Transcendent David Chapter 238: Points

David admired the decisiveness of ‘Boyd 1’, but he didn’t want to waste time. At the same time, he also discovered that every time he consumes physical strength in a battle, it will automatically be replenished after the battle.

So David didn’t have any scruples to use his own abilities, the ‘extreme speed’ talent was activated by him, and his figure turned into a phantom.

The second-grade heavy axe in his hand swept across the neck of ‘Boyd 1’. Even if ‘Boyd 1’ wanted to evade, he could not avoid the heavy axe that could barely see the shadow anyway.

65% consummation level heavy axe mastery, coupled with the bonus of ‘extreme speed’, the attack power is far beyond imagination.

“Is Invincible Really Invincible?” The audience could not help exclaiming after seeing’Boyd 1’disappearing into white light.

‘Boyd 1’is considered a master among the armored fighters, but such armored fighters can’t catch the attack of “Invincible” either.

When the audience in the audience was surprised, they were once again driven from the ring.

The 0.1 points can only watch one game, but David is satisfied that he has reached 47.7 points.

Because it was about to end at eleven, David continued to accept the challenge without any hesitation.

On the Jiashi forum of Lunkaxing, ‘Boyd 1’ posted a post, which immediately caused a lot of controversy among Jiashi.

‘Invincible, an older master of heavy axe! ’

Many soldiers, especially those who watched the battle on the spot, expressed that they would appeal to Skynet for this behavior, and demanded to expose the true identity of “Invincible”, which discredited the older generation of heavy axe masters.

However, some armored fighters also raised objections, thinking that Skynet could not give an older generation of intermediate armored heavy axe masters the name “invincible”.

Various quarrels appeared on the forum, which also made David’s challenge attract more soldiers.

David also didn’t understand why he had set up a charging mode, but there were still batches of soldiers who paid to enter the audience and watch the battle lasting only ten seconds.

After seeing a battle like an adult bullying a child, these soldiers who watched the battle came to the forum again and participated in the crusade against ‘invincible’.

Competing with young soldiers for resources, this behavior has filled many soldiers with outrage, and the voice of anger has made Skynet’s supervision also concerned.

Skynet’s supervision does not have the authority to find out the identity of ‘Invincible’. This identity is protected by law. Skynet will not activate the display of true identity unless there are relevant documents from the court.

Although the identity of “Invincible” cannot be shown, the approximate age group can still be inquired.

“‘Invincible’ is the younger generation of soldiers, and everything in the virtual world of Jiashi is functioning normally!” The virtual world of’Invincible’ has made an official response, which is the end of the status of’Invincible’.

But this makes the armored soldiers crazy. A younger generation armorer is sweeping all challenges.

David challenged the audience in the auditorium next to the ring to have more audiences, which made David suspect that Jen Liss said that the points are hard to earn.

Although 0.1 points are small, although Skynet deducts half of the handling fee, the accumulation of less will add up. With a large number of viewers, David’s point income has suddenly become more.

David kept ending the battle at an average speed of 30 seconds per game.

The more victories there are, the more the audience’s enthusiasm increases. After defeating a hundred challengers, the audience is almost full.

After there was no doubt, all the audience shouted out the two words “invincible”.

David’s list of challenges has not diminished because of over a hundred challenges, but has increased.

Many young and strong men want to fight against “Invincible”. Even if they are killed in a spike, they still have to feel the gap between them and the super champions called “Invincible” by Skynet.

Jian Lisi, who has been watching the game, has a bit of a mental breakdown. He saw a famous or familiar or unfamiliar soldier being killed by David. He also saw that David also had a’speed talent’ and was faster than him. Faster.

This kind of ruthless crush on strength made Jen Liss doubt about his strength again.

Fox’s extraordinary persuasion was completely groundless.

However, when David’s battlefield was expanded to three hundred games, Jen Lis’s mentality became calmer, which is comparable to this abnormality.

Until eleven o’clock, when the time set by David came, he had fought more than 500 games.

