Transcendent David Chapter 215: Tracking

In thirty seconds, the dealer over there hasn’t started collecting bets, and the battle here is over.

  The battle happened suddenly and ended more suddenly.

   The onlookers looked at David in disbelief. David overturned a squad of soldiers, even if he was empty-handed, it was amazing.

   But for David, this kind of battle naturally has a great advantage.

  Most of the armored fighters have some dabbling in empty-handed combat, and they don’t know how to master it, because they need to spend most of their energy on practicing more needed weapons.

   Fighting empty-handed is a joke when facing Zerg.

   is to fight life and death with the armor, and the defense of the exoskeleton armor cannot be broken with bare hands.

   So, apart from a handful of soldiers who are extremely hobby and gifted in empty-handed combat, no one will spend too much effort on this.

   David directly obtained the 23 Proficiency level empty-handed fighting ability from the knowledge ball. This level of empty-handed fighting ability is already rare among the armor.

   He activated the ‘Ultimate Speed’ talent again, which made his bare-handed fighting strength rise to a big level. It can be said that even if he encounters a warrior who is proficient in peak bare-handed fighting, he can also defeat it.

   Only fast is not broken. When there is no great difference between the strength of the two sides, the battle is naturally extremely easy.

   “Well, come to the bar for a drink, I invite you!” The middle-aged man who had not been a dealer just now invited David with a laugh.

   “Boss, would you like us to have a drink too!” The soldiers nearby also cried out with fun.

   David heard everyone calling him and knew that this was the owner of the bar.

   “Together!” The bar owner is also refreshing, greeted with a smile.

  ”What do these people do?” David asked aloud while looking at the six soldiers lying down on the ground.

   “Come on for the first time, it’s okay, but they are going to be unlucky!” The boss said, pointing to the six soldiers on the ground.

   was talking, several soldiers came over. The two soldiers violently snatched the weapon and exoskeleton armor loading box from the groaning soldier, and threw them into the military flying vehicle nearby.

   Except for the monkeys, the six soldiers carried weapons and carried exoskeleton armor. All their equipment was taken away.

   “This is the cost of treatment. If you dare to do it here, you will suffer loss if you fail!” A soldier took out the healing potion and poured it down one by one, then threw the empty bottle on them.

   Within a minute, several soldiers got on the military levitating vehicle and left, leaving behind the six soldiers who had been treated. Before leaving, the soldiers also made a gesture of thanks to David.

   David saw the gesture of thanks, and he was inexplicable and didn’t understand what it meant.

   The six soldiers who received the treatment did not look happy. Anyone who received treatment that only required hundreds of credits but lost equipment with hundreds of thousands of credits would not be in a good mood. .

  The healing potion worked. The six soldiers regained some strength. David’s attack was merciless, and he didn’t want to kill anyone in a strange Battlestar.

   “Monkey, you pay me for the equipment!” A soldier roared and threw himself on the monkey.

   The other soldiers also rushed forward. The brawny man who could have taken care of them was injured. He could not speak at this time even with the healing potions, but his expression was crying without tears. .

   “I originally wanted to remind you to take away these guys’ equipment, but the law enforcement team came too fast this time. It is estimated that the law enforcement team was nearby just now!” The bar owner dragged David into the bar while Said.

   The rule here is to fight you at will, but if someone loses resistance, then the belongings will naturally belong to the winner.

   It’s just that the fighting here generally doesn’t lead to loss of resistance. You must know that unless there is a huge gap, everyone is also a soldier. If you want to beat another soldier with your fist, it’s also one It’s not easy.

  Because the weak soldiers won’t wait in place to be beaten, knowing the rules here, they have escaped long ago.

   This is also the reason why the brawny immediately surrounded David after learning that the weapon behind David might be a third-level weapon.

   David doesn’t care about the equipment. He also understands what the thank-you gesture made by the soldiers just now means. That is because he left a lot of wealth for the soldiers.

