Transcendent David Chapter 180: Strengthen

“Second sister, a little question, I was hit by the’Tearing Fly’!” David replied to Helena with a smile.


   “The special service team has an exoskeleton armor repairer. Give me the exoskeleton armor when I return!” Helena stepped forward to check David’s land giant lion exoskeleton armor, and said with confidence.


   She could see that David was not injured, but judging from the damage to the exoskeleton armor, it should have been forcibly impacted by external forces.


  , who is experienced in combat, naturally knows why this is. Why would a soldier would rather damage his exoskeleton armor and make a quick fight? Needless to say, she also knows why David is so fast. Continue to support her.


   “Brother, you are too risky this time, you should contact me in advance, and then we will cooperate with you to carry out the sniper, so that you will not be raided by the’rip fly’!” Helena pointed out To overcome the deficiencies in David’s actions, this is not a lesson, but a guide to combat.


   David nodded. In reality, this is the first time he has used a sniper rifle. He lacks a lot of experience.


   Just like if he wears a sound-shielding device, he can cut off the huge shooting sound of “Godolphin’s Wrath”.


   Although the Zerg can still determine his location from the direction of the bullet’s flight, it will not alarm those Zergs who have not observed the bullet flying.


  , as Helena said, if he tells his identity in advance, he will let the Secret Service soldiers cooperate with him.


   just at that time, he judged that Bliss team hadn’t completely left, and he would still receive the public channels in this area.


   David didn’t want to expose his own uniqueness, so he chose to sniper silently.


  ”Let them clean up these ‘tearing flies’, let’s go first!” Helena looked at David’s humility and taught, and continued with a smile.


   Back to the confluence of the special service team, the three armored soldiers had already taken off their exoskeleton armor and their weapons had been confiscated. The three sat on the ground honestly.


   For them, surviving is a kind of luck.


   Without Helena’s orders, two soldiers have already gone to deal with the corpses of the “Rearing Flyers” scattered on the road.


   “Brother, why did you come here?” Helena asked aloud when she returned to her companion.


   “I took the task of the Jiashi Association!” David replied with some embarrassment.


   “God, you actually went to do the mission of the Warriors’ Association. This is too wasteful. Next time act with me!” Helena patted David on the shoulder and said unceremoniously.


  In her opinion, she felt that David’s behavior was wasteful.


   Working with the special service team, the tasks completed are more important and the benefits are higher.


  If it was before, Helena still needs to consider that rashly bringing David into the team will cause some unnecessary criticism.


   But the true combat power that David showed this time, as long as it is reported, it is estimated that any team will rush to join David.


   There are nine “Tearing Flyers” in total, and David alone has solved five of them, and facing the three “Tearing Flyers” alone, he can be wiped out.


   Of course Helena also knows that David has melee combat ability, but it seems that he has never heard of David using a large shield.


   Thinking of this, she couldn’t help but look at David’s second-grade shield.


   She doesn’t need to ask too much, just see David’s shield with the second-grade large shield in her hand and the second-grade longsword behind it, which can kill a “ripening insect” and judge David’s shield. Mastery is not weak.


  While speaking, two small combat spaceships flew in the sky.


   Two missile launchers are arranged on this combat spacecraft, which can deal with the flying ‘tearing fly’.


   But apparently they were late and the battle was over.


   David and Helena boarded one of the small combat spacecraft, and the other special service soldiers escorted three soldiers into the other small combat spacecraft.


  After meeting with Helena on a mission, David was sent back to the villa by a small combat spacecraft, and the land giant lion exoskeleton armor was taken away by Helena.


   Neither David nor Helena mentioned the spoils, and only the Bliss team would value those gains.


   But as soon as David arrived home, before he sat down, the identity bracelet received a message from the Association of Soldiers.


   glanced at the news, this was to inform him to collect all the trophies from the four “ripening insects” and one hundred contribution points from the Warrior Association.


   and Bliss team killed only six “Tear Flyers”, they distributed all the loot of David’s four “Tear Flyers”, and the contribution points were also allocated one third to David, this shows what Bliss is like.


