Transcendent David Chapter 1000: Resurrection

   David transferred the soul energy obtained this time to the black dragon Alexis to help the black dragon Alexis regain his strength.

   This time, there was a demigod soul energy, and the black dragon Alexis had absorbed the death consciousness before, which made him gain a lot.

   While Alexis, the black dragon, was enjoying the soul energy to heal the wounded soul, David focused on the body of the demigod ‘Holy Knight’.

   After killing the demigod ‘Holy Knight’, David immediately put his body into the space pendant, using the time static effect of the space pendant to maintain the state of the body.

   David used his previous experience to inject a piece of’immortal vitality’ into the body of the demigod’Holy Knight’. What surprised him was that this’immortal vitality’ turned out to be a demigod’Holy Knight’ ‘The vitality in the corpse was active for a while, then fell silent again.

   “The body of a demigod is so special?” David couldn’t help muttering to himself.

   “To heal the demigod, the’immortal vitality’ required must be increased by more than ten times!” The black dragon Alexis did not forget to pay attention to David when he absorbed the soul energy, he said.

   David doesn’t care how much ‘immortality’, as long as there is an effect.

  ’Indestructible vitality’ is extremely precious to other gods, but for him, as long as he keeps absorbing energy, he can continuously produce’immortal vitality’.

   David increased the infusion of the ‘immortal vitality’, one by one, the ‘immortal vitality’ entered into the body of the demigod ‘Holy Knight’, like a fire thrown into the body, igniting the dead body.

   In fact, he used this method, even if other gods knew that they would not try, the value of so many ‘immortal vitality’ is more precious than the value of the demigod ‘Holy Knight’.

   For the gods who can basically ignore time, if they want to, they can cultivate new demigods.

   David presses a hand on the chest of the demigod “Holy Knight”, and gently presses an electric light into the heart of the demigod “Holy Knight”. The newly repaired heart is stimulated by this electric light. The beating was immediately restored.

   The blood flows again, and the power of the blood vein begins to circulate in the body automatically, operating automatically in a special way, and even the heart sea space is opened at the same time.

   In front of David, the demigod ‘Holy Knight’ is almost the same as the demigod ‘Holy Knight’ except for the absence of a soul. All injuries, including energy, are restored to their best condition.

   Of course, this is not entirely the function of the’immortal vitality’, but also because of the restorative power of the demi-god constitution itself.

   When the body’s injury is fully recovered, this body will automatically start training, and the power of the demigod bloodline will circulate in the body automatically.

   David shook his head. The demigod is really terrifying. This bloodline power recovery speed can almost guarantee the demigod’s endurance in battle.

   Even if the demigod fully outputs the power of the demigod bloodline, the self-cultivating body will also make up the power of the demigod bloodline in time.

   David did not continue to study the body of the demigod. In the future, there will be time. He found the origin of the soul of the demigod from the body of the Shadow Servant, which is a dark golden semi-solid object.

  In the dark golden semi-solid object, patterns can be vaguely seen from time to time. Because the display is not complete, it is impossible for David to see the specific patterns.

   Just after the dark golden semi-solid demigod soul origin entered the small world of David’s soul space, the demigod soul origin emitted a dark golden light, blocking the golden light emitted by the 142 soul clones.

   The demigod soul has an instinctive defense mechanism. Even in this state, it still maintains a certain defense ability.

   Just when David was about to use his mind to forcibly suppress the origin of the demigod soul, the two **** crystals emitted two white rays, hitting the origin of the demigod soul, and the dark golden light instantly dispersed.

  With this opportunity, one hundred and forty-two golden lights were successfully connected to the origin of the demigod soul.

  With the help of two **** crystals, the demigod soul was unable to continue to resist and was slowly assimilated.

  When the origin of the demigod soul was completely assimilated and became David’s new soul clone, he really hesitated, because the thinking speed of this demigod soul clone could be comparable to a hundred fifth-level soul clones Speed ​​of thinking.

