Transcendent David Chapter 1116: Alliance

The God of War did not expect that in the great world of God, someone would dare to prevent Archbishop Gay’s soul from returning to the small world.

The **** of war is extremely curious. On the one hand, how did Archbishop Guy fall, and on the other hand, what methods the other party used to prevent Archbishop Guy’s soul from returning to the small world.

We must know that Archbishop Guy is extremely strong, and coupled with the fact that he has been sitting in the temple of war all the time, it is almost impossible to encounter danger.

Even in the entire history of God’s Great World, the premature fall of the archbishop is extremely rare.

The great world of Gods has been constrained by the five gods, and the powerful generations in the early days have long disappeared. The powerful evil gods are all driven out of the main world, and most of them are in deep sleep.

Even the powerhouses above the fifth level, except for a few who were allowed by the five gods, there have been no new level five powerhouses to break through for thousands of years in the great world of gods.

With the legendary strength of Archbishop Guy, how could he be easily killed.

The **** of war is preparing to use his divine power to investigate. At this time, he received a prayer from the bishop of the temple of war. The content is about the event of the fall of Archbishop Gay.

“The’Holy Knight’ can’t live!” The **** of war couldn’t help but wonder after hearing the incident.

The demi-god ‘Holy Knight’ is the last demi-god knight of the gods in the great world, specially trained by the **** of war to deal with the rebels.

The demigod ‘Holy Knight’ was killed by the **** of death, not to mention the bones, not even the soul could return to the small world of the **** of war.

Although the **** of war cannot judge where the soul of the demigod “Holy Knight” is, he can be sure that the demigod “Holy Knight” has indeed fallen.

For such an important believer, once his life disappears, he will automatically notify the God of War.

“Arthur Luce, really capable, no wonder the’Mother Queen’ wants him so much!” said the **** of war lightly.

The previous anger disappeared. It is normal to pay some price for the “World Spar”.

Compared with the ‘world spar’, the fall of an archbishop is not a major event, just promote another archbishop.

“In the seemingly boring days, finally there is something interesting!” The God of War’s mood improved, and a rare excitement appeared in his eyes.

For a while, the **** of war gave birth to the heart of the game. The task of capturing Lord Arthur alive may be very interesting.

In fact, the God of War had certain confidence in the matter of capturing Lord Arthur alive, depending on the price paid.

If the **** of war enters the world of the gods, then he can directly come to Lord Arthur. The price of doing so is that the **** of war needs to take some risks.

The **** of war in the small world is an invincible existence. This invincibility means that no matter how great his loss in the main world, as long as the small world is still there, he can continue to appear in the main world. Every temple, in every divine envoy, shows the means of the gods.

Many powerful god-levels were dragged to death by the **** of war, so no matter when, the **** of war would not appear in the main world. That was the only weakness that could be defeated.

Because of the secret trade involved in the’world spar’, the **** of war still did not apprehend Lord Arthur, and informed the other four gods about the action of arresting Lord Arthur in his view. Maybe it will be his entertainment in his boring days.

The **** of war did not designate the archbishop of the war temple. He will not intervene in this matter. The war temple has its own way of operation, and the archbishop needs to be elected by the war temple.

Time is not an important matter to the gods. The “mother emperor” wants to live Lord Arthur, as long as Lord Arthur does not die of old age, it is a time limit for transactions.

Archbishop Guy used Lord Fred to set a trap against Lord Arthur. He was killed by Lord Arthur. Archbishop Guy fell. The demigod “Knight of the Holy Spirit” took refuge in Lord Arthur. These news did not take long. It spread among the aristocracy.

There was such a big event inside the temple that it was impossible to hide it from the priests. At that time, five fifth-level priests brought back the body of Archbishop Guy, and they saw too many priests.

The fall of Archbishop Guy, the temple of war has no leader, and the four bishops have their own powers. They don’t want to be accused of concealing the death of Archbishop Guy.

