Transcendent David Chapter 232: Arrangement

“David, do you have a place to live in Chia City? Do you want me to arrange it?” Looking at David sitting on the sofa in front of him, Fox smiled and cared.

Fox Chaofan sat in the small living room with David. This is where he entertains closer friends.

He didn’t regard David as an ordinary junior, but as a communicator that he could face up to.

“Uncle Fox, I already have a place to live, thank you for your concern!” David was a little surprised by Fox’s extraordinary attitude. He didn’t understand why the other party treated him this way, so he could only thank respectfully.

Before he came here, Galen Superb said about the superb things of Fox. The two superbs are indeed friends, but the relationship can only be regarded as ordinary friends.

But now Fox’s extraordinary attitude makes David feel like two extraordinary brothers.

But if you want to come to Fox to be extraordinary, it won’t hurt him. On this point, there is a guarantee that Galen is extraordinary.

Why Galen is extraordinary and finds Fox extraordinary, is to know that Fox is extraordinary, Galen is extraordinary and trusts Fox extraordinary.

“Your situation is a bit troublesome, but I have solved it for you. You need to go to the Lunka Private Middle School for some days of classes. I will send someone to transfer your student status to Lunka Private Middle School. You are in Lunka. Private high schools take the college entrance examination!” Fox Chaofan said with a smile that he had made arrangements for David.

“Yes!” David nodded, his eyes were a little confused, he didn’t know how troublesome his situation was.

Know that what Galen Superman told him was not like this. Galen Superman asked him to stay here for a while, waiting for the college entrance examination.

His training schedule is very full every day, so attending high school will definitely be delayed.

However, many of his weapon mastery have reached the master level nowadays. These master-level weapons mastery cannot be grown by ordinary practice alone.

So he can also reduce the time for these weapons practice every day, plus this is Fox’s extraordinary arrangement, he is not easy to refuse.

“Haha, it seems you don’t know you are famous yet!” Fox Superman pointed at David and said with a smile.

“Uncle Fox, am I famous?” David asked, looking at Fox Extraordinary for unknown reasons.

“Of course, you destroyed the Thunder and Lightning Mercenary Corps alone, killed four masters of weapons, and were judged by the war zone military as’Invincible’. Are you famous?” Fox explained with a smile. .

David was very surprised when he heard it. How could his record spread to the Alidia Star Territory? It didn’t take long before that battle was over. This spread so far.

The most important thing is that he has had trouble with the military in the theater and gave him the title of ‘Invincible’.

David is not someone who has no experience, and he will not be blindfolded by the title of’Invincible’. This title is the same as the’First in the World’ in the previous life. Everyone is hearing this title. When, the first thought was to overturn him and take this title away.

Fox Extraordinary was also looking at David’s expression, and found that David did not have a trace of pride, but rather thoughtful and sighed.

When such a young child hears such boasting, he does not have a trace of pride. This is what excels.

“Uncle Fox, is this going to be widely spread on Lenka?” David asked aloud.

“Not only the Lunka star, but the entire Alidia star field, the Kador star field and the Volgo star field on the side. I sent someone to investigate it. There are also rumors, although only in It is spread among the armor, but the impact is not small!” Fox replied with an extraordinary smile.

He has more experience than David, and when he saw the title of ‘Invincible’, he also considered the killing. He immediately sent someone to inquire, and found that someone was indeed behind the scenes.

“Uncle Fox, can you know who is pushing behind?” David doesn’t believe that just an evaluation of the military in the theater will cause such attention. He can only ask Fox Extraordinary.

“The people behind are very hidden, and I can’t find out, but it is certain that people from the military are pushing behind them. My people have discovered that many news comes directly from the military population!” Fox Extraordinary admired David’s question very much, he replied.

Actually, fortunately, Fox’s extraordinary detection speed is fast enough. He immediately sent people to inquire as soon as he got the news. It was almost at the same time that someone pushed to spread the news.

Otherwise, after waiting for a while, the news is everywhere, and it will be difficult to find out.

“Military!” David thought about who the military wanted to trouble him.