   But after seeing the demigod “Holy Knight”, David decided to resurrect the demigod “Holy Knight”. He now has no lack of thinking speed. If he wants he can continue to hunt down the fifth-level Zerg to increase his own The number of level 5 soul clones.

   And for a demigod clone, there will be no more chances. I don’t know how long it will take to miss this time and the next time.

   David introduced the demigod soul clone into the body of the demigod ‘Holy Knight’. The demigod soul clone was originally the soul of the demigod ‘Holy Knight’. The matching degree was 100% and the blending was very smooth.

   The demigod ‘Holy Knight’ was restored to life before, but it also lost that strange sense of sacredness and turned into an ordinary human being, at most due to the demigod’s breath that added the temperament that a strong man should have.

   But the breath full of sacredness is no longer seen, until the demigod soul clone enters the body, a trace of sacred aura rises from the body of the demigod ‘Holy Knight’, and it becomes more and more intense.

   David looked at the sacred breath and frowned speechlessly.

   He originally wanted to change the identity of the demigod “Holy Knight” by changing the appearance of the demigod “Holy Knight”.

  The demigod “Holy Knight” in front of me, no matter how he changes his appearance, anyone who sees the demigod “Holy Knight” will not pay attention to his appearance, but will be attracted by the divine breath.

   This is to tell others that he is the demigod ‘Holy Knight’.

   The same demigod strength and the same sense of sacredness, no one will admit the demigod “Holy Knight” wrong.

   When David thought, in his demigod soul clone, a pattern was emerging from the demigod soul clone.

   is manifestation, not re-mastering through the body, which makes David very strange.

  Before, he also resurrected some corpses with special abilities. The souls of those corpses extracted the original talents from the resurrected bodies and formed new patterns of talents.

   But the demigod ‘Holy Knight’ is different. This pattern is as if it was originally in the demigod soul clone.

  ”This is when the gods directly print the innate ability pattern on the soul of the’Holy Knight’. Even if the’Holy Knight’ dies and the soul returns to the gods, they can continue to use their talents and become the gods. Fighting power!” Black Dragon Alexis explained at this time.

   “Why don’t the gods use other believers in the same way, so that you can get more combat power?” David asked a little puzzled.

   He thought of the one hundred black servants with level 5 soul origins he encountered in the small world of the plague **** Gladstone. Those black servants obviously have no special talents and cannot play the five. The power that the first-level soul should have can only be used as ordinary combat power.

  ” It takes divine power to imprint the pattern of talents into the soul, and ordinary souls are not worthy of the gods to do so. In addition, even if the’holy knight’ is not caught by the death, he will not become a true god. He The **** of faith imprinted the pattern of innate ability into his soul, which shows that he will eventually become a member of the small world of gods, not a god!” Black Dragon Alexis explained lightly.

   David nodded. He agreed with the words of the black dragon Alexis. Among the five gods in the great world, no one would allow a new **** to appear.

   This can be confirmed by looking at the gods in the big world except for the five gods, and there are no recognized gods. The rest of the gods are defined as evil gods and are spurned and killed by all people in the gods.

   While they were talking, the pattern finally stabilized completely.

   David connects his mind and mind. This pattern is called the “Holy Spirit Realm Pattern”, which also made David a long sigh of relief. He can possess the domain talent ability, indicating that the demigod “Holy Knight” almost retains the combat power Most of it.

   He began to study this ‘Holy Spirit Realm’ and found that this realm is based on the ‘Sacred Word Rules’, and the ‘Holy Word Rules’ is a very peculiar ability to rule.

   If you want to make spatial abilities appear in the ‘Holy Spirit Realm’, you can indirectly manipulate the spatial abilities by issuing spatial control commands through the ‘Rules of the Holy Word’.

  The abilities of other energy types are also the same. The “rule of the word” can simulate most of the energy type control commands.

   Of course, the flaws of the “rules of the word” are also very obvious, and that is the issue of power.

   When the demigod ‘Holy Knight’ broke out in the ‘Holy Spirit Realm’, its greatest regular attack power was only the Legendary Peak level. Although there were various changes, the weakness in power was also fatal.