When the clergy inside the Temple of War learn about the process of Archbishop Gay’s fall, then the entire circle of nobles knows.

“Everyone, here are my friends, thank you for your trust, and come here personally!” Speaker Gould bowed in salute.

This is a meeting room of the Main Castle of the Main Star. In the meeting room, together with Speaker Gould, fifteen top noble lords sit.

And all the lords here are ontology, without using energy clones, which is very rare.

Be aware that in addition to important events convened by the temple, only the Supreme Council meeting where the speaker changes every few years will be attended by the lord body.

Fifteen top aristocratic lords meet in private. Once this kind of thing leaks out, it will definitely be a sensation in the great world of God.

“Speaker Gould, you are welcome. We are all curious about what made you call us in such a hurry?” Lord Ludwig said with a smile.

In fact, Lord Ludwig had already guessed something, but he couldn’t believe that the request he made that time was really possible.

“First of all, I want to confess one thing to everyone. I do have the legendary knight training method. This is why I can break through to the legendary level on the spot after drinking the spirit red wine.” Speaker Gould Shen Sheng announced.

His words shocked all the lord present. To be honest, every lord here has doubts about Speaker Gould’s legendary knight training method. Perhaps it is not just doubt, but affirmation.

But the significance is completely different from that of Speaker Gould’s confession. At the position of Speaker Gould, as long as he doesn’t recognize it, no one can do anything about him.

“Speaker Gould, I don’t know where this legendary knight training method comes from?” Lord Darryl asked aloud.

Lord Darryl asked this question very rudely, but he was extremely eager for the legendary knight training method, and he couldn’t care so much, especially after Speaker Gould said that he has the legendary knight training method. , And made him want to know more.

Not only Lord Darryl, the other Lords also looked at Speaker Gould with longing eyes.

“You don’t need to ask where this legendary knight training method comes from. The second thing I want to announce, as long as I promise some conditions, I can share the legendary knight training method with everyone, and I can still For the lord who agreed to the conditions, I asked lord Arthur for a glass of spiritual red wine to provide help in promotion!” Speaker Gould waved his hand and said.

“I agree!” Lord Ludwig replied first.

Lord Ludwig didn’t even ask any requirements, and his answer surprised the rest of the lord.

Why is there such a discussion? Speaker Gould shouldn’t say the conditions. The lords will see if they can agree. If there are too harsh conditions, they can also discuss.

Lord Ludwig did this. How can the other lords negotiate?

This is also the intention of Lord Ludwig. He needs to become the first Lord to take refuge in Speaker Gould. Anyway, he will agree to any conditions.

“Lord Ludwig, I will give you the legendary knight training method later, and I will also tell you some things to pay attention to when promoting. It is extremely dangerous to promote to the legendary rank. I am also in Lord Arthur. Only under the guardianship of the leader can he be promoted safely!” Speaker Gould said to Lord Ludwig with a smile.

Speaker Gould is very satisfied with Lord Ludwig’s positive attitude. Although this is something you wish, the attitude of Lord Ludwig will also make things smoother.

“Thank you Speaker Gould!” Lord Ludwig bowed and thanked him.

“Don’t worry about my harsh conditions. This is an alliance agreement. Look at the content and sign it if there are no problems. If you don’t agree, please don’t disclose what happened today. We will still be friends in the future!” Speaker Gould took out a dozen alchemy agreements from the space ring and said.

Every lord at the scene has an alchemy agreement.

Lord Ludwig first glanced at the alchemy agreement in his hand, without first looking at the content, the alchemy agreement alone could see a lot of things.

The alchemy agreement is different from the fair agreement by the **** of justice normally used by the gods, but the alchemy method used is made by the ‘alchemy master’.

