Transcendent David Chapter 1318: Exception

   “Follow me!” David waved his hand, opening the entrance to the’Dragon King Space’ and said.

  ’Fire God’ and’Forest Mother God’ watched David disappear in front, and couldn’t help but look at each other. With their strength, they didn’t perceive how David disappeared. They can only guess that they entered Some space.

   The two gods flew forward, crossed the invisible barrier, and entered another space.

   They first felt the aura of divine power that was so strong that they almost suffocated them. These are masterless divine powers. Even if they take a sip, they feel that they are stronger than the power of faith in their own small world. It’s all too much.

   The “God of Flame” has a feeling of wanting to cry. This is the heaven of the gods. If you can live here, you don’t need to practice cultivation. Sleeping is getting stronger every day.

   “You have also felt that the aura of supernatural power here overflows from the magic circle over there!” David introduced, pointing to the huge magic circle in the distance.

   The complexion of the ‘God of Flame’ changed slightly. He had already sensed the breath of thirteen gods in that circle.

   At this time, David’s heart moved, and the battle body clone appeared and flew back into the huge magic circle.

   “Mother of the Forest, you have been working hard recently. I will bring you here today to introduce you to the rest of my subordinates!” David smiled and said to the “Mother of the Forest”, he turned his head to “The Flame “God” said: “I also celebrate the joining of the God of Flame!”

   ‘God of Flame’ didn’t have any dissatisfaction because he was incidental. He was completely surprised by the continuous accidents now.

  Until now, the’God of Flame’ has seen David’s true strength. He calculated it. Twenty-three God-level combat strengths, plus himself and the’Mother of the Forest’, are twenty Five gods.

   David brought two gods to the front of the Dragon Emperor Hall. The two treants did not restore the form of the big tree, but maintained the state of the treants.

   “I have seen an adult!” Zuo Shu, Right Shu saw David, bowed slightly and saluted.

   The corners of the “God of Flame”‘s mouth twitched. These are two more gods, which means that there are already 27 gods.

   He now understands why the five great gods of the great world want to give David face and recognize the status of the ‘Mother Forest God’ in the great world of God.

  Where are the five great gods who are easy to talk about? They are persecuted by David’s fighting power. Even the “God of Flame” believes that with so many gods fighting power, David can **** the power of God at any time as long as he wants to. Control of the world.

   “This is the Dragon Emperor Hall?” The’Mother Forest God’ who had not said anything, couldn’t help asking when he saw the gate of the Dragon Emperor Hall.

  As a full-time artifact-making god, he could see the speciality of the Dragon Palace gate at a glance. The magic pattern pattern completely different from the **** system is only a product of the dragon era.

   “I am the Quasi-Dragon Emperor, so I naturally live in the Dragon Emperor Hall!” David replied as he opened the door.

In the shock of   , the ‘God of Flame’ and the ‘Mother Forest God’ could no longer speak, but passively followed David into the Dragon Emperor’s Hall and came to the Dragon Throne.

   The ‘Fire God’ and the ‘Mother Forest God’ are like being in a dream. They never imagined that one day they could enter the Dragon Emperor’s Hall and sit on the Dragon Emperor’s exclusive Dragon Throne.

   David brought two gods over, mainly for the “Mother Forest God”. The “Mother Forest God” worked hard for him, and he kept seeing him.

   This time, I was showing my strength to the “Mother Forest God” and let the “Mother Forest God” feel at ease.

   Even if there is no ‘God of Flame’, David will bring the ‘Mother of the Forest’ at an appropriate time.

   “They are free now, I will take you to meet the gods!” David felt that the gods in the huge circle had finished their cultivation, and he stood up and said.

   At the same time, he called all the god-level dragons through the “Book of the Dragon King” to let them come to the Dragon King space.

   Outside the Dragon Palace, nine Zerg god-level clones, five god-level clone clones, and nine god-level dragons came one after another.

   “Everyone, I will officially introduce to you today, this is the’Mother Forest God’, my god, he is good at making and planting artifacts, this is my new **** “Fire God” !” David introduced to the gods.

