Transcendent David Chapter 1207: Wars

“The demigod “Holy Knight” is truly unparalleled!” Archbishop Ambrose watched the demigod “Holy Knight” bless the six hundred fourth-level sky knights in various defense states, and he couldn’t help but sigh.

Of the five archbishops present, four are legendary, and only Archbishop McIntyre is a fifth-level priest.

The four archbishops of the legendary rank can perceive the strength of the ice crystal armor and the rock armor. Any kind of armor can withstand at least several attacks from the legendary rank.

Archbishop McIntyre has a ugly face. The demigod ‘Holy Knight’ was a knight of the Temple of War thousands of years ago.

He couldn’t help thinking of the legend of Annabella, the knight who had left the temple of war.

But the demigod “Holy Knight” is different. The demigod “Holy Knight” fell into the hands of death, which can be regarded as a battle death, but the soul and corpse fall into the hands of death.

Reaper released the demigod ‘Holy Knight’ in an attempt to cause chaos in the God’s great world.

Lord Arthur did not know what method he used to subdue the demigod “Holy Knight” and become his guardian knight.

The avatar of the demigod ‘Holy Knight’ did not stay on the front line. After putting various defenses on all four-level sky knights, he retreated to a safe area.

The combat power of the avatar of the demigod ‘Holy Knight’ is not strong. This is of course not compared with these highest legendary ranks, but compared with the demigods, but he is most powerful in blessing various states.

The space temples of the five major temples have only a few blessed **** patterns. This weapon used in large-scale wars, most of the **** patterns are used for attack and defense, and will not waste too much More resources are in blessing the combatants.

The main reason for this is that if the divine arts of the space temple cannot destroy the enemy, then the priests and sacrifices of the temple cannot defeat the enemy either, and the blessing state is of little significance.

With the various states blessed by the demigod ‘Holy Knight’, the morale of the 600 fourth-level sky knights has risen.

The space gate is very peaceful. Six hundred fourth-level sky knights stared at the space gate, not daring to be distracted. The death of a hundred fourth-level priests just now told them if they didn’t prepare in advance, They didn’t even have time to react to the attack from the space gate.

One hour, two hours, the space door remained silent.

Archbishop Ambrose is also calculating. He plans to change a group of knights every twelve hours. The six hundred fourth-level sky knights maintain the defense of the knights’ battle formation, which also consumes blood.

With a boom, a hockey puck appeared in front of the space gate, which was transmitted from the other side of the space gate.

The hockey puck hits the multi-channel defensive energy deployed by the five space temples, and the huge power shatters the defensive energy one by one.

However, the impact speed of the ice ball this time is not as fast as the previous golden lightning. This is related to the defensive energy of the Space Temple slowing down the impact speed of the ice ball, and the ice energy itself is inherently much slower than the lightning energy.

“Defense!” the presiding knight of the knight battlefield shouted loudly.

The six hundred fourth-level sky knights simultaneously increased the output of the bloodline power, and instantly the bloodline power shield before the knights battlefield was thickened.

The hockey puck also smashed all the defensive energy at this time. At this time, everyone can see that the ice hockey impact energy has weakened a lot. According to such an impact, a knight formation composed of six hundred four-level sky knights Blocking is not a problem.

But this is an attack performed by the Zerg God-level, and the power of ice rules is not just an impact.

The hockey puck hit the bloodline shield before the knight’s battle, cracks appeared on the bloodline shield, but the ice puck was also blocked.

Just as the four-level sky knights breathed a sigh of relief, the hockey puck exploded, centering on the point where the hockey puck exploded, a white mist spread around.

The whole body of the six hundred fourth-level sky knights was instantly frozen, forming six hundred popsicles, and the ice mist also consumed clean energy.

Six hundred fourth-level sky knights blocked this attack with their bodies and completed the defense mission.

“Save people!” Archbishop Ambrose commanded loudly.

Although these knights are only level four sky knights, they can no longer sacrifice knights continuously.

It is not easy to train knights in the great world of the gods. Before the war officially began, a large number of knight sacrifices began, which would cause a great blow to the morale of the coalition forces.

The reserve level four sky knight rushed up, and the level four weapon in his hand chopped on the ice, trying to rescue the knight in the ice.

