Transcendent David Chapter 181: Customize

The first person to disturb David was not Helena as David expected, but Galen’s extraordinary disciple Bray.


   After David let Bray into the living room, he found Bray’s complexion was very different from before.


   Today’s Blay’s complexion is ruddy, no longer as pale as the last time I saw it.


   “Brother Bray, your health is getting better?” David asked with some delight.


   “Fortunately, I finally saved my life!” Bray patted his chest and replied with a big smile.


   “That’s good. When I reach the top of the armor, I have to ask you for experience!” David continued, and he paused and continued: “If Big Brother Bray needs it, I still have’ Not old holy water’!”


   David said this because the space ring he got from Bray’s side was too valuable and practical. He didn’t want to owe Bray.


   “Brother, the ‘Holy Water of Immortality’ is enough, you have to save these resources to prepare for the future breakthrough!” Bray quickly declined.


   He learned from his teacher Galen’s extraordinary place that David had provoke a very powerful organization for the sake of “Holy Water of Immortality”.


   “Holy Water for Immortality” can only repair his body. Although it has the effect of breaking through the extraordinary, it has no decisive effect. Five bottles of Holy Water for Immortality is a gain beyond imagination.


   plus knowing David’s contribution to the ‘Holy Water of Immortality’, he naturally would not accept David’s gift again.


   “Okay!” David nodded and said, since Bray didn’t accept it, he wouldn’t be forced to send it.


   “I heard that you are good at a variety of weapons, I met Helena, she is full of praise for your sniper ability!” Bray took the water from the smart housekeeper Emma, ​​took a sip and smiled. Wei praised.


   “Brother Bray, my sniper ability has just been mastered, and it’s still a lot worse!” David said modestly.


  ”Don’t be too modest. I have watched Helena’s battle video. At a distance of 3,000 meters, you can dominate the battlefield. Although there are only nine’ripening insects’, it is enough to illustrate your sniper ability. Strong!” Bray waved his hand and said.


   David smiled and did not speak. He still hasn’t understood the difference between his sniper and other sniper armor.


   At the moment of concentration, he felt that sniping became extremely easy.


   “Brother, after watching your last battle video, I found a problem, so this time I will show you a friend!” Bray said with a mysterious smile.


   “What’s the problem?” David was also a little curious and asked hurriedly.


   “You’ll know then!” Bray stood up and said.


   boarded the Bray’s floating speed car. It is obvious that the status of Bray is not low. The floating speed car can fly at a height of 20 meters. Although it is not as extraordinary as Galen, it also greatly accelerates the speed of travel.


   David discovered that their target turned out to be the government building, but he didn’t know what Bray’s friend was doing in the government building!


   When they came to the government building, they went straight to the 56th floor. David saw the sign on the floor. This floor was the office of the Engineering Department.


   entered the Engineering Department, Bray walked quickly to lead the way, and soon came to an office of the Engineering Department.


   The office door is not closed, there is only a desk that occupies half of the office, and the entire desk is full of display screens.


   A man in his thirties is looking at something on the desktop display screen, which is densely packed with circuit diagrams.


   “Mum!” Bray stepped forward and patted the man, greeting.


   “Bray, you interrupted my thoughts!” The man named Mum was obviously taken aback. He looked up to see Bray and couldn’t help complaining.


   David listened to the dialogue between the two and felt the friendship between the two is deep.


   “Mum, let me introduce to you. This is a new disciple of my teacher. It’s something to bring him to see you today!” Bray smiled and pulled Mum and left the design table.


   “Hello, my name is David!” David said with a smile.


  Mom looked at David up and down, which made David very strange. Momm’s eyes seemed to be measuring something.


   “Mum is the best exoskeleton armor designer on Rockstar, and an authority on exoskeleton armor testing!” Bray introduced David with a smile, and then said to Mum: “Mum, I think Please customize an exoskeleton armor for David!”


   David learned about Bray’s idea. David also wanted a customized exoskeleton armor in his heart, but he had never had a chance.


   In fact, after using two bottles of ‘Holy Water for Immortality’ to restore his body, Bray wanted to thank David.


  The other three bottles of ‘Holy Water of Immortality’ are enough to ensure that his body will not collapse for the least few years, which gives him a glimmer of hope for promotion, even if the promotion fails, the body will not completely collapse.


  For Bray, this kind of kindness is not represented by a collection like a space ring.


   When he really wanted to understand what David lacked, he found that David had learned a lot of weapon mastery, and he also had many second-grade weapons.


  I can’t help David mine mine on weapons. You must know that the second-grade weapons he uses are still obtained from the government.


  Blay’s wealth has been consumed extremely during these years of transformation, and he can’t give much wealth to thank David.


   But through understanding, he found that David’s exoskeleton armor did not match his strength.


  The armors of the Galen Transcendent series almost all use streamer exoskeleton armor. Streamer exoskeleton armor can increase the speed by 10%. The various functions are even more related to the capabilities of this series. Suitable.


   But David is different. David has a variety of weapons, but he wore a land giant lion exoskeleton armor.


   is not to say that the land giant lion exoskeleton armor is not good, the land giant lion exoskeleton armor is a general exoskeleton armor designed and manufactured by the military for close combat, suitable for melee armor.


   But David is also a sniper armor, so the land giant lion exoskeleton armor can’t exert all of David’s combat power.


   And it just so happened that Mom, the best exoskeleton armor designer in the Engineering Department, was his friend. He thought of designing a tailor-made exoskeleton armor for David to thank David for his help .


   “Bray, I need some of his physical data!” Mom only talked to Bray, but was rather cold towards David.


   “Brother, Mom wants you to do some movements and measure your body data to determine how to design your exoskeleton armor!” Bray heard Mom’s words and turned to David.


