Transcendent David Chapter 191: Meeting

Several soldiers threw insect repellent shells, and the throwing of the insect repellent shells was extremely accurate. The insect repellent shells were thrown on the way before the “Hunter Mantis” charge, and clouds of smoke rose.


   It’s just that in the past, insect repellent smoke would at least allow first-level zergs to avoid, but today the “Hunter Mantis” seems to ignore the insect repellent smoke, rushing through the insect repellent smoke and continue to rush towards the armor.


   “Helena, we have encountered the King of the Hunter Mantis and more than a hundred of its men. We need your help!” Harrington no longer has the pride he was just now. He has lost two brothers. If you don’t ask for help, Then more brothers will be lost.


   “Blay, what do you think?” Helena, who was about to enter the target mining area directly, heard Harrington’s help, hesitated for a moment, and asked Bray.


   “Help, these are the elite soldiers of Naan City. If they are lost, Naan City’s combat power will be greatly damaged!” Bray said without hesitation.


   “Brother, what do you mean?” Because of David’s performance, Helena attaches great importance to David, and she needs to consult David.


   “Save them, they are human!” David said in a deep voice.


   “Harrington, support for one minute, and we will be there soon!” After Bray and David confirmed, Helena replied immediately.


   “Thank you!” Harrington said gratefully, losing his pride.


   “Audrey, you take four soldiers to protect Bell, Bell, you are responsible for sniping the King of the Hunter Mantis!” Helena ordered the team to switch directions.


   Sniper Jiashi Bell found a high ground and lay on the high ground and observed it with a sniper scope.


   “Captain, the king of’Hunter Mantis’ is too fast to snipe!” Helena took the team for ten seconds and heard the report of the attack on Jiashi Bell.


  Professional sniper armor like Bell, it only takes a few seconds to determine whether they can perform sniping at their own level.


   “Bell, wait for the opportunity!” Helena said in a deep voice, startled.


  The strength of sniper armor is not weak. Although not as perverted as David, he is also an experienced sniper armor.


   Even Bell can’t lock the figure of the king of “Hunter Mantis”, the speed of the king of “Hunter Mantis” can be imagined how fast.


   “Brother, can you try to lock it?” Helena turned her head to David, who was running with her, and ordered.


   “Okay!” David nodded in response.


   He quickly left the team, inserted the second-grade spear beside him, lay down on the ground and arranged the’Gordolphin’s Wrath’ sniper rifle. In the field of vision of the’T3 sniper assist device’, The phantom that was a thousand or five hundred meters away still couldn’t even see clearly.


   David immediately entered a state of concentration, and his spirit exploded.


   just caused him an unexpected thing to happen, even if the world becomes slow, but in the field of vision of the ‘T3 sniper assist device’, the figure of the ‘Hunter Mantis’ king is still extremely vague.


  Because the king of “Hunter Mantis” moves too fast, let alone lock, it can’t even grasp its trajectory.


   For some time now, David’s battles have gone smoothly, which made him have great expectations for a spiritual outburst. Even before, he even had the idea of ​​killing the king of the “Hunter Mantis”.


  The reality told him that he was still far from being able to defeat the second-level Zerg.


   “Second sister, cannot be locked!” David reluctantly reported on the channel.


   “Brother, hurry back to the team!” This time Helena was mentally prepared, she said in a deep voice.


  The special service team is only two kilometers away from the Jiashi Association team. Helena said it takes one minute. In fact, the distance between each other does not need such a long time, but the support is not to directly rush over, but to maintain the battle formation. Advance.


   So although David delayed a little time, it did not affect his return to the special service team.


   seems to be the reason for killing two scout soldiers. The king of ‘Hunter Mantis’ was in the blood phagocytosis. He saw the approach of the special service team and issued a sharp warning sound while running.


   And the Armorer Association team and the “Hunter Mantis” also formally engaged. The elite armour is worthy of being an elite soldier. Under the protection of the four-sided second-grade large shield, the impact of the “Hunter Mantis” did not break the Armorer Association. The defensive formation of the team.


   Five “Hunter Mantises” were hit by the armor of the Armorer Association team. All of these five “Hunter Mantises” were hit by second-level weapons. Only second-level weapons can have such power. .


