Transcendent David Chapter 212: Harvest

After the ownership of the spacecraft was transferred to David’s name, David also knew the model of the spacecraft, the Razer modified ship.

   No wonder David can’t recognize this spacecraft, which is a modified version of the military Razer corvette.

   The Razer light frigate is equipped with a Gauss cannon. It uses powerful kinetic energy bombs as the main offensive method. It is equipped with high-power energy shields. It has a strong defense effect against laser energy weapons. It takes into account the advantages of high speed. A warship of a meat shield type is also a warship specially designed for the military to advance deeply.

  Of course, the weakness of the Razer corvette is also very obvious. Compared with the weak shell of other warships, it has a weaker defense against kinetic energy attacks.

   This modified Razer modified ship has a faster speed. Two warp engines ensure that the spacecraft can enter the speed of light faster.

   The two front and rear Gauss cannons are used as the main guns, which are designed to be hidden inside the fuselage. The original Razer frigate has as many as twelve Gauss cannons. Only these two are retained, and the others have been removed.

   There is no other way. If you keep the twelve Gauss cannons, you will not be able to pass the audit as a civilian ship. Just to keep these two Gauss cannons, Kaser has paid a lot of favor.

  Because of the modification of the warship, the hull design is stronger, and the materials used are better than those of David’s other Titan s600 transport spacecraft.

  The best hull materials of the Federation are basically applied to warships first, and the investment in them has never considered the cost issue. In order to fight the Zerg, the Star Federation has never limited the investment on warships.

   Razer light frigate is converted into a civilian ship after being modified, and this permission can only be obtained in the extraordinary of Battlestar.

   But now these are all owned by David. The Razer modified ship was re-approved by the Rock Star government, and the owner became David. Everything on it belongs to David.

   However, there is a problem with Razer’s modification of the ship, that is, before entering any administrative star, you must apply for entry.

  Because the Razer modified ship has heavy weapons, although there are only two Gauss cannons, the Gauss cannons used by military battleships are powerful weapons that can kill the third-level Zerg in the universe.

  The two Gauss cannons have been able to threaten the city of the administrative star, so it is impossible to enter the atmosphere without permission. The prerequisite for the application is the corresponding authority.

   As it is now, although the ownership of the Razer modified ship belongs to David, David himself does not have the level of armed spacecraft with the authority of Rockstar, so the Razer modified ship can only be parked in space.

In addition to the two Gauss guns on the    Razer modified ship, there are also ten short-range air defense missiles, and some of the electronics and defense devices on the original Razer light frigate.

   It can be said that this Razer modified ship, if it weren’t for David’s access through Kaser’s extraordinary single-player landing spacecraft, but forcibly attacked. Unless you use a military warship, you would almost never want to capture this spacecraft. Possible thing.

   There are some Kaser’s extraordinary private collections on the Razer modified ship. These collections are more for decoration of the Razer modified ship.

   David found that except for the exoskeleton armors of the four dead maids who were specially made for the four maids, the other six sets of exoskeleton armors were all fine exoskeleton armors.

  Four sets of special exoskeleton armors have obvious feminine characteristics. At the same time, the loading size is also fixed. These four sets of exoskeleton armors are estimated to be difficult to shoot apart from being displayed.

  Of course, David doesn’t even want to sell the six exoskeleton armors. He has no bad credit recently. These exoskeleton armors that Kaser can see are rare types. Wei’s love for exoskeleton armor is his own collection.

   These exoskeleton armors are matched with ten second-grade weapons, including four second-grade longswords used by four maids, three second-grade warhammers, and three second-grade heavy axes, the same The varieties also have different styles.

   A very luxuriously furnished room. This was originally Kaser’s extraordinary room. Two crew members specially cleaned and replaced all the items.

   David sat on the soft sofa in the room, smelling the scent of cleansing.

   He couldn’t wait to see what he got from Kaser’s extraordinary soul today, so he didn’t wait to return to the ground, so he came to this room and closed the door tightly.

  The Shadow Servant flew to his side, and he put his hand on the Shadow Servant.

  The familiar soul energy poured into the body, turning into rain and mist to nourish the soul fortress.

