Transcendent David Chapter 1314: Split up

   ‘Reaper’ has been waiting for good news. After the dragon summoning magic circle was activated, there was a lot of movement, and he saw the time-space gate through the eyes of the demigod skeleton puppet.

   But he was not willing to leave the demigod skeleton puppet there, waiting for the dragon clan to pass through the gate of time and space.

   The demigod skeleton puppet is an extremely precious puppet in the hands of the ‘Reaper’. It’s very important. It cannot be damaged just to see the dragon clan.

   So the ‘Reaper’ did not see what happened after the time-space gate, but once the five great gods and the dragon clan had a war, it would definitely shake the entire world of the gods. This kind of thing cannot be concealed at all.

   But the ‘Reaper’ waited and waited and didn’t hear anything about the battle between the five great gods and the dragon clan, just like the time-space gate that day was false.

   “Impossible, how can it be useless after so much effort!” ‘Reaper’ muttered to himself.

  Why knowing the terrible consequences of the return of the dragon clan, the ‘Reaper’ still encourages all the evil gods to activate the dragon summoning circle and summon the dragon clan back to the great world of the gods.

   is because the ‘Reaper’ and the other ten gods are about to have no way of survival. After awakening this time, once they have not received enough power of faith, they will fall asleep, and the most likely will be a permanent sleep.

   From the perspective of the situation of God’s great world, the possibility of obtaining sufficient power of faith is extremely small.

  Only when the world of the gods becomes chaotic, can they bring opportunities to the ten gods.

   “Reaper, in just two days, nearly two hundred of my believers were killed. Now many believers are on the wanted list!” “God of Flame” contacted “God of Reaper” and said.

   “My side destroys 300 believers in two days!”

  ”My followers have decreased by more than two hundred in two days!”


   The nine gods reported to the “Reaper” through the phantom of the small world, and their words were full of complaints.

   They all know why the five temples and the Supreme Council suddenly did this.

   This is revenge, revenge “Gods Twilight” opened the dragon summoning circle.

   Although the five major temples have been suppressing the followers of the evil **** before, they have not reached the current level.

  In just two days, all portals have been strengthened. Everyone who uses portals, regardless of his identity, needs to be authenticated by the temple’s ‘light magic’ to be able to use the portals.

   This is something that has never happened before, which also cut off the way for the followers of the evil **** to use the portal.

  Except for a very small number of high-level Cthulhu believers who have their own portals, most of the Cthulhu believers can no longer move.

   The noble knights cooperated with the sacrificial offerings of the temple, and examined many suspicious objects suspected of being followers of the evil god. Under the influence of the ‘light magic’, there was nowhere for the evil god’s followers to hide.

   The most terrifying thing is that among the noble knights, almost all the fifth-level Templars lead the team, which is also an important reason for the large-scale loss of followers of the evil god.

   Put in the past, even if the Cthulhu followers cannot defeat their opponents, there is still a certain possibility of escape.

   But now I have encountered a fifth-level Templar, and the chance that the followers of the evil **** can escape is greatly reduced.

  The most severe blow to the “Twilight of the Gods” during this eradication campaign was not the loss of the followers of the evil gods, but the removal of the strongholds that had been operating for many years.

  Especially some commercial stars, some planets that the temple does not control very much, are the key targets of this strike.

  Ten thousand years, the strongholds built by the followers of the evil gods have all been cleared in this operation. reason.

   It can be said that in the future, “The Twilight of the Gods” wants to absorb new followers of the evil god, it will be countless times more difficult.

  Especially the headquarters of “Gods Twilight” was destroyed by David. The five-level bishops of “Gods Twilight” were all in their own way. This also made this cleanup operation lost contact with many forces of “Gods Twilight”.

  ”Reaper, this is the consequence of your proposal to activate the dragon summoning circle. I didn’t see the chaos after the dragon summoning circle was opened. On the contrary, my followers lost a lot!” ‘Shen Sheng said.

   “The’God of Fear’ is indeed my proposal to open the dragon summoning circle, but you also agree. In such a situation, what you have to do is not to accuse me, but to face it together!” ‘S reply.

  ”To face together? In order to activate the dragon summoning circle quickly, you sneaked on me and caused me to lose a statue of God. This is what you call a common face?” The’God of Blood’ hates it at this time. Said.

