that Balfour is plotting him, he will know who to fight back.

In David’s villa, the Skydome Intelligent System targets Balfour, and a large amount of Balfour’s information is collected.

Tracking the use of Balfour’s identity Coupled with the data storage of the Skynet monitoring system, Balfour’s whereabouts in the past few years have been controlled by the Skydome Intelligent System.

Not to mention that Balfour himself is not a very upright person, even no one can guarantee that there will be no mistakes in a few years.

That night, just as the news of the “Killing Sword Police” was hot, another news appeared, and it was not only in the news, but that news was everywhere on Skynet.

In the news, a series of acts of bribery and bribery by the head of the Lunkaxing branch of Aka Bank, Balfour, were exposed to the public through various surveillance videos.

In addition to these, Balfour opened up rooms with women, including married women, and even videos of men spread wildly on Skynet.

Open almost any news page on Skynet, there are content related to Balfour.

In fact, many editors don’t know how this news got up. At least they didn’t handle this news. The news appeared suddenly.

According to the influence of Balfour and Yaka Bank, even if there is such news, it is difficult to be made public.

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