Transcendent David Chapter 260: Sniper

Chief Kurt knows that only by directing himself can he keep more hostages more likely.

Let Balfour, a layman, command, then it may be a disaster.

Director Coulter is not entirely considering the hostages, but also for his future. Once the hostages die too much, even with high-level authorization documents, he will be implicated.

“Chief Kurt, I will give you the command of the six elite soldiers!” Balfour showed a satisfied look on his face.

Anyone who can do senior positions at Yaka Bank is not a fool. He has a name for himself, and he knows how many abilities he has.

Just now he just wanted to put some pressure on Chief Kurt. When dealing with gangsters, Chief Kurt has more experience than him.

“There are thirty-four hostages in the hall, and there is only one soldier. Which of you is known for speed, can rush in as quickly as possible, and minimize the casualties of the hostages!” Director Kurt Looking at the eleven soldiers on his side, and the other six elite soldiers asked.

“Eleventh, you have a sniper rifle behind you, are you a sniper soldier?” The tenth soldier suddenly asked.

Until then, everyone discovered that the “Godolphin’s Wrath” sniper rifle behind David, mainly because the weapon card slot behind David’s custom exoskeleton armor has a special card slot for the sniper rifle, and the sniper rifle is exposed There are not many parts, but they are hidden by the long sword sheath. At the same time, the short wings of the custom exoskeleton armor are too eye-catching, so that everyone did not notice the sniper rifle.

Of course, the main reason is that everyone’s attention was initially on Yakha Bank.

“Sure it!” David nodded.

“On the 11th, are you sure to snipe the soldier in the hall?” Director Kurt asked with a weird face.

Director Coulter has seen David’s information. This is a spear master. Now he appears here, not only without a spear, but with a long sword and equipped with a sniper rifle. .

However, Chief Kurt believes in the evaluation of the military in the theater that the existence of the ‘Invincible Clerk’ will be extremely powerful even if he is empty-handed.

Although the education of soldiers in the war zone is not good, there are too many soldiers from the Federation. Relatively speaking, the evaluation of the war zone is more trustworthy.

“Yes, but even if the soldier is sniped, the buildings behind this hall will also be damaged!” David replied affirmatively.

He brought a sniper rifle just in case. Sniping was his long-range method. It might be used in case an enemy escapes.

I just didn’t expect him to use a sniper rifle to sniper people in the building. This is not an ordinary sniper rifle. A first-grade bullet hits the armored soldier, and its penetrating power is enough to hit the building behind the armored soldier. wear.

“I authorize you to use a sniper rifle, and all consequences will be borne by the police!” Chief Kurt said with joy.

As long as he can keep the hostages in the hall, no matter what the outcome of this action is, he will have nothing but success.

“Give me thirty seconds!” David took off the sniper rifle of Godolphin’s Wrath, and the short wings spurted energy behind him, and his body flew up.

As early as Chief Coulter asked, David found the most suitable sniper position through the shadow attendant above his head.

“Director Kurt, is this person’s strength credible?” The No. 9 soldier did not use the channel, but asked directly outside.

“If he tries his best, it will not take more than ten minutes to kill all the soldiers here!” Director Kurt said confidently.

Hundreds of warriors were killed and four masters of weapons were killed. This kind of combat power is definitely the highest among warriors.

“Who is he? I hope to fight him!” Before the No. 9 fighter could speak, the elite fighter captain of the Yaka Bank said with a sneer.

David didn’t know what Chief Coulter was saying. He flew onto the building platform opposite the Yaqar Bank.

He turned on a sound-shielding device and placed it beside him, and then directed ‘Godolphin’s Wrath’ at the hall in a prone position.

At this position, you can see the hostages in the hall through the sniper scope, and the soldier standing behind a group of hostages.

David didn’t wait. For the armored soldiers who were not prepared for sniping, this was basically a fixed target. This kind of target was hardly difficult.

