Transcendent David Chapter 1140: Power

Bishop McKinley saw the anxious priest, he left the main seat of the hall, and no one paid attention to him, all focused on the three bishops.

The three bishops ignored the departure of Bishop McKinley. Perhaps the departure of Bishop McKinley would be a good thing and save trouble.

“What’s the matter?” Bishop McKinley asked in a deep voice.

No matter how he loses power, he is still the bishop. As long as his position is not taken away, he is still an important administrator of the temple of war.

“Bishop McKinley, after Haidaxing applied for contact, no one responded. After that, the contact was disconnected. I applied again and found that he could not be contacted, and…” The priest said hesitated here.

“And what?” Bishop McKinley asked.

“And the Haida Star Temple disappeared from the temple map!” The priest continued.

The main reason is that the priests do not believe that the disappearance of the temple has never happened in the past thousands of years of history.

The temple map is a huge star map of the main temple, which marks the positions of the war temples one by one, corresponding to the war temple’s magic circle and the logo.

As long as the Temple of War exists, the logo on the star map will keep shining.

“What? Why don’t you report such an important matter immediately!” Bishop McKinley was startled in a cold sweat, and he asked.

Bishop McKinley didn’t hesitate anymore, he strode back to the hall and came to the three bishops.

“The war temple of Haida Star disappeared. It is necessary to send someone to investigate immediately. I apply to suspend the election of the archbishop!” Bishop McKinley said loudly.

His words made the three bishops stunned, then furious.

“Bishop McKinley, the election for archbishop is related to the operation of the Temple of War, Haidaxing has something to say later!” a bishop said in a deep voice.

In fact, the three bishops thought that Bishop McKinley wanted to come back, and at this time he wanted to stop the election.

At this moment, the three bishops are confident in their hearts. They have done a lot of work and mastered a lot of information. How could they stop the election?

Bishop McKinley was about to continue speaking, when a coercion appeared in the hall, and the **** of war statue in the center of the hall flashed light and shadow.

If it was the **** of war before that still had the thought of watching the show, but the war temple on Haida Xing’s side was destroyed, the war main temple did not act immediately after receiving the news, but continued to entangle power here, This made him intolerable.

In the idea of ​​the **** of war, the bishop or archbishop can have power, exclude dissidents, domineering, and have many shortcomings, but must work hard to complete the affairs of the war temple.

This is the foundation of everything. Without this, the God of War does not need such a bishop or archbishop.

All the priests and priests in the hall felt the familiar breath of the gods. Their eyes were full of enthusiasm, and they crawled down.

Bishop McKinley was also surprised. He knew his own affairs. The God of War wanted to capture Lord Arthur, and he was too close to Lord Arthur, so he thought the God of War was here to deal with him.

Bishop McKinley has a clear heart. Although he has a good relationship with Lord Arthur, he has never betrayed the interests of the Temple of War. Instead, he has gained a lot from Lord Arthur through his friendship with Lord Arthur. Benefits beneficial to the temple of war.

Otherwise, how could his power surge in the temple of war because of his relationship with Lord Arthur, it was all because of interests.

It’s just that the corresponding benefits disappeared after the war in the Temple of War. Lord Arthur’s specialties: Garmistar Red Wine,’Heart-warming Lotus Seed Soup’, etc., are no longer available to the Temple of War.

The three bishops also have a guilty conscience. The behavior of fighting for power between them is indeed a bit excessive, but they still have some luck in their hearts, because this kind of power struggle is allowed by the war temple.

Without going through this kind of power struggle, how can the new archbishop lead such a large force?

Three white beams of light appeared out of thin air and landed on the three bishops. The three bishops were swallowed up by the three white beams before they could even react.

“God’s punishment!” The appearance of the white beam of light made all the priests and priests understand the will of the **** of war.

The white beam of light is the “God Punishment” of the God of War. The souls of those killed by the “God Punishment” will be completely wiped out.

The heart of Bishop McKinley was cold. He understood that the **** of war was dissatisfied with the bishop of the temple, so he would use this method to deal with the three bishops.

He prostrated himself on the ground, waiting for the God of War to punish him. He only hoped that the God of War would not be too harsh.

