Transcendent David Chapter 2: History

   Due to an accident on his body, it was difficult for David to toss and turn last night, but when he finally fell asleep in a daze, he was awakened by the identity bracelet on his wrist.

  The smart butler also entered at this time to remind him that Jessica was already waiting for him at the door.

  According to the reminder of the smart housekeeper, David realized that this was an agreement between him and Jessica to participate in the signing of the new book “War and Love” by the well-known writer Burgess.

   Originally, he wanted to stop participating in this signing event with Jessica, but when he heard that the destination mentioned by the smart butler was a paper bookstore, he immediately decided to go.

   The unknown of the world and the lost memory of this body made him desperate to get more information, but he didn’t even know how to search for information in the world, and the paper bookstore became his best choice. .

  Along the way with Jessica, he also saw that Jessica’s attitude towards him was not like a good friend, and Jessica’s attitude was even worse when he was taciturn. .

   After saying yes, David walked a few steps quickly and came to Jessica’s side, his gaze kept looking at everything around him.

   Cars hovering on the ground on the road, the entire city completely covered by rocks, even the houses are built as strong as fortresses, and at the same time they don’t even have a window. This weird design makes him have this The world feels extremely insecure.

   The bookstore they went to was not far away, so they didn’t take any transportation. They walked about three kilometers, and on the corner of the street where David lived, David saw a crowd of people standing in front of the bookstore.

   David looked behind him with some worry, there was nothing behind him, but in fact there was a strange translucent shadow hidden there.

   he discovered this after he woke up in the basement. When he first discovered the translucent shadow, he almost scared him to death.

   After many experiments, he found that this strange translucent shadow was completely aimed at him and was able to follow his orders to move.

   Even though the only ability that this translucent shadow has revealed until now is invisibility and no other ability, it also resolves his loneliness when he first came to this world.

   David had tested before that Jessica could not find the invisible translucent shadow at all, but there were nearly a hundred people in front of him, and he was still very worried about who would find it.

   “We are late, it seems we will be in line for a long time!” Jessica said with some dissatisfaction.

   She got up at seven o’clock for this signing event, and it was less than eight o’clock at this time. You must know that now, during the holiday, she will not get up until at least nine o’clock every day.

   David smiled and didn’t say a word. He didn’t care about the signing. He wanted to enter the bookstore to find books of interest.

   “Don’t be crowded, today’s signing event will not start in an hour, Mr. Burgess will be there in a while, please wait in line!” The bookstore clerk shouted loudly, working hard to maintain order.

   “Jessica, I will read a book inside, so I won’t accompany you!” David said to Jessica.

   “Go, go!” Jessica waved her hand. At this moment, she also found a few people she knew, and she no longer needed David to be with him, although these people were not friends. , But compared with the boring David, she would rather choose those who are not too familiar.

   David felt that Jessica’s way of treating him had a feeling of a spare tire. It seems that his predecessor should be an admirer of Jessica, which made Jessica have such an attitude.

   But none of this has anything to do with him now. He walked into the bookstore from the scattered line.

   Although there are more convenient e-books, it does not affect the sale of paper books, which can be seen from the scale of this bookstore.

  The clerk glanced at him and realized that he didn’t want to jump in the line, so he ignored him.

There are more than ten large electronic posters in the    bookstore, and most of them display “War and Love” propaganda posters.

The glass wall of    bookstore is very soundproof. At least the voices of nearly a hundred people outside did not pass into the bookstore. This makes the bookstore very quiet and it is the best reading environment.

   David walks through bookshelves, which are divided into philosophy, politics, law, military, economics, culture, education, sports, language, art, history, and geography. Categories, etc. are classified to facilitate readers’ choice.

   David went to the history department and found a book “History of the Interstellar Federation”. After taking the book, he went to a seat on the side and opened the book to read it.

Apart from him, there is no one else in the    bookstore. Those who can go to this paper bookstore at this time are all to participate in the signing of the book “War and Love” by the well-known author Burgess .