   It’s no wonder that Alexis, the black dragon, evaluates this rule ability as the life ability of the gods, whose power only reaches the power that the gods use in their daily lives.

   “There is not enough greed!” David said with a smile in his heart.

   can have a demigod clone at the pinnacle of the legendary rank, and it is still such a demigod clone with a variety of powers, what else can’t be satisfied.

   David put his mind into the soul of the demigod ‘Holy Knight’. He manipulated the demigod ‘Holy Knight’ to try to activate the ‘Holy Spirit Realm’, within ten kilometers of his control.

   Of course, this is not the true spiritual range of the demigod ‘Holy Knight’, but because it has just been resurrected, the soul of the demi ‘Holy Knight’ will take some time to recover.

   David thought, and within ten kilometers of his side, countless fireballs appeared. With another thought, the fireball disappeared into countless cones of ice.

   The attacks of various energy types around him are constantly changing. If you have the support of intelligence, as long as you know the details of the enemy, then when encountering an enemy, the “Holy Spirit Realm” can adjust the attack method to the best restraint. Energy type.

  With the status of the temple in the great world of God, it was not difficult for the demigod “Holy Knight” to obtain detailed information about the enemy. It is no wonder that the demigod “Holy Knight” could swept with the “Holy Spirit Realm” God belongs to the world of the great world and has cleaned up countless followers of evil gods.

   The demigod ‘Holy Knight’ stretched out his hand, and a fifth-grade light long sword appeared in his hand.

   David tried to draw a sword. He found that without the support of the ‘swordsmanship talent pattern’, he used the body of the demigod ‘Holy Knight’, and his swordsmanship could only reach the master level.

   The’swordsmanship’ talent ability is different from other talent abilities. It is the talent ability that David has mastered by himself based on his knowledge of swordsmanship and after many battles.

   So David tried to copy all his knowledge of “swordsmanship” into the soul of the demigod “Holy Knight”. This knowledge of “swordsmanship” includes master-level swordsmanship and breaking through the barriers of “swordsmanship”. ‘Swordsmanship’ becomes all knowledge of the natural ability of the rules.

   The demigod ‘Holy Knight’ sitting quietly on the ground, he recalled the scene of breaking through the ‘swordsmanship’ barrier that day.

   There are no barriers. Before he knew it, there were more ‘swordsmanship talent patterns’ in the demigod soul space.

   David’s eyes flashed, and he seemed to have found a way to replicate his swordsmanship. His’swordsmanship’ is strong, except for the one-strike rule attack called’Fatal Knife’, which is the strongest melee attack. Up.

   The biggest shortcoming of the ‘Fatal Knife’ talent ability is that it only has one blow. When dealing with many enemies, after the strongest blow, this talent can no longer be used.

   But the talent of’Swordsmanship’ can be used all the time. Every sword is a deadly sword. Although it is a bit worse than’Deadly Knife’ in power, it can be done against the combat power of the same level. To the lore. David has been worrying about the power of the Templars he resurrected. It is necessary to know that even if he controls the avatars of the Templars, he can’t exert much attack power.

   This unexpected attempt allowed him to copy the talent of’Swordsmanship’ to every clone.

   David tried to copy other talents with little greed, but found that he couldn’t do it at all, because knowledge can be copied, but the pattern of talents cannot be formed, so he can’t exert his actual power.

   David summed up the’swordsmanship’ talent ability as the talent ability he realized by himself, and his soul clone can transform knowledge into a pattern of talent ability through the same realization.

   And those talent abilities obtained directly, because there is no process of understanding, they only get the result, which causes the situation that the talent abilities cannot be copied.

   Unless he can master the talent abilities to a level similar to the ‘swordsmanship’ talent, and can understand 100% of every detail of the talent abilities, he may be able to replicate those talent abilities.

   In the thirteen different tents guarding the stars, thirteen five-level Templars sat down together. Through the connection of the soul, David copied the knowledge of ‘swordsmanship’ one by one.

  After a period of time, the soul space of the thirteen fifth-level knights all had a ‘swordsmanship talent pattern’.


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