On the top of Bishop McKinley’s head, a pure white energy crown appeared, and the energy crown fell on his head, and he felt the energy in his body increase crazily.

It didn’t take long for Bishop McKinley to reach the fifth-level sacrifice, but his breath quickly skipped the middle and late stages of the fifth-level sacrifice until the peak of the fifth-level sacrifice.

The pure white energy crown has not disappeared, this time the divine grace is extremely strong and continuous.

One breath, two breaths, and three breaths. Until the ten breaths, Bishop McKinley’s aura suddenly rose, and he was promoted from a fifth-level sacrifice to a legendary-rank sacrifice.

The energy of the energy crown was not completely consumed. The energy crown condensed a scepter out of thin air and fell into the hands of Bishop McKinley.

Bishop McKinley felt that the scepter in his hand was connected to his breath, as if it were part of his body. Perhaps this scepter is not as good as the scepter of the previous Archbishop Guy, but it surpasses the other scepters. .

The coercive breath also disappeared after the energy crown disappeared. The hall was quiet, and the eyes of all priests and priests looked at the figure suspended in the hall.

The thoughts of envy, respect, surrender, etc. flashed in the hearts of the priests and priests. At this time, no one would think about the other three bishops who were annihilated by the ‘divine punishment’.

In the Temple of War, only the sinners were annihilated by the ‘God’s Punishment’, and the three bishops were identified as sinners by the God of War. There will be no priests and priests who have any relationship with the three bishops.

Those who are related will be completely cleared away. This is not unfeeling, but God’s will.

“Meet Archbishop McKinley!” Almost at the same time, all the priests and priests in the hall shouted in unison.

Archbishop McKinley awoke from a huge surprise. In one day, he was promoted from a fifth-level priest to a legendary-level priest, and from a powerless bishop to the master of the temple.

He looked at the priests and priests in the hall. The priests and priests who could stand in the hall were all people with real power in the temple of war.

“Send scout knights immediately to investigate Haidaxing’s situation. I want to know what happened to Haidaxing?” The first sentence that Archbishop McKinley said was the handling of previous affairs.

In an instant, Archbishop McKinley guessed why the **** of war would be angry. You must know that for power alone, you will never use extreme methods like ‘God’s Punishment’.

Only the Haida Star War Temple really had a major event, and the three bishops did not have the slightest desire to investigate immediately, which angered the God of War.

“Yes!” the priest who has a full-time investigator answered.

As long as there is the management of the archbishop, once the superpower of the Temple of War becomes operational, its terrifying power will be fully demonstrated.

The **** of war perceives what happened in the main temple for a while, and when he sees Archbishop McKinley’s acting style, he nods with satisfaction.

“All war temples are put on alert, and any vacations are cancelled. I want all temples to have priests on duty in turn, and contact the main temple as soon as I find problems. I don’t want the war temple to disappear again. This is The shame of the temple of war!” Archbishop McKinley said in a deep voice.

Haida Star’s planet-level portal could not be connected, and immediately there was a priest mobilizing the “Starry Sky Flying Boat” to sail from the planet closest to Haida Star to Haida Star, and there would be Haida Star within two days at most. Investigation results.

After Archbishop McKinley arranged his affairs, he stood up and walked towards the archbishop’s room.

When he came to the door of the room, a priest opened the door for him, and everything inside was replaced with a new one.

However, Archbishop McKinley didn’t pay attention to this. After entering the room, he waved to the priests who followed him to leave. These priests were all personal guards of the archbishop.

After he became the archbishop, these priests automatically performed the task of protecting him.

Sitting in the room alone, Archbishop McKinley was a little dazed.

The divine grace just now, others only saw him gaining benefits. In fact, there was an order from the **** of war in the energy crown to capture Lord Arthur alive in the shortest time.

Archbishop McKinley was not considering his friendship with Lord Arthur, and these friendships were not worth mentioning before the order of the God of War.

For the sake of faith, Archbishop McKinley can give up everything, which is the opposite of the legend of Annabella.

The Annabella legend can give up everything for her own dreams, and this includes faith.