   Unfortunately, there are few opportunities to cooperate with the Bliss team in the future. Helena’s invitation from David is not easy to refuse. At the same time, he also wants to see the fighting of the top squad of the special service team.


   David let Shadow Servant fly to his side, and he put a hand on Shadow Servant’s shoulder, absorbing the last remaining soul of “Tear Flyer”.


   It’s just that the stronger his spirit is now, the weaker the absorbed soul effect is. The seven’tearing flies’ only increase his spirit by 0.01. This is still based on the previous foundation, and it is very likely that seven’s will tear. The soul of “Splitting Flying Insect” is not enough for him to grow this 0.01.


   But his purpose is not to increase mentally. He has long focused his perception on the seven ‘speed talent (usable)’ white light **** of knowledge in Shadow Servant.


   He moved a ‘speed talent (available)’ white light ball of knowledge into his body, and then this ‘speed talent (available)’ light ball of knowledge turned into a strange energy and merged with the body.


   On the attribute panel in front of David, Agility: 2.42 (1) has become Agility: 2.52 (1).


   David is extremely excited. Agility has always been his weakness. This time he can finally make up for it.


   He moved a ‘speed talent (available)’ knowledge ball into his body, and his body was fused with strange energy again and again.


   In the end, his agility reached 3.12 (1), which allowed his speed to reach a terrifying 100 meters in about 5.14 seconds, which was just a movement speed.


   The previous improvement was not a huge increase in value. I couldn’t see it at that time. This time I added so much agility, and David felt that his arm movements were also much lighter.


   But this also brings some problems, he needs some time to control the sudden increase in agility.


   David decided to practice at home honestly these days and read books in the arsenal.


   He got up at 6 o’clock the next morning and began to practice’Advanced Armor Body Art’. After that, he ate a portion of Level 1 fortified meat with all his injuries, and finally went to the gene repair cabin to use genes. Repair fluid for treatment.


   He spent the whole morning in constant practice, because there is a lot of fusion knowledge, and these knowledge need constant familiarity to be truly applied.


   Although he got the way to get the soul of the ‘Tear Fly’, he still didn’t think about giving up the jujutsu.


   Compared to practicing the’Advanced Armor Body Art’, which is injured once and once, he doesn’t care about the pain of Jiu Jiju for a long time, and this is a method that can continue to increase agility, and it is far from killing’Tear Fly Worm’ so adventurous.


   David’s current training costs are huge, but fortunately he has also begun to have his own source of income.


  The income from the underground network, three shops in the commercial pedestrian street, and a ten-story commercial building, these incomes ensured the source of credit for his long-term practice.


   The gift money for the receiving ceremony and the gifts from the guests were discounted by Galen’s extraordinary help, as well as the credit points of the previous loot handling, etc., have all been credited to David’s account.


   Now his account has exceeded 50 million credit points, which frees him from worrying about the consumption of cultivation.


   At least he doesn’t have to worry about being in the first rank, but he also knows that he needs to continue to accumulate resources if he wants to be promoted in the future.


   In the afternoon, he went to the government building, but he didn’t have the authority like Galen’s extraordinary. He could only drive a suspended car in the garage on the ground.


   From entering the government building, David discovered the difference in his authority.


   Because as soon as he walked into the government building, a beautiful female staff member walked over to guide him.


   “Mr. David, please go here!” The female staff gestured politely.


   David is not surprised that the other party knows his identity, because when entering the government building, everyone must disclose his identity bracelet for security checks. The information he came here should have been known by the staff at that time.


   “Thank you!” David said with a smile.


   Following the female staff member, he came to the elevator next to the lobby. This elevator was a little different from other elevators because it was far away from other elevators and marked with a special elevator.


   “Mr. David, this elevator goes straight to the eighty-ninth floor!” The female staff member respectfully introduced David as he opened the elevator.


   David walked into the elevator, and he felt that his life was threatened even though he was sensitive.


  He put a little bit of mind into the shadow servant, and the shadow servant walked through the elevator and saw the situation outside the elevator.