However, David would not underestimate any soldier. The proficient sniper allowed him to hide his killing intent and only burst out at the moment of attack.

For elite fighters with rich combat experience, as long as they are targeted by sniper fighters, they will have a certain induction.

Without much hesitation, the’Godolphin’s Wrath’ was fired, and a first-grade bullet flew out of the barrel. The distance from here to the soldier in the hall was only about 1,500 meters. The point distance is almost instantaneous for the bullets of the sniper armor.

The armorer standing behind the hostages is a warhammer armorer. He has always maintained a fighting posture and has not taken it lightly because the hostages are in hand.

He is very clear about the goal of this operation, and Yakha Bank will definitely not delay them for too long because of the hostages.

Suddenly he felt a palpitation, but before he could act, his eyes were red.

The last sight he saw was that the glass door of Yacha Bank was turned into pieces, and then plunged into eternal darkness.

The hostages saw the door of a bank some distance from them shattered, and just when they didn’t know what was going on, they heard the sound of falling to the ground.

When the hostages looked back, half of the head protected by the visor was missing from the soldier who had held them.

When the frightened hostage saw the death of the soldier, he immediately summoned his courage and ran madly towards the broken gate of the bank.

“So fast!” Director Kurt saw that the bank’s door was shattered, and realized that David had already started, and he was surprised.

He thought that the sniper needed some more process, but he didn’t expect that after David found the position, there would be a shot. There was no waiting in the whole process.

“The elite team rushed in. Numbers 1 to 8 were responsible for protecting the safety of the hostages. Number 9 and 10 followed the elite team!” Chief Kurt ordered.

Following his orders, the six elite fighters from Akha Bank started the fastest, rushing through the broken door from the top of the hostages’ heads.

The eight police officers entered the hall and immediately divided their work. Some looked for hostages and some led them.

“Director Kurt, what else do I need to do?” David reminded Chief Kurt on the channel.

He is still in the sniper position at the moment and has not received instructions. He doesn’t know what to do next.

“On the eleventh, come here as a reserve team!” How could Chief Kurt not know that David was there, but he had other plans for David, and he told him on the channel now.

The dangerous warrior battle begins immediately. It is safe to have David by his side. The most troublesome thing has been taken care of by David, and then his safety is guaranteed.

As for the battle, there is an elite team of Yakha Bank, plus two other advisors, to win is enough.

David didn’t have any thoughts. He took the sniper rifle “Godolphin’s Wrath” back behind him, took off again and returned to Chief Kurt’s side.

Since the new exoskeleton armor has been replaced with more flying capabilities, it is indeed very convenient.

In the past, after you find the sniper position, you have to run to the past, the time will be longer, especially in the city, the exoskeleton armor is very easy to damage the building.

Just like the sniper just now, because of his flying ability, David’s entire sniping process only left four deep holes to fix the exoskeleton armor on the top of the building, and did not cause the rest of the damage.

“Chief Coulter, I’ll go in to see the corpse, and come right now!” David just stopped, thinking of the soldier’s corpse, calculated that the time was still too late, and said immediately.

“Okay, don’t venture in, come back immediately after you go in and check!” Chief Kurt didn’t understand David’s fighting habits, thinking it was a mentality issue of the sniper, so he agreed and confessed.

David didn’t hesitate, he accelerated under his feet and rushed into the hall.

The corpse of the soldier was still on the ground. When David came to the corpse, the Shadow Attendant rushed up and sucked a soul into his body.

David looked at the warhammer used by the corpse and frowned. He was not polite, took the warhammer directly, and exited the hall.

“Director Kurt, I don’t know if I am the target of the kill. Is the opponent’s weapon also my trophy?” David came to Chief Kurt with his warhammer and asked.

David did not know the rules of Chia City, but he was in Rockstar.

“It can be distributed like this. You need to register the harvested weapons first, and then the police will issue them to you again as a reward, but this time I can take the lead and reward you directly with this weapon!” Director Kurt I was talking with several rescued hostages and answered with a smile when he heard David’s question.