   Although only six souls were absorbed this time, the souls this time were extremely large. David watched the soul fortress become more distinct in the rain and fog of soul energy.

  After absorbing the soul energy, David activated the attribute panel through Shadow Servant.

  Name: David Kerr

   Power: 3.80 (1)

  Agility: 4.16 (1)

  Physique: 3.80 (1)

  Spirit: 5.35 (1)

   Recent exercises have improved all attributes. The soul absorbed this time increased David’s spirit by 0.05. David felt that 99% of the improvement was brought by the extraordinary soul of Kaser .

   It’s just that the mental attack methods are too weird and can’t be exposed. The current increase in spirit doesn’t help David’s regular strength much.

   may be able to make his mental outburst longer, but the mental impact of this increase is very small.

   But David knew that this soul energy was only the first harvest of six souls.

   David perceives the sphere of knowledge in the shadow servant, and sees the six extra spheres of knowledge.

  When he saw the six spheres of knowledge, David’s heart beat faster, because he saw the green spheres of knowledge for the first time, and two of them appeared at a time.

  The remaining four knowledge spheres are all yellow knowledge spheres, and they are all dark yellow.

   David first looked at two green spheres of knowledge, which were perfect spheres of knowledge.

   His spear mastery was only a breakthrough between life and death, and he never thought that a perfect ball of knowledge would appear.

  Heavy axe mastery (25% complete), crystal body refining (5% complete, unusable), these are the attributes of the two green light **** of knowledge.

  Heavy Axe Mastery (25% complete), David estimated that it was provided by the soul of Cobham. In the battle, 99% of David’s Mastery Heavy Axe Mastery was completely suppressed by Cobham.

   When David checked the attributes of the ‘Essential Body Refining Technique (5% Consummation, Unavailable)’, the light ball of knowledge, the expression on his face did not know whether he should be happy or upset.

   Because this ‘Essence Refinement’ is indeed a very powerful physique, but the unusable ones shown later are because ‘Essence Refinement’ cannot be practiced by a warrior at all.

   This ‘Essential Body Refining Technique’ is an extraordinary body technique, directly using Krypton crystal for cultivation.

   Of course, this ‘crystal element refining technique’ is not a simple practice method. The energy contained in krypton crystals is huge, and the conditions required for refining the body are extremely harsh.

  In the Interstellar Federation, the basic armored combat ability, even the junior high schools and high schools in various places will teach students to practice, and fully promote the basic armor.

   The various skills practiced and used by the Jiashi ranks are all in the hands of major forces, and the more advanced the skills, the more rare they are.

   After reaching the Transcendent level, all the cultivation methods and skills of the Transcendent are top secret by the large forces of the Interstellar Federation, and there are only few ways to obtain them.

  For example, if you join the government, you will get some of the extraordinary training methods and skills in the hands of the government. If you want to get better, you have to make greater contributions.

   This is most of the methods used by the transcendents, and the transcendents who are keen on fighting like Cather the Transcendent are exchanged for transcendent training methods and skills by performing tasks on the battle star.

  , this ‘crystal element refining technique’ was obtained by redeeming the contribution points accumulated by Kaser’s extraordinary ten years.

   “Let’s put it on first, after the transcendence, the physical skills have their place, but when will they reach the transcendence!” David shook his head and said to himself.

   He is very confident in becoming extraordinary, but he has seen Bray’s failure and the fear of promotion among the top champions such as Harrington and Helena. He hopes that he can lay a solid foundation. Only after greater certainty will be promoted to extraordinary.

   David looked at the remaining four deep yellow spheres of knowledge. Unexpectedly, the attributes of the four spheres of knowledge were exactly the same, all of which were ‘long sword mastery (95%)’.

   David didn’t know that the four maids he killed easily were not vases.

   is able to survive on the battle star and is favored by Kaser’s extraordinary fancy, where is the weak.

  With Kaser’s extraordinary identity, what kind of beauty cannot be found. Although the number of female soldiers is small, under the huge population base of the Interstellar Federation, this so-called small real number is also an astonishing number.

