Transcendent David Chapter 1016: Talk

David came to the warehouse. Because of the loss of the management of the cube super-intelligent system, the closed door of the warehouse became useless.

He opened the door of the warehouse and walked in. Rows of shelves in the huge warehouse were filled with various materials, with the names of materials in front of them.

Some materials that need to be preserved in a special environment are also stored in corresponding ways such as refrigeration, sealing, and water immersion.

When David saw these materials, his eyes were shining. It was too comprehensive.

The three super consortiums spared no effort for thousands of years of help, as well as the “Eternal Life Institute”‘s own material acquisition channels, so that the “Eternal Life Institute” stores the most comprehensive materials.

When David arrived, it was the time when the ‘Eternal Life Institute’ had the most materials, and all the materials from the five divisions were transferred here.

David’s spirit swept through the materials, and all the materials here were collected into the space pendant.

He does not need to consider the storage conditions of the materials, anyway, all the objects in the space pendant are in a static state.

The warehouse is very large and David is very interested, so he collects the materials here while walking. When encountering some extremely rare materials, he will stop and check.

Walking through the warehouse and inside, he saw a safety door made of third-grade materials.

This safety door has its own set of safety systems, and it is still locked at this time.

David stepped out, inspiring his talent for ‘Space Advance’, and went directly into the insurance room behind the insurance door.

There is no air in the safe room, the ground is densely covered with contact alarm devices, and the isolation patterns are drawn on the walls, which shows the importance of the Immortal Research Institute.

David did not touch the ground. He was suspended in the air, looking at the transparent cultivation tank in the center of the room.

The center of the transparent culture tank is a small piece of tissue, and many thin wires are connected to the tissue.

David carefully came to the transparent culture tank and watched the small piece of tissue inside. He had seen the introduction about it from the cube super intelligent system.

The small piece of tissue is the last remaining body tissue of the **** back then. The “Institute of Immortality” uses federal biotechnology to use energy and special nutritional formulas to allow small pieces of **** body tissue to reproduce by itself.

This is also the source of the raw material for the “Institute of Immortality” to replicate the five David clones. Originally, according to the amount of the divine remnants obtained by the “Institute of Immortality”, after countless studies, it was long enough for a clone .

However, the “Eternal Life Institute” has successfully cultivated the remaining body tissues of the gods and increased the body tissues.

However, the body tissue of the gods accumulated over thousands of years has been almost completely consumed after this time the creation of David clones.

The small pieces of tissue here want to increase, and it takes a long time for each gram to be cultivated.

David carefully put the entire cultivation tank, as well as the energy supply system, into the “artifact space card”. This technology is also the most top-notch. It is estimated that the Federation studies the gods and achieved results, except for the “Eternal Life Institute” ‘Besides, I am afraid that there are no more research institutions.

This divine body organization has no effect on David, but in the future, this technique can be used to find a better way to form the divine body.

Of course, David was not prepared to produce the body tissues of gods like the “Institute of Immortality”, because he had seen the nutritional formula, unless he lost the basic morality, he would not use this method to cultivate Divine body organized.

David thinks he is not a good person, but he will not destroy the principle of being a person.

He looked at the last item in the safe, which was a broken armor.

The reason why this broken armor is placed here is because this broken armor belongs to the god, and was collected with the divine weapon ‘Knight’s Sword’.

But the armor is really broken, and it only retains its general form. A huge hole in the center of the armor and multiple small holes around it shows how terrifying the attack on the gods was at that time.

David stretched out his hand and recruited the broken armor. He was a little surprised that this armor was definitely an artifact from the material point of view, but why it has gone through such a long time and has not repaired itself.

The biggest feature of artifacts is self-repairing. To make artifacts, the gods need to prepare the divine materials for making the artifacts. After being molded, this divine material will have a strong memory. As long as the artifact is damaged, it will slowly absorb The energy repairs itself.

This self-repair also depends on the degree of damage, some time is longer, some time is shorter.

But the artifact in front of him showed no signs of repair at all, which made David a little curious.

His spirit scanned the broken armor, and immediately he showed a strange look.

Because David saw some marks on the broken armor, and these marks seemed to be a part of the broken armor without the interior.

He is very familiar with these traces, and with a wave of his hand, there is a ‘special power enhancement device’ in his hand.

This was obtained by David from the Dean of the Federal Research Institute Constable. At the time, this’special power boosting device’ increased his power by more than ten times and provided him with extremely strong power. Increase.

But as his strength increased, this’special power enhancement device’ slowly lost its function. If he hadn’t seen the traces on the broken armor, he would have forgotten the existence of the’special power enhancement device’ .

He placed the ‘Special Strength Lifting Device’ inside the broken armor, overlapping the traces there.

With a ‘click’, the ‘Special Strength Boosting Device’ and the broken armor were combined into one, and David was also happy, knowing that his guess was correct.

The reason why this broken artifact armor did not repair itself is because it is missing a part.

Perhaps in that battle, the armor of the artifact was divided into two when the **** fell, one part was the broken armor, and the other part was the ‘special power enhancement device’.

The Interstellar Federation has developed an ‘exoskeleton armor’ based on the ‘special power enhancement device’, which has greatly enhanced the individual’s combat effectiveness of the Federation.

Now, David brings the ‘special power boosting device’ to the broken armor and merges the two into one, turning the broken armor into a complete artifact armor.

Weird waves are emitted from the armor of the artifact, external energy is absorbed, and a faint light appears on the armor of the artifact.

It’s just that the energy in the Star Federation is too thin, and the process of repairing the artifact armor is extremely slow, and it is almost impossible to detect the artifact armor being repaired by the naked eye.

David took the magical armor and was inspired by the’Space Rush’. After many spatial movements, he came to the energy supply center of the’Eternal Life Institute’. There are several sets of krypton engines, The energy is excited to supply the consumption of the “Eternal Life Institute”.