  Unless ordinary weapons of the first rank hit the vital point of the “Hunter Mantis”, it will not make the “Hunter Mantis” instantly lose its combat effectiveness.


The two soldiers of the    Armored Soldiers Association team were also injured. One had his shoulder penetrated and the other had his leg cut open, but he could still fight.


   The exoskeleton armor was automatically pushed into the healing potion, and at the same time, the two soldiers also used hormones so that they would not affect their combat power due to injuries.


   Harrington’s complexion was ugly. It was only the first contact and injured two people. The king of “Hunter Mantis” has not attacked yet. Once the king of “Hunter Mantis” participates in the attack, he can hardly imagine how serious the consequences will be.


   Helena heard the warning cry of the king of ‘Hunter Mantis’, she did not pay attention to it, just looked back at Bray, Bray nodded to her.


   “Brother, you are in the middle, and the big shield armor is in charge of both sides!” Helena redistributed the formation.


   David rushed to the forefront of the formation and became an arrow, while Helena and Bray stood behind David, ready to take action.


   Two large shield soldiers were also divided on both sides, and all the armor soldiers with first-class weapons shrank to the back of the battle formation.


  Without a second-class weapon, the armor can’t do any damage to the king of the’Hunter Mantis’.


   seemed to be irritated by Helena’s ignorance, the “Hunter Mantis” king phantom turned around and charged towards the special service team.


   In the sky, the Shadow Servant saw the phantom ‘Hunter Mantis’ king due to excessive speed, and his target direction was David in the front.


   It’s no wonder that among all the soldiers here, only David’s breath is the weakest. Of course, the “Hunter Mantis” king chooses the weakest to start. This is the instinct of the Zerg.


   Attacking the weakest existence of the enemy and attacking the enemy’s confidence is the Zerg’s favorite tactic.


   David’s spirit broke out at this time, but he only saw the shadow of’Hunter Mantis’ and became a little clearer. Even with a master-level spear in his control, he was not sure that he could hit the’Hunter Mantis’. King.


   And in this kind of encounter, if David can’t hit the King of the Hunter Mantis, then the King of the Hunter Mantis will hit David.


   Actually, from the time when the king of the “Hunter Mantis” decided to attack David, there was no one second before and after he rushed to the distance of 10 meters in front of David.


   How could David just let the king of ‘Hunter Mantis’ approach, and the ‘spiritual arrow’ in the Soul Fortress was drawn out and shot towards the king of ‘Hunter Mantis’.


  The king of the ‘Hunter Mantis’, who was approaching quickly, flickered, and flashed past the attack of the ‘Spirit Arrow’.


   This silent “Spirit Arrow” was discovered by the king of “Hunter Mantis”.


  , while avoiding the ‘Spirit Arrow’, the ‘Hunter Mantis’ king seemed to be frightened. In just an instant, it felt an attack that could threaten its life.


   “This is a dangerous enemy” has a clear understanding in the mind of the’Hunter Mantis’ king, so after avoiding the’Spirit Arrow’, it turned without hesitation and gave up attacking David. The idea of ​​attacking the secret service team.


   Bray, who was ready to take action, frowned. He didn’t understand why the king of the “Hunter Mantis” turned at this time, which made him lose the opportunity to do it.


  , this ‘hunter mantis’ king was extremely cunning. He didn’t get a bargain on David’s side, so he immediately changed his target and rushed towards the Jiashi Association team.


   “Be careful, the king of Hunter Mantis is here!” Harrington reminded loudly, his eyes focused on the king of Hunter Mantis, although his eyes could not keep up with the speed of the King of Hunter Mantis. But he knew very well that as long as the King of the Hunter Mantis approached, he would naturally be blocked by the Great Shield Armor, and that would be when he shot.


   The “Hunter Mantis” King did rush to the Jiashi Association team, but before it, more than 100 “Hunter Mantis” once again attacked the defense of the Jiashi Association team.


   Harrington, who has been keeping an eye on the king of “Hunter Mantis”, can no longer find the king of “Hunter Mantis” after the king of “Hunter Mantis” enters the group of “Hunter Mantis”.


   Just as he looked around for the phantom, the large shield armorer on the left stopped defensively. The arm holding the second-grade large shield was cut off, and half of the breastplate was cut open.