   “Okay, please trouble Mr. Mum!” David nodded and said to Mum very cooperatively.


   “David, you’re standing here!” Mom said, pointing to an area the size of a square meter in front of the design table, which has a different color from the rest of the ground.


   David stood in the area, and Mommy’s fingers operated twice on the design table, and a scanning beam appeared from the ceiling, emitting a green light toward David’s body.


  Mum looked at the data displayed on the design table. It showed David’s current height, shoulder width, arm length, palm size, waist circumference, leg length, foot size, etc., and even the details to the length of the fingers There are detailed data.


   There are also scan judgment data of David’s muscles. From the muscle state of the armor, a large amount of data comparison can be used to determine David’s current strength, speed, physical fitness and other information.


   “David, you are not an adult yet?” Mom could not help but ask aloud after seeing the bone age data.


   “Yes, I will be eighteen in a few months!” David nodded and replied.


   “Bray, his situation is very special. Depending on his bone age, his height and bones will increase a little!” Momm turned his head and frowned and said to Bray.


   “Can you add fine-tuning to the exoskeleton armor?” Bray also looked at David helplessly, and then asked Mum.


   At least on Rock Star, there are very few people who have become champions under age, especially after watching David’s record recently, which made Bray unknowingly ignore David’s underage.


   “No problem, David’s body will not grow too much, but he only needs to increase the weight of the exoskeleton armor by ten kilograms!” Mum immediately made an analysis in his mind, and then replied.


   “Brother, what do you think?” Bray asked David.


   “Brother Bray, Mr. Mohm is professional, I believe in his design!” David said with a smile.


   “David, you try to stretch your arm back, I want to see the limit of your muscles and bones!” Mom continued to tell David.


   David stretched out his arms from the side of his head to his back according to what Mom said. After the upper shoulders were level with the head, he still did not stop. This action obviously exceeded the limit of ordinary people.


   David almost made a stretch that made people look at toothache. Bray felt like David’s shoulder was about to break. He just looked at David’s relaxed look and knew he was still growing up. Wei’s control.


   “Sure enough, you have received special stretching training!” Mom nodded and said.


   When he just checked David’s body data, he discovered the special features of each of the joints and bones. This situation will only occur in a few contortionists.


   Next, Mom let David do a variety of extreme stretching exercises, collecting David’s special body data.


   “David, what weapon are you good at using?” Mum looked at more and more detailed body data, finally showing some interesting colors on his face, he asked again.


   David’s body allows him to design a more special exoskeleton armor, which is a challenge for an exoskeleton armor designer.


   “I am good at using a lot of weapons, such as warhammers, spears, large shields, heavy axes, long swords, and sniper rifles.” David didn’t conceal the facts, he said all the weapons he currently mastered.


   “David, what I said is good at weapon mastering at least above the proficiency level, that is, the weapon you should use in battle!” When Mom heard David’s words, he was taken aback, and then increased his tone. Said.


   “Mum, this disciple of my teacher is a genius. As far as I know, he is a spear master. Warhammer also has the pinnacle level of proficiency, and his sniper level is extremely strong!” Bray explained to David from the side.


   There are indeed as many weapons as David said. For a minor, as long as he reaches the proficiency level of any weapon, he is a small genius.


   That’s why Mum had a misunderstanding that David was exaggerating his abilities.


   “David, I know your physical data and requirements. I will quickly design a special exoskeleton armor for you. Finally, I want to ask, what color exoskeleton armor do you like?” Mum points Nodded, then looked at David and asked.


   “Mr. Mom, I don’t have any special requirements for the color of the exoskeleton armor, as long as it is practical!” David thought for a while and wanted to answer.


  , like the streamer exoskeleton armor used by the Galen Extraordinary series, it is all white. David doesn’t like it too much. White is too conspicuous in field battles.


   “Then use gray, which is more suitable for Rockstar or a gray shell!” Mom nodded and said.


   Having said this, Mum returned to the design table, swiping his fingers in front of the design table, and quickly became addicted, completely forgetting that there were two people beside him.


   “Brother, let’s leave, we will be notified when Mum is finished!” Bray patted David lightly and said.


   The two left Mum’s office lightly.


   “Mum’s exoskeleton armor is the best in Rockstar, but he rarely designs exoskeleton armor for armored soldiers. Do you know the reason?” Bray asked with a smile while walking.


   “Because of his temper?” David thought of Mum’s character and asked back.


  ” Mom’s temper is a bit weird, and he rarely has friends, but this is not the main The reason is that Mom is responsible for the testing of Rockstar’s exoskeleton armor, almost any one produced by Rockstar All kinds of exoskeleton armors must be tested by MOMM before the certification can be issued. Except for some privately customized exoskeleton armors, other exoskeleton armor technologies must be open to MOMM.


  Mum has mastered too much exoskeleton armor technology, and it is inevitable that some patented technologies will be used in the design. Before this, he often suffered troubles due to infringement issues, so he rarely designed exoskeletons afterwards. Armored. “Bray explained with a smile.


   In fact, he became friends with Mom, it is precisely because Mom accidentally used the patented technology of a certain consortium when designing exoskeleton armor for people, and was held accountable by that consortium.


   Bray helped Mum when he was in the most trouble, so that they could become friends.


   For Mom, who is only interested in technology, when he knows that a certain technology has patent restrictions, but for the perfection of exoskeleton armor, he still uses this technology unconsciously.


   It is totally unacceptable for him to let Mom know that there is the best option and avoid this best option because of patent protection.


   So Mum chose not to design exoskeleton armor externally. He would only make a move with some personal friends.


  Of course, under normal circumstances, the exoskeleton armor specially customized for private use some patented technology and few people will say anything, because there is not much benefit at all.

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