Transcendent David Chapter 1051: Back

After Grand Marshal Andre ordered the production of twelve four-level weapons with alchemy patterns, the hearts of the other generals also began to move.

The self-produced alchemy-patterned weapons have become a reality, and the Star Federation has the ability to manufacture alchemical-patterned weapons, which means that the entire federation’s advanced combat power will be fully replaced.

The generals were still somewhat reserved and did not immediately change their attitude towards David.

After Marshal Andre and the generals left the Alto Arms booth, the crowd almost filled the booth.

After hearing the explanation from the Alto Arms Service staff and knowing the output of Alto Arms’s alchemy pattern weapons, these people all understood that this was a big deal.

In a short period of time, various news spread from Planet One. From all over the Interstellar Federation, representatives of various forces set off for Origin Star.

If the samples on the booth weren’t for Alto Arms made it clear that they would not be sold, they would have been snapped up by the crazy crowd a long time ago.

Many transcendents looked at the wall with twenty third-grade alchemy patterned weapons, and their eyes were full of greed. If Planet One was not under the jurisdiction of the military, they would not be able to grab something here. If you leave, the transcendents will have the urge to rob.

In fact, there is no need to worry about extraordinary shots. The security here is maintained by a level four sky knight, and no one can **** anything from him.

“Minister Dalton, after purchasing weapons with alchemy patterns, I should give priority to my legion!” After leaving the Alto Arms booth, Admiral Charlie deliberately approached Minister Dalton, smiling softly Said.

The other deputy commanders saw that General Charlie acted first, and couldn’t help but feel a little upset that they didn’t make this request to Minister Dalton first, so that the alchemy patterned weapons could also be allocated first.

“Admiral Charlie, I can only make a distribution plan. Whether I am eligible to participate in the distribution is not my final say!” Minister Dalton waved his hand.

Admiral Charlie was taken aback, then turned to look at Marshal Andre.

“Grand Marshal, my two legions are stationed at the forefront of the battle stars, do you see if this alchemy pattern weapon is given priority to us!” Before Admiral Charlie spoke, Huo, who is also the deputy commander General Sang pleaded with Marshal Andre.

“You have found the wrong person. I have not asked about the procurement of the alchemy patterned weapon. Minister Dalton also reported it to me after reaching an agreement with Alto Arms. If you want to be eligible for distribution, Go find Alto Arms!” Marshal André said with a smile and shook his head.

Admiral David’s recent encounter with the Federal Headquarters and Marshal Andre knows too. Although Admiral David’s actions are too aggressive and his attacks on the enemy are too cruel, he is still the last General David. Marshal Andre’s people, a group of veteran deputy commanders estranged from the generals and isolated General David, made General Andre also very uncomfortable.

Marshal Andre also feels that Admiral David has performed very well recently. He has no power, no intrigue, and does not care about being isolated.

In this case, it is still considered by the Interstellar Federation to complete the mass production of replicating alchemy patterns, which has plagued many generations of researchers.

General Marshal André has his own intelligence channels. According to what he knows, Professor Gaskell has made breakthroughs in the technique of copying alchemy patterns very early, and Professor Gaskell has always wanted to make this Technology is transformed into actual products.

But there is a big gap between Professor Gaskell’s theory and reality. Everyone who understands this research thinks that this is a whimsical research, and it has no value.

General Marshal Andre was also very surprised after receiving Minister Dalton’s report. After intelligence analysis, he came to a conclusion.

Admiral David used his relationship with the divine world, and through the research results of Professor Gaskell, asked the “alchemist master” of the divine world to perfect the technique of copying alchemy patterns, making it now possible Perfect technology for mass production.

It is unknown what kind of contribution Admiral David himself made, but it is enough to do this.

So when Minister Dalton said that General David requested the right to determine the distribution of weapons with alchemy patterns within the military, General Marshal Andre agreed. Originally, the distribution of such sensitive weapons was controlled by Andre. The Grand Marshal decides.