Archbishop McKinley stretched out his hand, and a ball of flame appeared in his palm. This was a magical flame, a legendary sacrificial ability.

But he knew that with the strength of his legendary-rank sacrificial rites, he would end up just like Archbishop Guy.

Know that Archbishop McKinley has just been promoted to the legendary priest, if the energy crown is not for condensing a scepter, maybe his strength can be stronger.

But no matter how hard Bishop McKinley works, there is still a huge gap between his strength and the previous Archbishop Gay.

Archbishop Guy has suffered from God’s grace many times, and he has already reached the high-ranking legendary rank, and his strength is much stronger than him.

But this is the Archbishop Guy, with a group of helpers, and when he set up a trap, he was all counter-killed by Lord Arthur. Lord Arthur was surrounded by the demigod ‘Holy Knight’.

So to deal with Lord Arthur, we can’t do it hard, we need to set up stronger traps.

Archbishop McKinley fell into thinking about how to trick Lord Arthur away from Garmistar, and how to set up a trap that Lord Arthur could not resist.

The fact that Archbishop McKinley became the archbishop of the Temple of War spread throughout the world of the gods. As the Temple of War did not have the slightest ritual, this made it impossible for all forces including the four temples to express their congratulations.

Speaker Gould was also extremely surprised that Archbishop McKinley became the archbishop, and he was also prepared, waiting for Archbishop McKinley’s request.

But the Temple of War was still as quiet as before, until two days later, an important news came from the Temple of War.

The terrifying’God of Blood’ regained consciousness and turned Haida Star into a’Blood Realm’. The Temple of War issued a temple summoning order, requiring the remaining four major temples to cooperate with the Supreme Council to deal with the people on Haida Star. The’God of Blood’ was wiped out.

Archbishop McKinley looked at the information in his hand, only feeling cold all over.

The situation of Haida Xing is very bad. The “God of Blood” uses the twelve war temples as a basis to transform Haida Xing into a “Blood Realm”.

The ‘Blood Realm’ is an extremely terrifying ability of the ‘Blood God’ back then. It uses statues and temples as an array to lay out a blood-based God-level array.

Perhaps many people don’t remember this ability of the “God of Blood”, but there are clear records in the Temple of War.

To break through the ‘Blood Realm’, the Temple of War needs to activate the war mode and gather a large number of knights to cooperate.

Archbishop McKinley did not expect that he had to deal with such troubles as soon as he took over the archbishop.

The reason why he notified the other four temples as soon as possible was because relying on the war temple alone, he was worried that even the Supreme Council would ignore the call of the war temple.

Be aware that the Temple of War was almost turned against the Supreme Council because of Lord Arthur.

Archbishop McKinley looked at this room, which belonged to the archbishop. He visited the living room and bedroom, and then came to the study.

On the tabletop of the study room, there is a book, and the cover of the book is densely covered with gods, and he can’t help but move.

He stretched out his hand and took the book, titled “Archbishop’s Record”. When his finger swept across the **** pattern, the **** pattern gleamed.

As the light flashed, the “Archbishop’s Record” opened, revealing its contents.

Archbishop McKinley looked at the “Archbishop” which records many of the archbishop’s privileges, including how to use the statue in the living room to directly contact the God of War, how to use the archbishop’s dedicated training room, how to enter and exit the treasure house, and how to enter Fragments of the public space of the five major temples and so on.

These are things that every archbishop needs to know, but this time Archbishop Guy fell unexpectedly, and no one has confessed these things to Archbishop McKinley.

However, the Temple of War naturally has a second set of inheritance methods. As early as after Archbishop McKinley became the archbishop, the full-time inheritor of the Temple of War gave this book.

Archbishop McKinley also understood what the scepter in his hand represents. This is the key to unlocking the secrets of many war temples.

The fall of Archbishop Guy is a symbol of the previous archbishop. The quasi-artifact-level scepter fell in the hands of Lord Arthur. If it were not for the intervention of the **** of war, Archbishop McKinley would have become the archbishop and could not use many archbishops. privilege.

It is completely impossible for elephants to enter the public space fragments of the five major temples, which will make the war temple lack the opportunity to communicate with the four major temples.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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