David looked at his points, which at this time had reached 32509 points.

He stopped accepting the challenge again and said hello to Jenlis.

“Invincible, don’t you challenge anymore?” After leaving the ring, the two reappeared in the lounge when they came, and Jen Lis asked with some regret.

In Jen Lis’s opinion, this kind of thing today is definitely a passionate accident.

So many soldiers spend their points to watch David’s battle, and they are definitely hyped.

This is not David’s hype, but it means that the whole process of the incident was inadvertently hyped by the soldiers.

First of all, the nickname “Invincible” has stirred everyone’s heartstrings when they see this nickname Jiashi.

‘Invincible’ is the dream of every soldier, but when the title in this dream appears on a soldier, that kind of curiosity will become out of control.

And David is also fighting with a kind of ‘invincible’. Every spike will make the soldiers pay attention to whether they can still hit the spike next time.

The impulse of inertia made the armored men chase David’s battle. Perhaps after today, many armored men will regret it, because they will find that their points are reduced by the consumption of 0.1 points again and again. a lot of.

“It’s 11 o’clock, I should go back, and I will have class tomorrow!” David said with a smile.

He didn’t regard the 500-odd battles as real battles, but as a game, just like the battle game in his previous life.

But David didn’t think about what he thought the game meant for the champions of this world.

“I will pick you up after school tomorrow!” Jen Lis reminded again.

“Okay, let me see what the points can be redeemed.” David said with a smile and came to the closet.

He activated the wardrobe again and found a large number of items that he hadn’t seen before.

A piece of custom exoskeleton armor in the virtual world of the armor requires one hundred points. The exchange price is indeed very expensive. This is the harvest of one hundred battle victories.

And can’t repeat the battle, which makes points even more rare.

David also discovered the price of the ‘Jiashi Virtual Cabin’. The price of 15,000 points is truly a sky-high price.

David even discovered the price of ‘King’s Heart’. The price of 20,000 points is estimated to be even less redeemable.

He also found a custom exoskeleton armor in reality, choosing the best conditions for everything, using second-grade materials as the important parts of the armor, designed and manufactured by the Mackintosh exoskeleton armor designer. It is required to discuss with Master Mackintosh in person, and the consumption points are 3000 points.

The other second-level fortified meat is 1,000 points a month, and the third-level fortified meat is 10,000 points a month.

When David actually checked the items that could be exchanged, he found that all the items he could look at were consuming a huge amount of points.

But he didn’t spare the points, because no matter how many points he has, it is only a number. It is his own ability to change into strength.

He first chose to customize the exoskeleton armor, including the virtual world and the real world. He customized a set, and then the three-level enhanced meat for a month.

With these three items alone, 13,100 points are consumed.

David intends to slowly redeem all his points into fortified meat, so that his strength and physique can grow rapidly.

Why is like Jen Lisi already the pinnacle champion, and even the young Anita is close to the pinnacle champion? This is the importance of resources. Lunka is the main star of the Alidia star field. The richness far exceeds that of Rockstar, so as the extraordinary disciples of Fox, their treatment far exceeds that of David.

A large number of top-level resources allow them to quickly complete the process of strength growth, enter the process of physical accumulation of the peak armor, and wait for promotion to extraordinary.

The distance between David and these fighters is the resources. His growth time is too late, which makes him need a lot of top resources to catch up with these fighters.

“How about, what did you redeem?” Jen Lis waited by the side. He didn’t ask David how many points he got, but cared about what was redeemed.

“I exchanged a custom exoskeleton armor, a virtual one, a real one, and some strengthening meat to speed up the training.” David answered with a smile without hiding.

“The first class will pass through quickly, and it is best to reach the pinnacle level before the age of thirty, so that you can accumulate enough foundation before the age of fifty to deal with the promotion and extraordinary!” Jen Lisi nodded and said.

In terms of promotion to the transcendent, Jen Liss has even more knowledge than Galen. Galen’s transcendental background is too little, or the Rock Star government’s background is too shallow.

