Transcendent David Chapter 1152: Taking inventory

Archbishop Choate is even more sad that his lord gave him a scepter that symbolizes power.

Not to mention that when Archbishop McKinley was selected, he was directly promoted from the fifth-level priest to the legendary level. Only the appointed Archbishop Gay, but he continued to receive divine grace and his strength continued to grow.

But what about Archbishop Choate?

He was chosen by the **** of war to become the archbishop without any indication.

It wasn’t that he didn’t say anything, he was given a scepter that symbolizes power, but the scepter was a must for the archbishop.

Archbishop Choate has a feeling that the **** of war chose him to become the archbishop of the temple of war when there is no alternative. This feeling makes him very uncomfortable.

Where did Archbishop Choate know that the God of War was a little bit reluctant, and the God of War also knew that to deal with Lord Arthur is not something that can be done to improve the strength of the Archbishop.

“Shen Yu, arrest Lord Arthur at all costs and allow all weapons of war to be used!” Archbishop Choate was still thinking, and a message came to his mind from the scepter.

Archbishop Choate couldn’t help but stagnate. He originally thought that the **** of war had left early, and there would be no gods for him, and he would not be forced to deal with Lord Arthur, and there would be no danger.

Even if Archbishop Qiaot’s faith is very firm, at this time, he also feels that he is only trying to do his best to not feed the cattle.

“Let’s drag it!” Archbishop Choate thought to himself, and he decided to drag it day by day.

After two days of practice, David incorporated the talent of the God of War into the swordsmanship.

David didn’t think of other gains until then, and the most natural source was the fifth-level soul.

The “God of Blood” alone provided David with one hundred fifth-level soul sources. In addition, when David slaughtered the team led by Archbishop McKinley, he killed five fifth-level priests and Five fifth-level Templar knights.

This is the origin of 110 fifth-level souls, which increases David’s soul clone to four legendary-level soul clones and 293 fifth-level soul clones.

“It’s still great to rob the gods!” David couldn’t help sighing.

His words were heard by others, and they would probably be scared to death. When would anyone dare to make a fortune by robbing the gods?

But indeed, among the two hundred and ninety-three fifth-level soul clones, the two hundred fifth-level soul clones that account for the bulk are all obtained from gods.

David himself travels through the three worlds and fights, causing trouble everywhere, but there are only ninety-three fifth-level souls.

This can’t be blamed on David’s hard work. There is no fifth level in the Star Federation without mentioning it. Among the five levels of God’s Great World, the fifth level of worship belongs to the temple, which is rarely seen on weekdays.

As for the fifth-level Templars, most of them are David’s acquaintances. Even if they don’t know each other, they belong to the alliance. Most of the fifth-level Templars killed by David were when he was not well-known. After his fierce reputation, there was no fifth-level Templar who dared to make trouble for him.

It is impossible for David to slaughter the fifth-level powerhouses in the world of the gods for the sake of fifth-level soul clone.

As for the Zerg World, David will not go to the Zerg World to engage in incidents unless he has to. The main reason is that the Zerg God-level rescue speed in the Zerg World is too fast. Once he is targeted, it will be a big trouble.

So in the three worlds, it is unrealistic to obtain a large number of fifth-level soul origins by killing the fifth-level strong, and only the gods who have a large number of fifth-level soul origins can get it. So many five-level soul origins.

David found the soul of Archbishop McKinley in the body of the Shadow Servant again. The soul of Archbishop McKinley is a bit special, similar to the soul of Archbishop Gay before.

David sent the soul of Archbishop McKinley into the small world of soul space, and was immediately led by the branches of the world tree.

By the side of Archbishop Guy, there is more Archbishop McKinley, and he sings along with him.

David felt that the power of faith generated in the small world of the soul space has suddenly increased. This increase is not a small increase, it is close to double the amount of increase, so David has to think about it. Problem.

