Transcendent David Chapter 248: Discovered

The Jiashi virtual world is very real, and the pain from real to injury is 100% reflected in the body.

It was only a short period of forty seconds. From the moment David appeared, the second-grade heavy axe in his hand did not stop attacking, and there were seven wounds on his body.

And every few seconds, a new scar will appear on his body.

David has never been as desperate as he is now. He has experienced life and death dangers many times, but every time he survived.

But this time there are too many “Hunter Mantis” around, and they are obviously different from the normal “Hunter Mantis”. These “Hunter Mantis” are like being guided by the King of “Hunter Mantis” that time, even More than the command of the king of the hunter praying mantis.

David once again killed a’Hunter Mantis’, and two more’Hunter Mantis’ attacked him at the same time. He blocked it with a heavy axe, and the’power shock’ contained in the heavy axe caused both Only the Hunter Mantis paused at the same time.

The two “Hunter Mantis” also blocked the attack of the “Hunter Mantis” behind them, but there was still a “Hunter Mantis” attacking David from the side with a moment difference from the two “Hunter Mantis”.

At this moment, David has long been unable to evade. He blocked his left hand without a weapon in front of him. The arm armor of the exoskeleton armor failed to block the attack of the Hunter Mantis. His left arm was blocked by this Cut into the bone deep wound with one blow.

David didn’t frown, he just used the heavy axe of his right hand to kill him when he was blocked by this attack of the “Hunter Mantis”.

Then the heavy axe in his hand has the opportunity to sweep the two’Hunter Mantises’ that have been paused under the influence of the’Power Concussion’, but due to this time difference, these two’Hunter Mantises’ have recovered. Although he could not avoid David’s heavy axe, he also added two wounds to David’s body.

The pain is not terrible, David has adapted to the pain long ago.

Compared with the ‘Advanced Armor Body Art’ he practiced daily, this kind of pain is really nothing nowadays.

Especially because he clearly knows that these pains will not really affect the body, which allows him to completely ignore the pain.

However, the loss of blood also slowed his movements. The virtual world of Jiashi simultaneously reduced his speed according to the blood loss. This is also the normal body reaction should be slowed down.

The more he slowed down, the more injuries he suffered.

David can only use his injured left hand to assist defense, saying that assisting defense is actually using his left arm to continuously block critical attacks.

His right arm was very well protected. Except for some minor injuries, he was not seriously injured, which made his attack still fierce.

At this point in the battle, in front of David, the twenty-four corpses of the “Hunter Mantis” showed his toughness.

As long as the “Hunter Mantis” is hit by David’s heavy axe, it must be the result of death.

This is also the requirement that every formal educated warrior has been taught. Fighting the Zerg must be a fatal blow. As long as the Zerg is left with a little vitality, the injured Zerg will still have combat effectiveness.

Unfortunately, most of the soldiers were unable to do this, but David perfectly met this requirement.

David is standing in a pool of green and red blood. The green one is the blood of the ‘Hunter Mantis’ and the red one is his own blood. The blood pools under his feet.

The forearm of his left arm has been chopped off by the attack of the ‘Hunter Mantis’. Although he is still playing a blocking role, he hasn’t started to be flexible long ago.

David yelled, and he completely let go, no longer avoiding, but fighting with the “Hunter Mantis”.

‘Hunter Mantis’ attack, he will use the mental explosion to accurately determine the deadly attack, let go of the deadly attack and counterattack at the same time.

One minute has passed, and the exoskeleton armor on David’s body is almost tattered. Except for the back protected by the second-grade large shield, there is no complete part of the predecessor.

Compared with the external injuries, the damage inside David’s body was more serious.

It’s just that the judgment of death in the virtual world of Jiashi is based on the conditions of complete disappearance of vitality and severe damage to the vitality. David’s current situation is that the vitality is still there, and the vitality is not severely damaged.

The audience was stunned. No one thought that the battle would continue until now. Surrounded by a group of “Hunter Mantis”, there was no chance to move, but they could fight hard with the “Hunter Mantis” for a minute.