“Is it impossible to be promoted to extraordinary after being over fifty?” David asked curiously.

“Over the age of fifty, the body of a soldier is basically shaped, with a little less vitality and vitality, which will affect the success rate of promotion. This is no secret. Many inheritances have corresponding summaries.” Zhan Reese explained with a smile.

Jen Lis’ words made David more determined to improve himself faster. He is not bad now, only his strength and physique. In this regard, his growth is much faster than ordinary armor, but Compared with the Jiashi who really has top-level information, the speed is still too slow.

“It’s a pity that the ‘jacket virtual cabin’ is too expensive!” David sighed as he closed the closet.

“Have you seen the ‘jacket’s virtual cabin’?” Although Jen Lis knew there were many audiences, he was always attracted by David’s battles, but he didn’t pay attention to the number of audiences.

At this moment, I heard David talk about “Jiashi Virtual Cabin”, but he knows the number of points required for ‘Jiashi Virtual Cabin’.

Jian Lisi has never seen the 15,000 points ‘Jianshi Virtual Cabin’, he has only heard of it.

But David has only entered the Jiashi virtual world for less than six hours, and he already has the points he hasn’t had for several years.

“Fifteen thousand points, I bought the “Jiashi Virtual Cabin”, half of the points are gone!” David was still sighing, and Jen Lis’s heart beat faster.

“When you have more points in the future, and then want to buy the “Jiashi Virtual Cabin”, you must keep your points and buy treasures that increase your chances of promotion before you get promoted!” Jen Lis still reminded David.

“Okay, it’s getting late, I quit!” David looked at the time again, and inadvertently, another ten minutes passed, which exceeded his expected time.

Exiting from the virtual world of Jiashi, David opened the virtual cabin No.8 and walked out of it. Except for some fatigue, his body is no different from when he entered, and his physical strength has not diminished.

“David, I will take you back!” Jen Lis also came out of the armored virtual cabin and said.

David did not refuse. He was not familiar with the environment here, even taking public transportation was troublesome.

At half past eleven, David returned home. He couldn’t rest yet. He called the Shadow Servant to transfer his soul into the Shadow Servant body, and consumed all his spirits in cultivating the Crystal Meditation. Just fell asleep in extreme exhaustion.

Woke up early the next day to practice, driving a suspended car to school at 8 o’clock, and Lunka Private Middle School at 9 o’clock, but because David was in the third year of high school, it was half an hour earlier.

David also walked into the classroom at 8:30 punctually. Almost all the classmates had already arrived.

Even Teacher Delia was sitting in front of the classroom, and when she saw David, she rarely smiled.

For students with good grades, Teacher Delia’s requirements are not strict. Otherwise, if you enter the classroom with a pinch like David, although they are not late, their learning attitude will still be criticized by Teacher Delia. .

“Ms. Delia didn’t criticize you!” Moore at the next table watched David sit down and couldn’t help but whisper.

“I’m not late!” David retorted with a strange glance at Moore.

Student Moore showed contempt, but he looked at Teacher Delia who was looking and he didn’t intend to tell the difference.

“David, you have been a little more careful recently. Horsley, who was kicked away because of your arrival, may cause you trouble.” Moore was still very enthusiastic, he reminded.

“Thanks for reminding, but it’s okay, I’m not afraid of trouble!” David replied with a smile.

“Quiet, yesterday’s test results have been posted on your display screens, including your respective rankings in the class and grade, compare your previous rankings, whether you are progressing or going backwards.

The college entrance examination is less than a month away, and there is not much time left for you. You must persist until the end and strive to become a successful person. “Teacher Delia’s words made all the students sit upright.

“Here I would like to commend the newcomer David. He became the first in the class and grade with three perfect scores. I hope all students will learn from him!” Teacher Delia took another look. Wei, then said loudly.

With a sound of “coax”, the students sighed and all looked at David as if they were looking at a monster.


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