This is mainly because the number of believers in the small world of his soul space is too small, and the power of faith generated is also small, and every increase will be particularly eye-catching.

David, who had stayed in the castle for two days, walked out of the castle. Because of his character, he had not retaliated against the Temple of War for a long time, which is an exception.

In his heart, David decided to launch a retaliatory action, and he had an idea.

“My lord, I heard that you defeated that one?” The legendary Annabella saw David and immediately ran over and asked.

If it weren’t for fear of disturbing David, the legend of Annabella would have come to ask David when he got the news two days ago.

Although the news about Annabella’s legend was obtained from Speaker Gould, and Speaker Gould would not deceive her, she still wanted an accurate answer from the client David.

The legend of Annabella did not name the **** of war, and she couldn’t hide her.

“It’s just a fourth-level sky knight’s descendant body, which is too far from the actual combat power of the **** of war!” David smiled and shook his head.

He can’t say that he has defeated the God of War, and the God of War is not something he can deal with now.

Only for defeating the fourth-level sky knight’s surrender body, David has worked out all strategies and calculated the **** of war, otherwise, with the power of the war god, David will not even be able to design the surrender body Conquer.

David now speaks the name of the **** of war very casually. He is very clear that the **** of war will not let him go, and he is not the **** of war by saying the name of the **** of war. Objects that can be attacked.

According to the legend, as long as the name of a certain deity is spoken, it will be perceived by the deity. If the deity is dissatisfied with the person who said the name of the god, he can punish that person through this connection.

So in the great world of God, unless it is a **** of faith, no one will say the name of a **** at any time.

“But…” Legend of Annabella asked somehow.

She is the one who knows the power of the God of War best. She only mastered a little fur from the battle of the God of War, and her fighting ability surpassed most knights.

Even if the legend of Annabella learned the talent of ‘swordsmanship’ from David, she still believes that the God of War is superior to David in terms of fighting skills.

“My lord, can I compare it with you?” Legend Annabella thought of another way, she suggested.

“Okay, I will also look at your practice results!” David heard the proposal of the legendary Annabella, and wanted to see how his actual combat ability was, and nodded in agreement.

In the great world of the gods, the legend of Annabella, who has mastered the talent of ‘swordsmanship’, can definitely be in the forefront of the strongest combat effectiveness.

David has the talent of God of War for the first time, and he also wants to fight. The Legend of Annabella is the best training partner.

“Lord Lord, please!” The legendary Annabella clearly knew David’s strength, so he did not politely bowed a battle salute, and then launched an attack.

The demigod-grade light long sword in the hands of the legendary Annabella is inspired by the talent of ‘swordsmanship’, with a terrifying power, a bit of sword light flashes, and it pierces David’s neck.

The legend of Annabella saw that David didn’t dodge, and she also had expectations for the effect of this ‘swordsman’ talent.

The legend of Annabella is not worried that David will be injured, because after learning the’swordsmanship’ talent ability, her opponent’s control of the light long sword has reached the extreme, at least she thinks this is the ultimate’swordsmanship’ can achieve .

She can accurately control her light sword and can stop at any time without hurting David.

David took out the fifth-grade light sword. He didn’t want to use the’artifact knight’s sword’, which would damage the legendary demigod-grade light sword of Annabella.

The’God of War’ talent was inspired. With a very casual sword, he blocked the sword that Annabella’s legend was determined to win. At the same time, this sword just hit the hand of Annabella’s legendary demigod. The point of force of the sword.

The legend of Annabella, who possesses the talent of’swordsmanship’, how could he not know the force points on the sword? People with strong swordsmanship usually protect their force points intentionally or unconsciously in battle, and will not let The force point was hit by the opponent.

However, this sword of David made the legend of Annabella unable to evade.

The legend of Annabella has a feeling. David’s sword is like a wildebeest hanging a horn, without a trace, and it seems to have the rules of the world, completely unreasonable.