   There are dozens of laser generators arranged there. Once the elevator is started, there is almost no place for shelter. As long as you don’t wear exoskeleton armor, you will almost certainly die.


   In addition to the laser generator, David also saw through the eyes of Shadow Servant a pressure bottle containing an unknown gas. Its outlet was facing the elevator ventilation device. Needless to say, this must be a poisonous gas device.


   Even if you wear exoskeleton armor, if you don’t use the fully enclosed mode, it will be dead.


   There are also some explosive devices. It can be said that as long as the identity is wrong, it is absolutely impossible to get out of this elevator safely.


   David was shocked, but he also sighed for the safe arrangement here.


   “Permission passed, start immediately!” Then an electronic sound was heard, and then the elevator went silently.


   The elevator opened automatically after three seconds, and David saw the familiar arsenal.


   When David walked out of the elevator to look back, he thought to himself, who could have predicted that there are so many murderous opportunities hidden in this humble elevator.


  After continuous identity verification, David once again came to the five bookcases.


   Although Galen Superbly promised to organize all the electronic files of the Gods Great World books in his fourth bookcase to him, he still couldn’t wait.


   He didn’t care about other books, and took the “Ciphertext Review” directly. He wanted to use the recent period to crack his two encrypted books.


  In his thoughts, the five important knowledge books in plain text in the arsenal should be far from the two cipher text books he got from the space ring.


   This kind of gap is judged based on the owner’s possession of the space ring. The items put into the space ring cannot be opened unless they are opened by the god-given bloodline of the great world.


  The ciphertext is also inherently more important than the plaintext books, especially the “Crystal Pluto Thoughts”, which is a kind of practice method at first glance.


   5% proficiency level in mathematics, so that he did not have much difficulty in reading the “Ciphertext Review”, because the principles described in the “Ciphertext Review” are not complicated.


  The most commonly used method of ciphertext encryption is to use a certain plaintext poem or a plaintext novel as the main body, and then encrypt it according to the main body as the encoding.


   It is precisely because of this simple and special encryption method that makes the Interstellar Federation more difficult to crack.


   Because it is impossible to guess which plaintext poem or novel used by the owner of the ciphertext is the encryption subject, not to mention that very few poems and novels flow into the Star Federation.


  After integrating 99% of the proficient divine language ability, David naturally acquired a lot of knowledge of poetry and novels.


  Even because of the special fusion ability of the Shadow Servant, every word in all the poetry and novels in his memory is clear.


  With the content of these poems and novels, whether it can be successfully deciphered, it really takes luck.


   David flipped through the “Ciphertext Summary”, he suddenly found that he had written down a “Ciphertext Summary” completely.


   He opened the “Ciphertext Summary” in disbelief and started to compare them one by one, confirming that he had mastered the ability to remember.


   It’s just that David doesn’t understand when he mastered this ability.


   Thinking of the spirit of up to 5.07, the only possibility is the super David looked at other books. He thought it would take a long time to remember these books, and it would be before the college entrance examination. Just remember the important books.


   But only then did he realize that his mind was different from before.


  This kind of memory has become extremely simple for him. This is his own ability, not an ability that comes from the fusion of a light sphere of knowledge.


   In fact, David’s mental improvement is too fast, and the benefits of mental improvement require him to slowly explore.


   David picked up “Analysis of Qi” again, flipped it carefully, and wrote down all the contents inside.


   Only when he was about to pick up the third book and read it, he felt mental exhaustion. Only then did he realize that using the spirit to help memory is also exhausting.


   I only read two books a day. Fortunately, there are not many books here. In particular, there are only five books about the divine world that he values ​​most, and the rest will get electronic files.


   In the next few days, David maintained such a life.


  The people who eat melon seeds say


   Thank you “lianjianming” for the reward of 100 starting coins! ! Thank you “Chau534” for rewarding 100 starting coins! ! Thank you “White Hot” for rewarding 100 starting coins! ! Thank you “Little Yuchen” for rewarding 100 starting coins! !

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