But the fourth-grade weapon slashed on the ice, and there was a sound like gold and iron, and there was no trace on the ice.

Although the ice-based power attack performed by the Zerg god-level is suppressed by the world rules of the god-general world, it is not something these four-level sky knights can break.

“Get out!” With the cry, several fifth-level Templar knights rushed up, and the fifth-level light long sword slashed on the ice.

The fifth-grade light sword hit the hard ice, and thin marks appeared on the ice.

Because there are four-level sky knights in the ice, the fifth-level knights do not dare to show their full strength, so that if the ice is broken, the fourth-level sky knights in the ice will also be shaken to death.

At this time, the avatar of the demigod’Holy Knight’ flashed to the sky above the fourth-level sky knight, and a little white flame appeared during the wave of his hand. This was the display of the Holy Light Flame, which was controlled by him. Extremely accurate, transformed into six hundred flowers corresponding to six hundred four-level sky knights.

Those ice, which even the fifth-level Templars could not do, quickly melted under the action of the flame of Holy Light.

A level four sky knight emerged from the ice, panting as soon as they came out. On their bodies, there was only a thin layer of ice crystal armor and rock armor left.

Fortunately, the demigod’Holy Knight’ clone can save people fast enough, otherwise the terrifying energy in the ice can kill these four-level sky knights, as long as the demigod’Holy Knight’ clone’s blessing state is strengthened If the energy in the ice is consumed, the fourth-level sky knight will die.

The six hundred fourth-level sky knights recovered after a few breaths, and they stood up with their own strength.

The knights in the relatively safe area, seeing this situation, cheered loudly.

The six hundred fourth-level sky knights blocked the Zerg God-level attack and did not lose a fourth-level sky knight, which has exceeded everyone’s expectations.

You must know that even when Archbishop Ambrose arranged 600 fourth-level sky knights in front of the space gate, he wanted the fourth-level sky knights to consume the energy of the opposite Zerg god.

“You have worked hard, take a break, and switch to the second batch of knights to continue on guard!” Archbishop Ambrose commanded loudly.

Although the six hundred fourth-level sky knights did not suffer much damage, after a life-and-death crisis, their bloodline power was exhausted, and even their spirit needed to be restored.

When six hundred new four-level sky knights composed of the five major temples and the highest council came to the door of space, the demigod ‘Holy Knight’ clone shot again.

Only before this shot, the demigod ‘Holy Knight’ clone took out a ‘Divine Power Crystal’ in his hand, absorbing the power of faith inside.

“Four archbishops, the demigod “Holy Knights” consumed the ‘crystal of divine power’ from us. What do you think?” Archbishop Ambrose asked the four archbishops beside him.

Archbishop Ambrose is very clear about one thing. No matter how capable Lord Arthur is, he will definitely not have much’crystal of divine power’ in his hand.

Because the ‘Divine Power Crystal’ can only be produced by the gods who believe in becoming a god, the black dragon and the Zerg God-level that Lord Arthur associates cannot produce the ‘Divine Power Crystal”.

Archbishop Ambrose even wondered whether the ‘crystal of divine power’ held in the hands of the demigod ‘Holy Knight’ was the spoils captured by Lord Arthur from the Temple of War.

Know that Lord Arthur killed the two archbishops of the Temple of War, and the space items of the two archbishops will more or less have some ‘crystals of divine power’.

There will also be a surplus of ‘Divine Power’ in the ‘Space War Temple’ occupied by Lord Arthur.

“Of course, there is a demigod’Holy Knight’ here, which can reduce our great loss of personnel, and it is necessary to provide the consumed’crystal of divine power’ for it!” Archbishop Adele agreed first .

Without the state blessing of the demigod ‘Holy Knight’ clone and his rescue, the 600 fourth-level sky knights this time would not survive.

Although the ‘Crystal of Divine Power’ is a treasure, it’s really nothing to the five great temples. As long as they are used reasonably, they can use it at will.

The ‘Divine Power Crystal’ is made up of the power of faith gathered by the gods. In any of the five major temples, there are a large number of temples scattered throughout the divine world, and each temple has gods.

All the temples of the entire gods are like a huge processing factory. Except for part of the power of faith that is directly used, the rest of the power of faith will be transformed into ‘crystal of divine power’.