  Of course, this is actually an introduction to the dragon family. The rest of the gods are all clones of David, but this kind of thing is too weird, and David doesn’t want to say it.

   Then David also introduced all the gods to the “Mother of the Forest” and the “God of Flame” so that they could know each other.

   “In order to reward the ‘Mother of the Forest’’s recent hard work, the ‘Mother of the Forest’ can enter the circle of practice for ten days!” David announced.

   ‘Mother Forest God’ heard this reward and couldn’t help but looked at the huge magic circle in the distance, which is extremely tempting to any god.

   “Thank you, sir!” “Mother Forest God” said excitedly.

   The “God of Flame” is full of envy. He hasn’t entered the huge magic circle. Only outside can feel the richness of the divine power. How much benefit can be gained by entering it!

   “Lord Dragon Lord, I want to invite the’Mother Forest God’ to help build the dragon nest. I wonder if you can agree?” Golden Dragon Alfred asked aloud at this time.

  Because of the future settled in Homeland Star, every giant dragon needs to have its own dragon nest. Golden Dragon Alfred doesn’t want his dragon nest to be too simple. I heard that the “Mother Forest God” is good at making artifacts. , Will make this request.

  ”You can discuss this matter with the’Mother Forest God’, he will do it!” David did not force the’Mother Forest God’, but took this opportunity to let the’Mother Forest God’ be able to integrate into the dragon In a family, form a connection.

   In the following days, except for the first ten days, the “Mother Forest God” stayed in the huge magic circle to absorb the divine power. After that, he did not return to his own small world, but stayed in the Home Star to help God-level dragons build dragon nests.

   God-level dragons are not letting the ‘Mother Forest God’ help in vain, they took out the exchanged items, there are various materials, there are training resources and so on.

   As for the small world of the “Mother Forest God”, he only needs to manage it through divine minds.

   In fact, the gods do not need to stay in the small world completely. Nowadays, there are not many believers of the ‘Mother Forest God’ and there are fewer things to deal with, so the small world can function normally as long as there is some spiritual thoughts in it.

   With the help of the ‘Mother Forest God’, the construction of the dragon’s nest was also extremely smooth.

   David also returned to Garmistar and brought the dragon palace that belonged to the black dragon Alexis, and gave it to the black dragon Alexis.

  Black Dragon Alexis carried the huge dragon palace, and put the dragon palace down at the position assigned to him to build the dragon nest.

  When I saw the dragon palace, the golden dragon Alfred, the black dragon Nettingall, and the green dragon Austin could not help flying over. As dragon gods, they used to be in the great world. Each has its own dragon palace.

   It’s a pity that after leaving the world of the gods, the dragon palace that belonged to them didn’t know what to do.

   Now that I see the dragon palace of the black dragon Alexis, I am particularly envious of the dragon palace dragon nest owned by the black dragon Alexis.

  Black Dragon Alexis is now the true dragon **** of the giant dragon clan, this was proclaimed by David and it was noted in the “Book of the Dragon King”.

   At present, the four dragon gods of the giant dragon family have formed a small circle, and the relationship between them is closer.

   “This is a reward from my lord, please come in with the three dragon gods!” Black dragon Alexis smiled and invited.

   The three dragon gods were not polite. They had not entered the real dragon palace for many years, and they wanted to enter it and experience it.

  Everything else in the Dragon Palace is normal, except that the black dragon Alexis’s bedroom made the three dragon gods look at their eyes wide.

   Huge amounts of gems filled the bedroom. The quality of these gems, even the collection of the three dragon gods in the Dragon Age, was almost the same. The problem is that the three dragon gods did not have so many collections.

   Not to mention now, those collections have long been lost.

   “These gems are your collection? Didn’t you lose your collection back then?” Golden Dragon Alfred asked strangely.

  During the divine wars in the late dragon age, the dragons could hardly take care of their collections. The continuous divine wars, their collections decreased again and again, and when they finally evacuated the divine world, the dragons Our collection has long since been lost.

   “My collection is long gone, these are rewards from adults!” Black Dragon Alexis said with a smile.

   He can also see that he is definitely the one with the most collections among the dragons, which is enough to make the other dragon gods envious.