   “Little brother, are you interested in coming to us to participate in a hand-to-hand fighting competition? At least 10,000 credits a day income, much higher than your income from doing tasks!” As soon as I sat down in the bar, the bar The boss said to David.

   “I’m just passing by here, and I will leave in a while!” David then knew the reason for the bar owner to invite him in, and could not help but shook his head and refused.

   “Little brother, think about it. My bar is the largest in this area, and your income will increase in the future!” The bar owner continued to persuade him without giving up.

   David just shook his head. How could he stay? If he is really a middle-level soldier and earns 10,000 credits a day, he will definitely be excited.

   It’s just that he has one billion credit points in any unregistered credit point memory card. How could he be interested in this income?

   The bar owner saw David’s resolute attitude, and his interest in David disappeared, so he just greeted him and went to work.

   David watches the time while drinking red wine. He has no worries about the conflict just now. He will be away from the Battlestar in a while. The few soldiers who want to retaliate cannot find it. Him.

  In a corner of the bar, there is a downturned soldier who is drinking alcohol.

   When he raised his head and saw David sitting in the distance, his eyes narrowed, but he concealed it well.

  His name is Izade, he is a middle-ranked armorer, and the road to armor has long been hopeless.

   Originally, Izard was in charge of managing a shop here, and the shop belonged to the powerful Kaser Extraordinary.

  With the extraordinary deterrence of Kaser, Izard’s store business is very good, and it can bring a lot of income to Kaser’s extraordinary every month, and it also brings prestige and wealth to Izard himself.

   It’s just that all of this disappeared with the bad news that came. Kaser was superbly killed. This news followed that the shop was robbed by other forces, and all his wealth and status were robbed. .

  Izade became a wandering armor. Without Kaser’s extraordinary name, the armors who had been bullied by him avenged him one by one.

   He has lost his exoskeleton armor and weapons, and even leaving the Battlestar has become a luxury. No spaceship will hire a soldier who doesn’t even have weapons and equipment.

  He can only stay in the bar, numb his nerves with alcohol, and make himself forget everything outside.

   But Izard saw David, the face he would curse with the most vicious words every day, it was this man who made him lose everything.

   can become a successful businessman, Izard not only relies on Kaser’s extraordinary reputation, he also has the gift of a businessman, and he controls his anger well.

   David didn’t know anything about it. The bar was very noisy and made his perception extremely insensitive.

  Looking at the time, he put down the wine glass in his hand, scanned the wine with his identity bracelet, and then walked out of the bar.

  Izard waited for David to leave, immediately ran out and ran to the dispatch room here.

  After handing over all the last credits on his body to the dispatcher in the dispatching room, he got the scheduled flight route of David’s spacecraft in the space minefield.

Within the minefield in the space, the spacecraft cannot turn on the warp engine, and it needs to follow the scheduled flight route.

   Because once the speed engine is turned on, it is likely to hit a space mine because of the speed.

   It only takes half a day to pass through this area, and it will not be delayed for a long time. It has little effect on ordinary spacecraft.

   “I didn’t expect one point of intelligence to sell two credits!” The dispatcher muttered to himself with a triumphant smile on his face after Izard left.

   He doesn’t care about whether or not selling the flight route will cause an accident to the spacecraft. That’s the spacecraft’s own business. This is the extra money he earns from the dispatch position.

   When David returned to the Razer modified ship, the scan was over long ago, and the captain and crew returned to work.

   “My lord, are you leaving now?” the captain asked respectfully.

   “Go!” David nodded in agreement.

The    Razer modified ship slowly sailed out of the Battlestar, and the captain was navigating according to the route map, preparing to pass through the space minefield.

   Ten minutes after the Razer modified ship left, five medium-sized combat spacecraft also left the Battlestar.

   Thirty minutes later, the largest mercenary group in Battlestar received a commission. Two large combat ships, ten medium combat ships, and thirty small combat ships left the Battlestar. Follow the same flight path.

