Transcendent David Chapter 1159: Capture

“Get me up!” When David saw that something was wrong, he yelled and stretched out his hand to pull up the idol.

Before, David wanted to use the magical tool “Death Chain” to break the statue of the God of War, but the strength of the statue was beyond imagination.

The artifact “Death Chain” is not an offensive artifact, and its attack power is not high.

The idol is in the main hall, full of the power of faith, and is also the center of everything in the space war temple. At this time, the idol is almost the artifact and material, so it is easy to destroy it.

If David’s left index finger is not used up, he can break it directly at this time.

The sacred tool ‘Chain of Death’ binds the **** of war and binds it behind him.

“The blasphemer! The blasphemer!” The ascetics who fell on the ground saw the statue of the **** of war being backed by David, and the white light of faith rose all over them. Shouting like crazy.

The paralysis effect of the original ‘Electric Light Realm’ kept the ascetics paralyzed, but as the light of faith on the ascetics gets brighter, the paralysis effect on them also disappears.

Even if the ‘Electric Light Realm’ is still on, and lightning is constantly walking around them, once the fanatics enter a fanatic state, they can be immune to all negative states.

The ascetics who have been transferred this time are all fanatics who have been selected for asceticism for more than a hundred years.

There are not many descriptions of ascetics in the world, because the power of the temple is hardly to use the power of ascetics.

If it hadn’t been for the loss of the high-end combat power of the war temple this time, Archbishop Choate would not use the hidden power of the ascetic.

David was also secretly surprised. This was the first time he faced mad believers. The reason why these mad people are immune to all negative states is that they burst out of their own power of faith, and burst out of faith with a mortal body. Although he has enjoyed some special effects, he also hurt himself greatly.

The mad believer uses his own life to complete the attack on the blasphemer.

“What’s the matter, increase the energy of the restraining circle!” In another room, Noel Sacrificial shouted.

The sudden appearance of Lord Arthur caught Noel’s sacrifice by surprise, but Noel’s sacrifice was also an experienced commander.

The Space War Temple is not so easy to enter. Although Lord Arthur has restricted the God of War’s idols, there is more than just an attack method inside the Temple.

The power of the **** pattern array, which consumes the power of faith, is many times stronger than the ordinary pattern pattern. Coupled with the rules and restrictions in the temple, the Noel priest has great confidence in Arthur The lord is trapped here.

But the binding circle has been opened, and the priest Noel saw that Lord Arthur was not affected, which made him unable to understand.

“My lord, the energy has been turned on to the maximum and cannot be increased anymore!” A priest replied.

“Contact the main temple and ask for reinforcements!” Noel sacrificial expression changed, he ordered.

Noel Sacrifice now only hopes that the four thousand ascetics can support a little more time so that the reinforcements from the main temple can come.

In the main hall, because David could not use the off-body attack, the most primitive battle began.

The ‘God of War’ innate ability originated from the God of War broke out in the temple of the God of War. The ‘Artifact Knight’s Sword’ in David’s hand constantly swept over the bodies of the ascetics.

If someone who knows David very well is here, he will definitely find that his fighting style is different from before.

The ascetics are extremely crazy. They are fighting desperately. In order to attack the enemy, they can ignore whether they are attacked or not.

This kind of enemy is the most difficult to deal with. There is no fear of life and death, and the focus is on hurting the enemy. Unless there is a huge gap in combat power between each other, the only result will be besieged.

David is the one who has a huge gap in combat power with the ascetics. This gap is not only in terms of realm, but also in terms of combat skills.

His “artifact knight war sword” is as if alive, the ascetics’ attacks also exist in order, and his “artifact knight war sword” can always hit the key point faster than the ascetics. The weapons of the ascetics are always not close to 20 centimeters in front of him.

These twenty centimeters are like a moat, and the ascetics are pouring in like a tide, but they fall one by one in front of David.