   These four maids were superbly trained by Kaser. Although their own armor level is not high, the four maids have a strong talent for mastering the sword.

  Kaser Superbly prepared a set of four-armed long sword battle formations for the four maids. Together, the four maids can exert their strength far beyond their own.

   It is a pity that both the heavy axe master Cobham and the four maids with long sword talents did not carry weapons because of the extraordinary welcoming of Kaser, and did not have much resistance.

  , especially the four maids, they almost killed them directly, and the long sword battle formation they trained could not even be used.

   David did not use the sphere of knowledge at this time, he took out Kaser’s extraordinary metal bracer, which is an extraordinary special space device.

   invited Shadow Servant, and through Shadow Servant he first took out a few books.

  Only one of the several books is Kaser’s extraordinary training experience. The above records are the problems and solutions that Kaser encountered in ordinary practice.

   It is estimated that this is a record of Kaser’s supernatural hand, and the content is very messy, but if this kind of practice experience falls into the hands of other superhumans, its value will be difficult to estimate.

   As for the rest of the books, they are all useless novels. They are Kaser’s extraordinary pastimes to pass the time.

   Put a few useless books on the bookcase in the space in the cabinet, probably these books are also taken from here.

   David used the identity bracelet to scan all of Kaser’s extraordinary training experience, and then he took the training experience through the Shadow Servant space device, and took out the few unregistered credit memory cards.

   There are a total of five bearer credit point storage cards, which belong to five different banks. These banks are all major banks in the Star Federation.

   David used Rockstar’s Skynet to search for five bearer credit card storage cards.

   There are one billion credit points in each bearer credit point memory card. David estimates that this is Kaser’s extraordinary reserve fund, which is used for running away in case of any major trouble.

   Seeing that Kaser is extraordinary, he dares to take on the task of capturing David, and it can be seen that Kaser has few scruples in his extraordinary actions.

   David’s heart is extremely satisfied. Now his credit points are more sufficient.

   In the end, he asked Shadow Servant to take out the agreement to arrest him. One of the two sides of this agreement was Kaser extraordinary, and the other side used the name of God’s Great World.

  This agreement is not very useful, because Cather’s extraordinary arrest of David, because of the timely discovery, the evidence has long been conclusive.

  ”Captain Hope, the spacecraft will be handed over to you. If there are crew members who need to return to the ground to rest, you do not need my consent. You will be responsible. Soon I will go to Lunka in Alidia. Star, you have to be prepared!” David confessed to Captain Hope.

   “My lord, please rest assured, I will arrange it!” Captain Hope replied respectfully.

   “The salary of your crew has increased by 10% compared to before. I will transfer some credits to you. You will manage the maintenance, supplies, and wages of the spacecraft!” David continued.

  Although the crew signed with him an overlord contract such as a permanent service, he did not want to let the crew slow down because of some small interests.

   “My lord, on behalf of the crew, I thank you for your generosity!” Captain Hope had some smiles on his face, thanking him.

   arranged things on the spacecraft, and David took the landing spacecraft on the spacecraft back to Naan City. Of course, this is not the kind of solo landing spacecraft.

   There are four landing crafts on the Razer modified ship, and the largest can accommodate twenty people.

The hangar of the    Razer modified ship still has a very large space. David is going to store the special small spacecraft of the Beacon in the hangar.

   In the choice of yacht and battleship, he still chose battleship.

   Titan s600 transport spacecraft was threatened by interstellar pirates in David’s first space mission. If the spacecraft was equipped with a main gun, how could that happen.

   Besides, apart from the fact that the Razer modified ship is not as comfortable as the Titan s600 transport spacecraft, the rest is far superior to the Titan s600 transport spacecraft.

  Interstellar flight has a crew and two chefs, at least it will not be too lonely during the journey.

   So David decided to use Razer to modify the ship in the future. As for the Titan s600 transport spacecraft, it will stay on Rockstar and leave it to his father Hans.

   Hans’s status as a ‘Guardian’ can enter and exit at will on Rock Star and even all the star fields of the Interstellar Federation. With the Titan s600 transport spacecraft, Hans will be more convenient where he wants to go.

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