Transcendent David Chapter 158: Regret

“Mr. Bonner, do you want to use the Titan Consortium to invest in the friendship I established to resolve my hatred with the Freedom Blade Mercenary Group?” David did not drink tea, but looked at Bang seriously Master Na asked in a deep voice.

   Master Bonner was taken aback when he heard the words, he found something wrong in David’s tone. What he just said was a contradiction, but what David said was hatred. The difference between them is quite different. .

   Master Bonner immediately recalled the cause of the incident. He found that the Naan Chamber of Commerce did not have much intelligence. Only the Freedom Blade Mercenary Corps sent a number of soldiers to ambush David and the operation failed.

   After that, Galen Transcendent and Alvin Transcendent came forward, attacked the Freedom Blade Mercenary Group together, and protested to the Naan Chamber of Commerce.

   There was no specific information about the attack on David, the most important thing in the incident. Could it be that it was not a simple attack, and other things happened?

   Actually what happened on the underground network, due to communication troubles and Isaiah’s unwillingness, the specific information was not sent back to the Naan Chamber of Commerce, and the Jiashi Special Service Team led by Shanghai Lenna was too fast. The C117 Refuge was quickly occupied. All mercenaries of the Freedom Blade Mercenary Group were either killed or arrested, and the follow-up intelligence was not fed back in time.

   “David, I represent the Naan Consortium today. The leader of the Freedom Blade Mercenary Group has been removed. We will also deal with the relevant personnel. If you have any needs, please bring it up!” Shi could only continue talking. He accepted the benefits of the Naan Chamber of Commerce, and he couldn’t just end it like this.

   “Mr. Bonner, I will tell Uncle Galen what I mean no longer. This is also my gratitude to the Titan Consortium!” David looked at Master Bonner and said in a deep voice. After he finished speaking, he slowly He stood up and continued: “I have experienced too many things today, let me go now!”

   Until David left, Master Bonner did not recover.

   He just heard David’s extraordinary name for Galen. The name Uncle is not a big deal in normal times, but after a clear master-disciple relationship, if you continue to use this name, you can hear some of the meanings. .

   In addition, he also heard the implicit meaning in David’s words, that is, the favor of the Titans has ended.

   Even David didn’t even think of him as a member of the Naan Chamber of Commerce. He only recognized his identity as the Titan Consortium before talking to him.

   “Did I borrow something?” Master Bonner asked himself softly.

  ”Master Bonner, David has already left!” Mr. Boone opened the door gently, and reported to Master Bonner in a soft voice.

   “Leave and leave, I can be considered as fulfilling the trust of the Chamber of Commerce!” Master Bonner took a long breath, expelling all the depression, and then said.

   “Master Bonner, I just received detailed information about this incident. Do you need to see it?” Mr. Boone continued.

   “The intelligence system of the Chamber of Commerce should really be cleaned up. Such important information has not arrived until now!” Master Bonner said as he received and opened the information.

   As the time he spent viewing the materials passed, his expression became more and more gloomy.

   “Damn Hume, he’s playing with me, and he won’t send the information until after my talk with David is over!” Master Bonner flung the tea cup in front of him with a wave of his hand, and then shouted.

  His gaffe was not without reason. He saw David single-handedly kill an elite group of soldiers of the Freedom Blade mercenary group, and that elite group of soldiers also used two A second-class weapon.

   And David has just passed the qualification examination of the Warriors Association, and he has such a terrifying record.

  What kind of talent potential is this? This is basically a monster.

   and it is mentioned in the information that David’s spear mastery has reached the master level, which makes Master Bonner feel a faint pain.

  Getting this information early, how could he use such enchanting favor for a little immediate benefit, this favor should gradually deepen, until David fully grows up, it will cause the Titans to be greatly affected Interests.

   But now, from the look of David when he just left, you know that this time the Titans not only used up the favor, but even turned it into hostility.

   Mr. Boone stood aside, not daring to speak, he also saw Master Bonner’s anger, somehow, there was a hint of meaning in his heart.

   When David returned home by public transport, it was already past ten in the evening.

   His exoskeleton armor and several second-grade weapons are all placed in the hall. This is the permission he opens to Furness.

   did not care about those, he applied to connect to Galen’s extraordinary identity bracelet communication.

   “David, are you home?” Galen’s extraordinary figure appeared on the identity bracelet, and he smiled and said to David.

   “Uncle Galen, I just got home!” David felt his concern and replied.

   “I agree with Furness to take you to the underground network, but I didn’t expect it to put you in danger. You performed very well, I am proud of you!” Galen Chaofan continued.

   If it weren’t for his consent, how could Furness take David into such a dangerous place, no matter how strong David is, he is only a minor child.

   But Galen was extraordinary in order to let David realize the two sides of the world, and he agreed that Furness took David into the underground network.

   When David became his disciple, David was no longer an ordinary person. To let David know the world more clearly, he needs to let David know everything about Naan City.

   “Uncle Galen, Bonner of the Titan Consortium found me today. I agreed not to pursue the Freedom Blade mercenary group anymore. You won’t blame me?” David said embarrassedly.

  ”David, you did the right thing. Favor is better. It’s better to pay back early. Before you had no foundation, you might need the support of the Titan Foundation, but now you don’t need those anymore. Favor only It will become your burden as you become stronger!” Galen said with an extraordinary laugh.

  He has a personal experience of human relations.

  The favors of the early years, until now, there is nothing simple to find.

   The only favor he can’t pay off is the favor of David’s father Hans, which of course has long become a strong friendship.

  The reason why Galen is so good to David is because of Hans. He himself has no descendants because of his practice. Since Hans begged him, he regarded David as his own child. .

   Otherwise, he is an extraordinary powerhouse, how could he teach a high school student himself?

   You must know that he can send any subordinate to teach David.

   “Uncle Galen, my decision won’t affect your interests?” David still asked uneasy.

   “What benefits can there be, David, when you become stronger, you will find that these benefits are trivial things!” Galen waved his hand happened in the city of Naan, how could you hide it? Lun is extraordinary, and Galen has known about David being invited to a banquet by Master Bonner.

   Regarding the handling of the Freedom Blade Mercenary Group, he just wanted to frighten some people, and didn’t want to kill the Freedom Blade Mercenary Group.

   In the final analysis, the Freedom Blade Mercenary Group is also an important force in the defense of Rock Star, and is controlled by the Naan Chamber of Commerce.

  Of course, this does not mean that he is prepared not to pursue it at all, and he will not give up the benefits David has.

   David needs resources to grow up. In this regard, he can help David, but David himself needs to have a corresponding industry. For example, C117 Shelter is one of the industries he prepared for David.

   finished the call with Galen Super, and David has time to pay attention to today’s gain.

   In the battle in the underground network, as many as 14 soldiers died before and after, among which nine were killed by him and five were killed by the special service team.

  The exoskeleton armor and first-grade weapons obtained were all handed over to Helena, and he himself left the second-grade large shield and the second-grade heavy axe.

   It can be said that he now has the most commonly used weapons of armored soldiers, and he has second-grade weapons of commonly used weapons.

   This is related to his combat experience. For example, if an ordinary soldier wants to kill an elite group of armored soldiers with second-grade weapons, at least it must be equal in number. Then the spoils after the battle is won. Distribution, how can a person like David get a huge harvest after killing the enemy.

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