Transcendent David Chapter 220: Master

The soldiers of the Thunder Mercenary Corps wearing exoskeleton armor and holding various weapons suddenly discovered that the original target light spot on their visors had disappeared.

At the same time, their communication with the fleet was also interrupted. Except for the communication between the exoskeleton armors, all other communications could not be received.

“What happened?” Captain Norton contacted the crew in the cockpit through the channel on the exoskeleton armor.

It’s just that there was no response there. David’s program changed all the permissions of the Raiden II frigate to David, and the permissions of the rest were removed.

“The sixth group, the sixth group, how is the situation on your side?” Captain Norton found that he could not contact the cockpit, and immediately thought of another group that might havetily contacted the sixth group that was guarding outside the smart core. The communication between the exoskeleton armors is also unable to connect.

“Something happened to the smart core!” Captain Norton said to the three companions around him with a heavy expression.

“If the smart core is destroyed, the spacecraft will not be able to maintain its balance like this!” Earp said, shaking his head.

They are warships that have seen the smart core destroyed. At that time, they fought with the Zerg. When the Zerg approached the warship, they would instinctively attack the smart core first. Once the smart core was destroyed, all the equipment on the spaceship would lose control.

On the current Raiden II frigate, only the signal was intercepted, and the warship did not lose control.

“Damn, is David still an electronic countermeasures division?” Captain Norton and Earp thought of something at the same time, Captain Norton shouted.

They speeded up and rushed towards the smart core.

There was a flicker on the visor of David’s exoskeleton armor, and then a more detailed structural diagram of the entire battleship was displayed on his visor.

This is not the previous layout diagram. This structure diagram is the core data inside the smart core.

On the structure diagram, there are nearly two hundred red light spots, and the light spots show their respective names, identities and current status. These nearly two hundred red light spots are all soldiers.

In addition, there are more green light spots, which show their respective positions on the battleship. These are non-armored soldiers, or armored soldiers without exoskeleton armor. Compared with David, they have no body. Wearing exoskeleton armor is no threat at all.

So these talents will be green light spots, and these light spots are all automatically judged by the intelligent core.

At present, the owner of the Smart Core is David, and all analysis and judgments of the Smart Core are based on David’s identity.

“You really saw me, so many soldiers came to chase and kill me!” David sneered to himself.

He didn’t want to think that if he hadn’t kept killing the elite group of soldiers, Captain Norton would not have issued such a gathering order.

David’s gaze swept over and found four special red dots, which showed the identity of the four soldiers.


Head of the Thunder Mercenary Corps

Strength: Master-level sword mastering, pinnacle-level armor.


Deputy commander of the Raiden Mercenary Corps

Strength: Master-level warhammer mastery, pinnacle-level champion


Commander of Raiden Mercenary Squadron

Strength: Master-level shield control, peak-level champion


Leader of Equipment Department of Raiden Mercenary Corps

Strength: Master-level heavy axe mastery, pinnacle-level champion

David looked at the information of the four soldiers in surprise, which was displayed by the intelligent core automatically calling internal information.

The strength of these four soldiers was originally not a secret. In the mercenary world, their four weapon masters supported the high-end power of the Thunder Mercenary Corps.

It’s just that David has never seen a weapon master in Rockstar, only on Kaser’s extraordinary spacecraft. That Kaser’s extraordinary steward is the only weapon master David has ever seen before.

I didn’t expect to see four weapon masters here. If it weren’t for the intelligent core to display this information, David would probably fall into the hands of the four weapon masters if he was not careful.

As for the identities of the four masters of weapons, he didn’t care much about the information from the senior leaders of the mercenary group.

Now that he knew the existence of these four weapons masters, David naturally would not choose to send them directly to the door.

David also knows why his position is exposed. The battleship’s scanning device has many modes, and he can be discovered by just a life scan.

It’s just that now the scanning device of the battleship is under David’s control, these soldiers can’t find him in this way.