David’s fighting style was extremely calm. He walked towards the ascetics step by step, and the pace of his pace was not affected by the ascetics’ attacks.

The main hall of the Space War Temple is like David’s dance hall, and he is like the elegant Shunzhe.

There was no hard fight, even if it was a pair of 4,000, with as many as fifty fifth-level powerhouses, David did not feel any trouble. He really felt the horror after his fighting skills reached the god-level talent.

To know the battle in the hall, David can’t attack from his body, he can only use a long sword to kill his opponent. Under this limitation, the ‘God of War’ talent is fully utilized.

The bright red blood flowed on the ground, making the solemn hall look evil.

Perhaps in the eyes of the priests and sacrifices of these war temples, David is the extremely evil existence.

The four thousand ascetics fought to the last one. Even if they knew they could not defeat David, they continued to rush towards David.

They are using their blood to maintain the dignity of the God of War, and they put the dignity of the God of War ahead of their lives.

David did not show mercy. The ascetics fought for their faith, and David fought for himself. There is no right or wrong.

The ‘artifact knight’s sword’ swept across the neck of the last ascetic, and David turned and walked towards the side hall without looking at the corpse on the ground.

An important reason why fanatics are not afraid of death is that after the death of fanatics, the soul must return to the small world of the gods.

Perhaps in the hearts of fanatics, death is the beginning of new life.

But the fanatics did not know that if they died before David, their souls would no longer belong to them, let alone the gods they believed in.

The Shadow Servant flies out, and the invisible figure will take the first step to receive the soul of the fanatic after every fanatic dies.

As for the soul-receiving channel of the small world of the God of War, the Shadow Servant completed the work of receiving the soul before it was opened.

David opened the door of the side hall. There were not many people in the side hall, there were only more than a hundred people, and their strength was not strong.

“Lord Arthur, do you know what you are doing?” The priest Noel looked at Lord Arthur who walked in, and he plucked up the courage and asked loudly.

“It seems that you are the chief priest of this temple. Garmistar is my leader. It is my right to deal with invaders in my leader!” David said lightly.

“My lord will not let you go!” Noel said in a deep voice.

“It should be said that I will not let go of the **** of war!” David sneered at the idol behind him with his hand.

The Noel sacrifice and the more than one hundred priests and priests on the side could not stand David’s provocation. They could not tolerate such desecration of the **** of war.

In an instant, all priests and priests attacked David. This was a suicide attack, and the result was predictable.

After ten breaths, David retracted the ‘artifact knight’s sword’ into the scabbard, and there was no life inside this space war temple.

He flashed out of the Space War Temple with the idol, and his spirit swept through the Space War Temple and collected it into the Space Pendant.

When the idol left the Temple of Space War, the power of faith within it quickly dissipated.

The existence of idols will not be accepted by the rules of the main world, and will only be sheltered in the special environment inside the temple.

The current idol does not need to be destroyed by David at all. After the idol loses the power of faith, his spirit can easily enter the idol.

However, David has not yet come and used his spirit to explore the spirit of the **** of war, and the Shadow Servant has already entered the interior of the **** first to absorb the spirit of the **** of war.

In fact, after leaving the temple, the role of the idol is lost. The idol is no longer a container of divine consciousness, and loses its role in protecting divine consciousness.

Once the spiritual mind is not protected by the body, it is equivalent to the soul losing its body.

David came to the planet-level portal, and his spirit entered the planet-level portal, using the power of the’alchemist’ to forcibly change the authority of the planet-level portal.

In the main temple of the war, Archbishop Choate, who returned with a victory, is in a great mood.

Archbishop Choate felt that he had restored a part of the reputation of the Temple of War which had repeatedly lost to Lord Arthur. Lord Arthur’s leader was occupied by the Temple of War, representing the victory of the Temple of War.

Although there was no contact with Lord Arthur, under the order of Archbishop Choate, the news was released that Lord Arthur had fled and discarded Garmistar.