The blood-covered David let these soldiers see what is tough, even if he is so injured, David still maintains a tenacious fighting spirit.

At this moment, David felt extremely exhausted in his body. The loss of blood and his full burst of ‘Ultimate Speed’ and ‘Power Concussion’ talents made his body already exceed its limit.

The second-grade heavy axe held by his right arm looked extremely heavy at this time.

He didn’t dare to breathe, and sank in his body with one breath. As long as he exhaled this breath, he was afraid that he would collapse into the group of ‘Hunter Mantis’.

Countless life and death battles have allowed him to develop a character that would rather die than surrender.

A foot pierced his lower abdomen, and the breath he sank into his body finally didn’t hold on, and he took it off all at once.

However, David forcibly slammed his head on the head of the “Hunter Mantis” in front of him, and at the same time he cut his axe under the head of the “Hunter Mantis”.

The reason for cutting is because David’s power is no longer enough to swing a heavy axe. He can only use his body to press the heavy axe and concentrate a blow with the power of his whole body.

As the neck of this ‘Hunter Mantis’ was cut with a heavy axe, David was also completely surrounded by the group of ‘Hunter Mantis’, and David’s figure was completely invisible.

After a few seconds, a white light disappeared in place, and the group of “Hunter Mantis” stopped.

At this time, thirty-eight of the “Hunter Mantis” group had died. The audience looked at the corpse of the “Hunter Mantis” on the ground, and they did not recover for a long time.

David returned to the lounge, his body pain disappeared at the same time, and his physical strength returned to his body.

He stood in the lounge and didn’t get out of the fight just now, everything was too real.

For a soldier from Rock Star, there is only one death. This kind of death experience is definitely not a good feeling.

“You cannot die in the virtual world of Jiashi!” David said to himself in his heart.

It is definitely not a good thing to get used to this kind of death. For a soldier on the verge of life and death, too much death will make the soldier lose his fear of death.

The fear of death is a manifestation of the body’s desire for life. It is this desire that makes people have a premonition in the face of death.

But David believes that as long as he often experiences death in the virtual world of Jiashi, this premonition will decrease indefinitely.

“Invincible, are you okay?” Jenlis asked worriedly.

He also saw the battle just now. The fierce battle made him horrified. He couldn’t imagine that a high school student like David could fight like that crazy.

Know that this is just a virtual battle. Under the circumstance that you know you will die, you don’t need such resistance at all. As long as you relax your defense a little bit, you will be killed and reborn.

“It’s okay, I just feel it, is this virtual world really good?” David shook his head and said softly.

“What you have encountered is only a special situation. Nothing like this has ever happened before. I have never seen a group of more than two hundred’hunter mantises’ in the Worm Tower.” Jenlis thought David Talking about the situation encountered just now, I couldn’t help but explain.

“No, I am not talking about the battle just now. I am worried that I am used to this kind of death, and when I encounter death in reality, I will lose my previous vigilance!” David said in a deep voice.

“Probably not, most of our Lunka star’s armors grew up like this!” Jen Lisi was taken aback when he heard it, and then immediately shook his head and said.

David didn’t say anything. He didn’t know how to tell Jensen how he felt when he died just now. Perhaps for a soldier who often practices in the virtual world of armor, death has long been a very common thing. Up.

David looked at the projection light curtain in the lounge, where a live broadcast of the individual rematch was playing.

He found that he was the only one being besieged by the Zerg, and the rest of the soldiers were all normal.

“Is anyone targeting me?” David hesitated for a moment, or asked.

His identity as ‘invincible’ only appeared for a few days, although he accepted hundreds of challenges, all of them were victorious.

But there is no way to retaliate against him for this. If so, there are so many fighters who have become famous in the virtual world of fighters, and it is impossible for a newcomer like him to get revenge.

“There must be someone secretly targeting you. If necessary, I can inquire about it. However, people who can influence this kind of game have a very high status and it is very difficult for you to see him!” S said with certainty.

