Transcendent David Chapter 1094: End

The legendary ‘Purple Flame Beetle King’ spewed out a flame, encircling the battle formation of eleven fifth-level Templar knights.

The shield of bloodline power on the periphery of the knight’s battle formation was completely destroyed after only one breath of resistance. At this time, it was revealed that the eleven fifth-level Templars had different strengths.

The weaker Templars were first wrapped in flames and turned into ashes in the screams. The stronger Templars could hold on for longer, but the result was the same.

Even Level 5 armors and weapons have been transformed by the flames, and they are no longer what they were before.

In fact, if Lord Lucian does not run away, but instead fights the “Purple Flame Beetle King” with all his strength, he will not be killed in such a short time.

The energy-type attack of the Zerg, as long as the distance is closer, part of the power of the energy-type attack can be limited.

Of course, no matter how you resist, you will still die, but sooner or later.

The rest of the Zerg also arrived, and they flew over the space gate.

At this time, the base built around the space gate has disappeared, leaving a huge hole tens of meters deep on the ground.

The space door was not affected by the explosion. If such an explosion could affect the space door, the space door would have been destroyed long ago, and it would not remain as it is now.

Several legendary zergs are discussing how to dispose of this space door, they did not dare to pass through the space door rashly.

The great world of God is not a persimmon, it is also a world with the existence of gods.

The “Purple Flame Beetle King” rushed over, and it killed eleven Templar knights at once. This record made it a little bit proud.

‘Purple Flame Beetle King’ looked at the space door, and its self-confidence was bursting at this time.

“I’ll check it out!”‘Purple Flame Beetle King’ said to the other Legendary Zerg.

The other legendary zergs will naturally not persuade them. The ‘Purple Flame Beetle King’ takes the initiative to take risks, which saves them trouble.

The size of the space gate naturally cannot allow the huge body of the “Purple Flame Beetle King” to pass through, and it can only penetrate a part of the body.

Such an investigation, under normal circumstances, the loss is only the loss of a part of the body, and the danger is limited.

The’Purple Flame Beetle King’ is not a fool either. It wants to do meritorious service, but it is not seeking death.

The eleven human Templars are the first credits of the “Purple Flame Beetle King”, and the credit of exploring the space gate is enough to make it attract the attention of the “Mother Queen”.

This is also the most promising opportunity for the “Purple Flame Beetle King” to come into contact with the “Mother Queen”, and it is worth the risk to take this opportunity.

The “Purple Flame Beetle King” flew to the space gate, it hesitated slightly, and chose the left forelimb, focusing on the left forelimb.

The left forelimb stretched out toward the space door, and a ball of flame wrapped the left forelimb to protect the left forelimb.

On the other side, Speaker Gould saw the Federation Lieutenant General and all the Federation soldiers.

“Speaker Gould, the base of the Lander Planet has been lost. I’m very sorry. We have not been able to notify the twelve Templars, and their communication devices have been unable to connect!” Salute.

The cooperation between the two parties is based on the divine world. The space gate is in the divine world, and the battle power to enter the Zerg world is also centered on the divine world.

“What’s the situation with’Lander Planet’? I need a complete report!” Speaker Gould said in a deep voice.

“There are about 30 fifth-level zergs, and five of them are suspected to be more than fifth-level zergs. Due to the speed, we can only self-destruct the base and evacuate! Regarding the complete report, I will sort it out and hand it to you. !” The Lieutenant General replied.

“You didn’t have a problem doing this. I blame this. Lord Lucian is a little arrogant. I should talk to him as soon as possible. I didn’t expect…” Speaker Gould said with a sad face.

“You can’t be blamed for this. Lord Lucian asked to go. All of us know that the Lander Planet is dangerous. This kind of thing is unpredictable!” The Templar persuaded.

Everyone, including the Interstellar Federation and God’s Great World, did not suspect that Speaker Gould specially arranged this matter.

Because it is impossible for Speaker Gould to predict the arrival of the Zerg in advance, it is impossible to arrange Lord Lucian to die.

Especially to go to the ‘lander planet’ to perform the garrison mission was requested by Lord Lucian on his own initiative. At the meeting of the Supreme Council, Lord Lucian made the request in front of all the members.

