Transcendent David Chapter 170: Space items

“My lord, five extraordinary adults sent gifts!” a waiter whispered at the door.

   “They are going faster, let’s send in!” Galen Chaofan stopped introducing him to David, and said everything that should be said, he smiled and said to the door.

   Five people walked into the small hall respectfully, put the gift box on, bowed and exited.

   “David, this is your gift. Other gifts from other people are useless for you to hold. I will ask them to process them and convert them into credits and transfer them to you!” Galen pointed to the five gift boxes and said.

   Today’s disciple-reception ceremony is on the one hand to tell the powers of David’s identity, and on the other hand, it is also the exchange between the powers.

   Guests who came to participate in the apprenticeship ceremony would never come empty-handed. These gifts have a fixed pattern. Those gifts have no effect on David. On the contrary, it is better to replace them with credit points.

   There are only five extraordinary gifts that are completely different. This is equivalent to an exchange of resources between the extraordinary, so the gift level is much higher.

   David knew what was in the box, but he was still extremely curious.

   Because four of the boxes are all the same items, from the claws of the Space Ripper, this is a quasi-level three material.

   He opened the first box, and it revealed a thorn with a pale green light inside, which was not as big as he imagined.

  ”Uncle Galen, how can the claws of the Space Ripper be so small?” David knew that the four supernatural beings could not deceive him, but he still asked inexplicably.

  ” The claws of the Zerg are only qualified materials inside the claws. The spikes in this box are already processed. You can store them slowly until the weight is enough to make a heavy weapon, or you can also Use these materials directly to make light short blades, whatever you want!” Galen replied with a smile.

   David nodded, and he picked up the spike with a pale green light with his hand. This spike is extremely light, lighter than a wooden spike of the same size.

  He opened all the gift boxes, a total of four claws, an electronic authentication chip, and five electronic checks with a denomination of one million credits.

   Five e-checks with a denomination of 1 million credits are gifts for the apprenticeship of five extraordinary people. It may also be troublesome. All of them directly gave 1 million credits.

  After connecting the electronic authentication chip with the identity bracelet, David automatically opened the Jiashi Association mission site for him.

   “David, you live here today, and tomorrow I will take you to the municipal building!” Galen superbly looked at David who was checking the gift and arranged with a smile.

   When David returned to the room on the 15th floor, the reception was not over yet. After bidding farewell to Galen’s extraordinary, he did not return to the lobby on the first floor, but went directly to the room on the top floor.

   He was a little bit impatient and wanted to check today’s harvest carefully, but he didn’t have the heart to socialize.

   Entering the room, the first thing he took out was the space ring given by Bray. This treasure from the divine world is a special collection in the Interstellar Federation.

   But David was not reconciled. He thought that Shadow Servant could use the pendant to control the Beacon. In his estimation, the pendant should also come from the great world of God.

   So he has a guess that Shadow Servant seems to be able to use special items belonging to the big world like the god-given bloodliner of the big world.

  He took the space ring in his hand, and his mind entered the body of the shadow servant, controlling the shadow servant to reach out and take the space ring.

   The space ring is almost nothing, even if the Shadow Servant has only 200 grams of power, it is effortless to hold it in the hand.

   Through the Shadow Servant, David perceives the space ring in his hand, and a wave of fluctuations is emitted from the Shadow Servant’s body. This kind of fluctuation is not caused by David controlling the Shadow Servant, but the Shadow Servant actively sends out the space ring.

   Then David perceives a space. The space is not too big, about two cubic meters.

   The space ring is not empty, but some items are placed in different categories.

   includes some daily necessities, clothing, some bottles, three books, a disc full of lines drawn with unknown materials, and a bunch of teeth and claws shining blue, dozens of them Crystal krypton crystal.

   “Success!” David felt happy, this is the legendary space item.

   But he still sinks in. This is just seeing the items in the space ring, and he has to try to take out the items.

   Thinking of this, he once again focused on the strange disc through the perception of Shadow Servant. The wave of fluctuations turned into a hand grasping the disc, and then the disc disappeared in the space ring.

   “Clang!” David heard the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground. He looked at it quickly and found that the disc appeared out of nowhere, but because the Shadow Servant’s power was too small, the disc fell to the ground.

   David quickly withdrew his mind from the shadow waiter, and went forward to check the disc.

   Although I don’t know what the disc has, but seeing so many second-level zerg materials, you can know that the owner of this space ring can at least kill the existence of the second-level zerg.

   So every item in the space ring is very likely a rare treasure, he doesn’t want to be damaged without studying it.

   Fortunately, the disc is unexpectedly strong. Although it hits the ground loudly, there is no damage.

The diameter of the    disk is about one meter, and there are six grooves on the surface of the disk, which seems to be what needs to be placed.

   David looked carefully for a long time, and also used Shadow Servant to try to manipulate the disc, but he failed to make any changes to the disc.

   He reluctantly put the disc down, thinking about how to take the disc back into the space ring, and then Shadow Servant followed David’s heart and put the disc into the space ring.

   David discovered that this space ring didn’t need his command to collect items. The Shadow Servant would instinctively use the space ring to collect items.

   He put his mind into the body of the shadow servant again, perceiving the space ring, and everything in the space ring appeared in his perception again.

   As expected, the disc is already in the space ring, and this time he focused on three books.

   had experience this time, he separated some minds on the body, so when the three books appeared, the body reached out and grabbed the three books.

   No surprise, the words in the three books are all words in God’s Great World, which is the same as the words in the sacrifice manual he got before.

   But at this time he has no way to use the authority of his father Hans to translate these words, but this is not anxious, as long as the divine language (99% proficiency) knowledge photosphere is integrated, you can easily read these three books Up.

   David did not take the three books back into the space ring. The three books are not big, and they are not as noticeable as the disc.

   As for the other items in the space ring, he didn’t move those bottles, and he didn’t know what was in the bottles. Who knows if they are poisonous or other dangerous items.

   As for the pile of secondary materials, he couldn’t explain the source when he took it out.

   He doesn’t want others to know that he can open the space ring of the god-general Seeing that Bray is just a collection of space rings, and Galen also knows about space rings, so he can understand the Star Federation The helplessness of the space ring.

   This is also understandable. Two completely different civilizations, with different basic knowledge systems, coupled with the god-given bloodline restrictions of the gods of the great world, almost cut off the way for the Interstellar Federation to open the space ring.

   David tried to put the Space Ring on Shadow Servant’s fingers. Something strange happened. Because Shadow Servant was invisible, the Space Ring seemed to be suspended in the air. At this time, the Space Ring was worn on Shadow Servant’s fingers. Above, the space ring disappeared with Shadow Servant’s body.

   If it wasn’t for David that he could still perceive the space ring on Shadow Servant’s finger, he would think that the space ring was missing.

   David was shocked by the miracle that happened before him. With his proficient knowledge, he couldn’t understand this phenomenon, just as he couldn’t understand how Shadow Servant was invisible and able to pass obstacles.

  Thinking of the obstacle, he couldn’t help wondering whether this spatial ring would stay at the other end of the obstacle after the Shadow Servant passed through the obstacle!

   Considering this, he immediately let the Shadow Servant pass through the wall around him, and the space ring passes through the wall along with the Shadow Servant as if it had truly turned into nothingness.

   In fact, this function of the space ring is not surprising. When making the space ring, the function of assimilation with the owner is considered. Only by becoming a part of the owner’s body can it share many of the owner’s special abilities, so that the space ring can be used. Really cannot escape from the body.

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