  Black Dragon Alexis likes this feeling very much, making the Dragon King whom he looked up to envy himself.

The transformation of    Homeland Star is progressing very quickly. In another two years, the entire Homeland Star has completely changed.

   In the past two years, the dragon clan has added three young dragons, and the entire dragon clan is in a cheerful atmosphere.

  In two years, David did not return to the Great World and the Star Federation. Even the meeting with Emma was through the remote chat with the artifact ‘Eternal Guardian’.

   He practiced whole-heartedly, so that the energy of his “half-god body” reached 99%, only one step away from the final breakthrough, he was ready to break through the **** level.

  Because of the fusion of the world tree, he doesn’t care which big world he is promoted in. Of course, he cannot be promoted in the Zerg world.

   The Zerz World has too strict requirements for the promotion of God-level. There are only ten God-level places in total, all of which are now occupied.

   He didn’t know whether the World Tree would help him avoid the limit of ten god-level places. He didn’t want to take a risk. Once he missed the opportunity for promotion, he didn’t know whether it would affect his cultivation after becoming a god.

   David wants to return to the Star Federation for promotion. This time he plans to bring a ‘Temple of Destruction’ to reduce the risk of being discovered by the ‘Temple of Destruction’.

   Of course, his promotion location is naturally to be in the Alidia star field, where is his territory, and he will also make his army prepared and provide him with protection when needed.

   As for the fact that he has been promoted once, this is also very easy to explain. Anyway, the Star Federation does not know much about the gods, so it is said that there is another breakthrough.

   David has no plans to go to the Interstellar Federation immediately. He is going to go to the Interstellar Federation when the Zerg world has been feeling the breath of breakthrough approaching.

   Now everything is ready. The Spirit Race Patriarch has prepared a sufficient amount of the top spiritual fruit for him, and he has brewed a batch of ‘spirit red wine’ from this top spiritual fruit.

   The energy of this’spiritual red wine’ is extremely large, and it is an energy preparation for David’s promotion.

   In theory, David conducted research on the obtained god-level and god-level books, and also established a research project in the cube superintelligence system, specifically dividing a part of the computing resources to analyze and research these books.

   It can be said that in theory, he is not inferior to any **** who has lived for thousands of years.

The classics collected by    Dragon Emperor are extremely precious inheritance.

   David has absolute confidence. With his current power, even if the Star Federation, the Great World of Gods and the rest of the Zerg World are united together, it will not stop him from being promoted to the God level.

   Just as David was calm and prepared for the important event of promotion, the alarm system guarding the stars of the gods in the great world sounded frantically.

   Dexter Templar and Nelson Templar looked at the scanning system, only to find that the scanning system had just scanned the abnormal energy fluctuations appearing at the energy barrier on the border.

   It’s just scanning now but nothing is found. The Templars of Dexter and Nelson glanced at each other, and they did not hesitate to mobilize their energy clones.

   The two energy clones flew straight into the sky, entered into space, and flew towards the barrier of the divine great world, ready to check whether the barrier of the great world is Templar and Nelson What the Templars didn’t know was that just before the few breaths, something did pass the barrier of the great world, not entering the great world of God, but leaving the great world of God.

   ‘Reaper’ manipulates his own small world. Due to the lack of power of faith, the ‘Reaper’ has spent a long journey in manipulating the small world.

   ‘Reaper’ sat on the Skeleton Seat in the small world, with a light touch of his finger, a believer’s body suddenly exploded, turning into pure power of faith.

   This is already the millionth believers he has consumed. In order to reach the barrier of the great world of God, he has paid too much.

   When leaving the divine world, the moment the small world crosses the barrier of the large world, the small world can no longer be hidden.

   In order to allow the small world to pass through the barrier of the big world faster, the ‘Reaper’ continuously consumed another five hundred believers, and gathered a large amount of power of faith to increase the impetus of the small world.

  The scanning circle guarding the stars found the breath of the small world, but because the small world only existed for a few breaths after it appeared, it passed the barrier of the big world, and the scanning circle lost its target.

  The scanning circle guarding the star also didn’t judge what this breath is, because there has never been a record of the small world being discovered by the scanning circle.


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