“Forget it, I have my own way of training. It doesn’t matter if the Jiashi virtual world doesn’t welcome me, just come in and use up the points!” David said indifferently.

Since he learned about the drawbacks of the Jiashi virtual world, he has become less interested in practicing here.

Although the results of the practice here are really good, if someone specifically targets him, he has to consider whether it is cost-effective to practice here.

In fact, all he needs to practice is the sniper ability. There is not much demand for the Jiashi virtual world. When he builds the intelligent system himself, he can simulate a similar virtual world.

As long as there is no melee calculation, the calculation method of long-range sniper attack is not complicated.

“Invincible, since someone is targeting you and you are worried about dying here, don’t participate in the two-person team finals tomorrow!” Jen Lis offered.

“It won’t affect your bet, right?” David heard Jen Liss saying that the bet has been determined, but he still asked.

“You just wait to receive the bet!” Jen Lis said with a laugh.

“It’s okay, I’ll get off first!” David bid farewell to Jen Lis.

Jen Liss also nodded very understandingly. This is the first time David died in the virtual world of the armor. It is normal to be unacceptable for a while. The best way is to give David time to adapt.

David walked out of the Jiashi virtual cabin and shook his head when he looked at the Jiashi virtual cabin. He didn’t want to experience the feeling of death again.

There are 19,409 points left. He has to plan the use and then use them all.

Back in the villa, David always felt that there was something wrong with him. He was very clear about his state. As long as there was anything wrong with his body, he could perceive it.

He invited the Shadow Servant, and put a hand on the Shadow Servant’s shoulder to activate the attribute panel.

As he looked at those familiar attributes, he finally saw the difference, spirit: 5.94 (1).

He knew very well that his previous spirit was 5.95, which means that a death in the virtual world of a soldier caused him to lose 0.01 spirit.

If the spirit of loss is to be given an order of magnitude, it is about letting the Shadow Servant absorb the souls of ten soldiers, so that David can increase the spirit of loss.

Of course, it is not that the souls of ten soldiers are equal to this 0.01 point of spiritual energy. When Shadow Servant absorbs souls, most of the soul energy will be absorbed by Shadow Servant.

Only the remaining small part will be absorbed by David’s soul, thereby increasing David’s spirit.

David doesn’t know if anyone knows that death in the virtual world of Jiashi will affect people’s spirits, but he clearly sees the consequences.

In the military conference room, Lieutenant General Dane also saw the **** battle between Invincible and the “Hunter Mantis”. When he saw Invincible’s decisive battle to death, his eyes lit up.

Isn’t this the fighting spirit that the military has always promoted?

The fearless desire to fight, the boldness that sees pain as nothing, and the terrifying fighting skills, let Lieutenant General Dane see the unique spirit that belongs only to the battle star.

Looking at the invincible battle, he thought of those comrades in the battle star back then.

The dissatisfaction with Invincible in my heart also disappeared with Invincible’s battle, leaving only extremely satisfied.

“Chairman, contact this’invincible’ and ask him if he is willing to join the military. I will give special treatment!” Lieutenant General Dane turned his head and ordered.

The staff officer was slightly stunned when he heard the This Lieutenant General Dane had a fancy to “Invincible”.

As for the change in Lieutenant General Dane’s attitude, the staff was not surprised. Such a good seed, Lieutenant General Dane would certainly not let it go since he saw it.

The staff officer started operating on the light curtain. He initiated a contact request to “Invincible”, but soon Skynet responded that “Invincible” was not online.

“Lieutenant General,’Invincible’ went offline after death!” The staff officer still reported.

“Please pay attention, and contact “Invincible” when it goes online!” Lieutenant General Dane waved.

None of them knew what David discovered when the death of the Jiashi virtual world made David resist the Jiashi virtual world.

As David thought, apart from spending points, he is unlikely to enter the Jiashi virtual world again, especially knowing that the death of the Jiashi virtual world will affect the spirit in reality, which makes David Have to be very careful.

David doesn’t know much about the role of spirit, but his spirit has saved his life many times, and the ability of spirit application, each of which exceeds reality, has become his lore.

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