Even so, David didn’t dare to take it lightly, because looking at the location of the nearly two hundred soldiers and the direction they were moving forward, an encirclement for him had already been set up.

David looked at the countdown to a program on the visor, and he had a plan in mind.

“The big shield armor came forward, the back approached, don’t pull the distance, there is only one enemy, good at sneak attacks, don’t give him a chance!” The temporary captain of the twelve armor squad commanded loudly in the team channel.

The twelve soldiers of them were formed by two teams of soldiers to prevent David’s sneak attack.

Although there are as many as twelve soldiers, the temporary captain is not at all relieved. Before the communication is normal, he, as the temporary captain of the squad, obtained information about David’s previous battle.

The elite group of elite soldiers in the Raiden Mercenary Corps was almost completely slaughtered. These news only reached his level and did not let the rest of the ordinary soldiers know.

On the one hand, it is to stabilize the military spirit, and on the other hand, it is also afraid of unnecessary chaos.

Although the soldiers of the Raiden Mercenary Corps are well-trained, they are not an army, and their discipline is much looser than an army.

Especially, not all soldiers are retired from the army, or they did not serve in the main army before retiring. Relatively speaking, once these soldiers know that the enemy is too strong, they are likely to be afraid of war or even leave the battle.

This temporary captain can only make all the armors aware of the danger by constantly reminding them and shouting loudly.

At present, twelve soldiers are walking in a passage. The passage is very bright, and you can see clearly from the front and back. This is the environment that is the least vulnerable to attack.

So despite the loud reminder from the temporary captain, the soldiers in the squad were still a little lighthearted.

Suddenly, all the lights in the passage were extinguished, and then a green light appeared from the wall in the darkness, shining continuously among the soldiers.

Since all the armors of the soldiers were put down, their screams could only be heard from each other through the team channel.

From David’s point of view, this was a silent attack.

The biggest benefit of the smart core being controlled is that David can use environmental conditions as he pleases.

Like this attack, he asked the Smart Core to turn off all the lights before he attacked. He communicated directly with the Smart Core and cooperated perfectly.

The shadow attendant observed all the positions of the armor, and then broke through the wall and rushed into the armor group when the light went out.

These soldiers didn’t have time to switch to the dark vision mode, and they were overwhelmed by a sudden attack.

David is in the dark vision mode, and he can clearly see the actions of these soldiers. Master-level heavy axe is mastered in this environment, like a fish in water.

When David rushed from one end of the tunnel to the other, the light returned.

There is no one living person in the entire passage except David. Twelve soldiers, even two pinnacle soldiers, were suddenly attacked and killed, without any counterattack, they were scored by the third grade. corpse.

David shook his head. He felt that the reaction ability and strength of these soldiers were far inferior to those he had encountered before.

Where did he know that before he killed all the elite soldiers of the Thunder and Lightning Mercenary Corps, the soldiers he encountered now were just ordinary soldiers.

Captain Norton didn’t want the elite soldiers to be wiped out, so he planned to use numbers to siege David.

However, Captain Norton did not expect that things did not go as he expected, David was besieged.

The current Raiden II frigate has become David’s home field, and the massacre is beginning.

The soldiers who came soon discovered that they could not find the enemy, but the enemy was everywhere.

Behind the wall, on the ceiling, under the floor, at the next corner, everywhere, enemies will suddenly appear, and then there will be massacres.

Because there was a problem with the communication on the main ship, all the soldiers had one communication channel into the unified channel.

At this time, this unified channel with nearly two hundred soldiers online at the same time, there was a scream from time to time.

A acquaintance called the name of a familiar friend on the channel, but found that the other party did not respond.

As long as the screams appear, they become one piece, and then they disappear for a while, and then continue to screams.

Not to mention ordinary armored soldiers, even the veteran armored soldiers who have experienced many battles are also terrifying. It seems that a death **** has arrived in the battleship, and is constantly harvesting their lives.