He put the armor of the artifact on the krypton engine, allowing it to absorb the energy generated in the krypton engine.

The light on the armor of the artifact is a bit dazzling this time, and the energy in the krypton crystal engine is greatly lost, which makes the krypton crystal engine increase the energy production.

The armor of the artifact was quickly repaired, and after dozens of minutes, a complete knight armor appeared before David’s eyes.

The same David put his spirit into the armor of the artifact, and he recognized the master. After acknowledging the master, he received the name of the armor of the artifact ‘Knight Armor’.

The ‘artifact knight’s battle armor’ is an artifact that focuses on defense. In addition to the same changeable shape and size, its main function is solidity. Without the support of divine power, it can achieve demi-god defense.

Once there is the support of the divine power, the defensive power of the ‘artifact knight’s battle armor’ can be regarded as a good armor among the gods.

David’s heart moved, and the ‘artifact knight’s armor’ appeared on his body, and its appearance turned into a federal uniform.

It is estimated that anyone who sees this type of federal uniform will not think of knight armor, let alone ‘artifact knight’s armor’.

David didn’t expect that the gains from coming to the “Eternal Life Institute” would be so great. The two artifacts made him even need to consider the issue of equipment even to reach the **** level.

He glanced at the identity bracelet and found that it was the time he set to leave.

David summoned the’Silver Pterodactyl’, and the’Silver Pterodactyl’ used the’stealth’ talent ability, silently, and took him away from the’Eternal Life Institute’.

It wasn’t until a few days later that someone discovered that the “Institute of Immortality” was full of corpses, and the contents inside were evacuated.

After leaving the planet where the “Institute of Immortality” is located, David took out his destroyer, which was a vehicle equipped for him by the military.

At this moment, he no longer needs to hide himself. When this destroyer representing his identity approached the space portal, the military knew his location.

Through the space portal, the destroyer came to the military space portal near the origin star, which was already very close to the origin star.

The military space portal seems to have received the news of the arrival of General David. When the destroyer appeared, all the warships in the fleet stationed here turned on signal lights. This is a very grand welcome specification.

David manipulated Kitts’ advanced combat intelligence to respond to the signal lights and thanked the fleet for the welcome.

It’s only a few hours from here to Origin Star. Of course, the military space portal is not accessible to anyone, and it must be used with the permission of the Federal Command.

This is also the reason why David wants to use the military destroyer. Only this destroyer has the authority to use the military space portal. Those warships without identification will be destroyed as soon as they appear.

Under the protection of two military warships, the destroyer flew towards Origin Star. It is better to say that it is protection than to be accompanied. It may have a surveillance function, but no matter what it is, there is no malice.

The destroyer stopped at the spaceport. David changed to a military landing ship in the spaceport and descended towards the Origin Star.

This time, the landing ship dedicated to the Federal Headquarters came to pick him up. After multiple identification verifications, the landing ship stopped at the Federal Headquarters airport.

David stepped off the landing ship, and the first thing he saw was Adjutant Jikir.

“General David, the Generalissimo has stopped other work and is waiting for you!” Adjutant Jikir came forward and saluted.

“Adjutant Jikir, please take me over!” David smiled back.

David walked in the Federal Headquarters, wherever he passed, every soldier, regardless of his rank, saluted him, and his eyes showed admiration.

There are many legends about General David, but his recent actions have greatly increased his reputation. One person destroyed the three super consortia. This kind of strength made the rest of the Union soldiers proud.

Especially because of General Marshal Andre’s order, David is equal to the direct subordinate of General Andre, and David is also considered a soldier of the Federal Command, which makes the soldiers of the Federal Command even more proud.

In this atmosphere, David walked into the General Marshal’s office.

General Marshal Andre looked at David as he walked into the office, a look of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

This is his most powerful subordinate, and the most uncontrollable subordinate.

Unmatched combat power is like a sharp sword. It can stab the enemy when used, and will hurt yourself if you are not careful.

“Sit down!” Marshal Andre waved.

After David thanked him, he sat down, and Adjutant Jikir gave tea and exited.

“David, this conversation is not a formal conversation, I want to ask you what you think?” General André said aloud after hesitating.

“Grand Marshal, please speak!” David said with a smile looking at Marshal Andre.

He knew that his actions worried Marshal Andre, and the strength he showed would make anyone in power uneasy.

The Federation is a world where the highest combat power is extraordinary. A person who can easily destroy many extraordinary, ignoring the powerful existence of the super consortium, will be a nightmare for anyone in power.

If David is not close to Marshal Andre, David believes that the military will also launch an action against him.

This conversation may be a close encounter in this regard, and David is also going to express some of his thoughts to General Andre.

“Do you want to command an or become my special representative to the front?” General Andre asked aloud.

General Marshal Andre’s question is actually about David’s choice. Choosing to lead an army shows that David has strong ambitions in the army. Choosing to be a special representative means giving up power and becoming a single military force.

With David’s current influence, once he takes control of an army, he will soon become one of the military’s magnates and will inevitably fall into a power struggle.

But Marshal Andre is most afraid of this situation. With David’s style of acting, the power struggle in this army will directly escalate and cause a lot of deaths.

Look at David’s approach to the enemy. General Andre doesn’t want this phenomenon to happen in the army.

“I hope to go to the front line as a special representative, and let me continue to retreat after the war is over. I have no intention of military power, I just want to improve my own strength!” David answered without hesitation.

“I agree with your wishes, and you will go to the guard star as a federal commander, but remember that sending you to the guard star is not for you to work hard, your role is to inspire morale in the army. There is a knight of the gods of the great world in melee, I don’t need you!” Marshal Andre felt relieved and said with a smile.

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