“David, don’t have any worries. In Chia City, you don’t have to worry about who will do to you. Don’t look at the security facilities here as tightly as the Rockstar. In fact, Lunkastar is also being monitored at any time. One of the functions of the star ring in the sky is to monitor the ground, and everyone who enters Lunka must be identified. It is impossible to sneak in secretly. I will let people pay attention to whether there are dangerous people!” Fox excelled and smiled broadly.

“Too much trouble Uncle Fox!” David bowed and thanked.

“David, you’re going to see you right now, it’s noon right away, dine with me, just to introduce you to my disciples!” Fox arranged with a smile.

Dining did not leave this building. On the second floor of the building, there is a restaurant, but the restaurant is not open to the outside world, but an internal restaurant.

David followed Fox Extraordinary into the dining room. This room almost the same size as the restaurant outside should probably not be called a box, but should be regarded as Fox’s extraordinary exclusive restaurant.

“Teacher!” Two men and one woman stood up and greeted respectfully.

“David, these are my three disciples. I am so envious that Galen has disciples like you. I can’t help but get angry when I look at them!” Fox Superman pointed to the three disciples and introduced him to David. .

It’s just that this kind of introduction made the smile on David’s face extremely embarrassing, and the faces of the three people on the opposite side were also unsightly.

“What are you embarrassing about, you have practiced longer than David, but how different is the combat power!” Fox said, staring at the three disciples with extraordinary eyes.

“Teacher, I’m working hard!” Anita said with a pouting mouth.

She was the youngest of the three disciples and was also Fox’s most beloved disciple, so she was about to cry when she heard Fox’s extraordinary words.

“Anita is doing pretty well!” Fox’s extraordinary face returned to a smile and nodded.

“Teacher, you haven’t introduced this one yet!” The second disciple Jen Lisi couldn’t help but reminded.

When he heard the teacher, Fox, who was extraordinary, said they were not as good as David, he was full of dissatisfaction.

The David on the opposite side is obviously only at the level of a middle-ranked fighter. He and his eldest disciple Emerson are both peak fighters, and they are far more powerful than David.

“Forgot to introduce to you, this is David from Rockstar in the war zone, coming to school in Lenka Star!” Fox turned his head and introduced.

“I’ve seen a few of you!” David hurriedly bowed.

Jen Liss expression stagnated, he looked at Emerson, and both eyes flashed with horror.

“It’s David Kerr, the David Kerr who destroyed a fleet alone!” Jen Lis looked at David again, his eyes filled with disbelief.

Recently, if you want to talk about who is the most popular, it’s David Kerr.

One person killed hundreds of soldiers, four masters of weapons, a fleet, and the military’s proven record of this, so that the entire Skynet is filled with the legend of David.

Only due to privacy protection reasons, David’s face has been blurred in the video, and the long portrait of David cannot be seen clearly.

That’s why Jen Liss and Emerson didn’t recognize David, but after hearing Fox’s extraordinary introduction that David came from the Rock Star in the war zone, also named David, and had a strong combat power. Up.

“It’s just a small fleet, not many warships!” David explained embarrassedly.

The fleet can be large or small, and a military-standard fleet has a hundred warships as the minimum standard.

“David, are you a spear master?” Emerson asked curiously.

There is no record of David’s other weapon masters in the data. As long as David does not show it, no one will know.

“Yes, I am a spear master!” David admitted, he didn’t want to explain too much, and the rest of the weapon masters would naturally be known when needed.

“After that, you will need more guidance, I also use a spear!” Emerson said with bright eyes.

Fox’s extraordinary education disciple does not restrict the weapons used by his disciples like Galen’s extraordinary. If David hadn’t mastered other weapons better than warhammer, at the same time, his mastery of warhammer was far superior to his peers, so Galen’s extraordinary could not be pointed out. His warhammer mastered progress, and Galen was extraordinary and would not let him go.

Fox’s three extraordinary disciples all decide their weapons according to their preferences.

This also reflects that Fox’s extraordinary background is much higher than Galen’s extraordinary. What kind of weapon a disciple chooses, Fox’s extraordinary can give the same knowledge.

Emerson uses spears, Jenlis uses heavy axes, Anita likes long swords, and each has corresponding advanced weapon techniques, so even the youngest Anita has achieved the mastery of long swords. Proficient in the beginner level.

Of course, there are also reasons to choose your favorite weapon, which is more suitable for you.