Just as Speaker Gould wanted to say something, the space gate suddenly fluctuated, and then a huge leg tens of meters long passed through.

The flames that make the soul tremble are burning on the feet and limbs, and even the Templars will feel the threat of death after seeing the flames.

The five huge temples flashed light at the same time, probably because the strength of the “Purple Flame Beetle King” is not enough for the gods to take action. The five temples did not call out the gods, but simply rely on the temples. Array.

The “Purple Flame Beetle King” observed the situation on the other side of the space gate through its own spirit. When it saw the five huge temples, it was shocked and quickly wanted to retract its left front limb.

But it was too late, and a white light appeared on the left forelimb. This white light ignored the flame on the left forelimb and fixed its left forelimb.

Then a terrifying force came from the left forelimb. The huge force was so strong that Zerg legends like the “Purple Flame Beetle King” could not resist.

This huge force comes from the magic circle composed of five huge temples. The huge force gathered through the power of faith can almost reach the power close to the gods.

Don’t say it’s a legend like the “Purple Flame Beetle King”, even a demigod can’t easily get rid of the confinement of the circle.

The’Purple Flame Beetle King’ struggled frantically, trying to get rid of the confinement from the left front limb.

But the power coming from the left forelimb has not only not diminished because of its struggle, but has become stronger and stronger.

A ‘click’, the sound coming from the intersection of the ‘Purple Flame Beetle King’’s body and the periphery of the space door.

That was the sound of the legendary rank’s shell being forcibly squeezed and cracked. Because the left foreleg was forcibly pulled to this side, the part of the’Purple Flame Beetle King’ shell that was in contact with the space door began to crack.

The ‘Purple Flame Beetle King’ wanted to disconnect the left forelimb from the worm’s body, but the huge force was so strange that the left forelimb was tightly connected to the worm’s body.

‘Kaka’, amid the continuous cracking sound, the shell of the’Purple Flame Beetle King’ appeared obviously concave.

The “Purple Flame Beetle King” understands, this is to force its body through the space door.

Just think about the consequences if its 100-meter-high body was forced through a 20-meter-high space door.

You don’t have to think about being pulled over to face the consequences of the enemy, just say what kind of damage its insect body will be in the process of being pulled over.

“Help me!” The’Purple Flame Beetle King’ had no choice but to ask for help from the legendary zerg on the side.

Two legendary zergs stepped forward and grabbed the body of the’Purple Flame Beetle King’, but no matter how hard they used, they couldn’t stop the pulling force on the other side.

The pulling speed was not fast, but it was very even, and the body of the “Purple Flame Beetle King” was pulled over little by little.

Green insect blood flowed from the broken part of the insect shell, making the zerg onlookers feel chills.

What kind of power is needed to drag the legendary ‘Purple Flame Beetle King’ into this without the slightest resistance.

The five huge temples are actually five weapons of war, motivated by the power of faith.

The “Purple Flame Beetle King” is equivalent to fighting against five powerful gods at the same time. The consequences can be imagined.

It took ten minutes for the “Purple Flame Beetle King” to be pulled over. It kept screaming, and the Zerg next to it could not stop its destiny no matter what methods they used.

All Zerg understand that there can only be gods on the other side, and only gods can have such power.

On the side of God’s Great World, Speaker Gould and the soldiers of the Interstellar Federation saw the tragic situation of the “Purple Flame Beetle King” being pulled over at close range.

Speaker Gould’s eyes were erratic. At present, there is an emotion within the Templar, a yearning for the strength after the fifth level.

In the past, although there were rumors of the realm above the fifth level in the great world of gods, these rumors were only circulated among a handful of top nobles.

Since the Zerg World invaded the Divine Great World, the Legendary Zerg appeared in front of everyone for the first time, so that the Templars of the Divine Great World knew that after the fifth level, they were Legendary.

Especially the appearance of the demigod ‘Holy Knight’, let the Templars who belong to the great world understand that knights can become stronger demigods.

In the hearts of many Templar knights, dissatisfaction with the temple has begun to brew.

The reason why the Templars cannot be promoted to Legend is attributed to the temple.