   Because he passed through a space minefield, David did not return to his room, but stayed in the cockpit and watched the situation outside.

   What you see outside the porthole is a gray and dark silence, without the slightest breath of life.

   “My lord, the scan found that there are five spaceships chasing behind us at a speed slightly faster than us!” Captain Hope walked quickly to the side of David and reported.

   “Captain Hope, are you on the same road?” David also looked at the huge display screen in front of the cockpit. It was the result of scanning by the scanning device, and David asked aloud. .

   “My lord, after we occupy this sailing route, it is unlikely that there will be spacecraft to use during our sailing time!” Captain Hope shook his head and explained.

   There are many navigation routes in the space minefield. To avoid some trouble, the same navigation routes are not normally arranged.

   “So someone is trying to trouble us?” David said solemnly.

   “Don’t worry, my lord, these five spaceships are far inferior to our spaceships. There is no need to worry about space warfare at all!” Captain Hope was full of confidence when he talked about the modification of Razer.

   David also saw the analysis of the scan results on the five spaceships. The five spaceships are basically ordinary civilian transport spacecraft equipped with heavy space weapons. Such spacecraft cannot match the real battleship in terms of structure or stability. compared to.

  The heavy space weapons installed on the five spacecraft, in terms of the stability of the civilian transport spacecraft, the strong force after firing will make the civilian transport spacecraft unable to accurately make a second attack for a long time.

   And the five spaceships themselves cannot withstand the attack from the Razer modified ship. If the opponent has an energy shield, they can support it for a while. If not, it can be completely destroyed in one blow.

   “You will be the one to direct the battle!” David nodded and ordered.

  This kind of spaceship warfare still needs to be directed by a professional person. He doesn’t know much about spaceship warfare. Random commanding is likely to harm everyone.

   “Yes, my lord, I must live up to my trust!” Captain Hope replied loudly.

   Among the five spaceships, Grove, the leader of the Flying Scorpion Mercenary Corps, is sitting on the captain’s chair. Six people stand beside him. They are the six soldiers who were injured by David. .

   “If you don’t get a third-level weapon from that person, I’ll take your skin off!” Head Grove said in a deep voice.

   These six soldiers are the outer soldiers of the mercenary group. They only bear the name of the flying scorpion mercenary group on weekdays. Part of the income from each mission is turned in, and they are not closely related to the flying scorpion mercenary group.

   This time six fighters came to report that an intermediate fighter had a third-grade weapon. For this third-grade weapon, Chief Grove urgently mobilized five combat ships to chase him. .

   But in his heart, he doubted very much whether these six soldiers were retaliating because they were injured by the opponent, and he used him as a tool of revenge.

   “Head, the monkey is a detective he doesn’t wear exoskeleton armor, the scanning device he carries is very sensitive, and his discovery can’t go wrong!” The strong man can only insist on the previous statement at this time.

   Now, even if not, he only hopes that the monkey has made no mistakes this time.

   “Well, if you get a third-level weapon, you can all become full members!” Head Grove nodded and promised.

   After speaking, he ignored the gratitude of the six soldiers and looked at the spaceship in the display.

   In his opinion, this battle will be very simple, because he did not see any traces of weapons on the spaceship unless the opponent’s modification technology is very high.

   He didn’t believe that it was modified by the Razer corvette, and he judged it was just an imitation.

  This is often seen in spaceships, because every captain wants to drive a real battleship, so there will be a variety of spaceships that look very similar to battleships.

   “How long will it take to enter the attack range?” Captain Grove asked the crew on the side.

   “Commander, we can enter the attack range of our main gun in one minute!” the crew replied.

   “Attention, I am not going to explode the spaceship, I just need to wound it!” Commander Grove ordered all crew members through the communicator.

   “Yes, captain!” the crew responded loudly.

  This is not the first time they have done this. They have a wealth of experience knowing what kind of attack can ensure the integrity of the spacecraft and stop the spacecraft.

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