Transcendent David Chapter 1098: Territory

If someone compares the Zerg tens of thousands of years ago with the Zerg now, they will find that the overall talent of the Zerg has improved a lot.

The nine resource stars in the territory are mined by the Zerg. Most of these resources will be given priority to the elites of the Zerg, and the rest will be allocated to the ordinary Zerg. A must to survive.

These are all known by David through the Zerg contact network of the “Golden Winged Beetle King”. The survival of the fittest is extremely obvious among the Zergs. After each Zerg is born, it will determine its life according to its own talents. fate.

The residence of the “Golden Winged Beetle King” is the only area in the entire Zerg planet without a hole. The energetic ores piled up into a small hill. This is the nest of the “Golden Winged Beetle King”.

Within ten kilometers from the nest, no zerg dared to approach.

The three nearby galaxies are the territory of the “Golden Winged Beetle King”, which is equivalent to the lord of the gods of the great world, but its people are more loyal, do not need any management at all, and will work according to instinct .

This also saves David’s troubles. He thought that before returning to the territory, he had to deal with the high-ranking zerg under him. When he really returned to the territory, he discovered that the subordinates of the zerg world, as long as the’Golden Winged Beetle King’ does not call , Will not take the initiative to come over.

The ‘Golden Winged Beetle King’ also has a fifth-level Zerg tribe, and they also have their own territories, in the realm of the ‘Golden Winged Beetle King’.

In fact, this is the real Zerg. In the Zerg world, there is very little direct communication between Zergs, and most of the time it is carried out through the Zerg contact network.

Just like David wants to issue orders to the Zerg in his own territory through the avatar of the “Golden Winged Beetle King”, he only needs to directly issue the order in the Zerg contact network, and the Zerg in the territory will act according to the command.

David manipulated the’Golden Winged Beetle King’ and sat in a pile of ore. This residence was the simplest residence he had ever lived in.

But look at the rest of the zergs. There are densely packed zergs in a hole, crowded in a small space with no self-space. This area with a radius of ten kilometers is already an excellent place to live.

When David was observing the environment, five hundred meters away from the “Golden Winged Beetle King”, the space fluctuated.

He suppressed the urge to shoot. He knew very well that the “Golden Winged Beetle King” was a demigod, and in his territory, no Zerg would dare to provoke.

A fifth-level ‘Space Beetle’ came out of the space and cautiously came to the ‘Golden Wing Beetle King’.

“My lord, please accept the resources allocated to you!” The Space Beetle lowered its body and said.

Then the ‘big beetle in space’ inspired a wormhole in space, from which a bunch of training resources were sent out.

Through the Zerg contact network, David perceives that this ‘Space Beetle’ is a subordinate of the ‘Golden Wing Beetle King’.

This is very easy to confirm. The subordinates of the “Golden Winged Beetle” can all have special labels in the Zerg contact network, and the “Golden Winged Beetle King” can issue mandatory orders to the “Space Big Beetle”.

David didn’t say anything. “Space Beetle” has long been accustomed to this work, and will automatically break the space and leave after finishing it.

The ‘Big Space Beetle’ is not a mutant zerg. Compared with the one David encountered and killed before, this ‘Big Space Beetle’ can only be regarded as an ordinary fifth-level Zerg.

But this feeling of peace with the fifth-level zerg made David extremely novel. The life and death of all the zergs in the entire territory were determined by his mind.

David looked at the resources piled on the ground. Most of them were ‘Top Kryptonite’, and there were also some ore, among which the most precious two were ‘Perfect Kryptonite’.

He felt the breath of Battle Star from the “Top Kryptonite”. The “Top Kryptonite” mined by Battle Star has more energy reserves than the rest of the “Top Kryptonite”. Star’s special environmental impact.

But think about it, the “Golden Winged Beetle King” is a demigod, and its status within the Zerg is extremely high, and it is normal to have the right to allocate battle star resources.

David suddenly thought of something, whether the “Golden Winged Beetle King” had a private possession here before.

The spirit of the’Golden Winged Beetle King’ is released. Scanning in this area seems to be because the previous’Golden Winged Beetle King’ is not worried that the Zerg will steal its private possession, and the storage location is not It’s so concealed.

David manipulated the “Golden Winged Beetle King” to fly to that location, and a huge stone slab was pulled apart, revealing the cave below.