   The’God of Blood’ has a great resentment against the’God of Death’. Because he was destroyed by the’God of Death’ this time, he did not come and recovered many of the power of faith and idols in the temple, resulting in huge Loss.

   “God of blood, who doesn’t know your careful thoughts, you want to delay time to get more benefits, I just want all the gods to stop wasting resources!”‘Reaper’ looked coldly at’Blood God’ said.

  ”Reaper, when you shot at me, I wanted to withdraw from this’Gods Twilight’. Anyway, the headquarters of the’Gods Twilight’ has been destroyed, and I have nothing to remember. Goodbye to the gods or See you no more!” The’God of Blood’ looked at all the gods in the illusion and said in a deep voice.

   After finishing talking about the ‘God of Blood’, he directly disconnected the phantom of the small world and disappeared from the phantoms of the other gods’ small worlds.

  All the gods were shocked in their hearts, the “God of Blood” withdrew from the “Twilight of the Gods”. This is the first time that the gods explicitly asked to withdraw from the “Twilight of the Gods”.

   The ‘Mother Forest God’ just lost contact, and did not say anything to withdraw in front of all the gods.

   The words of the “God of Blood” are extremely impactful for all the gods. The “Twilight of the Gods” of the twelve gods left nine after the departure of the “God of Blood”.

  The most important thing is that trust has been lost in “Gods Twilight”, even if there is not much trust before, but the relationship between the gods has never been so tense.

   Nowadays, every **** is facing the biggest trouble. A large number of believers are killed, and hidden bases and forces are uprooted. All these make the gods feel that the end is coming.

   ‘Reaper’ is also irritable in his heart, and his situation is not the same. When communicating with the gods, he also perceives that believers are constantly disconnected from his faith.

  ”Everyone, my “God of Flame” also withdrew from the “Gods of Twilight” today. This may be the last time I have met with you, because I may fall into a deep sleep forever, until my little world destroys itself, my The soul fell into the endless space turbulence!” said the’God of Flame’ in a disappointed tone.

   The’God of Flame’ found it difficult for him to stand up again. His followers have been reduced to below the cordon. Perhaps he can still rely on the believers in the small world for a few more years, but in the end he will still be in the small world. The number of believers is declining, and they are slowly declining.

   ‘God of Flame’ is the most powerful **** in ‘Gods Twilight’, and his withdrawal made more gods lose their expectations of ‘Gods Twilight’.

   The future described by the “God of Flame” is a future in which all the gods here have great possibilities, and sadness arose in the hearts of the gods.

  In the illusion of each small world, the figure of the “Fire God” disappeared.

   “I also went to sleep, I have no believers!” The’God of Storm’ continued after the’God of Fire’ left.

   The last temple of the’God of Storm’ was taken away by David, and the only hope at the end was the statue of the headquarters of the’God of Twilight’. The rest of the gods of the’God of Twilight’ helped the’God of the Storm’ to obtain it. Some believers.

  Because these believers have believed for too short a time, they are still shallow believers.

   But the headquarters of ‘Gods of Twilight’ was also taken away by David, cutting off the last source of faith for ‘God of Storm’ in the world.

  Originally, if the “Gods Twilight” had no problem, the other gods agreed to the “God of Storm” to rebuild the idols for him at a certain price, but under the current situation, the gods are too busy to take care of themselves, and where they will manage The “God of Storm” thing.

   ‘God of Storm’ disappeared very simply, but gave the remaining gods a stronger impact.

  Because the rest of the gods have left, there may still be a long time to sleep, and the “God of Storm” has recently given too much power to help activate the dragon summoning circle.

   ‘God of Storm’ is hoping that God will belong to the great chaos of the world, so that He can get some believers, and make Him go through the most difficult days.

   I didn’t expect the final result to be like this. The “God of Storm” has no believers in the world, and the power of faith in the small world is insufficient. He will become the first **** to fall.

   “At this time, I won’t waste energy anymore. I will also withdraw from the’God of Twilight’, the’God of Reaper’ I will wait to meet you in the turbulent space!” The’Evil Charm God’ uses weird The voice said, he showed a weird smile at the’Reaper’.