Admiral David has the right to distribute weapons with alchemy patterns, and he can establish his own personal connections within the Federal Command and will not continue to be isolated.

Anyway, the alchemy-patterned weapons are to enhance the combat power of the Federation. If it is not for Admiral David who does not want to be honored in this matter, Marshal Andre wants to award it to David. Put a research medal.

General Hawthorne, General Charlie and other generals looked at each other. What is called Alto Arms? Isn’t the so-called Alto Arms a branch of the Alto Fund?

Who belongs to the Alto Fund?

The generals turned their gazes to Admiral David, who had been silent, and they realized that they had underestimated him.

“Admiral Francis is back, back to the Federation Headquarters!” General Marshal Andre received the report from the Adjutant Jikir and said with a smile.

I came to participate in the Federal Equipment Exhibition this time for Alto Arms. Marshal Andre came here specially to see the display of weapons with alchemy patterns that changed the combat power of the Federation.

“Notify all officers above the lieutenant general of the Federal Command to gather at the Federal Command Plaza before four o’clock. I need to give Admiral Francis the warmest welcome ceremony!” Marshal André glanced at the identity bracelet At the time, ordered to Adjutant Jikir.

Sit back to the small battleship again, David suddenly found that he was surrounded by several deputy commanders, and occasionally looked for awkward conversations.

No one around him wanted to approach before, and the enthusiasm of the generals made him unacceptable for a while.

“Admiral David, take a look at this batch of warship information, and select the ones you like. I will help you deal with the follow-up matters!” Minister Dalton smiled at this time and said.

David remembered that it was Marshal Andre’s arrangement, so he checked it out.

“Why are there battleships in this document?” David turned to the first page and found that it was wrong, then asked.

Battleships are the most powerful and most powerful battleships in the federal space battleship system besides aircraft carriers. There are not too many battleships in any space fleet.

Because battleships are extremely expensive to build, they are generally used as flagships in a medium-sized fleet, which means that there is a ratio of one battleship in a thousand battleships.

Like battleships will not be the choice of the admiral’s direct fleet. First, it is unnecessary, and second, the military budget does not allow such consumption.

“This is Duopu Arms, Muya Consortium, Liman Consortium, Luner Consortium, and Aomei Consortium. They heard that you plan to buy warships as direct warships. They each took out two battleships and sold them to You.” Minister Dalton said with a smile.

“If you wait a few more days, I don’t think it will be a problem to replace all of your 200 direct fleets with battleships!” Admiral Hawthorne said jokingly from the side.

Of course, Admiral Hawthorne didn’t mean to ridicule at all, but tried to make jokes that he knew well with David and among his friends.

Although this is a joke, it is almost the case.

This is also the fact that Alto Arms can mass produce weapons with alchemy patterns. As soon as it spread out, five forces immediately responded.

The so-called friendly price means half-selling and half-free.

David saw that the price of the battleship was even lower than the price of some frigates.

“Wait then, Grand Marshal, if I really get two hundred battleships, you can count on your words and provide me with the crew!” David smiled and clapped his hands.

David was moved by the words of General Hawthorne.

He didn’t want to take advantage of others, but a direct fleet composed of two hundred battleships, whose attack power was considered useful to him.

Otherwise, this direct fleet is just like a fake, and if something goes wrong, it is not as convenient as David himself.

David has too many credit points, so many that he doesn’t know how to use it. Although the total value of the two hundred battleships is an astronomical figure, he really hasn’t taken it seriously.

“Haha, even if you get an aircraft carrier, what I promised will be done!” Marshal Andre said with a smile.

“If the Grand Marshal doesn’t help you solve the crew problem, just come to me. I also have a group of experienced crew members!” Admiral Charlie answered at this time.

The atmosphere in the small battleship became extremely harmonious. No one would have thought that David had almost no friends in the same battleship when he came.