The fact is also true. The temple blocked too much news, concealing almost all the legendary information, until the appearance of the legendary zerg and the demigod ‘Holy Knight’, so that the temple could no longer hide it.

The ‘Purple Flame Beetle King’ in front of me is the Legendary Rank. The ‘Purple Flame Beetle King’ of the Legend Rank is easily imprisoned by the temple, which shows that the Temple is capable of dealing with the Legend Rank.

Even if the temple is capable of dealing with the legendary rank, it does not want the knight to be promoted to the legendary rank, which makes Speaker Gould extremely unhappy.

Since receiving the “Black Dragon Breathing Method” from Lord Arthur, Speaker Gould’s realm has been loosened, and it will not be long for him to be promoted to the legendary rank.

The reason why Speaker Gould sacrificed Lord Lucian who opposed him was because he wanted more power.

The Great World of Gods is managed by the Supreme Council, and the Supreme Council is restricted by the Temple, but to some extent, the Supreme Council has been resisting the suppression of the Temple.

The nobles continue to infiltrate people into the temple, which is a kind of resistance. The nobles do not want power to be restricted by the temple, they want greater power.

In order to protect himself, Speaker Gould must strengthen this confrontation. He needs the Supreme Council to be on his side, so that after he is promoted to Legend, the Supreme Council can protect him.

The’Purple Flame Beetle King’ was dragged through the space door a little bit, and then the shells of the whole body were twisted by the white light.

The legendary ‘Purple Flame Beetle King’ just died so unclearly, there was not even a trace of resistance.

The white light disappeared, and the five huge temples returned to normal, leaving behind a pile of broken corpses in the square in front of the space door.

A group of priests walked out of the temple, and they excitedly stepped forward to pick up the debris on the ground, and there were also some priests who intentionally blocked the periphery to prevent anyone from approaching.

“Bishop McKinley, how to dispose of these materials? Will they appear in the battle exploits?” Speaker Gould asked the bishop McKinley who was commanding.

“These materials belong to the great gods and will be returned to the gods through sacrifices!” Bishop McKinley replied in a deep voice.

“Can these great gods of material also be fancy?” Speaker Gould approached and said.

“Speaker Gould, don’t embarrass me, the archbishop has confessed that these materials must be recycled!” Bishop McKinley explained quietly while standing in front of Speaker Gould.

Speaker Gould nodded, but he said nothing.

He did this to show the other Templar knights the attitude of the temple.

It will take some time for the huge corpse to be processed. When the dark golden claws and teeth were put away, every Templar watching was deeply dissatisfied.

This kind of dissatisfaction is not just for the corpse of the “Purple Flame Beetle King”, it is the deceit of the temple all the time.

“Speaker Gould, I need to report the situation here immediately to the Federal Headquarters, and I will leave first!” After seeing the last piece of material being put away, the Federation Lieutenant said goodbye to Speaker Gould.

“There may be hope of reopening the space gate in the future, and hope that there will be opportunities for cooperation!” Speaker Gould nodded and said.

The Federation Lieutenant General and the rest of the people here thought that this was Speaker Gould’s scene, but only Speaker Gould knew that this was his true thought.

The temple may have a way to invade the Zerg world, but Speaker Gould did not have much hope for the temple.

Judging from the handling of the space gate controlled by the temple this time, the five major temples did not intend to invade the Zerg but took a defensive position.

President Gould is thinking of Lord Arthur. Lord Arthur can know the actions of the Zerg on the’lander planet’ in advance, and there may be a way to reopen the space door.

Of course, if David knew what Speaker Gould thought, he would definitely reject Speaker Gould directly.

As long as there is a temple here, it is impossible for David to appear here.

There are too many secrets in David. He can’t get too close to the temple. Once he is watched by the gods, he will be in big trouble.

The opposite of the space gate has lost its value, and the defense here is completed by the temple. The knights originally arranged here do not need to stay.

After the fall of the Lander Planet, the entire war was truly over. The knights returned to their families one by one, and the corresponding war rewards began to be honored.

Speaker Gould did not relax because of the end of the war. A lot of military exploits need to be verified, and some war compensations will also be issued.

(End of this chapter)

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