The unknown is terrible. No soldier knows what happened, only the screams before death remind them that their compatriots are being killed.

If David and these soldiers are placed in another environment, without the advantage of land type and intelligent core help, even ten Davids can’t stop so many soldiers.

But the reality is that every time David strikes, he easily succeeds.

An attack fell on his body. This luxurious exoskeleton armor on his body, with armor made of second-grade materials, can also block deadly attacks.

Captain Norton was also on the channel, but he did not speak at this time, let alone scold the soldiers who were a little out of control.

In the channel, there were soldiers calling out their companions’ names, some screaming out of fear, some talking to themselves out of fear, and more screams that could not be stopped.

“The Thunder and Lightning Mercenary Group is over this time!” Captain Norton said in a deep voice to the three old men using the group channel.

“Captain, the battleship is still there, we are still here, the mercenary group can still be revived!” Prague said with a huge second-class shield.

“Yes, we are still here!” Mead and Earp said at the same time.

Although they said this, they all knew in their hearts that the decline of the Thunder and Lightning Mercenary Corps was inevitable with such a big loss.

What they want to do most in their hearts is to find the original culprit, David, who caused all this, and torture him in every possible way to calm down.

David can’t remember how many soldiers he killed. His exoskeleton armor was covered with blood. Even the third-grade heavy axe, which is said to be not contaminated with blood, is also due to the continuous blood on the exoskeleton armor. Rolling down, the third-grade heavy axe has a strange red in the green light.

Most of the red dots on the visor have disappeared, and the rest are running away.

A battle of two hundred soldiers against one, turned into a rout with as many as two hundred soldiers.

David did not chase, he fixed his gaze on the four special light spots, which were already at the intelligent core.

It is estimated that there is no electronic countermeasures division among them, and they cannot regain control of the intelligent core for a while.

But David knew in his heart that these four weapons masters must have called the electronic countermeasures division on the battleship to go.

Because on David’s visor, a group of green light spots are moving fast toward the intelligent core.

“It should be done!” David whispered softly, and his figure accelerated, rushing in the direction of the four masters of weapons.

“He’s coming!” Captain Norton, as a longsword master, coupled with a long-term high position, with a high position to nurture the spirit, his spirit is much stronger than ordinary people, coupled with years of combat experience, let him The perception of danger is extremely sensitive.

“It’s very close!” Earp said tightly with the second-grade warhammer in his hand.

For many years, since becoming a Warhammer Master, he has not had this kind of tension.

There seemed to be a depressive atmosphere in the surrounding air, making his palms sweat.

“Boom!” Bragg erected the second-grade shield heavily in front of him, and the voice shocked the hearts of several people.

Prague’s shield is very different from the ordinary shield. Prague’s height is more than two meters, and his shield is two meters long, which is twice as thick as the ordinary shield.

Plus the big shield is made of second-grade materials, this big shield has successfully blocked a fatal attack for several people in countless dangers.

Prague didn’t speak, only the big shield in his hand expressed his confidence.

The third-level weapons are terrifying, but it is absolutely impossible to break this thickened second-level shield in one blow.

This is Prague’s confidence. The master-level shield control allows him to calmly remove most of the power from the plus the data, no matter how strong David is, he is only a middle-level armor. Its power is very limited.

“It’s a pity, Dart isn’t here, it’s better to have him here!” Mead said with emotion.

The Dart he said was a member of their previous team in the army. Although he did not reach the master level, he was a proficient super sniper.

It’s just that talents like Dart cannot leave the army. Only in the army can there be better development.

“Dart can’t be here either. The environment here can’t allow him to exert his strength!” Earp was in a much better mood, he said.

Although the four of them were talking, their eyes were looking at the wall beside them, especially Prague had already blocked his thick second-grade shield in front of several people.

In perception, the danger is over there. This is a spiritual induction. It is this induction that allows them to survive from the countless bones on the battle star.


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