   But the signing event is held in front of the bookstore, so there is such a quiet environment.

  He opened the “History of the Interstellar Federation” and saw a sentence on the title page.

   “To survive or to destroy, the world is on the edge of the cliff!” Federal Marshal Denton.

   thinking about the meaning of this sentence, David opened the content page of “The History of the Interstellar Federation”, and then he saw the history of this world, a magnificent history with iron and blood.

   In the year 10116 of the ephemeris, a violent space shock occurred outside the sixteenth spiral arm at the edge of the Interstellar Federation.

   This space shock caused an unknown shift in space, overlapping the corners of the two universes. These two universes are the interstellar federation universe and the divine universe.

   The place where the interstellar federation universe and the divine universe overlap is the 16th spiral arm 82nd planet. Before the two universes did not overlap, the 16th spiral arm 82nd planet was just one and not well-known The common resource star.

   The environment there is harsh, and humans cannot survive there.

   But after the two large universes overlapped, the 16th spiral arm 82nd planet has undergone a wonderful change. The oxygen content in the atmosphere and the content of various other gases have changed, and it has become a habitable planet.

   At the same time, a large number of krypton crystals were discovered under the planet 16th Helix Arm 82nd.

   Kryptonite is the main energy of the Interstellar Federation. It is precisely with the existence of Krypton that the Interstellar Federation can travel the universe and rule the entire universe of the Interstellar Federation.

   But krypton minerals are also the basic energy source of the divine universe. When the two universes overlap, both parties who are about to start negotiations have discovered the krypton minerals on the 16th spiral arm 82nd planet.

   From 10116 to 10200 for nearly a hundred years, the two universes have launched a race-related survival war on the 16th spiral arm 82nd planet.

  The war was only mentioned in the “History of the Interstellar Federation”, but in those hundred years, the 16th spiral arm and the 82nd planet was renamed the Battle Star. You can imagine the cruelty of the war.

   In the fall of 10200, in the unstable space above the Battle Star, huge bugs appeared. These bugs emerged from the space and landed on the Battle Star.

   Then there are countless various insects with human heights up to tens of meters rushing out of the body of the giant insects, and they are frantically attacking everything that can be seen.

  The battle situation changed in 10200. Neither the Interstellar Federation nor the Divine Universe alone can resist these powerful Both sides discovered that bugs can grow by swallowing various substances. Human corpses, the remains of interstellar battleships, the buildings on the ground, everything they can see is their food.

  Especially the krypton mine, it stimulates them even more, and whenever the bugs occupy a krypton mine, there will be a quantitative explosion.

   In 10202, the Federation of Weeks signed an alliance contract with the Divine Universe. Since then, the two universes have jointly opened up a line of defense on the battle star to resist the invasion of insects.

   And these bugs are also called Zerg, a race that cannot communicate, is predatory and aggressive.

   In the following ten thousand years, the battle star has become a strong line of defense between the two universes, and countless interstellar Federation fighters fought **** battles with the gods of the Great World.

  Of course, the Zerg also impacted the neighboring planets of the two universes in various ways. Although the two universes are also constantly intercepting, some of the Zergs have passed through the defense and entered the nearby planet.

  Because the Zerg cannot enter other planets on a large scale, this prevents the Zerg from truly forming a quantitative advantage, and the nearby planets have not formed a large-scale Zerg group due to the centralized cleaning of the Interstellar Federation and the Great World of Gods.

   But this does not mean that the Zerg threat has disappeared on these planets. The larvae of the Zerg are extremely difficult to find. They can hide in the deep underground and make it impossible for the scanning device to find them.

   When appropriate, these larvae can grow into various forms according to the surrounding environment and attack life on the planet.

  This kind of endless warfare makes the Interstellar Federation extremely headache. More interstellar warships are built, and more defenses appear in the universe to ensure that planets farther away will not be affected by the Zerg.


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