Lord Ludwig looked at the content again and couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The content of the Alchemy Alliance Agreement is indeed not harsh as Speaker Gould said. Of course, it should be noted that the legendary knight training method cannot be privately passed on. The knights in the Alliance family need to submit to Speaker Gould. Only after applying for approval can the legendary knight training method be taught.

“I signed it first!” Lord Ludwig said with a smile.

He took out the fifth-grade light sword from the space ring, slashed lightly on his fingers, and then pressed the injured finger on the alchemy agreement.

After the Alchemy Agreement absorbed the blood of Lord Ludwig, the emblem of Lord Ludwig automatically appeared under the Alchemy Agreement.

At the same time, a trace of spirit also entered the alchemy agreement. The alchemy agreement had a little connection with Lord Ludwig, and he felt an extremely powerful soul.

Lord Ludwig’s face turned white. He knew that he underestimated the alchemy agreement. Although the just side of the alchemy agreement is not as good as the **** of justice, it is not comparable to him, a fifth-level Templar knight. of.

Even if Lord Ludwig was promoted to the legendary rank, he couldn’t imagine what would happen if he was battered by that great soul for betraying the agreement!

“Speaker Gould, is the binding force of this agreement too low?” Lord Darryl asked incredulously.

Lord Darryl was still thinking about the harsh conditions before, but after reading the agreement, he realized that it was not just a harsh agreement, but more like a relatively fair alliance.

Lord Daryl is even more puzzled, why is such a non-binding agreement used?

To be honest, the power of this kind of alchemy agreement is far less guaranteed than the standard agreement of the Temple of Justice. At least the standard agreement of the Temple of Justice will be certified by the God of Justice. Those who dare to abandon the agreement will be backlashed by the God of Justice.

“The binding force of this agreement is not only the alchemy agreement itself, but the alchemy patterns have limited backlash against the fifth-level Templars, not to mention that after you all become the legendary level, the backlash is even less worthwhile. Mention it!” Speaker Gould said with a smile.

Speaker Gould said here, Lord Ludwig’s face was obviously a little surprised. If Speaker Gould did not lie, then it means that Speaker Gould himself does not know that the just side of the alchemy agreement is extremely powerful.

After Speaker Gould talked about becoming a legend, all lords smiled.

Pursuing the goal of a lifetime, as long as the agreement is signed, it can be easily achieved, and they are naturally satisfied.

“Then what do you rely on to maintain the binding force of the agreement?” Lord Daryl asked.

Lord Darryl hopes that once this alliance is formed, there will be no betrayal, so that the combined power of their fifteen top nobles will be enough to affect the entire world of God.

But if the agreement does not have much binding force, and the cost of betrayal exceeds this binding force, then what is the significance of such an alliance?

“The agreement here is controlled by Lord Arthur. Once someone violates the agreement, with the spirit of the agreement, Lord Arthur is enough to make anyone pay the price of betrayal!” Speaker Gould explained with a smile Tao.

Speaker Gould also has no way. Instead of asking the Temple of Justice to help with the fair agreement, he would rather use a weaker agreement method.

Be aware that there are legendary related content in their This is a power that is not allowed in the five temples, including the temple of justice.

Speaker Gould asked Lord Arthur to make some alchemy agreements with the help of Lord Arthur’s reputation.

“Speaker Gould, are you sure that this alchemy agreement was made by Lord Arthur?” Lord Darryl felt the great soul after signing the agreement. After waiting for a while to calm his mind, he couldn’t help. Asked.

“What?” Speaker Gould didn’t understand what Lord Daryl said.

Every lord signed an agreement, and then they all showed weird meanings one by one, looking at Speaker Gould’s eyes full of inquiry.

Speaker Gould took out his own agreement. Since it is an alliance agreement, he also needs to sign an agreement to show the same relationship.

Of course, Speaker Gould is the dominant player in this alliance, and his status is naturally completely different.

Speaker Gould was horrified by the great soul he felt when signing the agreement. The familiar breath let him know that it was the soul of Lord Arthur.

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