Due to the huge body of the “Golden Winged Beetle King” to accommodate, this cave is also extremely spacious.

The collection of the “Golden Winged Beetle King” is stored according to classification, which shows that the “Gold Winged Beetle King” is very good at sorting.

The fifth-level and a small amount of legendary-level materials are piled in one place. Next to them are more than fifty “perfect-level kryptonites”. The rest are brilliant gems. It seems that the strongest Zergs are very good at brilliant gems. Interested.

David is still a bit disappointed. The collection here has little effect on David except for the “Perfect Kryptonite”.

Operating the “Golden Winged Beetle King” to close the treasure house again, David sensed the alarm message from the “Golden Winged Beetle King”‘s Zerg contact network.

This is a message sent by the patrolling Zerg in the territory of the’Golden Winged Beetle King’ that the territory has encountered an enemy invasion.

When David saw this message, he couldn’t help but stunned. A demigod-level zerg’s territory was even dared to invade.

‘Golden Winged Beetle King’ activated the talent ability of’Flapping Wings’, and the figure dashed into space, flying towards the direction where the patrol Zerg found the enemy.

While David was flying the “Golden Winged Beetle King”, the Zerg patrol network continued to return information about the extermination of the Zerg.

The talent of “Flapping Wings” is excited extremely fast. The “Golden Wing Beetle King” is known for its speed, and it quickly approaches the target position.

In space, dozens of corpses of patrolling Zerg were floating, and a legendary ‘half-length spider king’ saw the ‘golden winged beetle king’ and was obviously taken aback, then turned his head and wanted to escape.

Geographically in space, the territory of the’Golden Winged Beetle King’ is the edge area of ​​the’Golden Winged Beetle King’ territory.

The ‘Golden Winged Beetle King’ handed this territory to the demigod ‘Golden Winged Beetle King’ and also wanted the ‘Gold Wing Beetle King’ to help protect the land.

This time the ‘half-length spider’ clan received news that the owner of this territory, the ‘golden-winged beetle king’, had left the territory for several days, so the legendary ‘half-length spider king’ came over and wanted a surprise attack.

The contradiction between the’Golden Winged Beetle King’ and the’Half-length Spider King’ has been exposed, and the friction between the two territories has continued.

The demigod ‘Golden Winged Beetle King’ left the territory and was discovered by the ‘half-length spider’ clan. The ‘half-length spider’ clan had the cunningness rare in the Zerg race. They decided to take advantage of the absence of the ‘gold winged beetle king’ to attack the territory.

A raid on the Demigod Realm will deal a huge blow to the face of the “Golden Winged Beetle King”, and it will also gain resources from the Demigod Realm.

The original plan was very good. The “Golden Winged Beetle King” was to investigate the situation in the “Blade Mantis King” territory, and it would take at least dozens of days to go back and forth.

During this period, a legendary’half-length spider king’ can level the territory of the’golden-winged beetle king’. This level of battle is unlikely to attract the’golden-winged beetle king’. God level.

But the ‘half-length spider’ clan did not expect that the ‘golden-winged beetle king’, who should have been in the ‘Blade Mantis King’’s domain, had returned to the domain so early.

Although David is not proficient in manipulating the’Golden Winged Beetle King’, it is not necessary for the’Golden Winged Beetle King’ who is one level higher than the Demigod to deal with the Legendary Half-length Spider King. Fierce battle, just need to catch up.

With the acceleration of the natural ability of ‘Flapping Wings’, the ‘Golden Wing Beetle King’ uses the energy in the body to generate an air current, which completely covers the surrounding area and stimulates the ‘wind field’.

The “Half-length Spider King” only feels slow, as if it is stuck by glue, making it very difficult to move.

And the huge body of the “Golden Winged Beetle King” turned into a light and shadow in space, and came to the front of the “Half-length Spider King”.

The’half-length spider king’ suddenly ejected a bunch of spider silk. After leaving its body, the spider silk opened like a fishing net and wrapped up towards the’golden-winged beetle king’.

David has studied spider silk, and he has fought against the incarnation of the “half-length spider king”, knowing the special nature of spider silk.