“There will be a chance in the future, let’s practice together!” David would not refuse Emerson’s invitation, he responded with a smile.

“David, we will practice together in the future, you don’t want to use a spear, let’s try it!” Jenlis suggested with a bright eye.

“After you don’t use it, after the meal, I’ll be there to protect you. David is welcome. I will teach Jen Lis a lesson and let him know the difference!” Fox Chaofan did not wait for David to answer, so he made a decision.

Fox Superbly showed David a helping look, and David had no choice but to nod his head.

Jen Liss is very talented. He reached the pinnacle level in less than 30 years old and is slowly accumulating.

But Fox Extraordinary is worried that Jen Lisi is going too smoothly, and it is difficult psychologically to survive the long period of transformation.

It happened that David was here, and he could let younger geniuses press Jen Lis, and Jen Lis was frustrated.

As for what Jenlis meant, Fox Extraordinary also understood it, but Fox Extraordinary did not tell Jenliss that David used the heavy axe to master when slaughtering the soldiers of the Thunder and Lightning Mercenary Corps.

Anita didn’t know the legend of David. After learning about the power of David in the dialogue between several people, her eyes were full of worship.

“David, you are far away from Galen in Chia City. If you have any questions about your practice, you can ask me. In addition, I will arrange for someone to give you a daily fortified meat, which is considered as an uncle. Gift!” Fox Chaofan said with a smile after sitting down.

Fox’s extraordinary arrangement did not arouse the dissatisfaction of Emerson and Jen Lis, this kind of treatment is the most basic treatment that extraordinary disciples deserve.

Since Galen is extraordinary, since he has come forward to entrust David to Fox extraordinary, and has paid his favor, it naturally needs Fox extraordinary to pay some actual resources.

“Thank you Uncle Fox!” David quickly thanked.

He checked the information about fortified meat on Tianwang yesterday. The fortified meat here is all concentrated in the hands of a few forces. The amount of fortified meat on the market is very small and the price is extremely high.

The price of a first-level fortified meat is about ten times that of Rockstar. Of course, it is understandable that the price of first-level fortified meat is transported so far from the war zone.

The problem is that the seller can’t guarantee the supply of goods is sufficient. David is also worried about this matter. Unexpectedly, Fox Extraordinary directly helped him solve it.

The reason why Fox Chaofan said this in front of the three disciples was also to show his attitude. He regarded David as an existence equivalent to a disciple, and what trouble happened between the three disciples and David? .

At the same time, he also hopes that the three disciples will have a good relationship with David. Whether David’s current strength or future growth is worthy of deep friendship with the three disciples.

The meals were delivered, mostly seafood, with some special ingredients.

“David, this is the stone sunflower in the sea, which is helpful for cultivation!” Fox Chaofan explained with a smile when he served a very strange-looking dish.

It is the first time for David to know that besides the fortified meat of the Zerg, there are other foods that are helpful for cultivation.

Shikui estimated that the value is not low. There is only a small plate in front of each person, and the portion is very small, about only one bite.

David was not polite. He ate Shikui in one bite. The taste was like ice jelly. The entrance was cold, but it turned into a hot stream when it entered the abdomen.

Although the energy provided by Zerg’s fortified meat is different ~, it can indeed gain physical fitness and strengthen strength. Under the action of this heat current, David’s power has increased by about five kilograms.

Don’t look at it as being only five kilograms, but David is now a real soldier, and every time he increases his strength, he improves the limit of the human body.

A five-kilogram increase requires at least David to take the fortified meat and practice the’High-Order Armor Body Art’ for one week to improve. This is still the target state. After reaching the High-Order Armor, this promotion will Slower.

David’s eyes lit up all at once. If there are a lot of Shikui, just taking Shikui can quickly become the top champion.

“Haha, don’t think about it. This stone sunflower is useful for the first time. The effect will only be a slight improvement in physical fitness. This stone sunflower is extremely rare and cannot be artificially maintained, so don’t think about passing the stone. Kwai has quickly improved his strength!” Jen Lisi could not help but smile when he saw David’s look on the side.

“It seems that when you ate Shikui for the first time, you had this idea too!” Anita on the side exposed Jenlis and said with a smile.


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