“Report!” a priest shouted in a hasty voice at the door.

“Come in!” Archbishop Choate was very dissatisfied with the priest’s panic, but he knew very well that the priest must have something important to him, he said in a deep voice.

“Archbishop, the priest Noel sent a rescue message, Lord Arthur entered the temple, and the priest Noel asks you to send a strong person to support!” The priest immediately reported to the room as soon as he entered the room.

“What?” Archbishop Choate lost his composure all at once, and he stood up suddenly.

It’s not that Archbishop Choate has never thought of Lord Arthur’s revenge. He has enabled all war temples to connect to the faith network. Although it consumes the power of faith, he can grasp the situation of any temple at the first time. Give the power of faith energy supplement in the first time.

And recently the temple of war is no longer open, the temple of war is in a state of defense.

Archbishop Choate didn’t want to be meritorious, but he wanted nothing. He was using the power of faith in exchange for safety.

But Archbishop Choate did not expect that Lord Arthur would first attack the Temple of Space War.

The Temple of Space War is very special. Even if the Temple of War has accumulated ten thousand years, only four Temples of Space War have been built.

As the war weapon of the War Temple, the Space War Temple itself possesses extremely powerful defense capabilities, and its defense capabilities are almost the same as the main Temple.

In addition, the power of the gods is enough to make the Space War Temple fearless of any enemy.

Archbishop Choate never thought that the Space War Temple would be lost. In his mind, the Space War Temple was as safe as the main Temple.

“Archbishop, there is an urgent need for reinforcements from Noel’s sacrifice!” The priest quickly reminded him when he saw Archbishop Qiaot’s slowness to speak.

This attitude of the priest also reflects the lack of prestige of Archbishop Choate within the war temple. It is placed in any previous archbishop. No priest dares to urge the archbishop before he makes a decision.

“How to rescue? Who do you let? Or let the envoy continue to die?” Archbishop Choate turned to look at the priest and asked repeatedly.

Archbishop Choate was also very helpless. At this time, he discovered that the extremely powerful war temple was unable to make effective reinforcements to Noel’s sacrifice.

The most effective is naturally the two space war temples flying past, but the two space war temples that have left Garmistar long ago, it takes a long time to return to Garmistar.

When the two space war temples arrive at Garmi Star, the battle on Garmi Star will be over long ago.

As for other rescues, what combat power does Archbishop Choate have in his hands?

After several prodigal consumption by Archbishop Guy and Archbishop McKinley, the high-end combat power of the Temple of War is extremely empty.

Want high-end combat power, Archbishop Choate also thought of the four thousand ascetics who remained in the Space War Temple, among which there were fifty fifth-level powerhouses.

That was the few level five powerhouses left in the war temple. I lost fifty level five powerhouses at once. The level 5 power of the war temple was so small that it could not maintain a huge power.

Archbishop Choate felt a pain in his heart. He only became the archbishop, and his strength fell to this level.

The priest was also speechless. Of course, the divine envoy could not be sent anymore~ The fourth-level sky knight envoy was already the strongest envoy in the war temple last time. Sending the other envoys is equivalent to letting The **** of war wasted his mind.

The atmosphere in the room seemed to freeze, Archbishop Choate and the priest did not speak, they waited in silence.

“Noel’s sacrificial side can no longer be contacted, and Garmixing’s planet-level portal has also lost its authority and can no longer teleport!” The priest glanced at the contact formation in his hand and reported in a deep voice.

“Huh!” Archbishop Choate let out a long sigh of relief, and finally didn’t have to choose whether to reinforce.

Archbishop Choate was already considering the safety of the main temple at this time. Since the Space War Temple can be captured by Lord Arthur, the main temple also has this possibility.

Archbishop Choate did not consider the loss of the space war temple anymore. He issued a series of orders to increase the security alert level of the war star where the main war temple is located.

After an operation by Archbishop Choate, the Temple of War successfully turned from offensive to defensive.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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