‘Golden Winged Beetle King’ was in the high speed, and turned around to avoid the spider silk group’s attack. Although the spider silk group had expanded, it did not attack the’Golden Winged Beetle King’.

The’Golden Winged Beetle King’ is already far superior to the’Half-length Spider King’, and coupled with the’Half-length Spider King”s fear of demigods, the attack is a little anxious. When the’Golden Winged Beetle King’ dodges Opening the spider silk, and then approaching behind the’Half-length Spider King’, the’Half-length Spider King’ could not defend in time.

This can’t be blamed on the ‘half-length spider king’, the legendary rank encounters a demigod, and the difference in strength is too great.

The demigods are also god-level, far beyond the legendary level in the application of power, speed, and special abilities.

The realm before the demigod is all ants, and only after reaching the demigod can we truly embark on the road of **** level.

The forelegs of the’Golden Winged Beetle King’ stabbed out, and the’half-length spider king’ was pierced into the spine by the forelegs before he could react.

The planetary federation and the god-general world both have deep research on the “half-spider” family. This is related to the five-level “half-spider queen” in the battle star. The Zerg races that are more active on the battle star will receive two The attention of the world.

In particular, the Interstellar Federation used biology to analyze the structure of the “half spider” and found out various ways to deal with the “half spider”.

These methods are part of the feasibility study and have not been applied in actual combat, but David has learned this knowledge.

The blow he manipulated the’Golden Winged Beetle King’ was to destroy the body control ability of the’Half-length Spider King’. There was a gap between the back of the head and the spine.

As long as this is destroyed, the connection between the brain and the body of the “half-length spider king” can be cut off. The “half-length spider king” not only loses the ability to control the body, but also loses consciousness.

The Half-length Spider King is not dead, it is in a deep coma.

It’s not that David couldn’t bear it, but that he wanted the soul of this “half-length spider king”. The legendary soul clone is still very attractive.

Holding the worm body of the Half-length Spider King, the Golden Winged Beetle King returned to his residence, and the victory of the Golden Winged Beetle King over the invader spread through the Zerg contact network.

At first, it was only spread within the territory of the “Golden Winged Beetle King”, but it was soon known by the “Golden Wing Beetle King”.

The conflict between the ‘Golden Winged Beetle King’ and the ‘Half-length Spider King’ between the two Zerg god-level territories has always been the ‘Golden Winged Beetle King’s disadvantage.

It’s no wonder that the ‘Half-length Spider King’ is better at planning. Although the planning is not very detailed, it is already very rare in the Zerg world.

The ‘half-length spider’ clan decides and then moves. Naturally, the ‘golden-winged beetle’ clan is very passive and often suffers a lot from it.

This time the’Golden Winged Beetle King’ solved the surprise attack of the’Half Spider’ and successfully killed the legendary’Half Spider King’, which gave the’Golden Winged Beetle King’ a lot of face and naturally got the’Golden Winged Beetle King’ Winged beetle king’s attention.

“You did a very good job. I will reward you with a galactic territory!” The attention of the’Golden Winged Beetle King’ is very direct.

David used the Zerg contact network of the “Golden Winged Beetle King” to express the gratitude of the “Golden Winged Beetle King”. At this time, he also discovered that there were more Zergs directly ordered in the Zerg contact network.

A coordinate was sent That galaxy is the reward of the “Golden Wing Beetle King”.

David took a look, and the galaxy was right next to the territory, and it was also the border of the’Golden Winged Beetle King’ territory. It seemed that the’Gold Wing Beetle King’ wanted him to protect more areas.

Fortunately, there is no need to accept this kind of territory. After the “Golden Winged Beetle King” issues an order, all Zerg management rights in the new galaxy will automatically be under the name of the “Gold Wing Beetle King”. You can give orders.

As for the management of the galaxy, there is no need for the “Golden Winged Beetle King” to worry about it.

All Zerg planets have their own operating modes, and each Zerg has its own division of labor, which perfectly controls the development of Zerg planets.

“In due course, you can make some counterattacks to make the’half spider’ clan suffer some losses!” The’Golden Winged Beetle King’ did not force an order, but spoke on the Zerg contact network with a deliberate tone.

“Yes!” The response from’Golden Winged Beetle King’ was very short. David didn’t know which attitude he should use to reply to’Golden Winged Beetle King’, so he could only reply as short as possible.

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