   Then the figure of the ‘Evil God’ also disappeared in the illusions of the small worlds, but his smile made the ‘Reaper’’s heart cold.

   ‘Reaper’ understands that this is the failure of the activating dragon summoning magic circle he provoked, and all the gods hate him deeply.

   Among the gods here, many evil gods are originally extremely evil beings. They can’t deal with the ‘Reaper’ hiding in the small world, but they are constantly cursing the ‘Reaper’.

   Now that the ‘God’s Twilight’ has no basis for existence, the remaining gods have silently closed the phantom even though they did not say anything to withdraw.

   ‘Death God’ looked at the empty illusion. He thought of the curse of the ‘Evil Charm’, the eyes of all the gods looking at him, and the end predicted by the ‘Fire God’, he was extremely unwilling.

   “I will never fall silently like this, even if I give everything, I must let the world remember the existence of my ‘Reaper’ forever!” The ‘Reaper’ stood up from the Skeleton Throne and let out an angry roar.

  Zerg World Homeland Star, David released the Dragon King space. Now Homeland Star is the safest place.

   Although the facilities in the Dragon Emperor Hall were built for giant dragons, he still liked the majesty of the Dragon Emperor Hall very much. As long as the Dragon Emperor Hall was transformed, it would be the best place to live.

   David enters the Dragon King space. He has a peculiar feeling. It seems that the rules here are the same as those of the Zerg world.

  When the gods belonged to the Great World, he had not discovered this characteristic of the Dragon Emperor Space, but felt that the rules of the Dragon Emperor Space were extremely stable.

   David summoned the battle body clone, and let the battle body clone enter the Dragon King space with the ‘Imperial Inheritance Pattern’.

   Sure enough, the combat body clone can still absorb the power of the Zerg’s faith in the Dragon Emperor space through the “Imperial Inheritance Pattern”. This Dragon Emperor space shares the rules with the main world.

   David also discovered that in the Dragon King space, energy can be easily sent out of the space. This is probably designed for the convenience of attacking the enemy.

   He was overjoyed. Before, he was still a little worried about the huge circle directly exposing the home planet.

   Sometimes David would take away all the gods, leaving only the huge circle without the “Imperial Inheritance Pattern”. At that time, the defense of the Homeland Star was the weakest.

   In addition, if guests come in the future, David does not want outsiders to see the huge magic circle driven by the “Imperial Inheritance Pattern”.

  If the huge magic circle is transferred to the Dragon King space, then everything can be solved.

   Since David recognized the “Book of the Dragon King”, only David can open the Dragon King space. When the Dragon King space is hidden, even David’s spirit can’t be sensed. It is conceivable. How good is the hiding effect.

   David does what he wants. There is no difficulty in moving the huge circle. The circle is set by him.

   just re-made some settings, the huge circle in the Dragon King space will provide the home planet with a defensive shield and exhaust gas for survival.

   All the god-level clones of David who use the huge magic circle can enter and exit the Dragon King space freely without any permission.

   It took David two days to get this thing done. The huge magic circle could not be seen on the surface of Home Star~ The cube super intelligent system will re-plan the construction plan for the large area vacated by the super intelligent system.

   He used the engineering robots of the Interstellar Federation to build a set of comfortable furniture for him on the suspended Dragon Throne in the Dragon Emperor Hall.

   As for the jewels and ‘crystals of divine power’ on the Dragon Throne, David took away the books, artifacts and other items in the storage space.

   In the days that followed, David devoted himself to cultivating. In his spare time, he flipped through the books that recorded the inheritance of gods and gods. There were also some ancient secrets.

   If it weren’t for every once in a while, information about the divine world and the interstellar federation would be sent to him, and he would have forgotten everything about the outside world.

  The situation of the gods belonging to the great world is becoming stable. The five temples are almost cleaned, and a large number of sacrifices capable of performing’light magic’ are dispatched. Together with the five-level Templar knights of the highest council, each Investigations and cleanups are being carried out on all planets.

   In the first five temples, all suspicious targets were investigated, but now, every time they arrive on a planet, everyone on the planet is identified through the ‘light magic’.

   This work is extremely cumbersome and vast, but the five great temples seem to have made up their minds to completely eradicate the followers of the evil god, using all their strength to promote this work.


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