After hearing that David had rescued them, several hostages quickly thanked them.

David didn’t speak to them. These hostages won’t have any contact with him in the future. He just started rubbing the hammer with his iron hands.

Director Coulter also saw David’s actions, and couldn’t help watching it curiously.

The original black warhammer showed a blue light under David’s friction. It turned out to be a second-grade warhammer.

“The combatants are careful, the opponent is using a second-grade weapon!” Director Kurt’s expression changed and he immediately reminded him on the channel.

When I first saw the opponent’s weapon, I didn’t think too much, because some armorers didn’t want the light of the weapon to be discovered, and would apply a layer of cover-up coating on the outside of the weapon, but this is normally level 1 Grade weapons.

When fighting, first-class weapons and second-class weapons respond completely differently.

Among the fighters who participated in this battle, only the elite group of Akka Bank had two second-grade weapons.

David looked at this trophy with satisfaction. Although he already had three second-grade warhammers in his hand, the material of the second-grade heavy weapons was extremely valuable. No matter how many weapons of this grade, he Will not dislike it.

Among the soldiers, this is hard currency.

“On the eleventh, your vision is really good!” Chief Kurt exclaimed.

I knew this was a second-grade warhammer. He would never agree to reward the opponent immediately. Usually, he would withdraw the registration first, and then exchange the second-grade weapons into credits to reward the opponent.

Of course, the number of credit points is converted into the contribution points needed to exchange second-grade weapons within the government, and this contribution point cannot be exchanged for credit points, only the contribution point is exchanged for credit points.

There is a lot of cheapness in this, and it can leave the other party speechless.

“Thank you Chief Kurt!” David knew he was taking advantage, so he said with a smile.

During the conversation, the sound of fighting came from the channel, and the six elite soldiers and Balfour of the Bank of Nayaka were all in the channel.

“Elite Three, be careful of the defensive position, **** it, who said they only have six soldiers!” Elite One yelled in the channel.

“Nine is injured, nine is injured!” Ten also called.

From the first contact, the 9th was injured in the battle. It can be known that the opponent’s strength should be beyond our expectations.

“Call for support, there is a second group of elite soldiers here. The police intelligence is all dog#shit!” No. 9’s injury on the channel should not be fatal, he screamed in a hoarse voice.

“No.1 to No.8, build a defense in the hall! No.10, you withdraw with No.9, and the elite team retreats while fighting, can you lead them to the hall?” Director Kurt asked while commanding Tao.

“No, we need to return, we can’t hold on, Mr. Balfour, the other party is about to break through the vault door!” The leader of the elite team said with helplessness and frustration.

“No matter what method you use, things must never fall into the other’s hands. After another three minutes, support will arrive!” Balfour couldn’t help crying in the channel.

“Mr. Balfour, wait for us to collect the corpses in three minutes. I have to consider the lives of my brothers. I am now withdrawing from the battle!” The elite team leader responded loudly.

Suddenly, when David listened to the call on the channel, he was also surprised.

The police only found six but in fact as many as 12 soldiers entered the bank. It seems that these soldiers are bound to get that item.

Send two groups of elite soldiers at once, and they also hold second-grade weapons. Although I don’t know how many of them, it can be seen that the action is not simple.

In the basement vault of Yacha Bank, the fighting is not fierce, because one party is retreating quickly, and half of the attacking party is opening the door of a vault.

The hands of the five soldiers were all second-grade weapons. Although the surface was concealed, cutting the door of the vault, but cutting off the coating on the surface of the weapon, revealing the blue light inside.

And the door of the vault is not made of ordinary materials. Fluorescence can be seen in the cut part, which is the light of first-grade materials.

Given the thickness of the door of the vault, it would take a long time for an armored soldier with a second-grade weapon to break through the door.

At this moment, with the full cooperation of the five soldiers, the door of the vault broke open very quickly, and you could enter it immediately.

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