   Blood gushes out of the breastplate, and poisonous gas enters the slit chest cavity. The shield soldier fell to the ground without even screaming.


   Lost the big shield armorer on the left, which broke the defense of the armorer association team, and dozens of ‘hunter mantis’ rushed over.


   “Boss, I’m one step ahead!” A soldier yelled, and then he was holding a second-grade heavy axe, rotating his body and rushing toward the’Hunter Mantis’, blocking the gap.


  After successively sweeping the bodies of several ‘Hunter Mantis’ with a second-grade heavy axe, nearly ten wounds appeared on his body.


   “Little bug, how come you have this strength?” The armorer shouted, all the hormones in the exoskeleton armor were injected into the body, and these wounds were ignored by him.


   He alone blocked all the ‘Hunter Mantis’ rushing towards the gap in a short time.


   just a phantom passed by him, his yelling stopped, and then his head fell from his neck.


   “Brother!” Harrington roared, tears in his eyes.


   Every soldier here is an old brother who has followed him for more than ten years. They train together, live together, and live together.


   At this time, the armored men of the special service team finally joined them. David at the forefront rushed into the formation of the armored men’s association team, rolled forward and came to the big shield that was thrown on the ground with a blue light. Before, a large shield of the second grade held in his hand.


   David has a second-grade large shield in his hand and a second-grade spear in his hand. His large shield is in front, and his body has made a defensive posture.


   In the continuous sound of attacks, the ‘hunter mantis’ attacked five or six hits on the big shield, and David’s feet plunged 20 centimeters into the ground due to the tremendous force of the attack.


   Except for the dust, the ground is extremely hard. David’s legs can sink into the ground, but the attack on him is heavy.


   David’s complexion flushed behind his visor. If it wasn’t for the mastery-level shield master, plus the “Hunter Mantis” was not a power-type Zerg, he would be hit hard right now.


  As early as before approaching the Warriors Association team, he saw this defense gap through the Shadow Servant, so at the moment of meeting, he turned into a large shield Warrior to close the defense gap.


   With reinforcements, six-sided second-grade large shields are distributed in six directions, making the defense here almost impeccable.


  The critical situation just now turned into a confrontation with the “Hunter Mantis”, and the “Hunter Mantis” did not intend to charge towards the second-class shield.


   David didn’t have time until then to move the affected body due to continuous blocking, and he found that Shadow Servant was absorbing the soul.


   After so many feedbacks on Shadow Servant’s reaction to the absorption of souls, he also has experience.


  Because David came here very quickly, the soul of the dead body did not dissipate.


   David can clearly distinguish the difference between the soul of the ‘Hunter Mantis’ and the soul of the Warrior after being absorbed by the Shadow Servant. He can only feel sorry for absorbing the soul of the Warrior.


   Although he can control the Shadow Servant, whenever a soul appears, the Shadow Servant cannot be controlled and automatically absorbs nearby souls.


   So even if he wanted to spare the soul of the soldier, he couldn’t do it.


   “Helena, thank you for your timely help!” Harrington thanked Helena on the public channel.


   No matter what, Helena can shoot when he is most dangerous, and he must accept this kindness.


   “Yes, you are also completing the government’s mission!” Helena nodded and said.


   “What do you do next?” Harrington watched the “Hunter Mantis” who is still wandering outside the Hunter Mantis who does not attack and does not leave, especially hidden in the “Hunter Mantis”, sometimes appears The king of the’Hunter Mantis’ who disappeared again asked Helena.


  He handed over the leadership to Helena, which means that in this mission, he and his subordinates accept Helena’s command.


   “Wait, let the wounded finish the wound!” Helena was not polite, but the order was for the wounded armorer of the Armored Warriors Association team to repair.


   There are six large shields on the periphery, and there are soldiers holding second-grade weapons. This makes the formation very safe. Furness is here to help the wounded soldiers bandage.


   “Who is this brother?” Harrington looked at David’s body, turned his head and asked Helena.


   David was very conspicuous among a group of soldiers, not to mention that he just picked up the big shield on the ground, blocked the attack of the ‘Hunter Mantis’, and blocked the gap in the formation.


  A large shield can not be used by any warrior. Every large shield warrior has undergone a lot of combat training, and its training time is even longer than that of a warrior using an attack weapon.

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