A large proportion of these ‘Divine Power Crystals’ will be sacrificed to the gods, and some of the remaining ‘Divine Power Crystals’ will become the core energy of important divine patterns.

“Agree!” Even though Archbishop McIntyre had an opinion, he had to agree.

At this time, the horror auxiliary ability shown by the demigod “Holy Knight” clone is the guarantee of those involved in the war. Archbishop McIntyre dare not agree to support the demigod “Holy Knight” clone. It is estimated that even the war temple The priests and priests will have opinions.

The avatar of the demigod ‘Holy Knight’ while absorbing the ‘crystal of divine power’, while giving blessing to the second batch of fourth-level sky knights.

Actually, the demigod’Holy Knight’ clone does not need to absorb the’crystal of divine power’, because David’s ontology is on the side. In the same big world, the demigod’Holy Knight’ clone can connect David through the soul The power of faith in the small world of the body soul space is transmitted to the body of the demigod’Holy Knight’.

However, David was a little worried about doing such a thing in front of the five great temples.

David doesn’t want to expose the fact that he has the power of faith. Perhaps the five gods who belong to the great world can tolerate a powerful demigod, but they will never allow a demigod who believes in becoming a god. God.

Because of the demigod who believes in the path of becoming a god, it requires a large number of believers to grow, which means that faith must be spread in the world of God.

The Great World of Gods is the place reserved for the Five Great Gods. In order to monopolize the belief in the Great World of Gods, the Five Great Gods defeated all other gods.

As long as David reveals the slightest possibility of accepting believers, the five gods will treat him like a deadly enemy.

So David would rather let the demigod ‘Holy Knight’ clone consume ‘Divine Power Crystal’ instead of revealing the secret of the power of faith.

On the other side of the space gate, on the lander planet of the Zerg world, four Zerg gods have appeared beside the space gate.

Except for the ‘Ultra Electric Scorpio King’, the other three Zerg gods came to check because of the ‘Empty Tick’ being wiped out.

“One hundred humans who attacked the’empty ticks’ have been killed by me!” The’Electric Scorpio Emperor’ attacked with its own rules, contact it through this point to know some of the results of the attack .

The explanation of the ‘Electric Scorpio King’ was not satisfied by the three Zerg gods. The arrival of the second batch of ‘Empty Ticks’ will take some time, which necessitates a change in the Zerg world’s attack plan.

“It just killed a hundred humans, and the lightning attack is about to be fast, but the power is not very good!”‘Ice Silkworm Emperor’ said lightly.

“Why don’t you try and see if it can be better than my results!” said the’Emperor Scorpio King’ in a deep voice.

The ‘Ice Silkworm King’ did not speak. It spit out an ice puck at the space gate, and the ice puck rushed into the space gate, far less powerful than the ‘Electric Scorpio King’ attack.

“Six hundred humans!”‘Ice Silkworm Emperor’ said to’Ultra Electric Scorpio Emperor’ after a few breaths.

What’Ice Silkworm King’ saw was the appearance of six hundred fourth-level sky knights being frozen in With the disappearance of the ice fog, the rules of the ice system it attacked also dissipated, making it impossible to perceive it. Up.

The’Ultra Electric Scorpio King’ casually threw an electric light on the space door, which was confirming the words of the’Ice Silkworm King’.

The behavior of the ‘Emperor Scorpio King’ made the ‘Ice Silkworm King’ very dissatisfied. This is the result of distrusting what the ‘Ice Silkworm King’ said.

“Ice Silkworm Emperor, your victory is zero, and the six hundred humans have been rescued!” The ‘Ultra Electric Scorpio Emperor’ said in a mocking tone.

The ‘Ice Silkworm Emperor’ unbelievably pointed out a frost and fell on the space door. With this rule, it also perceives the situation in front of the space door.

The six hundred fourth-level sky knights who were frozen by it had already stood up and exited the battlefield in an orderly manner.

“It seems that a **** has taken action, otherwise it will be impossible to crack my attack!”‘Ice Silkworm Emperor’ excused himself.

I said so, but even the “Ice Silkworm King” himself did not believe that the gods of the great world would invite the gods to take action at this time.

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