The legend of Annabella only felt that the power on the demigod-class light long sword in her hand was vented, and she lost her advantage at this moment.

David swung the sword in his hand and took advantage of the situation to attack. With a single sword, every sword smashed into the force point of the light long sword in the hands of the legendary Annabella, giving Annabella the legendary’swordsmanship’ talent. Suppressed to death.

The legend of Annabella feels that the battle with David is the same as when facing the **** of war. The feeling of being crushed and unable to fight back makes the legend of Annabella tired.

The Annabella legend retreated while sensing David’s continuous attacks.

Obviously, David did not use any special abilities of the Demigod, and completely reduced his power to the same level as the legend of Annabella.

The legend of Annabella gets more and more astonished, because David’s fighting style, the essence of which is similar to the experience of the **** of war when he descends, although the **** of war is best at battle axe, but every time the **** descends Long swords are mostly used.

“Let it go!” David went a step further, and the sword in his hand once again accurately hit the force point of the demigod-class light long sword in Annabella’s hand.

This time David increased his strength a little. The demigod-class light sword in the hands of the legendary Annabella flew out, just like the battle between David and the God of War, but this time David was the victor. .

The legend of Annabella did not have David’s calculations at the time, nor did he have David’s hole cards. The moment the demigod-class light sword flew out, it was blocked by the long sword in David’s hand.

“Happy!” David laughed and put away the sword, stretched his waist and said.

Although he has acquired the talent of the God of War, the experience of being crushed and beaten by the God of War still makes my heart very uncomfortable.

In the test with the legend of Annabella, David perfectly suppressed the legend of Annabella with the posture of the **** of war, which made David feel the powerful talent of the “God of War”.

“My lord, how do I feel that your fighting skills are similar to those of that one?” The legend of Annabella did not suffer from failure. Losing to David is not ashamed. She just asked curiously.

Annabella’s legendary ‘swordsmanship’ talent comes from David, she doesn’t think that the ‘swordsmanship’ talent she has just mastered is stronger than David.

“Legend of Annabella, your feeling is really accurate. This is the fighting skill I have learned from the battle with the God of War!” Of course, David could not tell about the Shadow Servant, he explained with a smile .

The legend of Annabella was stunned, she didn’t expect this answer.

She was also proud. David passed her the talent of’Swordsmanship’ to her. She cultivated the talent of’Swordsmanship’ in a short time. She felt that she was extremely talented.

But the legend of Annabella at this time has no sense of pride anymore, because she has seen even more powerful geniuses.

Fighting with the **** of war, you can realize the fighting skills of the **** of war, which is beyond the imagination of the legend of Annabella.

“My lord, can this fighting skill be taught to me?” The legendary Annabella moved in her heart, and then asked.

Maybe this question is very abrupt, but as the legend of Annabella who desperately desires strength, she will try even if she is rejected.

“This fighting skill cannot be taught through knowledge transfer!” David said, shaking his head.

In fact, after getting the talent of the God of War, he tried to let his knight clone master this talent.

But if the’God of War’ talent ability is to be effective, you must have the’God of War pattern’. Without the assistance of the’God of War pattern’, no matter how good the theory is, it will not be able to support practical of War map Wen’ is like a decoder, and the knowledge of the talents of God of War can only be used through this decoder.

This is also a limitation of the rules of the world. God-level powerful abilities are not so simple to have.

The God of War did not expect that his’God of War’ talent would leak out, because the’God of War’ talent ability became his exclusive combat ability after forming the’God of War pattern’. Yes, it is recognized by the rules of the world.

The legend of Annabella was disappointed, and she could feel that David did not deceive her on this matter.

David does have the ability to copy knowledge, but these combat talent abilities need to be realized by himself to be able to be completely copied, because the combat talent abilities obtained from the knowledge light ball lack the most critical self-insight The promotion process.

The combat talent abilities obtained by the knowledge ball are complete talent abilities once obtained, which can be used at will, but cannot be copied.

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