Amidst the laughter, the small battleship returned to the Federal Command. The generals greeted David before leaving.

David also needs to change into his uniform to attend the welcome ceremony of Admiral Francis.

“Admiral, there are fifty-three people here who want to make an appointment with you. What do you think?” As soon as David returned to the office, Adjutant Cyril greeted him and reported.

Adjutant Cyril was in a completely dazed state at this time. Admiral David was not taken seriously in the Federal Command, and he did not even have any real power.

His adjutant has also been greatly affected. In the Federal Command, his former friends have lost contact.

But just today, every news came like crazy. None of these fifty-three people has a simple identity. There are representatives of large consortia, powerful transcendents, and high-ranking officials from Star Territory. , There are also senior military officers.

Almost the top forces in the entire Interstellar Federation sent an application for an interview at the same moment.

Admiral David himself has few friends, and even fewer people can contact his identity bracelet, so Adjutant Cyril is the only way to contact Admiral David.

This is still to contact Admiral David. What Adjutant Cyril did not say is that people he knew or were not familiar with before also sent news at this time, hoping to meet him.

Adjutant Cyril, a marginal adjutant who has not been cared for, has become a hot spot at this time.

“Tweet it all, if anyone wants to see me in the future, it’s the same thing!” David waved and said without thinking.

“Will this offend people?” Adjutant Cyril asked worriedly.

“Offend people? They dare not!” David said with a smile, shaking his head.

David changed into a military uniform, and saw that the time was almost up, and left his office.

“Admiral David!”

Along the way, every officer encountered kindly greeted David.

When David came to the square, there were already more than fifty generals. He didn’t know that there were so many generals above lieutenant generals in the Federal Command.

“Admiral David, come here!” Grand Marshal Andre in front of him saw David and smiled and waved.

When David walked over, the generals along the way smiled and made way for him, as if in a day, he became the most popular person in the federal command.

“You fought with Admiral Francis, this time you are by my side to welcome Admiral Francis back!” Marshal Andre pointed to his side and said.

David stood among several deputy commanders. This position was very conspicuous, but there was no general opinion.

In the sky, a landing ship appeared and quickly landed in the square.

Admiral Francis walked off the landing ship first, followed by his six generals.

“Your Excellency Grand Marshal, Francis has completed the mission of defending the great world of the gods, and report to you!” Admiral Francis saluted extremely excitedly when he saw such a large-scale welcome ceremony.

“Admiral Francis, the Interstellar Federation thank you. After completing the defensive mission, you have shown the power of the Interstellar Federation to the divine world. This is very important for future communication with the divine world. Meaning, your work was done very well!” Grand Marshal Andre exclaimed after returning the gift.

Marshal André here refers to the fact that Admiral Francis ordered the use of doomsday weapons. It is precisely because of Admiral Francis’s decisive decision that the Zerg god-level will be severely wounded.

The significance of this is not only to severely wound the Zerg God-level, but also to let the God-owned world know that the Interstellar Federation has the ability to fight against the God-level ~ The federal military is too far away from the last use of doomsday weapons After a long time, many people thought it was just a legend. Admiral Francis used practical actions to make people in both worlds re-recognize the weapons of doom.

“Welcome back!” The deputy commanders beside General Marshal Andre smiled to Admiral Francis.

Admiral Francis responded one by one, and when he saw David, his face showed a sincere smile.

“Admiral David, I wish you could take part in the counterattack against the Zerg World. Fortunately, we have successfully established a base in the Zerg World!” Admiral Francis said in a slightly accusing tone.

He didn’t really blame David. David didn’t take part in the Zerg world’s counterattack. There must be his own reasons.

Admiral Francis would not think that David is a person who is greedy for life and fear of death. He has fought with David, and the relationship has reached the point where he can talk freely.

“Admiral Francis, Admiral David has more important things in the Federation. He has no time to participate in the counterattack against the Zerg world!” David did not speak, and Admiral Charlie explained to David.

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